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Contact Ryan Moore at 360-910-0315 or ryan.r.moore78@gmail.com
16864 Porters Inn Drive Dumfries VA 22026  ryan.r.moore78@gmail.com  360-910-0315
ALL-SOURCE/ TARGETING INTELLIGENCE ANALYST:Highly motivated and forward thinking
intelligence professional with 18 years of experience and five combat deployments working as an All-Source
Analyst and analyzing imagery for exploitation. Experienced in operations supporting a spectrum of conventional
and counter-terrorism efforts. Passionate for developing analytical skills and enhancing research and production
abilities. Inexhaustible work ethic that allows for extensive travel and work non-traditional hours. Known for
being adaptable, a fast learner, and an exceptional written and oral communicator with military and OGA
personnel. A Subject Matter Expert at Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze, and Disseminate (F3EAD) Targeting
Certifications & Capability Highlights
 Active TS/SCI , SSBI Security Clearance
 All-Source Intelligence & Operations
 Tactical Debriefing
 Tactical/Operational/Strategic Experience
 Organizational Management
 Technical Writing
Education and Training
Bachelor ofScience, Cybersecurity
American Military University  Charles Town, WV 2019
Command Post ofthe Future/Defense Common Ground System - Army, Basic & Advanced
Yongsan Base,South Korea 2010
Intelligence Advanced Leadership Course
Fort Huachuca,Arizona 2007
All Source Analysis Systems,Basic & Advanced
Wiesbaden, Germany 2004
Intelligence & Operations
Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, CA 2001
All-Source Intelligence Specialist
United States Army Center of Excellence, Fort Huachuca,AZ 1999
Software and Intelligence Platforms
 Daily use of web-based intelligence tools, software, and databases: Multimedia Message
Manager (M3), Google Earth, Intelink, DIA, NGA, NGIC, Open Source Center, CIDNE,
ArcGIS, COLISEUM, mapTK, All Source Analysis System, and Defense Common Ground
System - Army.
 Subject Matter Expert in Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, and Publisher.
 Utilizes NIPR, SIPR, JWICS systems; Operates in a SCIF/TSCIF environment.
Contact Ryan Moore at 360-910-0315 or ryan.r.moore78@gmail.com
Relevant Experience
All-Source/ ISR/ Targeting Analyst and Supervisor
United States Army Intelligence & Security Command 9/2014  Present
Joint Task Force  Observe Detect Identify Neutralize 3/2015  7/2015
Fort Belvoir, Virginia/Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar
 Scheduled over 8,000 hours of monthly Aerial Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance Assets
supporting Special Operations Forces and Coalition in the CENTCOM AOR in support of Operation
Inherent Resolve for Joint Task Force  Observe Detect Identify Neutralize (JTF-ODIN) for four
 Effected an 80% increase on fulfilling Special Operations units targeting requirements by
synchronizing with theater mission sets already scheduled on the JTF-ODIN ISR assets in support of
Operation Inherent Resolve.
 As the Senior All-Source analyst, prepared and presented the JTF-ODIN daily ISR synchronization
matrix to over twenty top-level staff and Commanders at the Combined Air Operations Center.
Intelligence Operations Supervisor
United States Army Center of Excellence, 305th MI BN 8/2011  9/2014
Combined Joint Task Force  435 1/2012  9/2012
Fort Huachuca, Arizona/Camp Phoenix, Afghanistan
 Provided over 60 intelligence briefs prior to combat missions in theater and 80 debriefs by analyzing
complex geographical, political, and military intelligence problem sets for senior leadership.
 Completed over 150 Detainee transfer packets in the Detainee Review Board.
 Published over 250 Fragmentary Orders, 50 Operations Orders, and 200 Daily Tasking Orders for
lower echelon units with 100% accuracy.
Senior Intelligence Instructor/Writer
United States Army Center of Excellence, 305th MI BN 2/2011  8/2011
Fort Huachuca, Arizona
 Assisted in the development of courseware to teach, coach and mentor junior All-Source Intelligence
Analysts in the creation of over 100 accurate target packages.
Lead All-Source/ Targeting Intelligence Analyst and Supervisor
2nd Infantry Division 1/2010  2/2011
Camp Red Cloud, South Korea
 Provided over 200 Daily Intelligence Briefs to the Commanding General and Staff on several key
exercises and crisis situations thus allowing the Commanding General to make sound and timely
 Assisted in the development of over 50 key target packages and courses of action during the sinking
of the ROKs naval warship, Cheonan and the shelling of the Yeonpyeon Islands.
Contact Ryan Moore at 360-910-0315 or ryan.r.moore78@gmail.com
All-Source Intelligence Requirements Manager
United States Central Command 1/2007  1/2010
MacDill Air Force Base, Florida/Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar 7/2008  11/2008
 Managed requirements by validating, tasking, and tracking all Requests for Information and
Production Requirements assigned to national level agencies and below; coordinating between
Defense Attach辿 Offices, Coalition Partners, deployed forces including Special Operations Forces,
various components and national level agencies.
 Provided over 80 mission briefs and analytical support to combatant Commanders and Special
Forces Commanders resulting in flawless support for four months.
All-Source/ Targeting Intelligence Analyst and Supervisor
2nd Brigade Combat Team 10/2002  1/2007
Baumholder, Germany/Iraq 4/2003  7/2004 & 11/2005  11/2006
 Deployed to Iraq on two separate occasions for a total of 35 months and directly responsible for over
300 patrol briefs/debriefs.
 Built over 400 target packages on foreign fighters and insurgents operating in theater and successful
capture of over 100 insurgents.
 Successfully served as the Subject Matter Expert on Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance
assets and enabling the capture of over fifteen senior foreign fighters and over 100 insurgents
successfully captured.
All-Source Intelligence Analyst
Operations Group 6/2001  10/2002
Fort Irwin, California
 Responsible for over 100 Daily Intelligence Summaries and Graphic Intelligence Summaries and
assisted in the development of Standard Operating Procedures for all rotational tactical units
operating in the Fort Irwin National Training Center.
 Served as the Subject Matter Expert for the Remote Workstations and All Source Analysis Systems.
All-Source Intelligence Analyst
United States Army South 4/1999  6/2001
Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico
 Provided all source analysis products through the areas of Political, Military, Social, Infrastructure,
and Information to the Commanding General and Staff for multiple countries in the Southern Cone
region of South America through the use of open source intelligence, single source, and multiple
source reporting.

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  • 1. Contact Ryan Moore at 360-910-0315 or ryan.r.moore78@gmail.com RYAN R. MOORE 16864 Porters Inn Drive Dumfries VA 22026 ryan.r.moore78@gmail.com 360-910-0315 ALL-SOURCE/ TARGETING INTELLIGENCE ANALYST:Highly motivated and forward thinking intelligence professional with 18 years of experience and five combat deployments working as an All-Source Analyst and analyzing imagery for exploitation. Experienced in operations supporting a spectrum of conventional and counter-terrorism efforts. Passionate for developing analytical skills and enhancing research and production abilities. Inexhaustible work ethic that allows for extensive travel and work non-traditional hours. Known for being adaptable, a fast learner, and an exceptional written and oral communicator with military and OGA personnel. A Subject Matter Expert at Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze, and Disseminate (F3EAD) Targeting Methodology. Certifications & Capability Highlights Active TS/SCI , SSBI Security Clearance All-Source Intelligence & Operations Tactical Debriefing Tactical/Operational/Strategic Experience Organizational Management Technical Writing Education and Training Bachelor ofScience, Cybersecurity American Military University Charles Town, WV 2019 Command Post ofthe Future/Defense Common Ground System - Army, Basic & Advanced Yongsan Base,South Korea 2010 Intelligence Advanced Leadership Course Fort Huachuca,Arizona 2007 All Source Analysis Systems,Basic & Advanced Wiesbaden, Germany 2004 Intelligence & Operations Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, CA 2001 All-Source Intelligence Specialist United States Army Center of Excellence, Fort Huachuca,AZ 1999 Software and Intelligence Platforms Daily use of web-based intelligence tools, software, and databases: Multimedia Message Manager (M3), Google Earth, Intelink, DIA, NGA, NGIC, Open Source Center, CIDNE, ArcGIS, COLISEUM, mapTK, All Source Analysis System, and Defense Common Ground System - Army. Subject Matter Expert in Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, and Publisher. Utilizes NIPR, SIPR, JWICS systems; Operates in a SCIF/TSCIF environment.
  • 2. Contact Ryan Moore at 360-910-0315 or ryan.r.moore78@gmail.com Relevant Experience All-Source/ ISR/ Targeting Analyst and Supervisor United States Army Intelligence & Security Command 9/2014 Present Joint Task Force Observe Detect Identify Neutralize 3/2015 7/2015 Fort Belvoir, Virginia/Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar Scheduled over 8,000 hours of monthly Aerial Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance Assets supporting Special Operations Forces and Coalition in the CENTCOM AOR in support of Operation Inherent Resolve for Joint Task Force Observe Detect Identify Neutralize (JTF-ODIN) for four months. Effected an 80% increase on fulfilling Special Operations units targeting requirements by synchronizing with theater mission sets already scheduled on the JTF-ODIN ISR assets in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. As the Senior All-Source analyst, prepared and presented the JTF-ODIN daily ISR synchronization matrix to over twenty top-level staff and Commanders at the Combined Air Operations Center. Intelligence Operations Supervisor United States Army Center of Excellence, 305th MI BN 8/2011 9/2014 Combined Joint Task Force 435 1/2012 9/2012 Fort Huachuca, Arizona/Camp Phoenix, Afghanistan Provided over 60 intelligence briefs prior to combat missions in theater and 80 debriefs by analyzing complex geographical, political, and military intelligence problem sets for senior leadership. Completed over 150 Detainee transfer packets in the Detainee Review Board. Published over 250 Fragmentary Orders, 50 Operations Orders, and 200 Daily Tasking Orders for lower echelon units with 100% accuracy. Senior Intelligence Instructor/Writer United States Army Center of Excellence, 305th MI BN 2/2011 8/2011 Fort Huachuca, Arizona Assisted in the development of courseware to teach, coach and mentor junior All-Source Intelligence Analysts in the creation of over 100 accurate target packages. Lead All-Source/ Targeting Intelligence Analyst and Supervisor 2nd Infantry Division 1/2010 2/2011 Camp Red Cloud, South Korea Provided over 200 Daily Intelligence Briefs to the Commanding General and Staff on several key exercises and crisis situations thus allowing the Commanding General to make sound and timely judgements. Assisted in the development of over 50 key target packages and courses of action during the sinking of the ROKs naval warship, Cheonan and the shelling of the Yeonpyeon Islands.
  • 3. Contact Ryan Moore at 360-910-0315 or ryan.r.moore78@gmail.com All-Source Intelligence Requirements Manager United States Central Command 1/2007 1/2010 MacDill Air Force Base, Florida/Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar 7/2008 11/2008 Managed requirements by validating, tasking, and tracking all Requests for Information and Production Requirements assigned to national level agencies and below; coordinating between Defense Attach辿 Offices, Coalition Partners, deployed forces including Special Operations Forces, various components and national level agencies. Provided over 80 mission briefs and analytical support to combatant Commanders and Special Forces Commanders resulting in flawless support for four months. All-Source/ Targeting Intelligence Analyst and Supervisor 2nd Brigade Combat Team 10/2002 1/2007 Baumholder, Germany/Iraq 4/2003 7/2004 & 11/2005 11/2006 Deployed to Iraq on two separate occasions for a total of 35 months and directly responsible for over 300 patrol briefs/debriefs. Built over 400 target packages on foreign fighters and insurgents operating in theater and successful capture of over 100 insurgents. Successfully served as the Subject Matter Expert on Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance assets and enabling the capture of over fifteen senior foreign fighters and over 100 insurgents successfully captured. All-Source Intelligence Analyst Operations Group 6/2001 10/2002 Fort Irwin, California Responsible for over 100 Daily Intelligence Summaries and Graphic Intelligence Summaries and assisted in the development of Standard Operating Procedures for all rotational tactical units operating in the Fort Irwin National Training Center. Served as the Subject Matter Expert for the Remote Workstations and All Source Analysis Systems. All-Source Intelligence Analyst United States Army South 4/1999 6/2001 Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico Provided all source analysis products through the areas of Political, Military, Social, Infrastructure, and Information to the Commanding General and Staff for multiple countries in the Southern Cone region of South America through the use of open source intelligence, single source, and multiple source reporting.