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(813) 546-1370 / rlneve13@gmail.com
Career: Strong background in leadership, mentoring, management, operations & team building, also have a successfulhistory of
operational planning as well as strong analytical skills; adaptable to any work environment with a disciplined work ethic.
Qualifications Summary:
 United States Army over 20 years of extensive experience in several capacities of customer service
 Experience in supervising & managing personnelof anywhere between 1 & 210 individuals
 Proven leadership skills in combat & in peacetime
 Ability to work underpressure & still maintain professionalism in meeting stringent goals
 Effective multi-tasking
 Provided mentorship to others including critical thinking strategies to understand the process ofproblem solving (e.g., how to
think, not what to think)
 Served as Operations / Training First Line Supervisor for a company of 500+ Soldiers, ensuring all current & historical
documentation were expertly organized & easily accessible
Professional Experience:
Human Resources Manager, Department of the Army, Sep 10Oct 12, C/305th Mil Intel Bn, Fort Huachuca,AZ 520 538-8625
Served as an adviser to the director on assigned unit human resources (HR) program. Interpret policy & provided procedural guidance to
supervisors,staffmembers & individual military members. Provided training to supervisors with guidance & assistance to military
members on programs for which assigned.Reviewed evaluated & interpreted regulatory guidance, policies & procedures applicable to
military personnelprograms & provided guidance to all users.Drafted & implemented unit policies. Assisted personnelon finance
problems. Published guidance to enhance & simplified completion & submission of personnelactions.Conducted two command
inspections,staff visits & trained personnel within the unit in all programs for which responsible.Conducted periodic briefings for staff,
directors & administrative personnel to promote full understanding ofall aspects ofthe assigned programs. Provided directors,
supervisors & military personnel office staff with a variety of statistical data or reports pertaining to military HR issues in order to assist
in HR management decisions.Responded to correspondence (general, other agency,congressional,etc.) regarding military perso nnel
issues.Researched, prepared response &maintains action file. Responsible for organizing & assisting the director & assistant managerin
a variety of administrative matters related to the coordination, integration & synchronization of activities, events & action s within the
organization. Conducted training classes while in a field environment on life saving skills as with military marksmanship with weapons
on various ranges. Planned, directed, supervised & coordinated work activities of subordinates & staff relating to employment ,
compensation & employee relations. Reviewed incoming correspondence & documentation to make the determination then disseminated
for appropriate action for outgoing correspondence forany grammatical, spelling, punctuation or formatting errors. Ability t o analyze
information, resolve issues &make decisions.
Senior Instructor/Team Chief, Department of the Army, May 09Sep 10, E/305th Mil Intel Bn, Fort Huachuca,AZ 520 538-8216
Team Chief for the 35F10 Intelligence Analyst course; instructed 33 critical Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) tasks in classroom &
field environments; supervised,instructed & ensured the safety of class cycles consisting of over 180 Initial Entry Train ing (IET) / MOS
Trained Soldiers & Sergeants per cycle; provided developmental/performance counseling to IET Soldiers; update new/changes tra ining
procedures,regulations & ensure implementation are met, confirm accuracy of all materials throughout the cou rse with other staff
personnelto confirm that the subjects are the correct materials that must be taught throughout the course,developed,prepared, wrote &
revised active & reserve component of the current MOS programs of instructions,performed training sessions independently as well as
working with team members to bring correct training sessions to ourstudents,my staff & I were always reviewing every course before the
training takes place to confirm that all products are ready to be taught correctly s o there will not be any mistakes during our courses for
the students,coordinate all reviews of recommendations for course modifications with prior approval from the main office, lesson
plans/publications; conducted physicalsecurity everyday; responsible & accountable for $150,000 worth of equipment. Served as a
Principal Level Training & Development Specialist in support of the Army, Reserves,National Guard components 35F Intelligenc e
Analyst Course conducted at Fort Huachuca. Provides service as a full time instructor & training developer to instruct, develop & update
training products to meet the needs of current & future Intelligence Analyst training. Provide training in the preparation of All-Source
Intelligence (ASI) products to support the combatant commander in operational planning. Provide training in the processes of:receiving
& processing incoming reports & messages; determining the significance & reliability of incoming information; establishing &
maintaining systematic, cross-referenced intelligence records & files; integrating incoming information with current intelligence holdings;
preparing & maintaining graphics; conducting intelligence preparation of the battlefield using information from all sources; performing
the intelligence, surveillance & reconnaissance synchronization process.Assists in the training, administration & development of the ASI
Analyst Course. Developed courseware (i.e. Lesson Plans, Tests,Student Handouts,etc) based on government doctrine & tactics ,
techniques & procedures.Provide subject matter expert guidance to customers.The training is a fast-paced and extended hours
environment. The 35F course is planned for 5-6 days a week 8-10 hours a day, this is a 17 week course.
Page 2 of 2
Intelligence Supv, Department of the Army, Oct 06-May 09, 4th Brigade, 3rd
Inf Div (Mech) Fort Stewart, GA 912 435-7927
Served as the Brigade (Bde) Interpreter Manager, responsible for the processing of 4th Bde, 3rd Inf Div interpreters & local hires across
the distributed bde footprint; responsible for the screening & processing of all local hires associated with Forward Operating Base Kalsu.
Managed a dynamic list of approximately 200 Categories I, II & III interpreters, ensuring equitable distribution across the bde in order to
facilitate mission accomplishment by subordinate units.Following redeployment in Dec 08, reverted to serving as the Staff Intelligence
Supv in Headquarters, 4th Bde. As the Intelligence Supv for the Bde S-2 Section; responsible for the daily analysis,production,tracking
& dissemination of all enemy operation within the 4th Bde Area of Operations; answers Request For Information & time sensitive tasks
supporting the Commander's Priority Information Requirements; responsible for the training health & welfare of six soldiers and the
maintenance of the sections systems; manages all of the Bde's Foreign Disclosure issues; manages the Bde's Interpreters' prog ram. While
assigned to the S2 I was one of three individuals responsible for the Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire.
Operations Manager, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Jul 01Jul 05, DIA, US Embassy, Zimbabwe 263 425-0593/4
Joint duty assignment at the Department of Defense level located in an overseas Embassy; performed general administrative &
intelligence support duties; typed; drafted,assembled & forward correspondence through properchannels,employing format &
procedures of the DIA; received & route incoming communications, correspondence,directives, publications & order to local addressees
& to those having official interest in each matter; answered personal & telephonic inquiries on wide variety of subjects or refer
individuals to proper office in Embassy having jurisdiction over each matter; established & keep administrative & intelligence files; check
on security aspects of office to insure that no classified information inadvertently comes under observation of unauthorized personnel;
assisted attached personnelin collecting, integrating & disseminating overt intelligence information; logged incoming & outgoing
intelligence reports & kept suspense files of specific requests for information from DIA; extracted, tallied & tabulated data from files,
messages,reports & publications; typed & proofread intelligence reports; prepared distribution lists for intelligence reports, photograph,
& biographic reports of personalities of the country in accordance with instructions from Defense Attach辿 (DA); coordinated with
Embassy & local U.S. intelligence personnelto facilitate flow of intelligence data & exchange of information among interested agencies;
prepared, computed & processed vouchers forpayment; prepared diplomatic pouch in accordance with mail schedules & procedures ;
drove & performed operator maintenance on three vehicles. Assisted US Embassy on various election observing missions while in
Zimbabwe on President Mugabe & other officials. Coordinated personnelvisits, including high-level visitors & congressionaldelegation,
arranged logistical, hotel reservations & schedule; prepared incoming & outgoing correspondences; reviewed incoming personnel
clearances; prepared & drafted outgoing clearances; coordinated aircraft clearances; provided direct airfield & logistical su pport to U.S.
Military aircraft; maintained moral & welfare program; disseminating & tabulating statistics ofall information reports for a 5-person DIA;
provided highly complex support & administrative services for the DA & one other Military Attach辿; directly interfaced with Ministry of
Foreign Affairs for the processing of all diplomatic notes & othercorrespondence relating to international flight clearances ; responsible
for accountability of equipment valued over $250,000. Also supervised one local Foreign National employee who was assigned to the
DIA. Additional Information: First Operations Manager assigned on station.
Exec Administrative Assistant, Department of the Army, Jan 95Feb 98, 25th Inf Div, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii 808 282-0040
Served in the Secretary of the General Staff; responsible for managing the $25,000 General Services Administration (GSA) cred it card
account also was accountable in managing the $13,000 command group general supply account.As the program coordinator who was
authorized to purchased various items such as office supplies & any otherrequired office equipment which the command group must have
to function properly. Working in this capacity, I was able to negotiate with the authorization of GSA policies. Providing high-level
administrative support by conducting research,handling information requests &performing clerical functions such as preparin g, typing &
distributing correspondence,receiving visitors, arranging conference calls & scheduling meetings. Prepared agendas & othermaterials
necessary for meetings & responsible for the MasterEvent Calendar & annotating the Commanding General's Calendar. Responsible for
social functions/reservations forincoming visitors/dignitaries & setting up trips/flights/vehicle reservations & itineraries. Also training &
supervising lower-level clerical personnel on various classes from office procedures through life saving skills while in a field
Professional Development:
 Advanced Leadership & Management Development Course (Military Intelligence), 2012
 Army Basic Instructor Course, 2009
 Attach辿 Staff Operations Course, 2001
 Intermediate Leadership & Management Development Course (Human Resources), 1998
Language Skills: Spanish (Castilian), Speech  Advance,Reading  Intermediate
Education: Master of Business Administration in Human Resources Management
 Northcentral University, Prescott Valley, Arizona2015
 GPA: 3.50, Honors: Cum Laude
Community Volunteerism:
 American Red Cross, Hospital Administrative Assistant (Volunteer): Mar 2015-Present
 Boy Scouts of Zimbabwe, Scout Leader: Apr 2002Jul 2005
 Texas Department of Transportation,Unit Coordinator (Adopt-a-Highway): Jan 1999Jan 2001

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  • 1. Page 1 of 2 ROY L. NEVE (813) 546-1370 / rlneve13@gmail.com Career: Strong background in leadership, mentoring, management, operations & team building, also have a successfulhistory of operational planning as well as strong analytical skills; adaptable to any work environment with a disciplined work ethic. Qualifications Summary: United States Army over 20 years of extensive experience in several capacities of customer service Experience in supervising & managing personnelof anywhere between 1 & 210 individuals Proven leadership skills in combat & in peacetime Ability to work underpressure & still maintain professionalism in meeting stringent goals Effective multi-tasking Provided mentorship to others including critical thinking strategies to understand the process ofproblem solving (e.g., how to think, not what to think) Served as Operations / Training First Line Supervisor for a company of 500+ Soldiers, ensuring all current & historical documentation were expertly organized & easily accessible Professional Experience: Human Resources Manager, Department of the Army, Sep 10Oct 12, C/305th Mil Intel Bn, Fort Huachuca,AZ 520 538-8625 Served as an adviser to the director on assigned unit human resources (HR) program. Interpret policy & provided procedural guidance to supervisors,staffmembers & individual military members. Provided training to supervisors with guidance & assistance to military members on programs for which assigned.Reviewed evaluated & interpreted regulatory guidance, policies & procedures applicable to military personnelprograms & provided guidance to all users.Drafted & implemented unit policies. Assisted personnelon finance problems. Published guidance to enhance & simplified completion & submission of personnelactions.Conducted two command inspections,staff visits & trained personnel within the unit in all programs for which responsible.Conducted periodic briefings for staff, directors & administrative personnel to promote full understanding ofall aspects ofthe assigned programs. Provided directors, supervisors & military personnel office staff with a variety of statistical data or reports pertaining to military HR issues in order to assist in HR management decisions.Responded to correspondence (general, other agency,congressional,etc.) regarding military perso nnel issues.Researched, prepared response &maintains action file. Responsible for organizing & assisting the director & assistant managerin a variety of administrative matters related to the coordination, integration & synchronization of activities, events & action s within the organization. Conducted training classes while in a field environment on life saving skills as with military marksmanship with weapons on various ranges. Planned, directed, supervised & coordinated work activities of subordinates & staff relating to employment , compensation & employee relations. Reviewed incoming correspondence & documentation to make the determination then disseminated for appropriate action for outgoing correspondence forany grammatical, spelling, punctuation or formatting errors. Ability t o analyze information, resolve issues &make decisions. Senior Instructor/Team Chief, Department of the Army, May 09Sep 10, E/305th Mil Intel Bn, Fort Huachuca,AZ 520 538-8216 Team Chief for the 35F10 Intelligence Analyst course; instructed 33 critical Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) tasks in classroom & field environments; supervised,instructed & ensured the safety of class cycles consisting of over 180 Initial Entry Train ing (IET) / MOS Trained Soldiers & Sergeants per cycle; provided developmental/performance counseling to IET Soldiers; update new/changes tra ining procedures,regulations & ensure implementation are met, confirm accuracy of all materials throughout the cou rse with other staff personnelto confirm that the subjects are the correct materials that must be taught throughout the course,developed,prepared, wrote & revised active & reserve component of the current MOS programs of instructions,performed training sessions independently as well as working with team members to bring correct training sessions to ourstudents,my staff & I were always reviewing every course before the training takes place to confirm that all products are ready to be taught correctly s o there will not be any mistakes during our courses for the students,coordinate all reviews of recommendations for course modifications with prior approval from the main office, lesson plans/publications; conducted physicalsecurity everyday; responsible & accountable for $150,000 worth of equipment. Served as a Principal Level Training & Development Specialist in support of the Army, Reserves,National Guard components 35F Intelligenc e Analyst Course conducted at Fort Huachuca. Provides service as a full time instructor & training developer to instruct, develop & update training products to meet the needs of current & future Intelligence Analyst training. Provide training in the preparation of All-Source Intelligence (ASI) products to support the combatant commander in operational planning. Provide training in the processes of:receiving & processing incoming reports & messages; determining the significance & reliability of incoming information; establishing & maintaining systematic, cross-referenced intelligence records & files; integrating incoming information with current intelligence holdings; preparing & maintaining graphics; conducting intelligence preparation of the battlefield using information from all sources; performing the intelligence, surveillance & reconnaissance synchronization process.Assists in the training, administration & development of the ASI Analyst Course. Developed courseware (i.e. Lesson Plans, Tests,Student Handouts,etc) based on government doctrine & tactics , techniques & procedures.Provide subject matter expert guidance to customers.The training is a fast-paced and extended hours environment. The 35F course is planned for 5-6 days a week 8-10 hours a day, this is a 17 week course.
  • 2. Page 2 of 2 Intelligence Supv, Department of the Army, Oct 06-May 09, 4th Brigade, 3rd Inf Div (Mech) Fort Stewart, GA 912 435-7927 Served as the Brigade (Bde) Interpreter Manager, responsible for the processing of 4th Bde, 3rd Inf Div interpreters & local hires across the distributed bde footprint; responsible for the screening & processing of all local hires associated with Forward Operating Base Kalsu. Managed a dynamic list of approximately 200 Categories I, II & III interpreters, ensuring equitable distribution across the bde in order to facilitate mission accomplishment by subordinate units.Following redeployment in Dec 08, reverted to serving as the Staff Intelligence Supv in Headquarters, 4th Bde. As the Intelligence Supv for the Bde S-2 Section; responsible for the daily analysis,production,tracking & dissemination of all enemy operation within the 4th Bde Area of Operations; answers Request For Information & time sensitive tasks supporting the Commander's Priority Information Requirements; responsible for the training health & welfare of six soldiers and the maintenance of the sections systems; manages all of the Bde's Foreign Disclosure issues; manages the Bde's Interpreters' prog ram. While assigned to the S2 I was one of three individuals responsible for the Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire. Operations Manager, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Jul 01Jul 05, DIA, US Embassy, Zimbabwe 263 425-0593/4 Joint duty assignment at the Department of Defense level located in an overseas Embassy; performed general administrative & intelligence support duties; typed; drafted,assembled & forward correspondence through properchannels,employing format & procedures of the DIA; received & route incoming communications, correspondence,directives, publications & order to local addressees & to those having official interest in each matter; answered personal & telephonic inquiries on wide variety of subjects or refer individuals to proper office in Embassy having jurisdiction over each matter; established & keep administrative & intelligence files; check on security aspects of office to insure that no classified information inadvertently comes under observation of unauthorized personnel; assisted attached personnelin collecting, integrating & disseminating overt intelligence information; logged incoming & outgoing intelligence reports & kept suspense files of specific requests for information from DIA; extracted, tallied & tabulated data from files, messages,reports & publications; typed & proofread intelligence reports; prepared distribution lists for intelligence reports, photograph, & biographic reports of personalities of the country in accordance with instructions from Defense Attach辿 (DA); coordinated with Embassy & local U.S. intelligence personnelto facilitate flow of intelligence data & exchange of information among interested agencies; prepared, computed & processed vouchers forpayment; prepared diplomatic pouch in accordance with mail schedules & procedures ; drove & performed operator maintenance on three vehicles. Assisted US Embassy on various election observing missions while in Zimbabwe on President Mugabe & other officials. Coordinated personnelvisits, including high-level visitors & congressionaldelegation, arranged logistical, hotel reservations & schedule; prepared incoming & outgoing correspondences; reviewed incoming personnel clearances; prepared & drafted outgoing clearances; coordinated aircraft clearances; provided direct airfield & logistical su pport to U.S. Military aircraft; maintained moral & welfare program; disseminating & tabulating statistics ofall information reports for a 5-person DIA; provided highly complex support & administrative services for the DA & one other Military Attach辿; directly interfaced with Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the processing of all diplomatic notes & othercorrespondence relating to international flight clearances ; responsible for accountability of equipment valued over $250,000. Also supervised one local Foreign National employee who was assigned to the DIA. Additional Information: First Operations Manager assigned on station. Exec Administrative Assistant, Department of the Army, Jan 95Feb 98, 25th Inf Div, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii 808 282-0040 Served in the Secretary of the General Staff; responsible for managing the $25,000 General Services Administration (GSA) cred it card account also was accountable in managing the $13,000 command group general supply account.As the program coordinator who was authorized to purchased various items such as office supplies & any otherrequired office equipment which the command group must have to function properly. Working in this capacity, I was able to negotiate with the authorization of GSA policies. Providing high-level administrative support by conducting research,handling information requests &performing clerical functions such as preparin g, typing & distributing correspondence,receiving visitors, arranging conference calls & scheduling meetings. Prepared agendas & othermaterials necessary for meetings & responsible for the MasterEvent Calendar & annotating the Commanding General's Calendar. Responsible for social functions/reservations forincoming visitors/dignitaries & setting up trips/flights/vehicle reservations & itineraries. Also training & supervising lower-level clerical personnel on various classes from office procedures through life saving skills while in a field environment. Professional Development: Advanced Leadership & Management Development Course (Military Intelligence), 2012 Army Basic Instructor Course, 2009 Attach辿 Staff Operations Course, 2001 Intermediate Leadership & Management Development Course (Human Resources), 1998 Language Skills: Spanish (Castilian), Speech Advance,Reading Intermediate Education: Master of Business Administration in Human Resources Management Northcentral University, Prescott Valley, Arizona2015 GPA: 3.50, Honors: Cum Laude Community Volunteerism: American Red Cross, Hospital Administrative Assistant (Volunteer): Mar 2015-Present Boy Scouts of Zimbabwe, Scout Leader: Apr 2002Jul 2005 Texas Department of Transportation,Unit Coordinator (Adopt-a-Highway): Jan 1999Jan 2001