The document proposes the SALOG intervention program to restore the Gandara-San Jorge River in the Philippines and improve the quality of life for communities along its banks. The 5-year program involves 6 projects: community organizing, backyard gardening, waste management, health education, bamboo propagation, and disaster response training. The program aims to address river pollution by promoting sustainable practices and eco-tourism, restoring the river's productivity and beauty.
This document provides information and guidance on communicating and utilizing research findings. It discusses the importance of disseminating research results as the last step of the research process in order to share findings with the community. Research communication can be done in written or oral form through publications, presentations, etc. The document outlines best practices for writing research reports and scientific papers, preparing oral presentations, and selecting appropriate communication methods and outlets. Key aspects covered include writing in the IMRAD format, crafting a clear title, writing an informative abstract, and effectively communicating the introduction, methods, results and discussion sections.
How to do the Research, this is really help full to the students. This is basic and Initial points and tips. If students are focus on it they have no problem to make a single presentation.
Title, abstract, introduction, literature review Janardan Mishra
This document provides guidance on writing titles, abstracts, introductions, and literature reviews for research proposals and papers. It discusses key elements and considerations for each section, including keeping the title brief but informative, including necessary details in the abstract, positioning the research in the existing literature in the introduction, and comprehensively reviewing and analyzing relevant previous work in the literature review. The document emphasizes writing these sections clearly and concisely to effectively introduce and situate the research for readers.
This document provides guidance on writing titles, abstracts, introductions, and literature reviews for research proposals and papers. It discusses key elements and considerations for each section, including keeping the title brief but informative, including necessary details in the abstract, positioning the research in the existing literature in the introduction, and comprehensively reviewing and critically analyzing relevant previous work in the literature review. The document emphasizes writing these sections clearly and focusing on their specific purposes and audiences.
This document discusses literature review methods and importance. It begins by defining what a literature review and literature study are, which is to critically analyze and synthesize relevant published work to show knowledge of a topic. It describes how to conduct a literature review by deciding the research parameters and questions, taking critical notes, including an introduction and conclusions, and acknowledging opposing views. The importance of literature reviews is also outlined, such as defining the research, placing it in context, avoiding duplication, and identifying areas for further research. Finally, it discusses reviewing local, foreign, and online literature sources relevant to the research topic.
This document outlines the structure and key elements of a scientific paper. It discusses the typical sections included in a scientific paper such as the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. For each section, it provides details on the purpose and recommended content. It also addresses best practices for writing each section clearly and concisely. The document uses examples and activities to illustrate how to develop the key parts of a scientific paper and effectively communicate research findings.
This document provides information about conducting research methodology for a laboratory class. It discusses identifying research topics and titles, including two examples. It also outlines the typical parts of a research paper, such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion and conclusion. For the methodology chapter, it describes study design, area, population, sample size, data collection methods both primary and secondary, and subsections to include like introduction, study design, study area, study population, and sample size. The document provides guidance on how to structure and write each component of the research process.
This document provides information on writing research reports, including the steps, types, and mechanics of report writing. Some key points:
- The main steps in report writing are logical analysis of the subject matter, preparing an outline and rough draft, rewriting and polishing, preparing citations and bibliography, and writing the final draft.
- The main types of reports are oral, written, information, research, technical, and popular reports. Written reports provide a permanent record.
- Research reports should include preliminary pages, the main text organized by chapters, and end materials like the bibliography and appendices.
- Proper mechanics include following formatting guidelines, using footnotes to cite sources, and selecting a
Tata kelola jurnal menuju akreditasi sinta 2Faisal Pak
The document discusses the accreditation of the REGISTER JOURNAL published by IAIN Salatiga, Indonesia. Some key points:
- The journal received accreditation at the level of SINTA 2 (Level 2) from the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in October 2018.
- SINTA 2 accreditation recognizes REGISTER JOURNAL as having excellent quality in management and publication based on several aspects like author guidelines, template consistency, publication ethics, and citations.
- The document outlines some of the journal's policies and processes to maintain quality, including peer review guidelines, writing format requirements, managing the roles of editors and reviewers, and adher
Tata kelola jurnal menuju akreditasi sinta 2 copyFaisal Pak
REGISTER JOURNAL was published by IAIN Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia and had been accredited PERINGKAT 2 or SINTA 2 at 24th October 2018 by Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RistekDikti) of The Republic of Indonesia as an achievement for the peer reviewed journal which has excellent quality in management and publication. The recognition published in Director Decree (SK No. 30/E/KPT/2018) and effective until 2021.
This journal had also been successfully indexed at CLARIVATE ANALYTICS , Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of Web of Science Master Journal List at June 2019 and ACI (ASEAN CITATION INDEX) at April 2019 .
This document provides guidance on writing and publishing research papers. It discusses choosing a target journal, following submission guidelines, writing each section of a research paper, and common publication processes and decisions. It also warns about "predatory" open-access journals and provides reading recommendations.
Journal editors and peer reviewers represent the ultimate gatekeepers in the publication of high-quality scholarly works. Yet, for authors with English as a second language who are trying to get their research published in SCI-indexed, high-impact, English-language journals, there are many hurdles related to the basic structure of the manuscript that confront them. Journal editors are becoming burdened with an ever-increasing number of manuscript submissions from non-English speaking authors, worldwide. Reviewers do not wish to be burdened with papers that are poorly crafted. A good authors editor, while working on behalf of the author, really manages the best interests of all stakeholders in balance (author, editor, peer reviewer). This presentation will explore these dynamics and highlight the value of various forms of editorial review prior to manuscript submission.
Editores de peri坦dicos e revisores por pares representam os guardi探es supremos na publica巽達o de trabalhos cient鱈ficos de alta qualidade. No entanto, para autores com o ingl棚s como segunda l鱈ngua, que est達o tentando publicar nos peri坦dicos indexados no Science Citation Index (SCI), de grande impacto, em l鱈ngua inglesa, enfrentam muitas dificuldades relativas estrutura b叩sica do manuscrito. Os editores de peri坦dicos est達o ficando sobrecarregados com uma quantidade cada vez maior de submiss探es de manuscritos de autores n達o falantes de ingl棚s, no mundo todo. Os revisores n達o gostam de ser encarregados de artigos mal-elaborados. Um bom editor, enquanto trabalha em benef鱈cio do autor, na verdade, conduz no melhor interesse de todos os envolvidos (autor, editor, revisor por pares). Esta apresenta巽達o explorar叩 essas din但micas e real巽ar叩 o valor de v叩rias formas de revis達o editorial anteriores submiss達o do manuscrito.
Los editores de revistas y revisores representan los guardianes 炭ltimos en la publicaci坦n de trabajos acad辿micos de alta calidad. Sin embargo, para los autores en que el ingl辿s es su segunda lengua, que est叩n tratando de conseguir que su investigaci坦n sea publicada en revistas indexadas en SCI, de alto impacto, en ingl辿s, hay muchos obst叩culos que enfrentan relacionados con la estructura b叩sica del manuscrito. Los editores de revistas est叩n siendo sobrecargados con un n炭mero cada vez mayor de comunicaciones manuscritas de autores de habla no inglesa, en todo el mundo. Los revisores no quieren hacerse cargo de trabajos que est叩n mal dise単ados. Un buen editor de autor, al mismo tiempo que trabaja en beneficio del autor, realmente gestiona los mejores intereses de todas las partes interesadas en equilibrio (autor, editor, revisor). Esta presentaci坦n explorar叩 esta din叩mica y pondr叩 de relieve el valor de distintas formas de revisi坦n editorial antes de la presentaci坦n de manuscritos.
This document outlines the typical sections and content included in a research paper. It describes the purpose and key information presented in sections such as the title, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, and results and discussion sections. The introduction presents the problem statement and background. The literature review analyzes previous related research. The methodology specifies how data will be collected and analyzed. The results and discussion section presents findings and their implications. The conclusion states the main conclusions, implications, and recommendations.
The document provides information about learning resources and references. It defines learning resources as devices and procedures that help make teaching and learning more effective. Reference manuals are guides containing organized information in a summary form. The document discusses different types of referencing styles including Harvard, Vancouver, and APA styles. It provides examples of how to format citations and references in text and reference lists using these various styles.
Literature is a term used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer the works of the creative imagination, including works poetry,drama,fiction,and nonfiction.
Marketing Research: Introduction to Writing and Parts of a ResearchDr. John V. Padua
This document outlines the typical parts and structure of a research paper, including:
1. Initial pages such as the title page, approval sheet, abstract, acknowledgments, table of contents.
2. The body which includes an introduction outlining the problem, literature review, methodology, presentation of findings, and conclusion.
3. Typical chapters cover the problem background, literature review, methodology used, analysis of results, and summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
4. Key sections within chapters include defining the problem, significance of studying it, research design, population and sampling, research instruments, validation procedures, and data analysis.
Tata kelola jurnal menuju akreditasi sinta 2 Faisal Pak
This document discusses best practices for journal management and achieving an SINTA 2 accreditation level from the Indonesian Ministry of Research. It outlines six important aspects: 1) clear author guidelines, 2) consistent paper templates, 3) diversity of reviewers, editors, and authors, 4) adherence to publication ethics standards, 5) sufficient citations of the journal, and 6) ensuring active DOIs without broken links. Examples are provided for each aspect, including reviewer comments, editor notes, citation data, and retraction policies. The goal is to establish a high-quality peer-reviewed journal according to international standards.
The document outlines the key aspects of writing a research report, including definition, importance, characteristics, types, steps, and layout. It notes that a research report communicates research findings to transfer knowledge and identify gaps. It should have attractive characteristics like a clear topic and balanced language. Main types include theses, journal articles, and conference papers. Key steps involve analyzing the task, outlining, writing drafts while revising, adding a bibliography, and a final draft. The standard layout consists of a title page, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.
This presentation is a comprehensive guide to the pre-writing and planning stages of scientific papers and technical reports, focusing on the field of geology. Created as part of an internship project by Vasudevan, a PhD candidate in Geology at Annamalai University, this resource is designed to assist students, researchers, and professionals in effectively communicating their research findings.
Key topics covered include:
The purpose and importance of writing in scientific research.
The structure and characteristics of scientific papers and technical reports.
Detailed steps for planning and organizing a scientific manuscript.
Tips for clear and effective scientific communication.
Whether you're preparing to publish in academic journals or compiling a technical report for industry or government, this presentation provides valuable insights into creating impactful, well-structured scientific documents.
1. Multicultural education aims to transform schools so that all students, regardless of gender, ability level, or cultural background have an equal opportunity to learn.
2. To achieve this goal, teachers must make changes like modifying curriculum and instruction, being flexible in teaching style, and re-examining their own attitudes and perceptions.
3. Effective responses to multicultural education include cooperative learning, peer tutoring, team teaching, adapting classrooms, and developing behavior support plans.
The document discusses special education and categories of children with special needs. It defines special education as individually planned, systematically implemented, and carefully evaluated instruction to help exceptional children achieve personal self-sufficiency and success. It identifies categories of exceptionalities including mental retardation, giftedness, learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, and physical impairments. The document also discusses labeling of children with disabilities and considers both benefits and disadvantages of labeling.
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Similar to SALOG Powerpoint Presentation.pptx (20)
This document provides guidance on writing titles, abstracts, introductions, and literature reviews for research proposals and papers. It discusses key elements and considerations for each section, including keeping the title brief but informative, including necessary details in the abstract, positioning the research in the existing literature in the introduction, and comprehensively reviewing and critically analyzing relevant previous work in the literature review. The document emphasizes writing these sections clearly and focusing on their specific purposes and audiences.
This document discusses literature review methods and importance. It begins by defining what a literature review and literature study are, which is to critically analyze and synthesize relevant published work to show knowledge of a topic. It describes how to conduct a literature review by deciding the research parameters and questions, taking critical notes, including an introduction and conclusions, and acknowledging opposing views. The importance of literature reviews is also outlined, such as defining the research, placing it in context, avoiding duplication, and identifying areas for further research. Finally, it discusses reviewing local, foreign, and online literature sources relevant to the research topic.
This document outlines the structure and key elements of a scientific paper. It discusses the typical sections included in a scientific paper such as the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. For each section, it provides details on the purpose and recommended content. It also addresses best practices for writing each section clearly and concisely. The document uses examples and activities to illustrate how to develop the key parts of a scientific paper and effectively communicate research findings.
This document provides information about conducting research methodology for a laboratory class. It discusses identifying research topics and titles, including two examples. It also outlines the typical parts of a research paper, such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion and conclusion. For the methodology chapter, it describes study design, area, population, sample size, data collection methods both primary and secondary, and subsections to include like introduction, study design, study area, study population, and sample size. The document provides guidance on how to structure and write each component of the research process.
This document provides information on writing research reports, including the steps, types, and mechanics of report writing. Some key points:
- The main steps in report writing are logical analysis of the subject matter, preparing an outline and rough draft, rewriting and polishing, preparing citations and bibliography, and writing the final draft.
- The main types of reports are oral, written, information, research, technical, and popular reports. Written reports provide a permanent record.
- Research reports should include preliminary pages, the main text organized by chapters, and end materials like the bibliography and appendices.
- Proper mechanics include following formatting guidelines, using footnotes to cite sources, and selecting a
Tata kelola jurnal menuju akreditasi sinta 2Faisal Pak
The document discusses the accreditation of the REGISTER JOURNAL published by IAIN Salatiga, Indonesia. Some key points:
- The journal received accreditation at the level of SINTA 2 (Level 2) from the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in October 2018.
- SINTA 2 accreditation recognizes REGISTER JOURNAL as having excellent quality in management and publication based on several aspects like author guidelines, template consistency, publication ethics, and citations.
- The document outlines some of the journal's policies and processes to maintain quality, including peer review guidelines, writing format requirements, managing the roles of editors and reviewers, and adher
Tata kelola jurnal menuju akreditasi sinta 2 copyFaisal Pak
REGISTER JOURNAL was published by IAIN Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia and had been accredited PERINGKAT 2 or SINTA 2 at 24th October 2018 by Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RistekDikti) of The Republic of Indonesia as an achievement for the peer reviewed journal which has excellent quality in management and publication. The recognition published in Director Decree (SK No. 30/E/KPT/2018) and effective until 2021.
This journal had also been successfully indexed at CLARIVATE ANALYTICS , Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of Web of Science Master Journal List at June 2019 and ACI (ASEAN CITATION INDEX) at April 2019 .
This document provides guidance on writing and publishing research papers. It discusses choosing a target journal, following submission guidelines, writing each section of a research paper, and common publication processes and decisions. It also warns about "predatory" open-access journals and provides reading recommendations.
Journal editors and peer reviewers represent the ultimate gatekeepers in the publication of high-quality scholarly works. Yet, for authors with English as a second language who are trying to get their research published in SCI-indexed, high-impact, English-language journals, there are many hurdles related to the basic structure of the manuscript that confront them. Journal editors are becoming burdened with an ever-increasing number of manuscript submissions from non-English speaking authors, worldwide. Reviewers do not wish to be burdened with papers that are poorly crafted. A good authors editor, while working on behalf of the author, really manages the best interests of all stakeholders in balance (author, editor, peer reviewer). This presentation will explore these dynamics and highlight the value of various forms of editorial review prior to manuscript submission.
Editores de peri坦dicos e revisores por pares representam os guardi探es supremos na publica巽達o de trabalhos cient鱈ficos de alta qualidade. No entanto, para autores com o ingl棚s como segunda l鱈ngua, que est達o tentando publicar nos peri坦dicos indexados no Science Citation Index (SCI), de grande impacto, em l鱈ngua inglesa, enfrentam muitas dificuldades relativas estrutura b叩sica do manuscrito. Os editores de peri坦dicos est達o ficando sobrecarregados com uma quantidade cada vez maior de submiss探es de manuscritos de autores n達o falantes de ingl棚s, no mundo todo. Os revisores n達o gostam de ser encarregados de artigos mal-elaborados. Um bom editor, enquanto trabalha em benef鱈cio do autor, na verdade, conduz no melhor interesse de todos os envolvidos (autor, editor, revisor por pares). Esta apresenta巽達o explorar叩 essas din但micas e real巽ar叩 o valor de v叩rias formas de revis達o editorial anteriores submiss達o do manuscrito.
Los editores de revistas y revisores representan los guardianes 炭ltimos en la publicaci坦n de trabajos acad辿micos de alta calidad. Sin embargo, para los autores en que el ingl辿s es su segunda lengua, que est叩n tratando de conseguir que su investigaci坦n sea publicada en revistas indexadas en SCI, de alto impacto, en ingl辿s, hay muchos obst叩culos que enfrentan relacionados con la estructura b叩sica del manuscrito. Los editores de revistas est叩n siendo sobrecargados con un n炭mero cada vez mayor de comunicaciones manuscritas de autores de habla no inglesa, en todo el mundo. Los revisores no quieren hacerse cargo de trabajos que est叩n mal dise単ados. Un buen editor de autor, al mismo tiempo que trabaja en beneficio del autor, realmente gestiona los mejores intereses de todas las partes interesadas en equilibrio (autor, editor, revisor). Esta presentaci坦n explorar叩 esta din叩mica y pondr叩 de relieve el valor de distintas formas de revisi坦n editorial antes de la presentaci坦n de manuscritos.
This document outlines the typical sections and content included in a research paper. It describes the purpose and key information presented in sections such as the title, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, and results and discussion sections. The introduction presents the problem statement and background. The literature review analyzes previous related research. The methodology specifies how data will be collected and analyzed. The results and discussion section presents findings and their implications. The conclusion states the main conclusions, implications, and recommendations.
The document provides information about learning resources and references. It defines learning resources as devices and procedures that help make teaching and learning more effective. Reference manuals are guides containing organized information in a summary form. The document discusses different types of referencing styles including Harvard, Vancouver, and APA styles. It provides examples of how to format citations and references in text and reference lists using these various styles.
Literature is a term used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer the works of the creative imagination, including works poetry,drama,fiction,and nonfiction.
Marketing Research: Introduction to Writing and Parts of a ResearchDr. John V. Padua
This document outlines the typical parts and structure of a research paper, including:
1. Initial pages such as the title page, approval sheet, abstract, acknowledgments, table of contents.
2. The body which includes an introduction outlining the problem, literature review, methodology, presentation of findings, and conclusion.
3. Typical chapters cover the problem background, literature review, methodology used, analysis of results, and summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
4. Key sections within chapters include defining the problem, significance of studying it, research design, population and sampling, research instruments, validation procedures, and data analysis.
Tata kelola jurnal menuju akreditasi sinta 2 Faisal Pak
This document discusses best practices for journal management and achieving an SINTA 2 accreditation level from the Indonesian Ministry of Research. It outlines six important aspects: 1) clear author guidelines, 2) consistent paper templates, 3) diversity of reviewers, editors, and authors, 4) adherence to publication ethics standards, 5) sufficient citations of the journal, and 6) ensuring active DOIs without broken links. Examples are provided for each aspect, including reviewer comments, editor notes, citation data, and retraction policies. The goal is to establish a high-quality peer-reviewed journal according to international standards.
The document outlines the key aspects of writing a research report, including definition, importance, characteristics, types, steps, and layout. It notes that a research report communicates research findings to transfer knowledge and identify gaps. It should have attractive characteristics like a clear topic and balanced language. Main types include theses, journal articles, and conference papers. Key steps involve analyzing the task, outlining, writing drafts while revising, adding a bibliography, and a final draft. The standard layout consists of a title page, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.
This presentation is a comprehensive guide to the pre-writing and planning stages of scientific papers and technical reports, focusing on the field of geology. Created as part of an internship project by Vasudevan, a PhD candidate in Geology at Annamalai University, this resource is designed to assist students, researchers, and professionals in effectively communicating their research findings.
Key topics covered include:
The purpose and importance of writing in scientific research.
The structure and characteristics of scientific papers and technical reports.
Detailed steps for planning and organizing a scientific manuscript.
Tips for clear and effective scientific communication.
Whether you're preparing to publish in academic journals or compiling a technical report for industry or government, this presentation provides valuable insights into creating impactful, well-structured scientific documents.
1. Multicultural education aims to transform schools so that all students, regardless of gender, ability level, or cultural background have an equal opportunity to learn.
2. To achieve this goal, teachers must make changes like modifying curriculum and instruction, being flexible in teaching style, and re-examining their own attitudes and perceptions.
3. Effective responses to multicultural education include cooperative learning, peer tutoring, team teaching, adapting classrooms, and developing behavior support plans.
The document discusses special education and categories of children with special needs. It defines special education as individually planned, systematically implemented, and carefully evaluated instruction to help exceptional children achieve personal self-sufficiency and success. It identifies categories of exceptionalities including mental retardation, giftedness, learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, and physical impairments. The document also discusses labeling of children with disabilities and considers both benefits and disadvantages of labeling.
Mental retardation refers to substantial limitations in present functioning and intellectual functioning that manifests before age 18. It is defined by limitations in 2+ adaptive skills areas such as communication, self-care, home living, etc. Causes include genetic conditions, environmental factors, and issues during prenatal development. Assessment involves evaluating intellectual functioning, adaptive behavior, and developmental level using tools like intelligence tests. Educational programs focus on developing life skills through methods like applied behavioral analysis, task analysis, and active student response. Early intervention and community-based models aim to support development and minimize limitations.
This document provides information about mental retardation, including its definition, criteria, classification, incidence and prevalence, causes, and adaptive skills. Mental retardation refers to significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior that originate before age 18. It is defined by four criteria: limitations in present functioning, below-average intellectual functioning, limitations in adaptive skills, and onset before age 18. Mental retardation is classified based on IQ scores into mild, moderate, severe and profound. It occurs in about 3% of the population and can be caused by genetic conditions, environmental factors or issues occurring prenatally, during birth, or in early childhood. Adaptive skills refer to everyday social and practical skills grouped into communication, self-care, home living,
This document provides guidance and techniques for improving public speaking skills. It begins by defining public speaking as the act of speaking face-to-face to a live audience in a structured manner to inform, influence, or entertain. It then provides tips for overcoming speech anxiety, such as acknowledging fears, preparing, practicing, and using deep breathing. Various modes of speech delivery are outlined, including manuscript, memorized, extemporaneous, and impromptu speeches. Guidelines are offered for effective speech delivery, including knowing the audience, choosing a topic, using research, rehearsing, wearing proper attire, and using audiovisual aids. Posture, appearance, eye contact, and facial expressions are also addressed. The document concludes by thank
This document discusses the travel request processes and requirements at NwSSU. It outlines the functions of the Personnel Development Committee which includes providing continuous capacity building for staff through training, ensuring all staff receive at least one learning intervention annually, and determining training needs. It also discusses the Learning Application Plan and Re-Entry Action Plan which are tools used to monitor and ensure the transfer of learning back to the individual's work to enhance organizational outcomes.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
TPR Data strategy 2025 (1).pdf Data strategyHenry Tapper
SALOG Powerpoint Presentation.pptx
I. Program Leader: Mrs. Jayrose P. Ortiz
Members: Dr. Getulio A. Barcenas, Jr.
Dr. Lagrito Ebert B. Mante
Mr. John M. Tan
II. College: NwSSU- San Jorge Campus
III. Program Duration: 5 years (January 2023- December
IV. Total Budget:
Project 1: Community Organizing: A Foundational Activity
Towards a Strong and United Barangay
Project 2: Household Backyard Gardening: Pathways to a
Productive and Attractive Community
Project 3: Waste Disposal Management: Key to a Livable and
Healthy Community
Project 4: Ating Alamin: Facts on Schistosomiasis
Project 5: Bamboo Propagation: Shield and Life of the
Barangay Folks
Project 6: Kasangga at Kalasag: A Quick Response
Coordination Training
River is the lifeblood of the Earth and of the human
civilization. It acts as a drainage channel of surface waters, and
carries water and nutrients through great distances. River also
serves as a habitat and provides food to many organisms.
In the Philippines, there are 18 major river basins and 421
principal rivers. As of 2017, (337) of the total number of classified
principal and small rivers are under Class C. Class C means that
the water is intended for fishery where propagation and growth
of fish and other aquatic resources is feasible (DENR, 2019).
In Samar, there are five (5) major rivers namely: Jibatang,
Gandara, Cadacan, Silaga, and Basey Rivers. Gandara River is the
longest in the province with a length of 11.85 kilometers. It
drains to Samar Sea passing through Matuguinao, San Jose de
Buan, San Jorge, Gandara, and Pagsanghan. (Samar Provincial
PIA, 2000).
More than two decades ago, Gandara river had been peoples
clean source of water for household use like bathing, washing
dishes and clothes, watering plants, etc. It also served as
childrens favorite place during leisure time due to its clear and
clean water. Fresh water fish and shells abound in the river.
However, due to threats from agricultural, domestic,
industrial, negligence and mistreatment of the people to
Gandara River, it turned polluted and unsanitary. Presently,
Gandara River becomes shallow due to indiscriminate
disposal of garbage to the river. The water becomes stinky
brought about by unconcerned throwing of household
wastes into it, further aggravated by pig pens and toilets
constructed along river banks. Rice mills are located near
river banks for easy dumping of rice hulls. There are parts
of the river banks that are gradually eroding caused by
heavy rains and floods.
Hence, Gandara river nowadays is in dire need for intervention
program to restore the beauty of the river; eventually, improve the
quality of community life of the barangay folks living along the
Gandara- San Jorge river banks.
If the six (6) extension projects would be sustainably implemented,
the river is potential for eco-tourism (Gandara River Cruise) similar
to that of the floating cottage of Loboc River in Bohol. In turn, the
proposed tourism activity will create jobs that will serve as the
source of livelihood of the community folks. Consequently, the
river will be magnificent again and people becoming self-
sufficient and self- sustaining.
Generally, the Extension Program aims to
restore the productive life of Gandara-
San Jorge River and to improve the
quality of life of the community folks
living along Gandara River Bank through
sustainable eco-tourism activity.
The abstract is a one-paragraph summary of the entire
study typically no more than 300 words in length.
It describes the essence, the main theme of the paper. It
includes the research question posed, its significance,
the methodology, and the main results or findings.
What is the topic and why is it worth studying?- The
introduction commonly describes the topic under
investigation, provides an overview of the research.
A good introduction states the main research problem
and thesis argument. What precisely are you studying and
why is it important?
1. You should first give a general presentation of the
research problem.
2. You should then lay out exactly what you are trying
to achieve with this particular research project.
3. You should then state your own position.
This research process uncovers what other writers have
written about your topic. Your paper should include a
discussion or review of what is known about the
subject and how that knowledge was acquired.
Make sure to include the name of the relevant authors
youve studied and add a properly formatted citation
that explicitly points to their works you have analyzed,
including the publication year.
What did you do? a section which details how the
research was performed. It typically features a
description of the participants/subjects that were
involved, the study design, the materials that were used,
and the study procedure.
For quantitative research, it is a presentation of the
numerical results and data, whereas for qualitative
research it should be a broader discussion of trends,
without going into too much detail.
A commentary is essential to linking the results together,
rather than just displaying isolated and unconnected
charts and figures.
What did you find? a section which describes the data
that was collected and the results of any statistical tests
that were performed.
This is where you elaborate on your findings, and explain
what you found, adding your own personal
Its important to make sure that every piece of
information in your discussion is directly related to the
thesis statement, or you risk cluttering your findings.
What is the significance of your results? The Discussion
commonly features a summary of the results that were
obtained in the study, describes how those results
address the topic under investigation and/or the issues
that the research was designed to address, and may
expand upon the implications of those findings.
After spending a great deal of time and energy
introducing and arguing the points in the main body of
the paper, the conclusion brings everything together and
underscores what it all means. A stimulating and
informative conclusion leaves the reader informed and
The very last section of your research paper is a reference
page where you should collect the academic sources along
with all the publications you consulted, while fleshing out
your research project. You should make sure to list all these
references according to the citation format specified by your
List of articles and any books cited an alphabetized list
of the sources that are cited in the paper (by last name
of the first author of each source). Each reference
should follow specific APA guidelines regarding author
names, dates, article titles, journal titles, journal volume
numbers, page numbers, book publishers, publisher
locations, websites, and so on.
Supplementary information (optional) in some cases,
additional information that is not critical to understanding
the research paper, such as a list of experiment stimuli,
details of a secondary analysis, or programming code, is
provided. This is often placed in an Appendix.
Such material might include tables, charts, summaries,
questionnaires, interview questions, lengthy statistics,
maps, pictures, photographs, lists of terms, glossaries,
survey instruments, letters, copies of historical documents,
and many other types of supplementary material. A paper
may have several appendices.
Instructions: Using your knowledge on the Parts
of a Research Paper, identify the following
descriptions properly.
1.This is the section where you explain your findings
or results. Here, you tell readers more about what
you found. You can also add personal
2.This part let the reader know the background of
your research and states the main research
problem and thesis argument. What precisely are
you studying and why is it important?
3. This portion of research is guided by the
following questions: Do you use qualitative or
quantitative research approach? Do you
administer a questionnaire or interview people?
How do you collect data?
4. The purpose of this section is to provide the full
citation of the articles used in your paper. It must
state the name of the author, article title, the name
of the journal, volume number, year of publications
as well as the page numbers.
5. It generally provides a broad overview of the
research paper and is never more than a page. It
describes the essence, the main theme of the
paper. It includes the research question posed, the
methodology, and the main results or findings.
6. This section of a research paper includes graphs
or tables of analyzed data. This is the one that you
actually analyze after gathering data.
7. This portion brings everything together and
emphasizes what it all means. Once it is
stimulating and informative, it leaves the reader
informed and well-satisfied.