Earn points on SAM Learning for a chance to win a prize. Log into SAM Learning and accumulate points by completing activities. Students who collect the most points will be entered to win.
The document discusses plans to implement a two-week "Teaching and Learning Fortnight" where all staff will observe colleagues teach in order to share best practices across the school. The objective is for 100% of teaching to be rated as good or outstanding. Recent research shows that teachers improve the most in their first few years, so the goal is to continually support teachers' development. Feedback from staff surveys indicated interest in observing other subjects. The fortnight will provide structured time for observations, discussions, and reflection to create a more learning-centered school.
Tema 6 la nutrición de los animales (ii)pacozamora1
The document discusses using feedback systems like "pink points" to involve all pupils in reading, responding to, and acting on feedback from their classwork and homework both in class and at home. It also states that teachers must give regular oral and written feedback through accurate marking and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback.
This document provides a challenge toolkit with 50 ways to intellectually challenge students across the curriculum. It includes ideas like presenting students with insoluble problems, ethical dilemmas, random words to connect, generating their own exam questions, analyzing poetry, translating concepts into symbols, considering paradoxes and Zen teachings. The toolkit aims to provide engaging extension activities that can be adapted to different subjects while minimizing additional workload for teachers.
This document provides tips for teachers on effective marking strategies. It recommends managing time well with a 60:40 split for marking versus planning. Teachers should have a marking rota, share success criteria to allow for self and peer marking, and write questions instead of just stating errors. Stickers and simple markings focused on specifics are also suggested. The document advises planning opportunities for students to self-reflect and identify ways to improve.
The document outlines four key areas - spiritual, moral, social, and cultural - for developing well-rounded students. Each area includes a list of attributes or skills students should demonstrate, such as an appreciation of beauty and truth for spiritual development, understanding right and wrong for moral development, working well in groups for social development, and valuing cultural diversity for cultural development. The overall goal is to help students reach their full potential.
This document provides suggestions for teachers looking for new inspiration, including trying different displays, differentiation strategies, pacing techniques, and resource ideas. It recommends logging into Pinterest, where teachers can create boards and find free downloadable resources such as ways to structure double lessons, script ideas, and IT resources by pinning website links.
El documento describe los procesos de la nutrición animal y el aparato digestivo. Explica que la nutrición animal es heterótrofa y requiere la ingestión de materia orgánica del medio externo. Describe los procesos de la nutrición como la digestión, absorción, transporte, metabolismo y excreción. Luego explica la evolución del aparato digestivo en diferentes grupos de invertebrados como porÃferos, cnidarios, platelmintos y moluscos, y cómo se ha especializado en vertebrados con la adición de glánd
Small chunks of frequent revision are best for learning according to the Easter revision plan. The plan schedules specific activities and topics to study in time slots for mornings and afternoons in the run up to Easter. Rewards are factored into the schedule to motivate completing the planned revision.
The document outlines numeracy skills across different subject lessons and provides recommendations to improve numeracy. It shows the number of lessons for different subjects at the school, with 200 total lessons including 24 math lessons. To strengthen numeracy, it advises teachers to incorporate more numeracy-based tasks in lessons, encourage mental math over calculators, have students calculate their own scores and percentages, and use at least two numeracy tasks per class weekly. A numeracy folder is also available on the school's shared drive.
This document outlines a new model for professional development meetings called CPL TEACH MEET/TEA PARTY at Swanmore College. The meetings will be held three times per term over tea and biscuits. Staff can choose from sessions on various topics like literacy, numeracy, creativity, and questioning. All staff in the classroom must briefly share an element of good practice related to their chosen topic area. The goals are to informally and collaboratively share best practices across departments in a timely manner.
The document outlines the schedule and objectives for a Professional Day Programme on September 26th 2014. The schedule includes:
- An introduction in the morning followed by department meetings
- Five meeting slots in the afternoon for Performance Management Final Review meetings
- A lunch break in between meeting slots
The objectives of the day are to assess and evaluate the impact of 2013/2014 objectives and to consider 2014/2015 professional objectives. Staff are instructed to arrange which afternoon meeting slots to use by September 19th and prepare for their review meetings before September 24th.
This document outlines marking codes that teachers use in student work. A paragraph mark in the margin means a new paragraph is needed. A caret indicates a missing word. A P shows a capitalization or punctuation error. Gr-H denotes incorrect homophones. A question mark means a sentence is unclear. Sp signifies a spelling mistake. Subject codes may also be included, such as R for showing math work or Gr for grammar errors.
1. Tablets allow teachers to view and complete organizational tasks like registers and behavior events from anywhere in the classroom.
2. Teachers can use tablets to control presentations and annotate slides during lessons for increased mobility.
3. Tablets enable students to interact directly with lessons by drawing, writing, and annotating on the teacher's tablet screen.
This document proposes a new professional learning model called "TL Tea Party" for teachers and teaching assistants. The model would involve three meetings per term where participants choose from pre-selected discussion topics related to teaching best practices. Participants would share ideas, findings, and questions within their small groups. The goal is to foster sharing of best practices across departments and use action research to improve teaching focus areas and professional goals.
This document provides tips for successful parent-teacher meetings. It lists things teachers should do, such as being professional, prepared, supportive with evidence, honest, and sticking to time limits. It also lists things teachers should avoid, like surprising parents with serious concerns, using jargon, focusing too much on behavior, bluffing, being confrontational, and tolerating abusive parents. The overall message is that teachers should conduct parent meetings professionally by being prepared, honest about student progress, supportive, respectful of parents' roles, and maintain clear communication.
This document contains a series of writing prompts for students on various topics. The prompts cover different genres like fiction, non-fiction, and argumentative writing. They address topics such as features of volcanoes, consequences of vegetarianism or a world without plastic, advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones, and alternative uses for common objects. A few prompts provide pictures as a basis for writing. Others involve combining concepts or predicting outcomes of hypothetical scenarios. The final prompts discuss exploring moral conflicts in the play "A View from the Bridge" and responding to an 'A Level' essay question.
This document outlines the implementation plan for BlueSky, a new performance management and professional development software, between September 2014 and May 2015. Key actions include:
1) Updating evidence and completing performance reviews by October 2014.
2) Setting new objectives and trialing self-evaluation and lesson planning modules in November 2014.
3) Launching professional development and 360 review modules in January 2015 and moving support staff to BlueSky in April 2015.
4) Exploring projects and collaboration modules by May 2015 to further develop continuous professional learning.
Práctica tema 6 aparato circulatorio corazonpacozamora1
Este documento presenta los pasos de una práctica de disección de corazón de cerdo realizada por estudiantes. El objetivo es profundizar en la anatomÃa del corazón mediante la identificación de estructuras como el pericardio, las aurÃculas, los ventrÃculos, los vasos coronarios y las válvulas. Los estudiantes introducen un tubo por las venas y arterias, miden espesores de paredes, realizan cortes y responden nueve cuestiones relacionadas con la circulación sanguÃnea y las diferencias entre las e
The student described today's lesson in under 50 words, defined two key terms from the lesson, and provided advice, identified the hardest part of the lesson and how their work could be improved.
This document provides an A to Z list of tips for developing a positive attitude and achieving your dreams. Some of the key tips include: avoiding negative thoughts, believing in yourself, considering different perspectives, not giving up, having enthusiasm, ignoring criticism, making the impossible possible, visualizing your goals daily, and remembering that a bad attitude is the only real disability. The overall message is that your attitude, beliefs, and actions are important for achieving success and happiness.
On September 11, 2001, four commercial airplanes were hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists and deliberately crashed into buildings, killing nearly 3,000 people. Two planes crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. The attacks triggered major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism and defined the presidency of George W. Bush.
The Grand Canyon in the United States was formed through the interaction of deposition, folding, weathering, erosion, and tectonic uplift over hundreds of millions of years. Sediments were deposited on the canyon floor when it was under a shallow ocean from 2 billion to 230 million years ago. Uplift began 65 million years ago, and a drop in sea level 5.3 million years ago caused the Colorado River to cut deeper through the rock layers, further eroding the canyon to its current depth by 1.2 million years ago. The landscape is the result of these geological and erosional forces acting over hundreds of millions of years.
The document discusses best practices for establishing an effective corporate university, including conducting needs assessments, obtaining buy-in through marketing and executive sponsorship, effective staffing, creating a structure with policies and standards, and implementing a learning management system for delivery and tracking. It emphasizes the importance of constant assessment, marketing the university's benefits, aligning staffing with the vision, and establishing a unified system for scheduling and tracking training.
The document describes different coastal landforms formed by erosion processes. It discusses how headlands and bays form along coastlines with variations in rock hardness. Headlands project out and are more exposed to wave erosion, while bays form in areas of softer rock. As cliffs erode, waves cut notches and undercut the base, eventually leading to cliff collapse and the formation of wave-cut platforms. Within resistant cliff rocks, erosion enlarges weaknesses like faults to form caves, which can eventually be cut through to form arches or isolate stacks from the headland.
The document outlines a lesson plan for a Year 11 class who are completing their major project worth 60% of the final marks, with 4 weeks remaining. It provides details on the learning objectives, differentiation strategies, and safety considerations for various modeling activities students will be conducting as part of developing their final ideas. The plan also discusses providing individualized SMART targets and support to students through one-on-one mentoring to help them achieve minimum and challenging grades.
The document provides information and motivation for students taking GCSE exams, including mock exam results, timelines for upcoming exams, and an upcoming assembly schedule on revising strategies. It urges students that cramming does not work and provides the number of days remaining until exams and results day to help students prepare a revision schedule and checklist by printing an exam timetable.
Small chunks of frequent revision are best for learning according to the Easter revision plan. The plan schedules specific activities and topics to study in time slots for mornings and afternoons in the run up to Easter. Rewards are factored into the schedule to motivate completing the planned revision.
The document outlines numeracy skills across different subject lessons and provides recommendations to improve numeracy. It shows the number of lessons for different subjects at the school, with 200 total lessons including 24 math lessons. To strengthen numeracy, it advises teachers to incorporate more numeracy-based tasks in lessons, encourage mental math over calculators, have students calculate their own scores and percentages, and use at least two numeracy tasks per class weekly. A numeracy folder is also available on the school's shared drive.
This document outlines a new model for professional development meetings called CPL TEACH MEET/TEA PARTY at Swanmore College. The meetings will be held three times per term over tea and biscuits. Staff can choose from sessions on various topics like literacy, numeracy, creativity, and questioning. All staff in the classroom must briefly share an element of good practice related to their chosen topic area. The goals are to informally and collaboratively share best practices across departments in a timely manner.
The document outlines the schedule and objectives for a Professional Day Programme on September 26th 2014. The schedule includes:
- An introduction in the morning followed by department meetings
- Five meeting slots in the afternoon for Performance Management Final Review meetings
- A lunch break in between meeting slots
The objectives of the day are to assess and evaluate the impact of 2013/2014 objectives and to consider 2014/2015 professional objectives. Staff are instructed to arrange which afternoon meeting slots to use by September 19th and prepare for their review meetings before September 24th.
This document outlines marking codes that teachers use in student work. A paragraph mark in the margin means a new paragraph is needed. A caret indicates a missing word. A P shows a capitalization or punctuation error. Gr-H denotes incorrect homophones. A question mark means a sentence is unclear. Sp signifies a spelling mistake. Subject codes may also be included, such as R for showing math work or Gr for grammar errors.
1. Tablets allow teachers to view and complete organizational tasks like registers and behavior events from anywhere in the classroom.
2. Teachers can use tablets to control presentations and annotate slides during lessons for increased mobility.
3. Tablets enable students to interact directly with lessons by drawing, writing, and annotating on the teacher's tablet screen.
This document proposes a new professional learning model called "TL Tea Party" for teachers and teaching assistants. The model would involve three meetings per term where participants choose from pre-selected discussion topics related to teaching best practices. Participants would share ideas, findings, and questions within their small groups. The goal is to foster sharing of best practices across departments and use action research to improve teaching focus areas and professional goals.
This document provides tips for successful parent-teacher meetings. It lists things teachers should do, such as being professional, prepared, supportive with evidence, honest, and sticking to time limits. It also lists things teachers should avoid, like surprising parents with serious concerns, using jargon, focusing too much on behavior, bluffing, being confrontational, and tolerating abusive parents. The overall message is that teachers should conduct parent meetings professionally by being prepared, honest about student progress, supportive, respectful of parents' roles, and maintain clear communication.
This document contains a series of writing prompts for students on various topics. The prompts cover different genres like fiction, non-fiction, and argumentative writing. They address topics such as features of volcanoes, consequences of vegetarianism or a world without plastic, advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones, and alternative uses for common objects. A few prompts provide pictures as a basis for writing. Others involve combining concepts or predicting outcomes of hypothetical scenarios. The final prompts discuss exploring moral conflicts in the play "A View from the Bridge" and responding to an 'A Level' essay question.
This document outlines the implementation plan for BlueSky, a new performance management and professional development software, between September 2014 and May 2015. Key actions include:
1) Updating evidence and completing performance reviews by October 2014.
2) Setting new objectives and trialing self-evaluation and lesson planning modules in November 2014.
3) Launching professional development and 360 review modules in January 2015 and moving support staff to BlueSky in April 2015.
4) Exploring projects and collaboration modules by May 2015 to further develop continuous professional learning.
Práctica tema 6 aparato circulatorio corazonpacozamora1
Este documento presenta los pasos de una práctica de disección de corazón de cerdo realizada por estudiantes. El objetivo es profundizar en la anatomÃa del corazón mediante la identificación de estructuras como el pericardio, las aurÃculas, los ventrÃculos, los vasos coronarios y las válvulas. Los estudiantes introducen un tubo por las venas y arterias, miden espesores de paredes, realizan cortes y responden nueve cuestiones relacionadas con la circulación sanguÃnea y las diferencias entre las e
The student described today's lesson in under 50 words, defined two key terms from the lesson, and provided advice, identified the hardest part of the lesson and how their work could be improved.
This document provides an A to Z list of tips for developing a positive attitude and achieving your dreams. Some of the key tips include: avoiding negative thoughts, believing in yourself, considering different perspectives, not giving up, having enthusiasm, ignoring criticism, making the impossible possible, visualizing your goals daily, and remembering that a bad attitude is the only real disability. The overall message is that your attitude, beliefs, and actions are important for achieving success and happiness.
On September 11, 2001, four commercial airplanes were hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists and deliberately crashed into buildings, killing nearly 3,000 people. Two planes crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. The attacks triggered major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism and defined the presidency of George W. Bush.
The Grand Canyon in the United States was formed through the interaction of deposition, folding, weathering, erosion, and tectonic uplift over hundreds of millions of years. Sediments were deposited on the canyon floor when it was under a shallow ocean from 2 billion to 230 million years ago. Uplift began 65 million years ago, and a drop in sea level 5.3 million years ago caused the Colorado River to cut deeper through the rock layers, further eroding the canyon to its current depth by 1.2 million years ago. The landscape is the result of these geological and erosional forces acting over hundreds of millions of years.
The document discusses best practices for establishing an effective corporate university, including conducting needs assessments, obtaining buy-in through marketing and executive sponsorship, effective staffing, creating a structure with policies and standards, and implementing a learning management system for delivery and tracking. It emphasizes the importance of constant assessment, marketing the university's benefits, aligning staffing with the vision, and establishing a unified system for scheduling and tracking training.
The document describes different coastal landforms formed by erosion processes. It discusses how headlands and bays form along coastlines with variations in rock hardness. Headlands project out and are more exposed to wave erosion, while bays form in areas of softer rock. As cliffs erode, waves cut notches and undercut the base, eventually leading to cliff collapse and the formation of wave-cut platforms. Within resistant cliff rocks, erosion enlarges weaknesses like faults to form caves, which can eventually be cut through to form arches or isolate stacks from the headland.
The document outlines a lesson plan for a Year 11 class who are completing their major project worth 60% of the final marks, with 4 weeks remaining. It provides details on the learning objectives, differentiation strategies, and safety considerations for various modeling activities students will be conducting as part of developing their final ideas. The plan also discusses providing individualized SMART targets and support to students through one-on-one mentoring to help them achieve minimum and challenging grades.
The document provides information and motivation for students taking GCSE exams, including mock exam results, timelines for upcoming exams, and an upcoming assembly schedule on revising strategies. It urges students that cramming does not work and provides the number of days remaining until exams and results day to help students prepare a revision schedule and checklist by printing an exam timetable.
The document provides an introduction and rationale for using whole class feedback as part of assessment for learning. It then lists and briefly describes 25 examples of techniques teachers can use to obtain whole class feedback, such as post-it notes, mini whiteboards, exit passes, and traffic lights. The examples allow teachers to assess student understanding efficiently and involve students in peer assessment.
This document provides tips for successful parent-teacher meetings:
1) Be professional, prepared, supportive, honest, and stick to time limits. Bring evidence like student work to back up comments on progress.
2) Don't surprise parents with serious concerns, use jargon, focus only on behavior, bluff about not knowing answers, or be confrontational.
3) Do listen to parents and respect their role in supporting their child's learning at home between meetings.
This document discusses high quality pupil work and provides explanation and examples of this as well as using subject specific vocabulary. It repeats these phrases six times each to emphasize the importance of producing high quality work, explaining and exemplifying concepts, and using proper terminology for different school subjects.
The document discusses strategies for differentiating instruction for students with special educational needs. It provides examples of strategies used by new teachers, including listening frames, text correction, repetition of instructions, help envelopes, task lists, pairing students, multiple answer examples, and focus on key words. The strategies are aimed at improving concentration, challenging students appropriately, and building confidence.
This document provides suggestions for how to spell an unknown word, such as breaking it into syllables or phonemes, looking for similar words you can already spell, checking for spelling rules or root words, and using reference sources like dictionaries.
The document provides tips for supporting dyslexic students in the classroom. It recommends assessing the accessibility of textbooks, providing easier texts if needed, and supporting student access to texts. It also suggests highlighting and explaining new words, writing clearly on the board, including multisensory learning, teaching visual representation methods, considering worksheet design, allowing extra time for tasks, and praising student effort.
The document discusses the idea of "spaced learning" as a technique for helping students remember large amounts of information. Spaced learning involves presenting information in short bursts separated by breaks, based on research showing this spacing of stimulation helps the brain form long-term memories. The author has found that using spaced learning techniques like 10-minute presentations followed by breaks, physical activity, games, and repetition helps students better recall and retain key facts from lessons.
Sam learning secondary_student_presentation tutor groupsAshleigh Thomson
SAM Learning is an online learning platform used by over 2,000 secondary schools in the UK. Last year it hosted over 4 million hours of student activity. It provides practice and revision exercises in subjects like math, science, English and ICT to help students improve exam results. Usage reports show one school's students completed over 1,000 hours on the platform in January 2010 alone.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of software’s, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.