This presentation discusses benchmarks for planning, monitoring, and evaluating an ICT for economic development project in Ethiopia. It outlines global reflections on ICT for economic and development based on surveys. The project aims to improve income and employment for 600,000 small-scale producers and entrepreneurs through better productivity, market access, financial services, and institutional development using ICT. Key performance indicators discussed include gross sales and membership numbers of farmer marketing organizations. Capacity building goals include training organizations and farmers on ICT integration and ensuring equal participation of men and women.
This document discusses the challenges of implementing human rights due diligence in mineral supply chains from conflict areas like the Democratic Republic of Congo. It introduces the UN framework for human rights due diligence and reviews multi-stakeholder initiatives aimed at increasing supply chain traceability and human rights compliance. However, it notes that initiatives face significant obstacles to implementation in the DRC due to issues like insecurity, informal mining and trade, and lack of local political will. Local perspectives are often missing from these initiatives as well.
This document presents a mathematical pattern showing that certain words related to life's successes can be represented as percentages. It shows that while "Hard Work" equals 98% and "Knowledge" equals 96%, "Attitude" equals exactly 100%. However, the "Love of God" is represented as 101%, indicating that with the love of God one can achieve even more than 100% and be put "over the top". This reveals the author's view that God's love is what allows one to truly exceed all expectations.
Presentatie over het financieren van innovatie door Benedict Persoon, tijdens innovatie inspiratiedag verzorgd door Syntens tijdens klantendag Rabobank Zuid Limburg (dinsdag 30 juni 2009)
Presentatie Danny Jacobs (BBL) - Socius Trefdag 'Solidariteit?!' (20 november 2014)
KAURI is een netwerk van mensen en organisaties die innovatief willen samenwerken rond duurzaamheid in België. KAURI linkt profit en non-profit rond een brede waaier aan thema’s, zoals goed bestuur, maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid, eerlijke handel en leefmilieu.
Enerzijds daagt het netwerk haar leden uit om zowel winst- als waardegedreven te werken. Anderzijds stimuleren het hen om vooroordelen uit de weg te gaan en samen oplossingen te bedenken voor de grote maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Zo’n duurzame samenwerkingen slagen enkel als alle betrokken partijen zowel doelen, verantwoordelijkheden als resultaten delen.
Tijdens deze workshop verneem je hoe je hier aan begint en geeft Danny Jacobs, directeur van Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen, dit met enkele concrete voorbeelden uit zijn organisatie.
Praktische inkijk hoe je je HR-, innovatie- en/of transformatieplannen een boost kan geven:
Hoe begin je eraan? Hoe een haalbaar voorstel formuleren? Hoe rapporteren?
Presentatie op 12/04/2018 gegeven bij IC Grote Beer (Beernem) met Together en VLAIO.
Developing, sharing, and acquiring knowledge are important for organizations like the ICCO-Cooperative to continuously learn and improve. Knowledge development implies that an organization must focus on gaining new insights and understanding through research, collaboration, and experience. Partnerships with enterprising individuals can help cooperative organizations expand their knowledge and capabilities.
The document provides an overview of IDH's Tropical Timber Program. [1] IDH aims to accelerate sustainability within commodity markets and mainstream social and ecological sustainability of value chains. [2] Key aspects of IDH include convening public-private partnerships, match funding investments in producer support, facilitating inter-sector learning, and aligning donors. [3] The Tropical Timber Program works to accelerate certification and demand for certified tropical timber through the Tropical Timber Steering Committee and Coordination Meeting.
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Presentatie over het financieren van innovatie door Benedict Persoon, tijdens innovatie inspiratiedag verzorgd door Syntens tijdens klantendag Rabobank Zuid Limburg (dinsdag 30 juni 2009)
Presentatie Danny Jacobs (BBL) - Socius Trefdag 'Solidariteit?!' (20 november 2014)
KAURI is een netwerk van mensen en organisaties die innovatief willen samenwerken rond duurzaamheid in België. KAURI linkt profit en non-profit rond een brede waaier aan thema’s, zoals goed bestuur, maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid, eerlijke handel en leefmilieu.
Enerzijds daagt het netwerk haar leden uit om zowel winst- als waardegedreven te werken. Anderzijds stimuleren het hen om vooroordelen uit de weg te gaan en samen oplossingen te bedenken voor de grote maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Zo’n duurzame samenwerkingen slagen enkel als alle betrokken partijen zowel doelen, verantwoordelijkheden als resultaten delen.
Tijdens deze workshop verneem je hoe je hier aan begint en geeft Danny Jacobs, directeur van Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen, dit met enkele concrete voorbeelden uit zijn organisatie.
Praktische inkijk hoe je je HR-, innovatie- en/of transformatieplannen een boost kan geven:
Hoe begin je eraan? Hoe een haalbaar voorstel formuleren? Hoe rapporteren?
Presentatie op 12/04/2018 gegeven bij IC Grote Beer (Beernem) met Together en VLAIO.
Developing, sharing, and acquiring knowledge are important for organizations like the ICCO-Cooperative to continuously learn and improve. Knowledge development implies that an organization must focus on gaining new insights and understanding through research, collaboration, and experience. Partnerships with enterprising individuals can help cooperative organizations expand their knowledge and capabilities.
The document provides an overview of IDH's Tropical Timber Program. [1] IDH aims to accelerate sustainability within commodity markets and mainstream social and ecological sustainability of value chains. [2] Key aspects of IDH include convening public-private partnerships, match funding investments in producer support, facilitating inter-sector learning, and aligning donors. [3] The Tropical Timber Program works to accelerate certification and demand for certified tropical timber through the Tropical Timber Steering Committee and Coordination Meeting.
Ruggie on Business and Human Rights, what's in it for Civil Society?ICCO Cooperation
This document discusses fair economic development and cooperation with the private sector on human rights issues. It mentions interventions since 1964 with local human rights organizations, and since 2005 with companies. It also discusses the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the updated OECD guidelines, and addressing issues like indigenous peoples' rights, conflict areas, land rights, and gender equality. It proposes stakeholder involvement, conflict transformation, and human rights due diligence as approaches. Past activities included a 2012 conference, and upcoming work includes a handbook and trainings with partners in multiple countries.
The document outlines seven principles for promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in the workplace. The principles address establishing leadership for gender equality, ensuring equal opportunity and nondiscrimination, health and safety, education and training, enterprise development and marketing practices, community engagement, and transparency in measuring progress. Each principle includes specific recommendations for corporate policies and programs. The document also describes how the Women's Empowerment Principles can be used as a tool by businesses, governments, and organizations to promote gender equality.
Sustainable Fair Economic Development Philippines - Evaluation ReportICCO Cooperation
Presentation of Orlando Abelgas on the results of his evaluation of the VCD Program Facilitation. Presented during the VCD in FED: Conversations on Frameworks ++
The Samar Island Seaweeds Value Chain Network (Seaweeds Net) brings together multiple stakeholders in the seaweed industry in Northern Samar, Philippines. This includes seaweed farmers, traders, government agencies, NGOs, and private companies. The network aims to develop a sustainable and stable market for seaweed products by addressing issues related to market access, production quality, and community development support. Non-profit groups take a leading role in convening stakeholders and facilitating collaboration between farmers, buyers, and support providers. The goal is to improve livelihoods while establishing an equitable and well-governed local seaweed industry.
The document describes a methodological approach for integrating conflict transformation and democratization in value chain subsector development. It involves: 1) capacity building on conflict transformation and value chain development; 2) participatory value chain and conflict mapping and analysis; 3) establishing an early warning system and referral system; and 4) developing conflict-sensitive economic initiatives. The overall goal is to develop a model for integrating sustainable economic development, conflict transformation, and democratization.
Guidance note for the Programmatic Approach (version 31-12-2011)ICCO Cooperation
This document provides guidance on the programmatic approach used by the ICCO Alliance. It describes the objective of promoting systemic social change through multi-stakeholder cooperation. The programmatic approach is grounded in systems thinking and complexity theory, and aims to create networks and coalitions to address complex social issues. A variety of methods are discussed to analyze systems and contexts, map stakeholders, and facilitate collaboration between partners. The roles of the ICCO Alliance in strategic funding, brokering, and capacity development are also covered, as well as governance models for programmatic cooperation.
The document discusses the concept of "partnerships" and proposes a "Partnership Box" model with three dimensions: shared analysis, shared vision, and shared ambition. It presents partnerships as interactions between partners based on a shared understanding of failures and a desire for sustainability. The model suggests partnerships are most effective when all three dimensions are present, though shared problem analysis may be more important than shared vision. It introduces a decision tree to illustrate eight potential partnership types based on combinations of the three dimensions.
Powerpoint capacity building tmf 2011 10 11 (no quiz))ICCO Cooperation
The 10 commandments of TMF Capacity Building are:
1. Capacity Building supports developing partner organizations' capacities through continuous development.
2. TMF's strategy centers around Capacity Development to achieve financial sustainability and services for the rural poor.
3. Developing partners' capacities leads to expanded rural outreach by sustainable microfinance providers and rural development.
This document summarizes the lessons learned from a learning community on private sector cooperation. It describes the steps taken to establish the community, including inviting members, identifying interests through a survey, setting the agenda through Skype calls, and sharing case studies through a wiki and group discussions. It also discusses the web tools used, including Dgroups for communication, Skype for video calls, a wiki as a repository, and Yammer to make interactions more social. Key successes included the needs assessment, agenda setting, and case study discussions. Challenges included low participation in the Dgroups discussion and time management. The document provides instructions on using the various web tools to participate in and contribute to the learning community.
Programmatic approach: External presentation may 2011ICCO Cooperation
1. Under a programmatic approach, organizations agree to work towards a common goal using their own strengths while achieving a greater impact.
2. The approach is multi-stakeholder, based on complexity thinking and aims for systems change through cooperation between actors.
3. Cooperation leads to added value like greater effectiveness through addressing issues at multiple levels and aspects.
Under a programmatic approach, organizations work together towards a common goal, vision, and strategy to create greater social impact than any could alone. It is a multi-stakeholder approach based on complexity thinking, with the assumptions that development issues are complex systems requiring joint learning and cooperation across actors. The collective efforts of a coalition of organizations taking ownership of this cooperation will lead to added value through systems change and greater effectiveness of results.
Programmatic approach (appreciation process - Feb. 2010)ICCO Cooperation
The document provides an overview of the history and development of ICCO's programmatic approach from 2006-2007. It outlines the starting points and assumptions that led ICCO to adopt this approach, which emphasizes multi-stakeholder partnerships, cooperation between organizations in the global North and South, and greater ownership by local actors. The document also provides facts about the number and types of programs currently being implemented using this approach.
The document outlines a new programmatic approach for organizational cooperation called PROCODE. It discusses the need for a flexible approach that recognizes development as a complex, multi-level process involving many actors. PROCODE aims to (1) influence policies through civil society representatives, (2) have organizations in the global South and ICCO/KIA work together on jointly owned programs, and (3) establish continuous dialogue and management structures between participating coalitions and organizations. The relationships between different levels of financing and organizations are also addressed.
2. Presentatie Doel: wat en waarom ook alweer ? Diverse manieren, drie partners: ICCO, SP, Impulsis Onder welke voorwaarden ? Position Paper MVO & SB, Code of Conduct Fondsenwerving+ Inhoudelijke en financiële doelen gecombineerd Wat vraagt dit van ons ? Interne afspraken / Dynamics Doel – voorwaarden – fondsenwerving+ – interne afspraken
3. Doelen programma Samenwerking Bedrijfsleven Bedrijfsplan : Verbetering marktpositie producenten via directe samenwerking; Versterking van competenties t.b.v. bedrijfsprocessen & innovatie via platforms, initiatieven; Versterking kennis & draagvlak over MVO via beïnvloeding & samenwerking in multistakeholder processen Doel – voorwaarden – fondsenwerving+ – interne afspraken
7. Inhoud A. ICCO en Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen 1. Missie ICCO 2. Maatschappelijke verantwoord ondernemen 3. Visie ICCO op maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen B. ICCO en Samenwerking Bedrijfsleven 4. Duurzame rechtvaardige economische ontwikkeling: Kansen voor ICCO en de private sector 5 Toegang tot Basisvoorzieningen en Democratisering en Vredesopbouw 6. Wat biedt ICCO? Instrumenten Impulsis en Share People 7. Uitgangspunten voor de samenwerking met individuele bedrijven Bijlage 1 Code of Conduct : ICCOs uitgangspunten en criteria voor samenwerking met bedrijven Doel – voorwaarden – fondsenwerving+ – interne afspraken
8. ICCO & MVO MVO = verantwoording over kernactiviteiten, betrekken stakeholders (ISO 26000 = Europose visie) Raakvlak voor ICCO: People, Planet, Profit + Poverty (-alleviation) Kernactiviteiten en effect op armoedebestrijding & duurzame ontwikkeling Actieve rol in samenleving en verantwoording afleggen Doel – voorwaarden – fondsenwerving+ – interne afspraken
9. Samenwerking met bedrijven Diverse niveaus en typen van bedrijven Open deur beleid: geen enkel bedrijf is 100% duurzaam Uitgangspunten: ICCO zoekt kansen! DREO, TtB, D&V Interne toets op (on-) gewenst gedrag, ICCO heeft verantwoordelijkheid als maatschappelijke organisatie Samen resultaten bereiken op OS / MVO doelen en erover communiceren Waarden: transparantie, wederkerigheid, respect voor autonomie Middelen: 4 rollen van ICCO Doel – voorwaarden – fondsenwerving+ – interne afspraken
11. Vormen van Fondsenwerving+ : Donaties tot 50kE -> projectenetalage Investeringen / garanties -> projectenportefeuille, maatwerk Kapitaliseren van ‘in natura’ bijdragen ( kennis & expertise ) van bedrijven Betaalde dienstverlening door ICCO Combinaties Doel – voorwaarden – fondsenwerving+ – interne afspraken
12. Wat vraagt dit van ons? Position Paper + Code of Conduct Handelen in lijn met Position Paper / Code of Conduct: o.a. Interne (zonodig externe) beoordeling bedrijf (voor / tijdens / na samenwerking) Expliciteren intern MVO beleid ICCO Fondsenwerving Centrale rol kerngroep FW-SB; Gezamenlijk vastleggen diverse mogelijkheden voor samenwerking; Inhoudelijke samenwerking in principe leidend; actieve opstelling vereist t.a.v. ‘bedrijf - gratis diensten’ of ‘ICCO – betaalde diensten’; Incentives voor RBers/ afdelingen Dynamics / CRM Invoeren van bedrijvencontacten Doel – voorwaarden – fondsenwerving+ – interne afspraken
13. En: positionering naar bedrijfsleven: intern divers, maar extern eenduidig; zonder tandeloze tijger ó f bulldog te worden ….. Doel – voorwaarden – fondsenwerving+ – interne afspraken