The document discusses quantifiers used with countable and uncountable nouns in English. It provides examples of quantifiers like much, many, few, little, plenty, a lot of, some, any used in affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences. It also distinguishes between quantifiers used with singular and plural countable nouns as well as those used with uncountable nouns. Examples are given for quantifiers at the beginning and middle of sentences. The document concludes with practice questions to test understanding of using quantifiers correctly.
Este documento descreve os diferentes tipos de pronomes em inglês, incluindo:
1) Pronomes pessoais, que podem ser sujeitos ou objetos;
2) Pronomes possessivos, que indicam posse;
3) Pronomes reflexivos, que indicam que a ação recai sobre o sujeito;
4) Pronomes demonstrativos, que apontam objetos ou pessoas.
The past perfect progressive tense describes an activity that was ongoing up until another point in the past. It is formed using "had" plus the present participle of the verb (ending in "-ing"). This tense emphasizes the duration of an activity leading up to another past event or time. Examples given were "The police had been looking for the criminal for two years before they caught him" and "We had been waiting for Nancy for over three hours before she finally arrived yesterday."
We use the word "wish" with past tense verbs to express regret about present situations, such as "I wish I knew the answer" or "I wish I was taller." We use "wish" with the past perfect tense to talk about regrets in the past, like "I wish I had known you then." The phrase "if only" can be used in a more emphatic way to express regret, taking the same verb forms as when using "wish," such as "If only I had more money!" or "If only you were here!"
Would rather is used to express preference and is interchangeable with would prefer. It is used in short conversations to state or ask about preferences between choices. While rather is not a verb, it is part of the expression would rather which is followed by the base form of a verb. Would rather can refer to present or future preferences and is often used with than to compare two specific choices.
Prepositions prepositions of time, prepositions of place & prepositions...Bhivu Rana
Prepositions - Learn about Prepositions Of Time, Prepositions Of Place & Prepositions Of Movement at with best suitable examples and exercises.
Este documento explica os pronomes demonstrativos em inglês "this/that/these/those" e como eles são usados para referir-se a objetos próximos ou distantes no singular ou plural, como "this" para objetos próximos no singular e "those" para objetos distantes no plural.
Would rather is used to express preference and is interchangeable with would prefer. It is used in short conversations to state or ask about preferences between choices. While rather is not a verb, it is part of the expression would rather which is followed by the base form of a verb. Would rather can refer to present or future preferences and is often used with than to compare two specific choices.
Prepositions prepositions of time, prepositions of place & prepositions...Bhivu Rana
Prepositions - Learn about Prepositions Of Time, Prepositions Of Place & Prepositions Of Movement at with best suitable examples and exercises.
Este documento explica os pronomes demonstrativos em inglês "this/that/these/those" e como eles são usados para referir-se a objetos próximos ou distantes no singular ou plural, como "this" para objetos próximos no singular e "those" para objetos distantes no plural.
8. Hon sade, att hon inte tänkte göra om samma sak.Samma = som är eller ser ut precis som den/det som man jämför med
9. sammapå samma gång samtidigtDet är sak samma/det gör det samma. Det spelar ingen roll.en/ett och samma precis sammasamma här Det är samma sak med mig.
18. Två plus två är lika med fyra.vara detsamma med någotDet är lika bra att du göra det direkt.. Det är bäst att …De är lika som bär. vara mycket likaMig kvittar det lika.Jag bryr mig inte.
20. olikaÄr ni verkligen tvillingar? Ni ser så olika ut.Olika = inte lik den/det som man jämför med
21. olikaBilen kan fås i 10 olika färger.Olika = som inte är samma eller likadana
22. Dagmar MachuttaKälla: Natur och Kulturs Stora Svenska Ordbok licensed under aÌýCreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Sweden License