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Engaging Students, Parents and Colleagues.
Engaging the School Community
This includes:
Your Students
Website Game  competition
Career Tools has a new game for
students coming soon!
It is designed to have your
students interact with your
Career Website.
It will..
Your Students
School Poster
You can choose from many designs and have a Pdf emailed
to you to use as you please.
For example:
 Have inserted into the school Newsletter
 Put up around the school or in your office
 Use at Information nights
 Email out
 Post to social media
Your Students
 When providing students with information, include a
link to the appropriate webpage of your careers
 Lead them to the Student Secure Area to do quizzes,
resumes, the self directed lessons, upload to their e-
Portfolios, record USIs  anything to keep them familiar
with the site.
 Involve colleagues! VET Coordinators, student welfare
and so on.
 Promote Virtual Job Experience! The link is under the
Workplace Learning menu on your Careers Website.
Students and Teachers use the same login details as
their Career Tools Teacher and Student Accounts.
Social Media
If you create a School Careers Facebook page we
can link it to your site and it will also be a widget
Twitter and Instagram can also be linked.
Social media is just another way you can engage
parents in their students career education via
your website.
The link can be sent in an email with a
suitable/catchy subject line.
Parents can be encouraged to sign up to
the Newsfeed so that anything you post
will automatically be emailed to them.
First you need to post something to your Newsfeed, so
try a simple welcome message.
Teacher Account > Website Communications > Newsfeed
Click on the blue Add New Item > Add a Heading; Body; Save!
It will the show on your careers website.
Also Help Video 28. The News Feed
Workshop 5
 Parent Custom Page
When providing Parents with information, dont just
give it to them, put the info. on your Parent Custom
page and provide the direct link.
Keep them familiar with the site too and the fact that it
is your central go to place.
The newsfeed and social media are great for temporary
info. but you can use your custom pages and other
website pages for the more permanent information and
You have a For Colleagues section in your Teacher
Teacher Account > Home > Teacher Resources > State >
For Colleagues.
 Your Colleague Promo. Sheet
You only need to do 2 things:
1. Create them a Teacher Account
2. Add your web address to the document
This Colleague Promo. resource will do the rest.
In 1 sheet it has a:
 Summary of your Careers Website
 Teacher log in instruction
 Overview video link
 Student Area Content
This will give colleagues a description of:
 The Secure Student Area features
 How to create a dummy student account
Online Career Plan for Students -> Searchable Reports for Teachers
Student Data Search Info.
 You can hand this resource to colleagues,
along with the Promo. Sheet, that are involved
with student Career Planning.
You have the ability to hand or email a Teacher
Outline and/or Activity to any colleague without
them needing a teacher or student account, or you
having to explain anything.
For Example:
Teacher Account > Home > Teacher Resources > State > For Colleagues.
Download the last 3 documents:
1) Logging in and completing the Resume
2) Logging in and completing the Resume/lesson
3) Student Intro. Blank
Logging in and completing
the Resume
This one is straight forward. Add your
web address (URL) > save as a Pdf then
either email or hand to your colleague.
You have now very quickly and easily
provided them with the info and
resources to run a class lesson.
Afterwards, you have the option to log in
to the teacher account and view the
Logging in and completing
the Resume/Lesson Activity
Again, you add your web address (URL) >
save as a Pdf then either email or hand to
your colleague.
However, you can give them the Teacher
Outline to the lesson as well.
I will show you where these are shortly.
Student Intro. Blank
This is just a template for you to add your
own activity at the end.
 Lesson Teacher Outlines
Teacher Account > Students > Activities/Worksheets> Lessons
All outlines include where students go to log in.
So as long as colleagues know or you give them the web
address, they are good to go with just the teacher outline if
students are already registered.
 Matrix  State Specific
This shows many of the features in
the Career Tools system and how
they align with the various tasks
you have to perform in your job.
 Interactions & Interviews
This Shows how to record student interviews or interactions and add
keywords to students.
Also Help Video 10 d, e, f.
Workshop 11 will cover Lessons and Activities
Check Your Teacher Message Board for dates
and titles of other workshops.

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Sample 際際滷share Presentation

  • 1. CAREER TOOLS Engaging Students, Parents and Colleagues.
  • 2. Engaging the School Community This includes: Students Parents Colleagues
  • 3. Your Students Website Game competition Career Tools has a new game for students coming soon! It is designed to have your students interact with your Career Website. It will..
  • 4. Your Students School Poster www.careertools.com.au/poster You can choose from many designs and have a Pdf emailed to you to use as you please. For example: Have inserted into the school Newsletter Put up around the school or in your office Use at Information nights Email out Post to social media
  • 5. Your Students Remember: When providing students with information, include a link to the appropriate webpage of your careers website. Lead them to the Student Secure Area to do quizzes, resumes, the self directed lessons, upload to their e- Portfolios, record USIs anything to keep them familiar with the site. Involve colleagues! VET Coordinators, student welfare and so on. Promote Virtual Job Experience! The link is under the Workplace Learning menu on your Careers Website. Students and Teachers use the same login details as their Career Tools Teacher and Student Accounts.
  • 6. Parents Social Media If you create a School Careers Facebook page we can link it to your site and it will also be a widget option. Twitter and Instagram can also be linked. Social media is just another way you can engage parents in their students career education via your website.
  • 7. Parents Newsfeed The link can be sent in an email with a suitable/catchy subject line. Parents can be encouraged to sign up to the Newsfeed so that anything you post will automatically be emailed to them.
  • 8. Parents First you need to post something to your Newsfeed, so try a simple welcome message. Teacher Account > Website Communications > Newsfeed Click on the blue Add New Item > Add a Heading; Body; Save! It will the show on your careers website. Also Help Video 28. The News Feed Workshop 5
  • 9. Parents Parent Custom Page When providing Parents with information, dont just give it to them, put the info. on your Parent Custom page and provide the direct link. Keep them familiar with the site too and the fact that it is your central go to place. The newsfeed and social media are great for temporary info. but you can use your custom pages and other website pages for the more permanent information and resources.
  • 10. Colleagues You have a For Colleagues section in your Teacher Resources. Teacher Account > Home > Teacher Resources > State > For Colleagues. Your Colleague Promo. Sheet You only need to do 2 things: 1. Create them a Teacher Account 2. Add your web address to the document This Colleague Promo. resource will do the rest. In 1 sheet it has a: Summary of your Careers Website Teacher log in instruction Overview video link
  • 11. Colleague Student Area Content This will give colleagues a description of: The Secure Student Area features How to create a dummy student account
  • 12. Colleagues Online Career Plan for Students -> Searchable Reports for Teachers Student Data Search Info. You can hand this resource to colleagues, along with the Promo. Sheet, that are involved with student Career Planning.
  • 13. Colleagues Lessons You have the ability to hand or email a Teacher Outline and/or Activity to any colleague without them needing a teacher or student account, or you having to explain anything. For Example: Teacher Account > Home > Teacher Resources > State > For Colleagues. Download the last 3 documents: 1) Logging in and completing the Resume 2) Logging in and completing the Resume/lesson activity 3) Student Intro. Blank
  • 14. Logging in and completing the Resume This one is straight forward. Add your web address (URL) > save as a Pdf then either email or hand to your colleague. Done! You have now very quickly and easily provided them with the info and resources to run a class lesson. Afterwards, you have the option to log in to the teacher account and view the resumes.
  • 15. Logging in and completing the Resume/Lesson Activity Again, you add your web address (URL) > save as a Pdf then either email or hand to your colleague. However, you can give them the Teacher Outline to the lesson as well. I will show you where these are shortly.
  • 16. Student Intro. Blank This is just a template for you to add your own activity at the end.
  • 17. Colleagues Lesson Teacher Outlines Teacher Account > Students > Activities/Worksheets> Lessons All outlines include where students go to log in. So as long as colleagues know or you give them the web address, they are good to go with just the teacher outline if students are already registered.
  • 18. Colleagues Matrix State Specific This shows many of the features in the Career Tools system and how they align with the various tasks you have to perform in your job.
  • 19. Colleagues Interactions & Interviews This Shows how to record student interviews or interactions and add keywords to students. Also Help Video 10 d, e, f. Workshop 11 will cover Lessons and Activities
  • 20. Q&A Check Your Teacher Message Board for dates and titles of other workshops. www.careertools.com.au