The document discusses several key conventions of thriller genres including:
1) Thrillers often involve a potential crime like murder that keeps audiences engaged in trying to solve.
2) Thrillers feature a protagonist and antagonist, usually with the protagonist drawn into conflict by the antagonist.
3) Common thriller themes include identity, mirroring of characters, and voyeurism of watching unseen.
4) Titles are important in thrillers to convey the tone through visual elements like bold text and dark colors.
5) Mise-en-scene sets the mood through setting details that reflect characters' emotions.
The document discusses several key conventions of thriller genres including:
1) Thrillers often involve a potential crime like murder that keeps audiences engaged by questioning what will happen next.
2) Thrillers feature a protagonist and antagonist, usually with the protagonist drawn into conflict by the antagonist in some way.
3) Key themes in thrillers include identity, mirroring of characters, and voyeurism of watching unseen.
4) Titles and visual elements like mise-en-scene are important for setting the mood of thrillers and conveying emotion through setting and character appearance.
The document discusses the skills the author has gained related to editing and camera work for filmmaking. They learned how to use Sony Vegas Movie Studio software to cut and edit video as well as add visual effects. Continuity editing techniques helped create a more realistic atmosphere from their preliminary task to final product. Camera techniques like close-ups were also useful for creating intensity by showing characters' feelings and emotions.
The document discusses how the media product utilizes and develops conventions of real thriller genres. It uses psychological techniques like disjointed storytelling between past and present, flashbacks, and messing with the audience's perception to build mystery. Tension and suspense are created through camera techniques, grainy film effects, and non-diegetic sound. The typography features a simple sans-serif font on a grey, stained background to convey a creepy, suspenseful tone similar to other thriller films.
This document analyzes magazine front covers for the films Wolverine, Hellboy 2, and The Dark Knight. It discusses how the central images, titles, and color schemes are designed to attract audience attention on store shelves. The Wolverine cover features an angry character to convey the action genre. The Hellboy 2 cover uses red and black colors related to the film. The Dark Knight cover depicts the Joker looking straight at viewers, making them uncomfortable. All of the covers prominently display big Hollywood names and the Empire magazine title to maximize visibility and drive sales.
The document discusses several key conventions of thriller genres including:
1) Thrillers often involve a potential crime like murder that keeps audiences engaged in trying to solve.
2) Thrillers feature a protagonist and antagonist, usually with the protagonist drawn into conflict by the antagonist.
3) Common thriller themes include identity, mirroring of characters, and voyeurism of watching unseen.
4) Titles are important in thrillers to convey the tone through visual elements like bold text and dark colors.
5) Mise-en-scene sets the mood through setting details that reflect characters' emotions.
The document discusses several key conventions of thriller genres including:
1) Thrillers often involve a potential crime like murder that keeps audiences engaged by questioning what will happen next.
2) Thrillers feature a protagonist and antagonist, usually with the protagonist drawn into conflict by the antagonist in some way.
3) Key themes in thrillers include identity, mirroring of characters, and voyeurism of watching unseen.
4) Titles and visual elements like mise-en-scene are important for setting the mood of thrillers and conveying emotion through setting and character appearance.
The document discusses the skills the author has gained related to editing and camera work for filmmaking. They learned how to use Sony Vegas Movie Studio software to cut and edit video as well as add visual effects. Continuity editing techniques helped create a more realistic atmosphere from their preliminary task to final product. Camera techniques like close-ups were also useful for creating intensity by showing characters' feelings and emotions.
The document discusses how the media product utilizes and develops conventions of real thriller genres. It uses psychological techniques like disjointed storytelling between past and present, flashbacks, and messing with the audience's perception to build mystery. Tension and suspense are created through camera techniques, grainy film effects, and non-diegetic sound. The typography features a simple sans-serif font on a grey, stained background to convey a creepy, suspenseful tone similar to other thriller films.
This document analyzes magazine front covers for the films Wolverine, Hellboy 2, and The Dark Knight. It discusses how the central images, titles, and color schemes are designed to attract audience attention on store shelves. The Wolverine cover features an angry character to convey the action genre. The Hellboy 2 cover uses red and black colors related to the film. The Dark Knight cover depicts the Joker looking straight at viewers, making them uncomfortable. All of the covers prominently display big Hollywood names and the Empire magazine title to maximize visibility and drive sales.
2. • Hi havia una vegada, en un poble molt llunyà , un drac
malvat que vivia en una cova, que posseïa les
facultats de caminar, volar i nedar, i tenia l'alè
pudent. Cada dia la gent del poble l’hi portava
3. • La gent del poble l’hi portava verdures a
l’animal ferotge, però va haver-hi un dia
que les verdures es van acabar.
4. • Quan es van acabar les verdures, li van oferir
el bestiar del regne. Però això no va ser
suficient, ja que el bestiar es va acabar en
una setmana.
5. • Els habitants van pensar que si li donaven cada dia
una persona que li serviria de presa, no faria l'estrall
a tort i a dret. Consistia en sotmetre's a un sorteig.
Qui treia la bola vermella, es convertiria en la vÃctima
del drac.
6. • Un dia, realitzant el sorteig, la princesa va ser
l’escollida. S’havia d’entregar al drac. Ella era jove,
bella i esvelta. Hi va haver ciutadans que es van
oferir per reemplaçar-la, però el rei va decidir que
fos la seva filla.
7. • La princesa, una mica moixa i trista, es va
dirigir cap al drac. Tenia molta por i sabia
que la seva vida acabaria aviat.
8. • I.. atenció!! Va aparèixer un jove cavaller
alt i guapo amb el seu cavall blanc. La
princesa es va apartar tota espantada. El
cavaller va començar a lluitar contra el
9. • El cavaller, d’un cop ben fort, va derrotar
al drac amb la seva espasa. De la sang del
drac va sortir una preciosa rosa.
10. • El cavaller, anomenat Sant Jordi, va agafar
la rosa sortida de la sang del drac i li va
regalar a la princesa en sÃmbol del seu
amor. La princesa, molt agraïda, va
acceptar la seva rosa i el seu amor etern.
11. • Per aquest motiu, el dia 23 d’abril
el noi regala una rosa a la seva