Taller de lectura .Text narratiu. Llegenda de Sant JordiBeatriu PalauTreballar el text narratiu a partir dela llegenda de Sant Jordi seguint l'esquema de la mini lliçó.
The United Kingdomguest56c994bThe document provides brief descriptions and odd facts about various landmarks and places of interest in the United Kingdom, including Big Ben, Phoenix Park, the Houses of Parliament, Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Stonehenge, Buckingham Palace, Threave Castle, Sweetheart Abbey, Trinity College, Dublin Zoo, Belfast Castle, the Olympia Theatre, the London Eye, and Oxford University. The landmarks and places of interest are located in cities and towns across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Ireland.
Apa sih tahun baru ituDivky H. PratamaTulisan ini membahas pandangan penulis tentang perayaan Tahun Baru. Penulis menjelaskan bahwa Tahun Baru sering dirayakan dengan berfoya-foya, menggunakan narkoba, dan mabuk-mabukan, namun ada sisi positif lain seperti pedagang yang mendapat untung dan pemulung yang mendapat sisa-sisa perayaan. Penulis menyarankan agar kita memilah mana yang baik dan buruk serta manfaatnya darip
Youth10 PresentationJoanne SooYOUTH'10 is Malaysia's largest annual youth festival held in Kuala Lumpur, now in its third year. Over 100 activities attract 70,000 youth across three zones focused on lifestyle, music/dance, and conferences. Organized in partnership with major media companies and endorsed by the Ministry of Higher Education, YOUTH'10 aims to engage Malaysian youth through collaboration with industry and integration across social media platforms.
Pres Tenute Costa 2010 Eng (Photo)utopiapnThe document provides an overview of Carlo Ferrini's wine estates and operations in Italy. It mentions that he owns estates in Tuscany, Piedmont, and Alto Adige producing wines like Morellino, Barolo, and Appiano. The estates total over 100 hectares of vineyards and he aims for excellence through careful vineyard management, traditional winemaking techniques, and sustainability certification for the wineries.
OER Collective Intelligence storyboardguestbde595We invite feedback on this storyboard, introducing a suite of widgets for pooling the collective intelligence of the OER movement.
OLnet Project - CI Project: http://olnet.org/node/102
UTurm Awesome ConceptU-Turm projectThe document describes 4 interactive scenarios for a public art installation at the U-Turm building. The scenarios tell the story of: 1) building the structure, 2) using x-rays to see life inside, 3) the building breathing, and 4) the future of the living building. Users are represented by silhouettes and can interact in ways that impact the building, such as cleaning or destroying it. The goal is to symbolize revival and new life for the region through an immersive experience.
Taller de lectura .Text narratiu. Llegenda de Sant JordiBeatriu PalauTreballar el text narratiu a partir dela llegenda de Sant Jordi seguint l'esquema de la mini lliçó.
The United Kingdomguest56c994bThe document provides brief descriptions and odd facts about various landmarks and places of interest in the United Kingdom, including Big Ben, Phoenix Park, the Houses of Parliament, Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Stonehenge, Buckingham Palace, Threave Castle, Sweetheart Abbey, Trinity College, Dublin Zoo, Belfast Castle, the Olympia Theatre, the London Eye, and Oxford University. The landmarks and places of interest are located in cities and towns across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Ireland.
Apa sih tahun baru ituDivky H. PratamaTulisan ini membahas pandangan penulis tentang perayaan Tahun Baru. Penulis menjelaskan bahwa Tahun Baru sering dirayakan dengan berfoya-foya, menggunakan narkoba, dan mabuk-mabukan, namun ada sisi positif lain seperti pedagang yang mendapat untung dan pemulung yang mendapat sisa-sisa perayaan. Penulis menyarankan agar kita memilah mana yang baik dan buruk serta manfaatnya darip
Youth10 PresentationJoanne SooYOUTH'10 is Malaysia's largest annual youth festival held in Kuala Lumpur, now in its third year. Over 100 activities attract 70,000 youth across three zones focused on lifestyle, music/dance, and conferences. Organized in partnership with major media companies and endorsed by the Ministry of Higher Education, YOUTH'10 aims to engage Malaysian youth through collaboration with industry and integration across social media platforms.
Pres Tenute Costa 2010 Eng (Photo)utopiapnThe document provides an overview of Carlo Ferrini's wine estates and operations in Italy. It mentions that he owns estates in Tuscany, Piedmont, and Alto Adige producing wines like Morellino, Barolo, and Appiano. The estates total over 100 hectares of vineyards and he aims for excellence through careful vineyard management, traditional winemaking techniques, and sustainability certification for the wineries.
OER Collective Intelligence storyboardguestbde595We invite feedback on this storyboard, introducing a suite of widgets for pooling the collective intelligence of the OER movement.
OLnet Project - CI Project: http://olnet.org/node/102
UTurm Awesome ConceptU-Turm projectThe document describes 4 interactive scenarios for a public art installation at the U-Turm building. The scenarios tell the story of: 1) building the structure, 2) using x-rays to see life inside, 3) the building breathing, and 4) the future of the living building. Users are represented by silhouettes and can interact in ways that impact the building, such as cleaning or destroying it. The goal is to symbolize revival and new life for the region through an immersive experience.
Postively powerful women overview & sponsorshipJoel MartinThe document provides an overview and program details for the 2010 Positively Powerful Women Awards Luncheon held on May 21, 2010 at the Ritz-Carlton in Phoenix. The event honored women leaders who have founded or led successful organizations. The program included welcome remarks, keynote speeches, the presentation of awards to exemplary women leaders, and a panel discussion with the award recipients. Sponsorship opportunities were also outlined for the 2011 event.
Postively Powerful Sponsor InvitationJoel MartinThe awards presentations and panel discussion featuring all of our Positively Powerful Women
will continue to be the spotlight event.
We will honor outstanding Positively Powerful Women who have founded legacy
entrepreneurial and nonprofit organizations.
This year, we will announce our first Positively Powerful Corporate Woman Award Recipient and
our first Positively Powerful Nonprofit Executive Woman Award Recipient.
Concept Gerben MoritzU-Turm projectThe document discusses a hypothetical future scenario where humanity is gone and nature reclaims an abandoned building called the U-Turm. It envisions the building becoming overgrown with plants and inhabited by animals over time. It then presents options for users to interactively prevent this scenario from playing out by wiping out plants, controlling a character like Pacman to remove content, speeding up or reversing the process of deterioration, or cutting branches with sensor-enabled scissors. The goal is to bring the building back to life and keep it from being reclaimed by nature.
Estonia Power Pointguestdb5affThe document provides information about various locations in Estonia, including its capital Tallinn, Kadriorg Palace, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the islands of Saaremaa and Muhu, Kiek-in-de-Kök fortification, the city of Tartu, the Emajõgi River, Toomkirik church, Toompea hill, the Estonian Art Museum, Tallinn Town Hall, the Beit Bella Synagogue, Lahemaa National Park, and the Keila Waterfall. Photographs and sources are provided.
Spiral Dynamics IntegralNino ૐ RosoStages of human development occur in a predictable sequence that cannot be skipped. The stages are archaic, magic, mythic, rational, pluralistic, and integral. Each stage builds upon the previous one by embracing and including it, just as molecules include atoms. Meditation does not alter the stages of development but remarkably accelerates the process, similar to putting oil on a spiral. It speeds up human evolution and the rediscovery of our spiritual nature.
Contes imprescindibles per a l'Educació InfantilJose María Díaz-Crespo RamírezResum del nostre taller de gèneres textuals o de contes al llarg de dos cursos complets de 4 i 5 anys a l'escola de Moncofa. vos incloc recursos i orientacions per a treballar-los.
2. Diapositiva
Resum - ҳܾó (Imatge - text) Posada en escena
En aquest Pecha Kucha exposaré la
llegenda del cavaller de Sant Jordi,
com va matar el drac i va tornar la
pau a un poble i perquè nosaltres, els
catalans regalem roses, llibres a les
persones estimades o de la nostra
Fa molt i molt de temps, el poble de
Montblanc era devastat per un
monstre ferotge i terrible, tenia un alè
2 tant pudent, que des de molt lluny
amb les seves alenades enverinava
l'aire i produïa la mort a tots els qui el
El monstre era l'estrall dels ramats i
les persones, i per tota aquella
contrada regnava el terror més
3 profund. Preocupats per la situació,
els habitants de Montblanc van pensar
en donar al drac, cada dia de menjar a
una persona, per intentar calmar-lo
Però heus aquí que un dia, la sort feu
que li toqués ser devorada a la filla
del rei. Tenia el cor de tots els
ciutadans robats, i per aquest motiu
centenars s'oferiren per substituir-la.
Però el rei, afligit i adolorit, fou just i
sever, la seva filla era com qualsevol
altre. Si li havia tocat hi havia d'anar.
Mentrestant el drac estava esperant el
dinar del dia es va menjar el remat
d’un pobre pagès que des de feia
5 temps el monstre no havia menjat cap
animal dels voltants del poble, ni cap
incendi va formar al bosc.
I així fou com la jove donzella sortí
del castell, una mica nerviosa per
trobar-se amb la bèstia, mentre tot el
6 poble mirava desconsolat i afligit com
la princesa es dirigia cap al sacrifici.
La princesa es va tindré que esperar
una miqueta a que el drac hi anés.
3. Però mentre la noia es dirigia cap al
cau del monstre, un jove cavaller,
amb una brillant armadura , muntat
7 sobre un cavall marro. Ella li va dir
que marxes però ell li va contestar que
estava aquí per salvar-la de la fera
De cop i volta va sortir la fera, davant
l'horror de la princesa i el goig del
cavaller. Va començar una intensa
8 però breu lluita, fins que el cavaller li
va clavar una bona estocada amb la
seva llança, que va deixar malferida a
la terrible bèstia i la matar.
De la sang que en brollà, en sorgí
ràpidament un roser, amb les roses
més vermelles que la princesa hagués
9 vist mai, roser del que el jove cavaller
en tallà una rosa i li oferí a la
La festa s'ha convertit amb el temps
en el dia dels enamorats: l'enamorat
regala a l'estimada una rosa vermella.
Més tard es va generalitzar el costum
que, com contrapartida, les dones
regalessin un llibre als seus estimats,
al coincidir la data amb el Dia del