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Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
German Village Society: Sidewalk Repair Initiative
Autumn 2015 | The Ohio State University
Executive Board Advisor: Bryan Gemler
Project Manager: Stefan Spanu
Consultants: Jay Gao, Jehan Madan, Lauren March, Paulina Stefano
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
Executive Summary 3
Population Research 5
The Problem 6
Defining the Problem 6
 Field Studies
 Amazon Mechanical Turk
 Cost Function
Solution 12
Repair Methodology 13
Marketing 15
Implementation 17
Metrics of Success 18
Value Added/Conclusion 18
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
On behalf of Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations, we would like to thank
German Village Society for granting us the privilege to consult for them. It has been a
compelling yet challenging experience- one that we hope impacts German Village Society to
the level of which it has impacted us. By utilizing the results of our research hand-in-hand
with the final documents that we have developed over the last 12 weeks, we hope to provide
German Village Society and its neighbourhood with a well-founded source of direction and
assistance in its greater mission of serving the good people of German Village. It is our
desire and intention to continue our professional relationship going forward.
Before highlighting the results of our project cycle, we would like to briefly share some
insight into our organization. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations is a national
organization that strives to assist in progressing nonprofit growth and affluence in local
communities through the consultation of dedicated undergraduate students. We adhere
strongly to our five core values: impact, quality, drive, stewardship, and volunteerism. Our
particular chapter at The Ohio State University is composed of 55+ committed
undergraduate students, representing a diversity of majors. Last spring we were honoured
with Fisher College of Businesss Best Application of Business Skills award for the fifth
consecutive year. We constantly aim to improve the quality of our consultants and services
to be of the highest caliber.
Our consultation was called for to contribute to German Village Societys prioritized
sidewalk repair initiative by ultimately providing documents and guidelines of support. This
includes but is not limited to the marketing behind the initiative, grant support, fund
maintenance, and a sustainable financial system. In order to gain a well-defined
understanding of the general sidewalk conditions within German Village, we conducted two
field studies by using resources provided to us by German Village Society, advice from
distinguished Fisher professor of Marketing and Logistics Dr. Robert Smith, and criteria in
line with the Columbus City Code. From the combined results of our two field studies, we
have determined, amongst other findings, that:
 Commercial sidewalks are in much better condition than residential sidewalks
 75% of the properties surveyed have brick sidewalks
With this in mind, we decided that it would be most effective to narrow our target audience
to residential property owners with brick sidewalks around high traffic areas. This will be
discussed in further detail in the Marketing chapter of our report.
We have created a tool that can allow German Village Society to estimate the cost of
repairing the sidewalks in any given neighborhood only by knowing the number of houses in
that neighborhood. We found that the total cost to repair sidewalks would be approximately
$275 per household in that neighborhood, with German Village Society providing
approximately $125 of that total for each house. This tool is an important method of
estimating future costs before taking on a segment of houses to target for repair. In order for
German Village Society to fund these repairs, we recommend that German Village Society
implement a grant system to assist homeowners in financial need. The money from this
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
grant system will be raised by a combination of expanding German Village Societys existing
corporate sponsorships, individual donations, and by applying for a list of specific grants
that are outlined further in this report.
We have constructed several presentable visuals and documents in order to educate, clarify,
and help walk residents through the proper courses of actions in repairing their sidewalks.
These visuals include flyers that can be distributed to homeowners throughout German
We leave German Village Society with metrics of success in addition to a timeline of
recommend phases.
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
German Village is home to a diverse population of residents, ranging from the young
professional to the retiree. The range of different backgrounds creates a vibrant culture and
attractive neighborhood; it also introduces a unique challenge in community outreach and
As a whole, German Village residents spend less on household improvement  for every
$100 an average American spends, a German Village resident spends $931
. The reason for
below-average spending is an interesting one - the average household income in German
Village in 2013 was $56,000  well above the national average of $50,000. While the overall
income of residents is high, so too is the number of renters. Over half of German Village
residents rent, suggesting a clear disconnect between what landlords are willing to pay for
and what should be repaired.
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
German Village sidewalks have deteriorated over time due to a lack of large-scale repair
projects, leading to tripping hazards and unaesthetically pleasing appearances. The current
sidewalk conditions take away from the beauty and tradition of German Village, the
attractiveness of businesses, and home resale value. Our group has prepared a solution to
systematically repair the majority of sidewalks in German Village over a four-year period.
Before proposing a solution to the condition of German Village sidewalks, we had to first
understand the magnitude of the problem. To address this, our group created and executed
two field studies, focusing on the neighbourhoods sidewalk conditions, and statistically
analyzed the results. The purpose of these field studies was to estimate the overall breadth of
the problem without having to survey every sidewalk in German Village.
We conducted two field studies in German Village, on October 11th
and November 7th
. We
surveyed 147 properties, which is a statically satisfying sample to assess and estimate the
sidewalk conditions in German Village. By surveying the sidewalks ourselves, we were able
to view the conditions from the resident perspective, which furnished us with an emphatic
assessment towards those whom we are going to target. Additionally, by collecting a
significant amount of samples, we were able to elicit certain trends that will be conducive to
prioritizing our strategy.
With the assistance of Dr. Robert Smith, a Statistics professor within the Fisher College of
Business at The Ohio State University, we designed and organized the survey sheet which we
used to conduct our surveys (shown below). We decided to use the four standards provided
by the Columbus City Code as the parameters to assess the degree of damage of the
1. Patches of exposed gravel deeper than 1/2 inch
2. Cracks wider than 1/2 inch
3. Raised lips higher than 1/2 inch
4. Slopes greater than 10% grade
Quantitatively, we measured how many sidewalks met each of those criteria. Qualitatively,
we established three levels of sidewalk condition classification:
1. Good: Does not meet criteria
2. Medium: Meets just one criterion
3. Poor: Meets multiple criteria or doubles one criterion
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
For independent yet influential variables, we included the following categories:
 Type of Property
 Sidewalk Material
 Tree(s) Existence
o Further divided into Small, Medium, or Large tree(s)
 Closeness to Commercial Establishments
In avoidance of undue complexities that might undermine us reaching sound conclusions,
we adopted certain assumptions to simplify the data analysis, while maintaining its
stringency. First and foremost, we classified renters as homeowners, for isolating renters as
an independent category would not productively contribute to our trend searching, but
would, on the contrary, import unnecessary complication. Secondly, we classified and
assessed trees by their size, which was determined through visual estimation due to lack of
proper measurement methods; however, the internal standards of classification remained
uniform. Thirdly, as mentioned above, we adopted the Columbus City Code as a means to
assess the level of sidewalk damage. Lastly, the standards to determine the closeness from
each residence to commercial establishments were nebulous, thus we had to roughly assess
the distance through a visual means. We did so with no perfunctory manner; similar to our
method of assessment for tree size, as a team we set up internally unanimous standards,
which was to classify sidewalks as:
1. Close: Adjoin commercial establishments
2. Medium: Where commercial establishments were in sight
3. Far: All the rest
We organized and arranged our data into an Excel Spreadsheet (shown below).
Quantitatively, a few essential numbers are elicited from the data we have collected, by
combining the first and second field study results. First, we averaged the number of
sidewalks per residential property to be 1.5. Then, focusing on residential sidewalks, we
massed the total number of damaged residential sidewalks with each of the four parameters
and dived them by the total number of residential sidewalks. By this process, we realized
that, with respect to three out of 4 the four parameters, nearly half of all residential
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
sidewalks meet the criteria. In addition, we calculated the average square foot of
damaged residential sidewalks to be 13 square feet.
Qualitatively, in regards to the independent variables that we established, we identified
several significant trends. First of all, using the Columbus City Code as our means of
sidewalk damage assessment, commercial sidewalks are in better condition than
residential sidewalks, as shown in our graph below. Further more, the closer the
sidewalks are to commercial establishments, the better condition they are in. Lastly,
trees are detrimental to the sidewalks; the bigger the trees are, the worse conditions the
sidewalks are in.
Below is a map highlighting the streets that we covered on our culminated field studies, in
addition to radiuses of coverage. In our first field study, we documented specific houses that
were surveyed and marked our routes on the map (this route is shown in yellow). In the
second field study, to maximize the number of sidewalks covered in a fixed amount of time,
we surveyed the radiuses seen below outlined in blue without marking down our specific
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
Amazon Mechanical Turk is an online resource that allows for Requesters to create HITs, or
human intelligence tasks. HITs consist of short surveys that workers get paid a set amount
to complete, which is determined by the Requester. For the Requesters to collect data, they
simply fund their account via Amazon payments, load a task (or short survey), and
compile the results after a self-designated time period.
Our survey was first generated using Qualtrics. We then linked that same survey to Amazon
Mechanical Turk. The survey consisted of four questions:
1. If you were to trip on a damaged sidewalk and become seriously injured, how
likely would you be to sue the property owner for not maintaining his sidewalk?
(Given that it is the property owners responsibility to maintain the condition of
their sidewalk)
2. In a recent sidewalk injury case, a man who incurred injuries from a height
differential on a homeowners sidewalk settled out for $63,500. The average cost
to replace a brick sidewalk is $3,500. With this new information, how likely
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
would you be to sue the property owner for not maintaining their sidewalk, if
you were to trip and incur serious injuries?
3. Keeping the information from Question 2 in mind, from the perspective of a
property owner, how likely would you be to fix your damaged sidewalk?
4. What would be the maximum cost you would be willing to pay to replace your
damaged brick sidewalk?
The purpose of the Questions 1-3 were to gauge how likely a person would be to sue a
property owner from the injured pedestrians perspective and to fix their sidewalk from the
property owners perspective, from both an uninformed and an informed standpoint. This
comparison was done to determine whether or not educating residents about the potential
risks of not repairing their sidewalk and about the actual cost of repairs would increase their
likelihood to repair their damaged brick sidewalks. This survey was first created with an
estimate of $3,500 to replace a residential brick sidewalk, which was later downscaled in
order to estimate what percentage of a sidewalks repair cost a resident was willing to pay.
The results of Questions 1 and 2 were inconclusive individually, in that there was not a
single level of likelihood that encompassed more than 21% of responses. However, when
comparing the results from Questions 1 and 2, the mean likelihood level for a pedestrian to
sue increased from 3.71 to 4.19 (where 1 represents very unlikely and 7 represents very
likely). This demonstrates that when people are aware of the cost of repair and the possibility
of a high settlement amount, they would be more likely to sue the homeowner. This fact can
be used as a fear factor in method of convincing homeowners to repair their sidewalks.
The results of Question 3 show a very clear trend from the perspective of the property
owner that when educated about the potential risks, residents would be very likely to fix their
damaged sidewalks, as shown in our graph below.
Question 4 served to determine an average homeowner willingness to pay to repair a
residential brick sidewalk. Since the average cost of repair provided in the survey was $3,500,
a sum that was higher than the final decision of average cost, the results were adjusted to
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
reflect what percentage of the cost a homeowner was willing to pay. By standardizing the
results of Question 4 based on the percentage of responses in each amount category, we
were able to determine an average willingness to pay of 55%.
The information from the field studies and Amazon Mechanical Turk was obtained in order
to estimate, on average, how much money it would cost German Village Society to repair the
sidewalks for each residential house. The equation below was derived in order to utilize the
gathered information to estimate this parameter.
The primary target of German Village Society will be residential sidewalks in poor
condition. By utilizing the equation above, along with values of each of these parameters, the
average cost to repair sidewalks per house for German Village Society is $125. This number
can be used to estimate the cost of repairing sidewalks in a given zone only by knowing the
number of houses in that zone. For example, applying this number to a theoretical street of
20 houses, German Village Society should plan on providing $2,500 for the repair project,
even though we estimate that approximately only six houses on that street will need their
sidewalks repaired. The average contribution that German Village Society should expect to
make to each of these houses whose sidewalks are in critical need of repair is approximately
Cost to German Village Society ($) =
Margin x
巨  咋

% of Poor Condition Sidewalks x
巨  咋

Margin = Cost to Replace/Install Brick + Cost of Tree/Root Removal  Resident
Willingness to Pay
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
In order to facilitate the repair of the neighbourhood sidewalks, German Village Society will
establish a grant system to assist residents who cannot afford to pay for all of or part of the
sidewalk repair. The money required for this grant system will be acquired through German
Village Societys traditional methods (corporate sponsorship, membership dues, etc.), as well
as from grants.
Residents who submit an application for financial assistance for their sidewalk repair can
utilize the grant system. Said residents will submit an application roughly based on the
questions found in a traditional FAFSA form, giving German Village Society income
information about the resident. Residents whose need is established and proven will be
provided either complete or partial financial assistance based on their respective level of
The proposed method of allocating funds once a grant or other resource is obtained is an
application similar to Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. These forms are
a method established by the federal government used as a guideline for financial aid
eligibility regarding college students and higher education. An online FAFSA form can be
found in the footnote below2
. The purpose of this form regarding German Village Society is
to present a clear resident need to streamline decision-making when allocating funds. The
application for German Village Society will be similar to the FAFSA form because of the
similar information required to complete it and the confidential method of dealing with the
associated information. This application can be available to members of German Village via
German Village Societys electronic newsletter, the German Village Gazette, and German
Village Society official website. This application would be clearly advertised as a method of
aiding residents in need of a subsidy to repair sidewalks.
While some residents may require more than others, as a whole, the average aid from
German Village Society should converge on $125 per house. It should be noted that this
value incorporates houses whose sidewalks are not damaged. Isolating only houses that are
damaged/will require repair (and thus are likely to submit an application for financial
assistance), German Village Society should expect to pay out on average $400 per house.
In order to financially facilitate this proposed grant system, there are several avenues to
explore in respect to applying for grants. These organizations show a similarity to German
Village Society and are likely to provide adequate financial resources. Three potential
avenues were selected as the most beneficial entities to invest time into applying. Each grant
requires an application that entails a summary of the problem, a budget, statistics regarding
the existing sidewalks, and a timeline for a potential solution. These grant components can
be compiled from information found in the subsequent report that outlines the information
our team has gathered.
One option to acquire funding for the sidewalk repair initiative is the National Trust for
Historical Preservation, for they are one of the largest organizations of their kind whom fully
2 https://fafsa.ed.gov/fotw1415/pdf/PdfFafsa14-15.pdf
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
support historical conservation-based projects. Funding is awarded to nonprofit
organizations and public agencies. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has awarded
over one million in grant funding to almost 200 various projects nationwide. Grants from
the National Trust are awarded annually in three cycles throughout the year.
A second applicable prospect to receive funding is Preservation Ohio, an organization that
focuses on helping preserve historical areas in Ohio. This association is a strong endorser of
historical preservation-based projects and initiatives, and presents the possibility of a more
long-term funding possibility. Preservation Ohio does not focus on grants; rather they are an
organization highly concerned with the well being of historically prevalent areas around
Ohio and are a suitable candidate for aid.
An additional option is to pursue the previous funding that German Village Society has
received in the past, but this time petition for funding that would apply to the sidewalk
repair initiative. The funding was received through the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging,
an organization that focuses on aging and disabilities in the central Ohio or Columbus area.
An integral aspect of the sidewalk initiative is to allow for a greater mobility for the elderly
residents of German Village Society. This grant possibility also provides the stability of
having received funding in the past, and the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging
understanding the ultimate goals behind the German Village Societys mission.
As part of our proposed methodology in restoration of the German Village sidewalks, we
conducted expedient research on the proper procedures one should take towards repairing
the curbs of a sidewalk. The curbs are in fact the citys responsibility to repair. We have
prepared a detailed step-by-step instruction that residents can follow in aim to getting their
sidewalks fixed. This would not only augment the awareness among the residents, but also
help to facilitate the curb fixing process:
1. Contact the Department of Public Service Permits Section at (614) 645-7497
prior to starting any curb work.
2. Send an application via e-mail to ColsPermits@Columbus.gov or via mail to
Department of Public Service Permits Section, 50 West Gay Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215,
including ones name and address, daytime telephone, and address of damaged
city curb.
3. City personnel inspects curb prior to removal in order to qualify for
reimbursement program.
4. City personnel notifies property owner of the inspection results and if the
damaged curb qualifies for reimbursement program.
5. If approved, one should hire a bonded and licensed contractor and arrange for the
work to begin. One must have obtained a no-cost permit at 50 West Gay Street
prior to starting any work.
6. Pay the contractor in full for the job, and then provide the city with a copy of the
receipt or other proof of payment. The city confirms all the required information
has been submitted and arranges for a final inspection.
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
7. Reimbursement is processed. If the repair/replacement is approved, then a check
will be sent to respective homeowner. Normal reimbursement time is 4-6 weeks.
Current reimbursement rate is $32.00 per lineal foot of approved curbing. This
rate is evaluated from time to time and adjusted to stay in line with the industry
The decision tree below functions as an aid to residents in deciding whether or not their
brick sidewalk should be repaired, and whether or not they should attempt said repair
themselves. The decision tree serves as a rough outline and provides several specific
parameters that should be considered when contemplating both partial or full sidewalk
replacement. It also shows homeowners that they can reduce the cost of repairing their
sidewalk by performing the labor themselves, if they are able, which will further convince
residents to make the necessary repairs.
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
German Village Societys goal is to generate motivation within the residents of German
Village to repair their sidewalks. German Village Society will focus on residential property
owners with brick sidewalks around high traffic areas.
The following is a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (S.W.O.T.) analysis
our team erected in purpose of grasping all variables in the construction of the marketing
- German Village Societys established reputation
- Strong overall unity throughout the German Village neighbourhood
- Key pre-established relationships (brick supplier, tree removal city worker, etc.)
- No competitors
- Potential financial burden of executing such a project
- Wide range of residents to educate and market towards
- Convince residents of importance of sidewalk repair
- Use creative methods to reach out to residents
- Surprisingly lower than anticipated costs associated with sidewalk renovation
- Financial implications for residents and German Village Society
- Inconvenience factor
- The fact that renovating ones sidewalk is optional; this is not something German Village
Society is stressing must be done, rather it should be done
Marketing Strategy
German Village Societys strategy will be based on communicating the initiative for
residential homeowners within the German Village neighbourhood to repair their sidewalks.
If the resident population of German Village can be educated on the essential facts and
figures of this topic, they will be motivated to repair their sidewalks. Educate, Inform, and
The first method of communicating this information will be through flyer distribution.
Concise and visually appealing flyers will be dispersed amongst the residential properties
throughout German Village. These flyers will be positioned at the respective property sites,
including door handles, mailboxes, and car windows. Additionally, these flyers will be placed
in local community gathering spots that generate significant neighbourhood traffic, such as
caf辿s and recreational centers. The flyers will serve as a means to educate the target audience
by informing them of the safety and financial risks of damaged sidewalks, as well as
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
emphasizing the sustainable and affordable aspects of renovating brick sidewalks. Below are
two flyers we have designed.
Through the continuation and expansion of the sidewalk repair workshops, the residents will
be informed of the process that entails sidewalk repair. These explanatory workshops will
educate the German Village population on how to properly repair ones sidewalk. In
addition, these workshops will bring various homeowners together, naturally strengthening
the community dynamic. We encourage the expansion of these workshops by scheduling
them more frequently throughout the year, and allowing more volunteers to attend.
By posting an informative video, this will serve to demonstrate how to repair a sidewalk. This
video will be easily accessible to the residents of German Village, for it will be shared on
German Village Societys official website and German Village Gazette, as well as the weekly
electronic newsletters. A link to the video can be placed on the informative flyer, directing
the audience towards this electronic resource.
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
To facilitate the introduction of this repair strategy, the initial trial project will be broken
up into 3 distinct phases, as shown below.
In the Preparation phase, German Village Society will procure funding for a relatively small-
scale trial of the proposed system methodology. German Village Society will secure this
funding either in form of payment or pledged future payments. The variety of grants
outlined in this report should be coupled with money from existing sponsors or new
corporate sponsors who donate for the purpose of sidewalk renewal. Besides finances,
German Village Society will out to their partner landscaper and brick companies and
coordinate for an increase in demand from German Village residents when the Execution
phase begins.
In the Execution phase, German Village Society will make a clear and obvious visual
statement to residents of German Village as well as general visitors that a sidewalk repair
overhaul is in process. To do this, they will choose areas of German Village that are most
noticeable and also in most need of repair  residential houses on main streets. We estimate
that the total number of such houses is approximately 200  by utilizing the equation
explained in this report, a 200-house neighborhood repair initiative should cost around
$25,000 for German Village Society for repair. From our field studies, we expect that the
total number of houses sidewalks that will be repaired in this 200-house segment will be
approximately 65. We further expect that this phase will take approximately three years (36
months), equating to roughly 20 houses sidewalks repaired each year. German Village
Society will reach out to and motivate residents through marketing initiatives detailed in the
previous section.
In the Evaluation phase, German Village will pause from its repair projects and evaluate how
the execution phase was carried out. Metrics for success are outlined in the next section.
Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations
In the Preparation phase, we believe that German Village Society should have the full
expected cost of $25,000 collected and/or pledged. Since German Village Societys resources
and attention will be focused on sidewalk repair during the Execution phase, we believe that
the trial initiative should begin only with solid sources of funding.
In the Execution phase, we believe that German Village Society should be able to repair at
least 85% of the sidewalks with a poor classification in the 200-house sector of residents
living on main streets. We leave a 15% room for error due to unexpected costs incurred
during either the Preparation or Execution phase, homeowners who outright refuse to repair
their sidewalks, or time challenges in repairing this many sidewalks in a three-year period.
In the Evaluation phase, German Village Society will answer 3 principal questions in regards
to this proposed repair system:
1. Will German Village Society continue with this repair system/are there any
additional sources of funding/community support from the attention the trial phase
2. If so, will German Village Society stay with their current partner brick supplier &
landscaper sponsors?
3. If so, what area of repair will German Village Society choose to target next?
Examples could include residents with fair sidewalk classification along main
streets or residents with poor sidewalk classification in a less-trafficked section of
the neighborhood.
When picking the next area for repair, we highly recommend that German Village Society
target one sector of residents at a time. The purpose of this approach is not only to make the
success of a repair initiative very clear to residents (i.e. a resident walking along that street is
less likely to notice if only half a street is repaired rather than an entire neighbourhood), but
also to create an efficient and clear logistical operations for eventually repairing the majority
of sidewalks in German Village.
We believe that the good people of German Village will benefit from this sidewalk repair
initiative through the increased walkability and mobility of the German Village
neighbourhood, greater community comradery, and the enhancement of the general beauty
and aesthetic neighbourhood appeal.
Through the culmination of our work, we provide German Village Society with instrumental
resources in line with their sidewalk repair initiative, which we hope contributes to the higher
value of their mission. Thank you once again for partnering with Students Consulting for
Nonprofit Organizations.

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SCNO German Village Society Final Report

  • 1. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations German Village Society: Sidewalk Repair Initiative Autumn 2015 | The Ohio State University Executive Board Advisor: Bryan Gemler Project Manager: Stefan Spanu Consultants: Jay Gao, Jehan Madan, Lauren March, Paulina Stefano
  • 2. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 3 Population Research 5 The Problem 6 Defining the Problem 6 Field Studies Amazon Mechanical Turk Cost Function Solution 12 Repair Methodology 13 Marketing 15 Implementation 17 Metrics of Success 18 Value Added/Conclusion 18
  • 3. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On behalf of Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations, we would like to thank German Village Society for granting us the privilege to consult for them. It has been a compelling yet challenging experience- one that we hope impacts German Village Society to the level of which it has impacted us. By utilizing the results of our research hand-in-hand with the final documents that we have developed over the last 12 weeks, we hope to provide German Village Society and its neighbourhood with a well-founded source of direction and assistance in its greater mission of serving the good people of German Village. It is our desire and intention to continue our professional relationship going forward. Before highlighting the results of our project cycle, we would like to briefly share some insight into our organization. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations is a national organization that strives to assist in progressing nonprofit growth and affluence in local communities through the consultation of dedicated undergraduate students. We adhere strongly to our five core values: impact, quality, drive, stewardship, and volunteerism. Our particular chapter at The Ohio State University is composed of 55+ committed undergraduate students, representing a diversity of majors. Last spring we were honoured with Fisher College of Businesss Best Application of Business Skills award for the fifth consecutive year. We constantly aim to improve the quality of our consultants and services to be of the highest caliber. Our consultation was called for to contribute to German Village Societys prioritized sidewalk repair initiative by ultimately providing documents and guidelines of support. This includes but is not limited to the marketing behind the initiative, grant support, fund maintenance, and a sustainable financial system. In order to gain a well-defined understanding of the general sidewalk conditions within German Village, we conducted two field studies by using resources provided to us by German Village Society, advice from distinguished Fisher professor of Marketing and Logistics Dr. Robert Smith, and criteria in line with the Columbus City Code. From the combined results of our two field studies, we have determined, amongst other findings, that: Commercial sidewalks are in much better condition than residential sidewalks 75% of the properties surveyed have brick sidewalks With this in mind, we decided that it would be most effective to narrow our target audience to residential property owners with brick sidewalks around high traffic areas. This will be discussed in further detail in the Marketing chapter of our report. We have created a tool that can allow German Village Society to estimate the cost of repairing the sidewalks in any given neighborhood only by knowing the number of houses in that neighborhood. We found that the total cost to repair sidewalks would be approximately $275 per household in that neighborhood, with German Village Society providing approximately $125 of that total for each house. This tool is an important method of estimating future costs before taking on a segment of houses to target for repair. In order for German Village Society to fund these repairs, we recommend that German Village Society implement a grant system to assist homeowners in financial need. The money from this
  • 4. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 4 grant system will be raised by a combination of expanding German Village Societys existing corporate sponsorships, individual donations, and by applying for a list of specific grants that are outlined further in this report. We have constructed several presentable visuals and documents in order to educate, clarify, and help walk residents through the proper courses of actions in repairing their sidewalks. These visuals include flyers that can be distributed to homeowners throughout German Village. We leave German Village Society with metrics of success in addition to a timeline of recommend phases.
  • 5. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 5 GERMAN VILLAGE POPULATION RESEARCH German Village is home to a diverse population of residents, ranging from the young professional to the retiree. The range of different backgrounds creates a vibrant culture and attractive neighborhood; it also introduces a unique challenge in community outreach and motivation. As a whole, German Village residents spend less on household improvement for every $100 an average American spends, a German Village resident spends $931 . The reason for below-average spending is an interesting one - the average household income in German Village in 2013 was $56,000 well above the national average of $50,000. While the overall income of residents is high, so too is the number of renters. Over half of German Village residents rent, suggesting a clear disconnect between what landlords are willing to pay for and what should be repaired. 1 http://www.point2homes.com/US/Neighborhood/OH/Columbus/German-Village- Demographics.html
  • 6. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 6 THE PROBLEM German Village sidewalks have deteriorated over time due to a lack of large-scale repair projects, leading to tripping hazards and unaesthetically pleasing appearances. The current sidewalk conditions take away from the beauty and tradition of German Village, the attractiveness of businesses, and home resale value. Our group has prepared a solution to systematically repair the majority of sidewalks in German Village over a four-year period. Before proposing a solution to the condition of German Village sidewalks, we had to first understand the magnitude of the problem. To address this, our group created and executed two field studies, focusing on the neighbourhoods sidewalk conditions, and statistically analyzed the results. The purpose of these field studies was to estimate the overall breadth of the problem without having to survey every sidewalk in German Village. DEFINING THE PROBLEM FIELD STUDIES We conducted two field studies in German Village, on October 11th and November 7th . We surveyed 147 properties, which is a statically satisfying sample to assess and estimate the sidewalk conditions in German Village. By surveying the sidewalks ourselves, we were able to view the conditions from the resident perspective, which furnished us with an emphatic assessment towards those whom we are going to target. Additionally, by collecting a significant amount of samples, we were able to elicit certain trends that will be conducive to prioritizing our strategy. With the assistance of Dr. Robert Smith, a Statistics professor within the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University, we designed and organized the survey sheet which we used to conduct our surveys (shown below). We decided to use the four standards provided by the Columbus City Code as the parameters to assess the degree of damage of the sidewalks: 1. Patches of exposed gravel deeper than 1/2 inch 2. Cracks wider than 1/2 inch 3. Raised lips higher than 1/2 inch 4. Slopes greater than 10% grade Quantitatively, we measured how many sidewalks met each of those criteria. Qualitatively, we established three levels of sidewalk condition classification: 1. Good: Does not meet criteria 2. Medium: Meets just one criterion 3. Poor: Meets multiple criteria or doubles one criterion
  • 7. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 7 For independent yet influential variables, we included the following categories: Type of Property Sidewalk Material Tree(s) Existence o Further divided into Small, Medium, or Large tree(s) Closeness to Commercial Establishments In avoidance of undue complexities that might undermine us reaching sound conclusions, we adopted certain assumptions to simplify the data analysis, while maintaining its stringency. First and foremost, we classified renters as homeowners, for isolating renters as an independent category would not productively contribute to our trend searching, but would, on the contrary, import unnecessary complication. Secondly, we classified and assessed trees by their size, which was determined through visual estimation due to lack of proper measurement methods; however, the internal standards of classification remained uniform. Thirdly, as mentioned above, we adopted the Columbus City Code as a means to assess the level of sidewalk damage. Lastly, the standards to determine the closeness from each residence to commercial establishments were nebulous, thus we had to roughly assess the distance through a visual means. We did so with no perfunctory manner; similar to our method of assessment for tree size, as a team we set up internally unanimous standards, which was to classify sidewalks as: 1. Close: Adjoin commercial establishments 2. Medium: Where commercial establishments were in sight 3. Far: All the rest We organized and arranged our data into an Excel Spreadsheet (shown below). Quantitatively, a few essential numbers are elicited from the data we have collected, by combining the first and second field study results. First, we averaged the number of sidewalks per residential property to be 1.5. Then, focusing on residential sidewalks, we massed the total number of damaged residential sidewalks with each of the four parameters and dived them by the total number of residential sidewalks. By this process, we realized that, with respect to three out of 4 the four parameters, nearly half of all residential
  • 8. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 8 sidewalks meet the criteria. In addition, we calculated the average square foot of damaged residential sidewalks to be 13 square feet. Qualitatively, in regards to the independent variables that we established, we identified several significant trends. First of all, using the Columbus City Code as our means of sidewalk damage assessment, commercial sidewalks are in better condition than residential sidewalks, as shown in our graph below. Further more, the closer the sidewalks are to commercial establishments, the better condition they are in. Lastly, trees are detrimental to the sidewalks; the bigger the trees are, the worse conditions the sidewalks are in. Below is a map highlighting the streets that we covered on our culminated field studies, in addition to radiuses of coverage. In our first field study, we documented specific houses that were surveyed and marked our routes on the map (this route is shown in yellow). In the second field study, to maximize the number of sidewalks covered in a fixed amount of time, we surveyed the radiuses seen below outlined in blue without marking down our specific path.
  • 9. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 9 DEFINING THE PROBLEM AMAZON MECHANICAL TURK Amazon Mechanical Turk is an online resource that allows for Requesters to create HITs, or human intelligence tasks. HITs consist of short surveys that workers get paid a set amount to complete, which is determined by the Requester. For the Requesters to collect data, they simply fund their account via Amazon payments, load a task (or short survey), and compile the results after a self-designated time period. Our survey was first generated using Qualtrics. We then linked that same survey to Amazon Mechanical Turk. The survey consisted of four questions: 1. If you were to trip on a damaged sidewalk and become seriously injured, how likely would you be to sue the property owner for not maintaining his sidewalk? (Given that it is the property owners responsibility to maintain the condition of their sidewalk) 2. In a recent sidewalk injury case, a man who incurred injuries from a height differential on a homeowners sidewalk settled out for $63,500. The average cost to replace a brick sidewalk is $3,500. With this new information, how likely
  • 10. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 10 would you be to sue the property owner for not maintaining their sidewalk, if you were to trip and incur serious injuries? 3. Keeping the information from Question 2 in mind, from the perspective of a property owner, how likely would you be to fix your damaged sidewalk? 4. What would be the maximum cost you would be willing to pay to replace your damaged brick sidewalk? The purpose of the Questions 1-3 were to gauge how likely a person would be to sue a property owner from the injured pedestrians perspective and to fix their sidewalk from the property owners perspective, from both an uninformed and an informed standpoint. This comparison was done to determine whether or not educating residents about the potential risks of not repairing their sidewalk and about the actual cost of repairs would increase their likelihood to repair their damaged brick sidewalks. This survey was first created with an estimate of $3,500 to replace a residential brick sidewalk, which was later downscaled in order to estimate what percentage of a sidewalks repair cost a resident was willing to pay. The results of Questions 1 and 2 were inconclusive individually, in that there was not a single level of likelihood that encompassed more than 21% of responses. However, when comparing the results from Questions 1 and 2, the mean likelihood level for a pedestrian to sue increased from 3.71 to 4.19 (where 1 represents very unlikely and 7 represents very likely). This demonstrates that when people are aware of the cost of repair and the possibility of a high settlement amount, they would be more likely to sue the homeowner. This fact can be used as a fear factor in method of convincing homeowners to repair their sidewalks. The results of Question 3 show a very clear trend from the perspective of the property owner that when educated about the potential risks, residents would be very likely to fix their damaged sidewalks, as shown in our graph below. Question 4 served to determine an average homeowner willingness to pay to repair a residential brick sidewalk. Since the average cost of repair provided in the survey was $3,500, a sum that was higher than the final decision of average cost, the results were adjusted to
  • 11. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 11 reflect what percentage of the cost a homeowner was willing to pay. By standardizing the results of Question 4 based on the percentage of responses in each amount category, we were able to determine an average willingness to pay of 55%. DEFINING THE PROBLEM COST FUNCTION The information from the field studies and Amazon Mechanical Turk was obtained in order to estimate, on average, how much money it would cost German Village Society to repair the sidewalks for each residential house. The equation below was derived in order to utilize the gathered information to estimate this parameter. The primary target of German Village Society will be residential sidewalks in poor condition. By utilizing the equation above, along with values of each of these parameters, the average cost to repair sidewalks per house for German Village Society is $125. This number can be used to estimate the cost of repairing sidewalks in a given zone only by knowing the number of houses in that zone. For example, applying this number to a theoretical street of 20 houses, German Village Society should plan on providing $2,500 for the repair project, even though we estimate that approximately only six houses on that street will need their sidewalks repaired. The average contribution that German Village Society should expect to make to each of these houses whose sidewalks are in critical need of repair is approximately $400. Cost to German Village Society ($) = Margin x 咋 咋 x 巨 咋 x % of Poor Condition Sidewalks x 巨 咋 x 巨 諮 Margin = Cost to Replace/Install Brick + Cost of Tree/Root Removal Resident Willingness to Pay
  • 12. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 12 SOLUTION In order to facilitate the repair of the neighbourhood sidewalks, German Village Society will establish a grant system to assist residents who cannot afford to pay for all of or part of the sidewalk repair. The money required for this grant system will be acquired through German Village Societys traditional methods (corporate sponsorship, membership dues, etc.), as well as from grants. Residents who submit an application for financial assistance for their sidewalk repair can utilize the grant system. Said residents will submit an application roughly based on the questions found in a traditional FAFSA form, giving German Village Society income information about the resident. Residents whose need is established and proven will be provided either complete or partial financial assistance based on their respective level of need. The proposed method of allocating funds once a grant or other resource is obtained is an application similar to Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. These forms are a method established by the federal government used as a guideline for financial aid eligibility regarding college students and higher education. An online FAFSA form can be found in the footnote below2 . The purpose of this form regarding German Village Society is to present a clear resident need to streamline decision-making when allocating funds. The application for German Village Society will be similar to the FAFSA form because of the similar information required to complete it and the confidential method of dealing with the associated information. This application can be available to members of German Village via German Village Societys electronic newsletter, the German Village Gazette, and German Village Society official website. This application would be clearly advertised as a method of aiding residents in need of a subsidy to repair sidewalks. While some residents may require more than others, as a whole, the average aid from German Village Society should converge on $125 per house. It should be noted that this value incorporates houses whose sidewalks are not damaged. Isolating only houses that are damaged/will require repair (and thus are likely to submit an application for financial assistance), German Village Society should expect to pay out on average $400 per house. In order to financially facilitate this proposed grant system, there are several avenues to explore in respect to applying for grants. These organizations show a similarity to German Village Society and are likely to provide adequate financial resources. Three potential avenues were selected as the most beneficial entities to invest time into applying. Each grant requires an application that entails a summary of the problem, a budget, statistics regarding the existing sidewalks, and a timeline for a potential solution. These grant components can be compiled from information found in the subsequent report that outlines the information our team has gathered. One option to acquire funding for the sidewalk repair initiative is the National Trust for Historical Preservation, for they are one of the largest organizations of their kind whom fully 2 https://fafsa.ed.gov/fotw1415/pdf/PdfFafsa14-15.pdf
  • 13. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 13 support historical conservation-based projects. Funding is awarded to nonprofit organizations and public agencies. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has awarded over one million in grant funding to almost 200 various projects nationwide. Grants from the National Trust are awarded annually in three cycles throughout the year. A second applicable prospect to receive funding is Preservation Ohio, an organization that focuses on helping preserve historical areas in Ohio. This association is a strong endorser of historical preservation-based projects and initiatives, and presents the possibility of a more long-term funding possibility. Preservation Ohio does not focus on grants; rather they are an organization highly concerned with the well being of historically prevalent areas around Ohio and are a suitable candidate for aid. An additional option is to pursue the previous funding that German Village Society has received in the past, but this time petition for funding that would apply to the sidewalk repair initiative. The funding was received through the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging, an organization that focuses on aging and disabilities in the central Ohio or Columbus area. An integral aspect of the sidewalk initiative is to allow for a greater mobility for the elderly residents of German Village Society. This grant possibility also provides the stability of having received funding in the past, and the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging understanding the ultimate goals behind the German Village Societys mission. REPAIR METHODOLOGY As part of our proposed methodology in restoration of the German Village sidewalks, we conducted expedient research on the proper procedures one should take towards repairing the curbs of a sidewalk. The curbs are in fact the citys responsibility to repair. We have prepared a detailed step-by-step instruction that residents can follow in aim to getting their sidewalks fixed. This would not only augment the awareness among the residents, but also help to facilitate the curb fixing process: 1. Contact the Department of Public Service Permits Section at (614) 645-7497 prior to starting any curb work. 2. Send an application via e-mail to ColsPermits@Columbus.gov or via mail to Department of Public Service Permits Section, 50 West Gay Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, including ones name and address, daytime telephone, and address of damaged city curb. 3. City personnel inspects curb prior to removal in order to qualify for reimbursement program. 4. City personnel notifies property owner of the inspection results and if the damaged curb qualifies for reimbursement program. 5. If approved, one should hire a bonded and licensed contractor and arrange for the work to begin. One must have obtained a no-cost permit at 50 West Gay Street prior to starting any work. 6. Pay the contractor in full for the job, and then provide the city with a copy of the receipt or other proof of payment. The city confirms all the required information has been submitted and arranges for a final inspection.
  • 14. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 14 7. Reimbursement is processed. If the repair/replacement is approved, then a check will be sent to respective homeowner. Normal reimbursement time is 4-6 weeks. Current reimbursement rate is $32.00 per lineal foot of approved curbing. This rate is evaluated from time to time and adjusted to stay in line with the industry standard. The decision tree below functions as an aid to residents in deciding whether or not their brick sidewalk should be repaired, and whether or not they should attempt said repair themselves. The decision tree serves as a rough outline and provides several specific parameters that should be considered when contemplating both partial or full sidewalk replacement. It also shows homeowners that they can reduce the cost of repairing their sidewalk by performing the labor themselves, if they are able, which will further convince residents to make the necessary repairs.
  • 15. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 15 MARKETING German Village Societys goal is to generate motivation within the residents of German Village to repair their sidewalks. German Village Society will focus on residential property owners with brick sidewalks around high traffic areas. The following is a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (S.W.O.T.) analysis our team erected in purpose of grasping all variables in the construction of the marketing strategy: S.W.O.T. Strengths: - German Village Societys established reputation - Strong overall unity throughout the German Village neighbourhood - Key pre-established relationships (brick supplier, tree removal city worker, etc.) - No competitors Weaknesses: - Potential financial burden of executing such a project - Wide range of residents to educate and market towards - Convince residents of importance of sidewalk repair Opportunities: - Use creative methods to reach out to residents - Surprisingly lower than anticipated costs associated with sidewalk renovation Threats: - Financial implications for residents and German Village Society - Inconvenience factor - The fact that renovating ones sidewalk is optional; this is not something German Village Society is stressing must be done, rather it should be done Marketing Strategy German Village Societys strategy will be based on communicating the initiative for residential homeowners within the German Village neighbourhood to repair their sidewalks. If the resident population of German Village can be educated on the essential facts and figures of this topic, they will be motivated to repair their sidewalks. Educate, Inform, and Demonstrate. The first method of communicating this information will be through flyer distribution. Concise and visually appealing flyers will be dispersed amongst the residential properties throughout German Village. These flyers will be positioned at the respective property sites, including door handles, mailboxes, and car windows. Additionally, these flyers will be placed in local community gathering spots that generate significant neighbourhood traffic, such as caf辿s and recreational centers. The flyers will serve as a means to educate the target audience by informing them of the safety and financial risks of damaged sidewalks, as well as
  • 16. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 16 emphasizing the sustainable and affordable aspects of renovating brick sidewalks. Below are two flyers we have designed. Through the continuation and expansion of the sidewalk repair workshops, the residents will be informed of the process that entails sidewalk repair. These explanatory workshops will educate the German Village population on how to properly repair ones sidewalk. In addition, these workshops will bring various homeowners together, naturally strengthening the community dynamic. We encourage the expansion of these workshops by scheduling them more frequently throughout the year, and allowing more volunteers to attend. By posting an informative video, this will serve to demonstrate how to repair a sidewalk. This video will be easily accessible to the residents of German Village, for it will be shared on German Village Societys official website and German Village Gazette, as well as the weekly electronic newsletters. A link to the video can be placed on the informative flyer, directing the audience towards this electronic resource.
  • 17. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 17 IMPLEMENTATION To facilitate the introduction of this repair strategy, the initial trial project will be broken up into 3 distinct phases, as shown below. In the Preparation phase, German Village Society will procure funding for a relatively small- scale trial of the proposed system methodology. German Village Society will secure this funding either in form of payment or pledged future payments. The variety of grants outlined in this report should be coupled with money from existing sponsors or new corporate sponsors who donate for the purpose of sidewalk renewal. Besides finances, German Village Society will out to their partner landscaper and brick companies and coordinate for an increase in demand from German Village residents when the Execution phase begins. In the Execution phase, German Village Society will make a clear and obvious visual statement to residents of German Village as well as general visitors that a sidewalk repair overhaul is in process. To do this, they will choose areas of German Village that are most noticeable and also in most need of repair residential houses on main streets. We estimate that the total number of such houses is approximately 200 by utilizing the equation explained in this report, a 200-house neighborhood repair initiative should cost around $25,000 for German Village Society for repair. From our field studies, we expect that the total number of houses sidewalks that will be repaired in this 200-house segment will be approximately 65. We further expect that this phase will take approximately three years (36 months), equating to roughly 20 houses sidewalks repaired each year. German Village Society will reach out to and motivate residents through marketing initiatives detailed in the previous section. In the Evaluation phase, German Village will pause from its repair projects and evaluate how the execution phase was carried out. Metrics for success are outlined in the next section.
  • 18. Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations 18 METRICS OF SUCCESS In the Preparation phase, we believe that German Village Society should have the full expected cost of $25,000 collected and/or pledged. Since German Village Societys resources and attention will be focused on sidewalk repair during the Execution phase, we believe that the trial initiative should begin only with solid sources of funding. In the Execution phase, we believe that German Village Society should be able to repair at least 85% of the sidewalks with a poor classification in the 200-house sector of residents living on main streets. We leave a 15% room for error due to unexpected costs incurred during either the Preparation or Execution phase, homeowners who outright refuse to repair their sidewalks, or time challenges in repairing this many sidewalks in a three-year period. In the Evaluation phase, German Village Society will answer 3 principal questions in regards to this proposed repair system: 1. Will German Village Society continue with this repair system/are there any additional sources of funding/community support from the attention the trial phase brought? 2. If so, will German Village Society stay with their current partner brick supplier & landscaper sponsors? 3. If so, what area of repair will German Village Society choose to target next? Examples could include residents with fair sidewalk classification along main streets or residents with poor sidewalk classification in a less-trafficked section of the neighborhood. When picking the next area for repair, we highly recommend that German Village Society target one sector of residents at a time. The purpose of this approach is not only to make the success of a repair initiative very clear to residents (i.e. a resident walking along that street is less likely to notice if only half a street is repaired rather than an entire neighbourhood), but also to create an efficient and clear logistical operations for eventually repairing the majority of sidewalks in German Village. VALUE ADDED/CONCLUSION We believe that the good people of German Village will benefit from this sidewalk repair initiative through the increased walkability and mobility of the German Village neighbourhood, greater community comradery, and the enhancement of the general beauty and aesthetic neighbourhood appeal. Through the culmination of our work, we provide German Village Society with instrumental resources in line with their sidewalk repair initiative, which we hope contributes to the higher value of their mission. Thank you once again for partnering with Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations.