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We knew the period of the function was  pretty much automatically 2pi __________ b
Give two x-values in which y = d took a bit more thinking. We then figured out that for y to = d the sine term must end up equalling 0 and it does that at 2pi and pi
We then delved back into our earlier grades and learned an easy way to do times tables with our hands
First apply values to the fingers of your hands. Your thumbs are six and your other fingers go up to nine in order on both hands with your pinky being nothing
Then you attach the two fingers that you wish to multiply with your thumbs facing up.
Then you attach the two fingers that you wish to multiply with your thumbs facing up. You then count the fingers facing up and that is your tens digit (including the two fingers that are touching).
Then you look at the bottom and multiply the rest of the fingers on your left hand with the rest of your fingers on your right hand.
example: 8x8 Touch two middle fingers together Six fingers are on top so the number is sixty-something. Then you have two fingers on the bottom of your left hand and two on the right. Multiply.... and it's four added to your sixty is 64!
We continued on to some exercised which were pretty straight forward...
We then had a couple of transformations to perform: y = x^3; vertical stretch by 2, shift down 4
y = x^2; horizontal compression of 1/2 shifted up 1
Then one last question...
Check out Mr.K's slides if you want better clarity because I can't screen capture the slideshow when it is in fullscreen mode
The first three parts is just plotting and calculating with your calculator. Then we had discussion on which is the best deal. We decided on 1985 or 1994. 1985 for reasons that I cannot remember. 1994 because it is the newest with the least mileage.
The meeting of the intercepts: Y-intercept: year 0, long long time ago... X - intercept: from this value on the data no longer makes sense as the cars would have negative mileage

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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. We knew the period of the function was pretty much automatically 2pi __________ b
  • 6. Give two x-values in which y = d took a bit more thinking. We then figured out that for y to = d the sine term must end up equalling 0 and it does that at 2pi and pi
  • 7. We then delved back into our earlier grades and learned an easy way to do times tables with our hands
  • 8. First apply values to the fingers of your hands. Your thumbs are six and your other fingers go up to nine in order on both hands with your pinky being nothing
  • 9. Then you attach the two fingers that you wish to multiply with your thumbs facing up.
  • 10. Then you attach the two fingers that you wish to multiply with your thumbs facing up. You then count the fingers facing up and that is your tens digit (including the two fingers that are touching).
  • 11. Then you look at the bottom and multiply the rest of the fingers on your left hand with the rest of your fingers on your right hand.
  • 12. example: 8x8 Touch two middle fingers together Six fingers are on top so the number is sixty-something. Then you have two fingers on the bottom of your left hand and two on the right. Multiply.... and it's four added to your sixty is 64!
  • 13. We continued on to some exercised which were pretty straight forward...
  • 14. We then had a couple of transformations to perform: y = x^3; vertical stretch by 2, shift down 4
  • 15. y = x^2; horizontal compression of 1/2 shifted up 1
  • 16. Then one last question...
  • 17. Check out Mr.K's slides if you want better clarity because I can't screen capture the slideshow when it is in fullscreen mode
  • 18. The first three parts is just plotting and calculating with your calculator. Then we had discussion on which is the best deal. We decided on 1985 or 1994. 1985 for reasons that I cannot remember. 1994 because it is the newest with the least mileage.
  • 19. The meeting of the intercepts: Y-intercept: year 0, long long time ago... X - intercept: from this value on the data no longer makes sense as the cars would have negative mileage