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Seed rate calculation1
How do I calculate seed
per hectare?
 Quantity of seed sown per unit area.
 The seed rate depends on spacing or plant
population, test weight, germination
 Seed rate (kg/ha)=
倹倹倹倹倹倹倹倹倹  諮諮諮諮諮諮諮    
1. Calculate the seed rate of mung bean for sowing 1 hectare of
crop from the following:
germination %=92%
purity %=85%
1000 grain weight =36g
Plant population=
Seed rate =
=15.34 kg/ha (Ans).
2. Calculate the seed rate of pigeon pea for sowing 1 hectare of
crop from the following:
germination %=87%
purity %=86%
1000 grain weight =70g
Plant population=
Seed rate =
=6.23 kg/ha (Ans).
3. Calculate the seed rate of ground nut for sowing 1 hectare of
crop from the following:
germination %=92%
purity %=95%
1000 grain weight =200g
Plant population=
Seed rate of kernels=
=22.8823 kg/ha
Quantity of unshelled pods needed for sowing in kg/ha =
100/6023=38.33 kg/ha (Ans).
4. Calculate the seed rate of green gram for sowing 1 hectare of
crop from the following:
germination %=80%
1000 grain weight =48g
Plant population=
Seed rate=
=13.33 kg (Ans).
5. Calculate the seed rate of Jute for sowing 1 hectare of crop
from the following:
germination %=90%
purity percentage= 85%
test weight =6.5g
Plant population=
Seed rate=
=3.39 kg (Ans).
6. Calculate the quantity of maize seed for sowing 1 hectare of
crop from the following:
germination %=90%
purity percentage= 90%
test weight =250g
seed required for gap filling=5% of total weight of seeds.
Plant population=
Seed rate=
=20.576 kg
Amount of seed required for Gap filling=
20.576= 1.028 kg
Total seed required for 1 hectare area= 20.576+1.028=21.604
22kg/ha (Ans).
7. Calculate the seed requirement for upland rice for sowing 1
hectare of crop from the following:
germination %=95%
purity percentage= 90%
test weight =25g
No. of damaged seeds by birds, which are to be replaced 10seeds
per square meter i.e., 10/m族.
Plant population=
Replacing bird damaged seeds, 1m族 area= 10 seeds
10000m族 area= 100000seeds
Total no. of plant population= 166666.67
Seed rate=
= 7.798 kg/ha (Ans).
8. Calculate the seed requirement for rice in kg/ha for sowing
1 hectare of crop from the following:
spacing of hill=20cm20cm
No. of seedlings per hill=3
germination %=95%
purity percentage= 90%
test weight =25g
seedlings required for gap filling=12/5 m族 area
Plant population=
=2500003= 750000
Seedlings required for gap filling.
For 5m族 seedlings required= 12
For 10000m族= 12/510000=24000 seedlings.
Total plant population= 750000+24000=774000
Seed rate=
=22.63 kg/ha (Ans).
Seed rate calculation1

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Seed rate calculation1

  • 2. How do I calculate seed per hectare?
  • 3. Quantity of seed sown per unit area. The seed rate depends on spacing or plant population, test weight, germination percentage. Seed rate (kg/ha)= 倹倹倹倹倹倹倹倹倹 諮諮諮諮諮諮諮 Plantpopulation=
  • 4. 1. Calculate the seed rate of mung bean for sowing 1 hectare of crop from the following: spacing=30cm10cm germination %=92% purity %=85% 1000 grain weight =36g Solution: Plant population= 10000 0.30.1 =333333.33 Seed rate = 333333.3336100100 928510001000 =15.34 kg/ha (Ans).
  • 5. 2. Calculate the seed rate of pigeon pea for sowing 1 hectare of crop from the following: spacing=60cm25cm germination %=87% purity %=86% 1000 grain weight =70g Solution: Plant population= 10000 0.60.25 =66666.67 Seed rate = 66666.6770100100 878610001000 =6.23 kg/ha (Ans).
  • 6. 3. Calculate the seed rate of ground nut for sowing 1 hectare of crop from the following: spacing=50cm20cm germination %=92% purity %=95% 1000 grain weight =200g shelling%=60% Solution: Plant population= 10000 0.50.2 =100000 Seed rate of kernels= 100000200100100 929510001000 =22.8823 kg/ha Quantity of unshelled pods needed for sowing in kg/ha = 100/6023=38.33 kg/ha (Ans).
  • 7. 4. Calculate the seed rate of green gram for sowing 1 hectare of crop from the following: spacing=45cm10cm germination %=80% 1000 grain weight =48g Solution: Plant population= 10000 0.450.1 =222222.22 Seed rate= 222222.2248100 8010001000 =13.33 kg (Ans).
  • 8. 5. Calculate the seed rate of Jute for sowing 1 hectare of crop from the following: spacing=25cm10cm germination %=90% purity percentage= 85% test weight =6.5g Solution: Plant population= 10000 0.250.1 =400000 Seed rate= 4000006.5100100 908510001000 =3.39 kg (Ans).
  • 9. 6. Calculate the quantity of maize seed for sowing 1 hectare of crop from the following: spacing=75cm20cm germination %=90% purity percentage= 90% test weight =250g seed required for gap filling=5% of total weight of seeds. Solution: Plant population= 10000 0.750.2 =66666.67 Seed rate= 66666.67250100100 909010001000 =20.576 kg Amount of seed required for Gap filling= 5 100 20.576= 1.028 kg Total seed required for 1 hectare area= 20.576+1.028=21.604 22kg/ha (Ans).
  • 10. 7. Calculate the seed requirement for upland rice for sowing 1 hectare of crop from the following: spacing=20cm30cm germination %=95% purity percentage= 90% test weight =25g No. of damaged seeds by birds, which are to be replaced 10seeds per square meter i.e., 10/m族. Solution: Plant population= 10000 0.20.3 =166666.67 Replacing bird damaged seeds, 1m族 area= 10 seeds 10000m族 area= 100000seeds Total no. of plant population= 166666.67 +100000=266666.67 Seed rate= 266666.6725100100 959010001000 = 7.798 kg/ha (Ans).
  • 11. 8. Calculate the seed requirement for rice in kg/ha for sowing 1 hectare of crop from the following: spacing of hill=20cm20cm No. of seedlings per hill=3 germination %=95% purity percentage= 90% test weight =25g seedlings required for gap filling=12/5 m族 area Solution: Plant population= 10000 0.20.2 =2500003= 750000 Seedlings required for gap filling. For 5m族 seedlings required= 12 For 10000m族= 12/510000=24000 seedlings. Total plant population= 750000+24000=774000 Seed rate= 77400025100100 959010001000 =22.63 kg/ha (Ans).