Bot Computing using the Power of Wiki CollaborationTakashi Yamanoue
This document proposes and outlines bot computing, which uses bots controlled by wiki pages to perform massively parallel computing. Bots read from and write to dynamic wiki pages to collaborate on tasks. The author describes how wiki pages function as the architecture for bot computing programs and data. An experimental implementation is shown using PukiWiki and Java bots. As a proof of concept, bots collaborate via wiki pages to solve a parallel dynamic programming problem to find a minimal path. While high availability and security need improvement, bot computing has potential for beneficial large-scale collaborative computing applications.
Bot Computing and its Application to Solve Minimal Path ProblemsTakashi Yamanoue
Bot computing using the power of Wiki collaboration and an experimental implementation of the bot run-
ning environment are discussed. While botnets are usually created for malicious purposes, the bot computing in this
study aims to use bots for bene?cial purposes. The massively parallel and persistence features of a botnet can enhance
its computing power and high availability for bene?cial computing. Bot computing can also enhance people’s col-
laboration by introducing dynamic Web pages to previously static Wiki networks. Parallel dynamic programming for
solving a minimal path problem is shown as an example. Resources such as the number of bots and the number of web
pages were proportional to the number of nodes, and the time to solve the minimal path problem was proportional to
the number of arcs of the minimal path.
A Botnet Detecting Infrastructure Using a Beneficial BotnetTakashi Yamanoue
A beneficial botnet, which tries to cope with technology of malicious botnets such as peer to peer (P2P) networking and Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA), is discussed. In order to cope with such botnets’ technology, we are developing a beneficial botnet as an anti-bot measure, using our previous beneficial bot. The beneficial botnet is a group of beneficial bots. The P2P communication of malicious botnet is hard to detect by a single Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Our beneficial botnet has the ability to detect P2P communication, using collaboration of our beneficial bots. The beneficial bot could detect communication of the pseudo botnet which mimics malicious botnet communication. Our beneficial botnet may also detect communication using DGA. Furthermore, our beneficial botnet has ability to cope with new technology of new botnets, because our beneficial botnet has the ability to evolve, as same as malicious botnets.
An IoT System with Remote Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Network Nodes and it...Takashi Yamanoue
Herein, an Internet of Things (IoT) system with remote reconfigurable wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes is presented and its application to measure group work activity in a classroom is discussed. This IoT system consists of wiki pages, bots, (defined as remotely controlled devices), gateways, and remotely reconfigurable WSN Nodes. The bots/gateways and WSN nodes of the IoT system are controlled by scripts written on wiki pages that are read by the bot/gateways, which then forward the commands contained in the scripts to the WSN nodes. Each WSN node then executes the commands, obtains the resulting sensor values, and then returns those values to the bot/gateways. The bot/gateways relay the values and write them onto the wiki page. Each WSN node is flexible and reconfigurable because its behavior can be changed by the script commands written onto the wiki page. Using this IoT system, we created a measurement system to evaluate activity levels of group work in a classroom. After developing the measurement system, we found it was possible to adjust the sampling rate for obtaining sensor values simply by rewriting the script on the wiki page without directly manipulating the WSN.