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stewart enterprises inc.
103 years
of service
december 2013 keepsake issue
n February of 2004, I was proud to accept the invitation to serve as a member of Stewart Enter-
prises Board of Directors. When I became the Companys chief financial officer, executive vice
president and Corporate Division president in December of 2004, I saw an opportunity to help
the Company continue to grow its already-impressive status as an industry leader. In the last
nine years, we accomplished many significant milestones and weathered a few storms, literally.
Like me, all of you who have worked at Stewart Enterprises had your own reason for seek-
ing employment with the Company. Maybe it was a connection to the death care business or you
wanted to make a difference in peoples lives. The principal reason for most, though, is that you
probably needed a job.
Over time, you may have discovered that this was not just a place of employment. It was a
place where you created relationships  both personal and professional. You laughed. You cried.
You shared personal stories. You made memories that will last for the rest of your life.
While making those memories, you were also contributing to the Companys growth. The
accomplishments weve enjoyed for the past
103 years reflect your contributions and those of the thousands of people who
came to us. Your dedication enabled us to show compassion for the families we
serve first and take care of business second. Everyone did a superb job and I am
forever grateful for your support.
The following pages of this keepsake publication chronicle the hard work
and relationships that not only set up the Company for success but have forever shaped who you are. Let them always serve as a
reminder of the good times that were had, the great knowledge you gained and the even better bonds you made during your time
with the Company.
Stewart and Service Corporation International share the same commitment to providing exceptional service to families.
It may no longer be the Stewart Way, but embrace the change and remain diligent in delivering the Best in Class service youve
established as your hallmark. Look at this transition as an opportunity to leverage the experience and knowledge youve
gained while you were with the Company  no matter where you are or what you are doing.
And remember the underlying purpose in everything you do  caring for people, making a difference速
You made memories
that will last for the
rest of your life.
RemembeRIng the past, lookIng to the futuRe
a message from Ceo tom kitchen
Editor: Connie p. ernst
Graphic Design: max Rivera
Managing Editors: Denise b. Westerfield, Christian moises
Production: karen p. locantro
caring for people, making a difference
I am truly thankful
to everyone who has
worked for stewart
gRatItuDe, pRaIse fRom ouR ChaIRman
a message from frank b. stewart, Jr.
When I joined my fathers business in July of 1959, I was one of Acme Marble & Granite
Companys 15 employees. We have certainly come a long way since then, and I can tell
you from personal experience, its definitely been an interesting and challenging career. I have
enjoyed a major role in taking the Company from a handful of people to thousands of employees
all over the world. To say I am proud of the results would be an understatement!
When we took the business public in 1991, selling our shares on a national stock exchange
created a change in corporate life. The decision to go public was necessary to gain the capital
required to continue the growth.
I also remember a great feeling of accomplishment when we expanded into foreign markets
in the 1990s. However, several years later, when the company became challenged by the inde-
pendent operators in the many foreign countries, we realized it was not in our best interest to
continue pursuing the non-domestic ownership of death care entities. Owning and operating
properties in foreign countries became a difficult objective, as the independent competitors con-
vinced their markets that doing business with a foreign company was putting their families in
the hands of a firm across the sea. When we realized this reaction, we sold our foreign holdings except those in Puerto Rico, where
we continue to serve families today.
In recent decades, our Company achieved an unprecedented business relationship with the Catholic Church, working with
many Archdioceses and their cemeteries. The many goals we reached are a direct result of the talented, gifted, loyal and dedicated
people in Stewart Enterprises. I learned from the very beginning to surround myself with people I look up to and respect. When I
look back, I have very few regrets, and am pleased with what we have accomplished.
There are many opportunities still ahead and I am confident the manage-
ment of Service Corporation International will continue our successful progress
in serving families. It is a true compliment to have obtained their commitment
to employing great people to serve the hundreds of communities with Best in
Class businesses that enjoy outstanding reputations of service.
I am truly thankful to everyone who has worked for Stewart Enterprises
over my 54 years of the 103 years we have been in business. I care deeply about
each and every person who has worked for us, and hope that you also treasure the days we have spent together, the experiences we
have shared and the relationships we have built. I thank you again for your service and wish all of you the very best in the years
ahead. I plan to stay not only concerned and interested, but somewhat active in a limited capacity assisting our
successors in the successful continued growth ahead.
stewart enterprises inc.c
the eaRlY YeaRs: 1910 to 1979
the early Years
the early Years: 1910 to 1979
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970
Albert Stewart begins
his real estate business,
through which he
acquires St. Vincent de
Pauls three cemeteries
and a marble shop in
New Orleans.
The Stewart family
begins to establish
its reputation in
the monument
and memorial
industry through
Acme Realty Co.,
later doing business
as Acme Marble &
Granite Co.
St. Vincent de
Paul Cemeteries
and the marble
shop are restored
and serving the
needs of the
New Orleans
Alberts sons,
Charles and Frank
Stewart, Sr., join
the business. Acme
begins expanding
in New Orleans,
primarily at
Metairie Cemetery
and throughout southeast Louisiana. The Company
also acquires another granite manufacturing plant,
Wholesale Granite Works, Inc.
Stewart acquires Mount Olivet
Cemetery in New Orleans.
May 13, 1949
Lake Lawn Park Cemetery and Mausoleum is
established in New Orleans and Lake Lawn
Park, Inc. is incorporated. The Company grows
its business by
developing a
perpetual care
mausoleum, which
now has more than
31,000 crypts.
The business begins
selling prearrangements.
July 1959
Frank B. Stewart,
Jr., begins working
for the Stewart
family business.
December 1965
The first Company
The Annual
News Report, is
The Stewart
family acquires
Cemetery in
New Orleans.
The Stewart Enterprises
block logo is created.
May 25, 1971
International Stone and Erectors is incorporated. This
company, which became the largest importer and erector
of stone in the United States, operated until the end of the
1980s and was part of the Stewart Enterprises family. It
imported polished stone for Acme and other companies,
and installed stone on mausoleum and commercial projects.
Fall 1973
The first annual Family Fun
Outing for Stewart employees
is held at Pontchartrain Beach
in New Orleans.
Stewart Enterprises, Inc.
moves into a new home 
a brand new building at 110
Veterans Blvd. in Metairie, La.
Dec. 12, 1977
Stewart purchases Estate
Assurance Co., through which
preneed contracts are insured.
Estate is later sold in 1994.
June 23, 1979
Lake Lawn Metairie Funeral Home
is dedicated, marking the opening
of the first combination operation
in the Company and in Louisiana.
By the end of 2013, about 48
percent of the Companys facilities
were operating as combinations.
Dec. 31, 1979
Stewart acquires its first properties outside
of Louisiana: Restland Memorial Park
and Funeral Home, the largest death care
provider in Texas; Laurel Land Funeral
Home and Cemetery; and Singing Hills
Funeral Home, all in Dallas.
stewart enterprises inc.
steWaRts oWn RoCk staR
the story of acme
I remember when...
... we used a map book to chart how to
get to our in-home sales appointment.
Then came MapQuest and now we
have GPS systems!
Kathleen Coffman,
Crest Lawn Memorial Gardens, July 1985
every company has a solid foundation on which to build its success. For
Stewart Enterprises, that rock is Acme Marble & Granite Co.
The Company got its start in 1910, when Albert Stewart acquired St. Vincent
de Pauls three cemeteries and a marble shop, all in New Orleans. The Stewart
family began to establish its reputation in monument and memorial construc-
tion through Acme Realty Co., which soon became known as Acme Marble &
Granite Co.
Acme was the source of relationships for Stewart to go into high growth
mode, said Martin de Laur辿al, Stewarts senior vice president of corporate
development and investor relations who started with Acme in August 1977. It
also was the revenue generator that allowed Stewart to shift its business model to the cemetery and funeral home industry and
focus on acquisitions.
The firms principal concentration was as a contractor selling and building community mausoleums in cemeteries throughout
the country. At its peak, nearly 80 percent of that business was with the Catholic Church, de Laur辿al said.
In the late 1970s, though, the business potential tied to cemetery and funeral home growth and acquisition started to outweigh the
benefit of focusing primarily on mausoleums. That sparked a growth spurt for the Company that gained steam throughout the 1980s.
What we began to realize was the contracting business was good and served a purpose, but the development and acquisition
of cemeteries and the addition of funeral home combos to the mix were more long-term lucrative strategies for Stewart to pursue,
de Laur辿al said. Acme provided Stewart the capital to start that.
Acmes relationships with churches, families, communities and cities throughout the country really put Stewart on a path to
becoming a leader in the death care industry, said Celena Neal, Stewarts compliance and safety vice president. Neal started with
Acme in January 1978 and later moved to companywide compliance.
It was a blowing and going operation  and quite groundbreaking, Neal said.
However, Acme would have had a difficult time getting much bigger because there
werent that many big diocesan projects left throughout the country.
That didnt mean the end of Acme, though.
While the focus shifted away from Acme to acquisitions under Stewart, execu-
tives with the latter still realized the intrinsic value of Acmes community mauso-
leum business in Louisiana and part of Texas. When the Stewart Resource Center
was created in the summer of 1989, Acme Marble & Granite Co. was rebranded
as Acme Mausoleum and became a subsidiary of Stewart Enterprises. The Acme
name will continue to serve families throughout Louisiana even after Service
Corporation International acquires Stewart Enterprises and its foundation.
We had quite the cast of characters and a ton of fond memories, said Jean
Mascaro, who started with Acme in September 1978 and continues to serve as
director of administration and marketing. People come and go, but behind it all
is Frank B. Stewart, Jr.s vision of what service should be.
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
the 1980s
the 1980s
Dec. 12, 1980
Stewart announces plans
to reorganize into three
divisions: Division One
 Client Operations;
Division Two  Company
Owned Cemeteries and
Funeral Homes; and
Division Three  Out-
of-State Wholly Owned
April 1, 1982
Stewart enters the
state of Florida with
four acquisitions.
October 1984
Lawrence Berner is
named president of
Stewart Enterprises.
Berner was the first
president outside of
the Stewart family.
Jan. 31, 1985
Stewart acquires historic
Fort Lincoln Cemetery in
Brentwood, Md., and enters
the Northeast.
The Company begins selling
its prearrangement services
under the Simplicity Plan速
brand name.
July 1985
Stewart launches its first
corporate video, The Stewart
Story  a 15-minute audio-visual
slideshow created as a general
introduction to the Company.
October 1985
Restland Cemetery
is selected to provide
graveside services for
Bobby Ewing, a major
character on the popular
TV show Dallas. Many of
the Companys properties
have served as a backdrop
for popular TV shows,
commercials, music videos
and motion pictures.
Dec. 20, 1985
Stewart acquires A.P.
Boza Funeral Homes
of Tampa, Fla., and
expands its reach in
the Latin community.
Nov. 1, 1986
Stewart dedicates All
Saints Mausoleum in
Metairie Cemetery, a joint
venture with the Catholic
Archdiocese of New Orleans.
Fall 1987
The 102nd Archbishop of Canterbury,
Robert Alexander Kennedy Runcie,
visits Lake Lawn Metairie.
Summer 1989
Acme Marble
& Granite
Co. becomes
The Stewart
Resource Center.
I remember when...
 I had little knowledge of the equipment used
at Restland Cemetery because I was a funeral di-
rector. A woman came in one day and was quite
agitated that there was a bobcat on her daugh-
ters grave. I told her we have foxes, eagles and
even an occasional bobcat wander onto the prop-
erty. Thats when she screamed, It is a tractor!
John Ebey, Restland Funeral Home, December 1980
the abCs of steI
abCs abCs
stewart Enterprises relies on acronyms to describe the many processes, policies, job titles and industry terms
Company employees work with every day. Here are some of the more commonly used terms over the years:
stewart enterprises inc.c
ADPAutomatic Data
AFTAutomated Fulfillment Tool
Best in Class
BSSBusiness Support
Services CAF辿
Cemetery and Funeral
Home Enabler
Custom funeral
CMCatholic Mortuaries
CSPCertified Service
Director of Community
and Family Service
Director of Operations
Funeral Arranger
Certification Experience
Frequently Asked
FCFForethought Capital Funding
FDICFuneral Director in Charge
Funeral Service
Leadership Conference
GPLGeneral Price List
Human Resources
Action Form
Interment Authorization
KISKey Information
for Sales
Mutual Agreement
Manager of
and Family Service
NOKNext of Kin
Opening and Closing
OBCOuter Burial
Property and
PCPerpetual Care
RIPRest in Peace
RMCRecords Management
Regional Vice
SECSenior Executive Committee
Subject Matter Expert
SSCShared Services
SSNSocial Security
Welcome to Our Workplace
STEIStewart Enterprises, Inc.
ccupational Safety and Health Administration
I remember when...
... we did not have any computers or
a fax machine and had to call in our
obituaries to the newspapers.
Ann Prezioso, Dunbar Funerals and
Cremations, October 1986
steWaRt thRough the YeaRs
through the Years
stewart enterprises inc.
I remember when...
 our sales volume and inventory
reports were prepared manually
with only a printing calculator and
a typewriter.
Marsha Morse,
Corporate Headquarters, October 1982
I remember when...I remember when...
stewart through the Years
I remember when...
... we started CFP (Custom Funeral
Planner), allowing arrangers to be creative
and offer families a variety of personal
options. Fulfilling families personal
wishes keeps them coming back to us.
Steve Heaton, Sunset Hills
Memorial Park, October 1972
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
the 1990s
the 1990s
Spring 1990
The Marketing
Services Department
becomes Stewart
a fully recognized
in-house advertising
agency to handle
advertising and public
relations programs.
July 17, 1990
Henri Gandolfo, a
Stewart employee who
worked at Metairie
Cemetery from 1915
until his retirement 72
years later, passes away
at the age of 93.
Oct. 9, 1991
Stewart Enterprises
goes public on
the Nasdaq Stock
Exchange at 8:30 a.m.
and the stock symbol
STEI is born.
Dec. 31, 1991
The Simplicity Plan速
is trademarked.
Stewart spreads throughout
the South with acquisitions
in North Carolina, Alabama,
Virginia, Georgia and
March 26, 1993
Stewart acquires Los Cipreses
Memorial Park in San Juan,
Puerto Rico, its first
outside the
Dec. 6, 1991
Metairie Cemetery is entered
into the National Register of
Historic Places.
March 25, 1993
Stewart Enterprises
holds its first
shareholder meeting.
Aug. 3, 1993
Stewart acquires Kirk
and Nice Funeral Home,
the oldest continually
operated funeral home in
the United States.
Nov. 1, 1993
Stewart opens All
Faiths Funeral Home
(now called Greenwood
Funeral Home) at
Greenwood Cemetery.
Its the Companys first
funeral home on the
grounds of a nonprofit
Aug. 31, 1994
Stewart acquires Agencia
Gayosso in Mexico City,
its first property outside
of the United States.
Dec. 9, 1994
Stewart acquires Australian
Funerals, its first acquisition
outside of North America.
I remember when...
10 seinside
... I took my first trip to New
Orleans where I got to meet fellow
Stewart employees in learning and
implementing the start up of CFP.
Shawn Elliott, Zeller Chapel
of the Roses, May 1987
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
the 1990s
Oct. 26, 1995
Stewart enters
California with
the acquisition
of Buchheim &
Barstow Funeral
Sept. 20, 1996
Stewart acquires
Urgel Bourgie
Funeral Homes
in Montreal. With
77 funeral homes
and five cemeteries
in Canada, it is
Stewarts largest
acquisition to date.
October 1996
The Shared Services
Center is formed to
centralize adminis-
trative functions.
Feb. 1, 1997
Stewart restructures its operating divisions and
expands from two (Central and Eastern) to four
(Central, Eastern, Southern and Western).
March 19, 1997
Stewart acquires Sentinel
Cremation Societies, Inc.,
the largest cremation society
in the United States and the
leading alternative-services
firm in California.
April 2, 1997
Stewart enters Europe
with the acquisition of
La Estrella
in Spain.
June 5, 1997
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles selects
Stewart to construct and operate funeral
homes on six of its largest cemeteries.
In 1998, that agreement is expanded to
include three more cemeteries.
Winter 1998
Headquarters is
established as the
Company continues
to acquire locations
in Portugal, the
Netherlands, Belgium,
France and the Canary
April 13, 1998
Stewart enters South
America with the acquisition
of Cocheria Parana in
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
April 20, 1998
The Shared
Services Center
moves into its
own building in
Jefferson, La.
Summer 1998
Stewart launches its first
corporate website,
Sept. 2, 1998
Stewart signs an
agreement with the
Wyuka Cemetery
Board of Trustees to
build and operate
a funeral home at
Wyuka Cemetery,
the only state-
chartered cemetery
in Nebraska.
Fall 1998
The Companys
safety mascot,
Stewy, debuts in
his first safety
March 22, 1999
Work begins on an expansion at Lake Lawn
Metairie Funeral Home, which would dou-
ble the facilitys size and make it the largest
funeral service provider in Louisiana.
April 30, 1999
Stewart enters its 30th
state by acquiring
Wisconsin Memorial Park
in Brookfield.
stewart enterprises inc.c
steWaRt publICatIons
The Quarterly News Report
The Enterpriser
stewart enterprises inc.
I remember when...
 we knew by memory the names of all the
facilities Stewart owned and who founded them.
That started getting difficult once we owned
50, 60, 70 and more properties.
Connie Ernst, Corporate Headquarters,
August 1983
stewart Enterprises has produced many newsletters over the years  some written for all employees, others targeted
for specific internal groups of employees and still others designed for external audiences. The overall purpose of each
publication was the same: to educate, enlighten and connect readers to the mission and goals of Stewart Enterprises.
SEInside Puerto Rico
The EnterpriserExsell
I remember when...
 we used to have the Divisional Presi-
dent Club and everyone strived to make
sure they made it each year. You knew you
were a real playmaker then.
Steve Gillespie, Western Region Office,
November 1997
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
the 2000s
the 2000s
Fall 2000
The Corporate
Training Department
is created.
April 2001
Stewart publishes SEInside, a new
monthly employee newsletter.
August 2001
The Company creates the
Certified Service Professional,
or CSP, designation to recognize
sales specialists who exceed
sales goals and demonstrate
respect and integrity.
Nov. 1, 2001
Stewart launches SEnet,
its Company intranet.
January 2002
Stewart launches
SEInside Puerto Rico,
the Companys first
completely Spanish
December 2002
The Human Resources
Employee Support
Team is created.
August 2003
The Standard
Funeral Services
Edition is created
to identify The
Stewart Way
of conducting
February 2004
Thomas Kitchen is
named to the Companys
Board of Directors.
January 2005
Stewart University is
launched on SEnet to
provide online training.
July 2005
The Company chooses
caring for people, making
a difference速
as its
purpose statement.
September 2005
Hurricane Katrina forces
Corporate Headquarters
to temporarily relocate to
Dallas and Orlando, Fla.
I remember when...
 I ran races throughout New Orleans with
my co-workers and Mr. Stewart. We ran the
Red Cross relay several times, and Mr. Stew-
art would pass the baton off to me. We also
built a hot air balloon that actually floated in
the New Orleans Convention Center for the
United Ways annual campaign kickoff.
Al Delaney Jr., Mount Olivet Cemetery and Mausoleum, June 1980
September 2002
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
the 2000s
the 2000s
May 29, 2013
Enterprises agrees
to be acquired
by Houston-
based Service
January 2007
The Standard Operating
Procedures  Cemetery
Services Edition is distributed
to employees.
January 2008
The Best in Class initiative
and the Companys CARING
(Communicate Appearance
Respect Initiative Name Gratitude)
cultural standards are enacted.
October 2008
Stewart partners with
Tributes.com to expand its
online obituary offerings.
January 2010
The Company begins its
100th year in operation.
Nov. 2, 2010
Stewart dedicates its first cremation garden
 Tranquil Oaks Cremation Garden at Baldwin-
Fairchild  Oaklawn Park Cemetery in Sanford, Fla.
April 7, 2011
Thomas Kitchen takes over
as President and CEO.
July 2011
The Company redesigns all location
websites to be more user-friendly.
December 2012
Stewart Enterprises launches
Do your kids a favor速
, the first
companywide marketing campaign.
I remember when...
stewart enterprises inc.c
 we handwrote all contracts, both at-need and
preneed, designed the memorials on a memorial
order form by hand, and when a file was needed,
we pulled the paper file from the file room.
Iris Menezes, Johnson County Funeral Chapel
and Memorial Gardens, November 1992
stewart enterprises sincerely thanks each and every employee who has been a part
of the Stewart family over the last 103 years. Thank you all for providing comfort to families and
support to each other. Your dedication to your work and commitment to the Companys values have
shown that caring for people, making a difference速
truly has been the mission of Stewart Enterprises.
support to each other. Your dedication to your work and commitment to the Companys values havesupport to each other. Your dedication to your work and commitment to the Companys values have
caring for people, making a difference速
息2013 STEI

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SEInside Final Issue(1)

  • 1. stewart enterprises inc. commemorating 103 years of service 1910-2013 december 2013 keepsake issue
  • 2. 2 I n February of 2004, I was proud to accept the invitation to serve as a member of Stewart Enter- prises Board of Directors. When I became the Companys chief financial officer, executive vice president and Corporate Division president in December of 2004, I saw an opportunity to help the Company continue to grow its already-impressive status as an industry leader. In the last nine years, we accomplished many significant milestones and weathered a few storms, literally. Like me, all of you who have worked at Stewart Enterprises had your own reason for seek- ing employment with the Company. Maybe it was a connection to the death care business or you wanted to make a difference in peoples lives. The principal reason for most, though, is that you probably needed a job. Over time, you may have discovered that this was not just a place of employment. It was a place where you created relationships both personal and professional. You laughed. You cried. You shared personal stories. You made memories that will last for the rest of your life. While making those memories, you were also contributing to the Companys growth. The accomplishments weve enjoyed for the past 103 years reflect your contributions and those of the thousands of people who came to us. Your dedication enabled us to show compassion for the families we serve first and take care of business second. Everyone did a superb job and I am forever grateful for your support. The following pages of this keepsake publication chronicle the hard work and relationships that not only set up the Company for success but have forever shaped who you are. Let them always serve as a reminder of the good times that were had, the great knowledge you gained and the even better bonds you made during your time with the Company. Stewart and Service Corporation International share the same commitment to providing exceptional service to families. It may no longer be the Stewart Way, but embrace the change and remain diligent in delivering the Best in Class service youve established as your hallmark. Look at this transition as an opportunity to leverage the experience and knowledge youve gained while you were with the Company no matter where you are or what you are doing. And remember the underlying purpose in everything you do caring for people, making a difference速 . You made memories that will last for the rest of your life. RemembeRIng the past, lookIng to the futuRe a message from Ceo tom kitchen seinside Editor: Connie p. ernst Graphic Design: max Rivera Managing Editors: Denise b. Westerfield, Christian moises Production: karen p. locantro caring for people, making a difference
  • 3. 3 I am truly thankful to everyone who has worked for stewart enterprises gRatItuDe, pRaIse fRom ouR ChaIRman a message from frank b. stewart, Jr. When I joined my fathers business in July of 1959, I was one of Acme Marble & Granite Companys 15 employees. We have certainly come a long way since then, and I can tell you from personal experience, its definitely been an interesting and challenging career. I have enjoyed a major role in taking the Company from a handful of people to thousands of employees all over the world. To say I am proud of the results would be an understatement! When we took the business public in 1991, selling our shares on a national stock exchange created a change in corporate life. The decision to go public was necessary to gain the capital required to continue the growth. I also remember a great feeling of accomplishment when we expanded into foreign markets in the 1990s. However, several years later, when the company became challenged by the inde- pendent operators in the many foreign countries, we realized it was not in our best interest to continue pursuing the non-domestic ownership of death care entities. Owning and operating properties in foreign countries became a difficult objective, as the independent competitors con- vinced their markets that doing business with a foreign company was putting their families in the hands of a firm across the sea. When we realized this reaction, we sold our foreign holdings except those in Puerto Rico, where we continue to serve families today. In recent decades, our Company achieved an unprecedented business relationship with the Catholic Church, working with many Archdioceses and their cemeteries. The many goals we reached are a direct result of the talented, gifted, loyal and dedicated people in Stewart Enterprises. I learned from the very beginning to surround myself with people I look up to and respect. When I look back, I have very few regrets, and am pleased with what we have accomplished. There are many opportunities still ahead and I am confident the manage- ment of Service Corporation International will continue our successful progress in serving families. It is a true compliment to have obtained their commitment to employing great people to serve the hundreds of communities with Best in Class businesses that enjoy outstanding reputations of service. I am truly thankful to everyone who has worked for Stewart Enterprises over my 54 years of the 103 years we have been in business. I care deeply about each and every person who has worked for us, and hope that you also treasure the days we have spent together, the experiences we have shared and the relationships we have built. I thank you again for your service and wish all of you the very best in the years ahead. I plan to stay not only concerned and interested, but somewhat active in a limited capacity assisting our successors in the successful continued growth ahead. stewart enterprises inc.c
  • 4. 4 the eaRlY YeaRs: 1910 to 1979 the early Years the early Years: 1910 to 1979 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1910 Albert Stewart begins his real estate business, through which he acquires St. Vincent de Pauls three cemeteries and a marble shop in New Orleans. 1914 The Stewart family begins to establish its reputation in the monument and memorial construction industry through Acme Realty Co., later doing business as Acme Marble & Granite Co. 1920 St. Vincent de Paul Cemeteries and the marble shop are restored and serving the needs of the New Orleans community. 1930s Alberts sons, Charles and Frank Stewart, Sr., join the business. Acme begins expanding in New Orleans, primarily at Metairie Cemetery and throughout southeast Louisiana. The Company also acquires another granite manufacturing plant, Wholesale Granite Works, Inc. 1943 Stewart acquires Mount Olivet Cemetery in New Orleans. May 13, 1949 Lake Lawn Park Cemetery and Mausoleum is established in New Orleans and Lake Lawn Park, Inc. is incorporated. The Company grows its business by developing a perpetual care community mausoleum, which now has more than 31,000 crypts. 1940s The business begins selling prearrangements. July 1959 Frank B. Stewart, Jr., begins working for the Stewart family business. December 1965 The first Company newsletter, The Annual News Report, is published. 1969 The Stewart family acquires Metairie Cemetery in New Orleans. 1971 The Stewart Enterprises block logo is created. May 25, 1971 International Stone and Erectors is incorporated. This company, which became the largest importer and erector of stone in the United States, operated until the end of the 1980s and was part of the Stewart Enterprises family. It imported polished stone for Acme and other companies, and installed stone on mausoleum and commercial projects. Fall 1973 The first annual Family Fun Outing for Stewart employees is held at Pontchartrain Beach in New Orleans. Stewart Enterprises, Inc. moves into a new home a brand new building at 110 Veterans Blvd. in Metairie, La. Dec. 12, 1977 Stewart purchases Estate Assurance Co., through which preneed contracts are insured. Estate is later sold in 1994. June 23, 1979 Lake Lawn Metairie Funeral Home is dedicated, marking the opening of the first combination operation in the Company and in Louisiana. By the end of 2013, about 48 percent of the Companys facilities were operating as combinations. Dec. 31, 1979 Stewart acquires its first properties outside of Louisiana: Restland Memorial Park and Funeral Home, the largest death care provider in Texas; Laurel Land Funeral Home and Cemetery; and Singing Hills Funeral Home, all in Dallas. stewart enterprises inc.
  • 5. 5 steWaRts oWn RoCk staR the story of acme seinsidec I remember when... ... we used a map book to chart how to get to our in-home sales appointment. Then came MapQuest and now we have GPS systems! Kathleen Coffman, Crest Lawn Memorial Gardens, July 1985 every company has a solid foundation on which to build its success. For Stewart Enterprises, that rock is Acme Marble & Granite Co. The Company got its start in 1910, when Albert Stewart acquired St. Vincent de Pauls three cemeteries and a marble shop, all in New Orleans. The Stewart family began to establish its reputation in monument and memorial construc- tion through Acme Realty Co., which soon became known as Acme Marble & Granite Co. Acme was the source of relationships for Stewart to go into high growth mode, said Martin de Laur辿al, Stewarts senior vice president of corporate development and investor relations who started with Acme in August 1977. It also was the revenue generator that allowed Stewart to shift its business model to the cemetery and funeral home industry and focus on acquisitions. The firms principal concentration was as a contractor selling and building community mausoleums in cemeteries throughout the country. At its peak, nearly 80 percent of that business was with the Catholic Church, de Laur辿al said. In the late 1970s, though, the business potential tied to cemetery and funeral home growth and acquisition started to outweigh the benefit of focusing primarily on mausoleums. That sparked a growth spurt for the Company that gained steam throughout the 1980s. What we began to realize was the contracting business was good and served a purpose, but the development and acquisition of cemeteries and the addition of funeral home combos to the mix were more long-term lucrative strategies for Stewart to pursue, de Laur辿al said. Acme provided Stewart the capital to start that. Acmes relationships with churches, families, communities and cities throughout the country really put Stewart on a path to becoming a leader in the death care industry, said Celena Neal, Stewarts compliance and safety vice president. Neal started with Acme in January 1978 and later moved to companywide compliance. It was a blowing and going operation and quite groundbreaking, Neal said. However, Acme would have had a difficult time getting much bigger because there werent that many big diocesan projects left throughout the country. That didnt mean the end of Acme, though. While the focus shifted away from Acme to acquisitions under Stewart, execu- tives with the latter still realized the intrinsic value of Acmes community mauso- leum business in Louisiana and part of Texas. When the Stewart Resource Center was created in the summer of 1989, Acme Marble & Granite Co. was rebranded as Acme Mausoleum and became a subsidiary of Stewart Enterprises. The Acme name will continue to serve families throughout Louisiana even after Service Corporation International acquires Stewart Enterprises and its foundation. We had quite the cast of characters and a ton of fond memories, said Jean Mascaro, who started with Acme in September 1978 and continues to serve as director of administration and marketing. People come and go, but behind it all is Frank B. Stewart, Jr.s vision of what service should be.
  • 6. 6 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 the 1980s the 1980s 1980s Dec. 12, 1980 Stewart announces plans to reorganize into three divisions: Division One Client Operations; Division Two Company Owned Cemeteries and Funeral Homes; and Division Three Out- of-State Wholly Owned Subsidiaries. April 1, 1982 Stewart enters the state of Florida with four acquisitions. October 1984 Lawrence Berner is named president of Stewart Enterprises. Berner was the first president outside of the Stewart family. Jan. 31, 1985 Stewart acquires historic Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Brentwood, Md., and enters the Northeast. 1983 The Company begins selling its prearrangement services under the Simplicity Plan速 brand name. July 1985 Stewart launches its first corporate video, The Stewart Story a 15-minute audio-visual slideshow created as a general introduction to the Company. October 1985 Restland Cemetery is selected to provide graveside services for Bobby Ewing, a major character on the popular TV show Dallas. Many of the Companys properties have served as a backdrop for popular TV shows, commercials, music videos and motion pictures. Dec. 20, 1985 Stewart acquires A.P. Boza Funeral Homes of Tampa, Fla., and expands its reach in the Latin community. Nov. 1, 1986 Stewart dedicates All Saints Mausoleum in Metairie Cemetery, a joint venture with the Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans. Fall 1987 The 102nd Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Alexander Kennedy Runcie, visits Lake Lawn Metairie. Summer 1989 Acme Marble & Granite Co. becomes The Stewart Resource Center. I remember when... seinside I had little knowledge of the equipment used at Restland Cemetery because I was a funeral di- rector. A woman came in one day and was quite agitated that there was a bobcat on her daugh- ters grave. I told her we have foxes, eagles and even an occasional bobcat wander onto the prop- erty. Thats when she screamed, It is a tractor! John Ebey, Restland Funeral Home, December 1980
  • 7. 7 the abCs of steI abCs abCs stewart Enterprises relies on acronyms to describe the many processes, policies, job titles and industry terms Company employees work with every day. Here are some of the more commonly used terms over the years: stewart enterprises inc.c CRM Customer Relationship Management ADPAutomatic Data Processing AFTAutomated Fulfillment Tool BIC Best in Class BSSBusiness Support Services CAF辿 Cemetery and Funeral Home Enabler CFP Custom funeral planner CMCatholic Mortuaries CSPCertified Service Professional DC Death Certificate DCFS Director of Community and Family Service DO Director of Operations EDExecutive Director FACE 2 FACE Funeral Arranger Certification Experience FAQ Frequently Asked Questions FCFForethought Capital Funding FDICFuneral Director in Charge FSLC Funeral Service Leadership Conference GPLGeneral Price List HMISHanlon Management Information Services HRAF Human Resources Action Form IA Interment Authorization KISKey Information for Sales MAP Mutual Agreement Process MCFS Manager of Community and Family Service NOKNext of Kin O&C Opening and Closing OBCOuter Burial Container P&M Property and Merchandise PCPerpetual Care RIPRest in Peace RMCRecords Management CenterRVP Regional Vice President SECSenior Executive Committee SEERT Stewart Enterprises Employees Retirement Trust SME Subject Matter Expert SOPStandard Operating Procedure SSCShared Services Center SSNSocial Security Number WOW Welcome to Our Workplace STEIStewart Enterprises, Inc. O ccupational Safety and Health Administration I remember when... ... we did not have any computers or a fax machine and had to call in our obituaries to the newspapers. Ann Prezioso, Dunbar Funerals and Cremations, October 1986
  • 8. 8 steWaRt thRough the YeaRs through the Years stewart enterprises inc. I remember when... our sales volume and inventory reports were prepared manually with only a printing calculator and a typewriter. Marsha Morse, Corporate Headquarters, October 1982 I remember when...I remember when...
  • 9. 9 stewart through the Years seinsidec I remember when... ... we started CFP (Custom Funeral Planner), allowing arrangers to be creative and offer families a variety of personal options. Fulfilling families personal wishes keeps them coming back to us. Steve Heaton, Sunset Hills Memorial Park, October 1972
  • 10. 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 the 1990s the 1990s 1990s Spring 1990 The Marketing Services Department becomes Stewart Communications, a fully recognized in-house advertising agency to handle advertising and public relations programs. July 17, 1990 Henri Gandolfo, a Stewart employee who worked at Metairie Cemetery from 1915 until his retirement 72 years later, passes away at the age of 93. Oct. 9, 1991 Stewart Enterprises goes public on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange at 8:30 a.m. and the stock symbol STEI is born. Dec. 31, 1991 The Simplicity Plan速 is trademarked. 1992 Stewart spreads throughout the South with acquisitions in North Carolina, Alabama, Virginia, Georgia and Tennessee. March 26, 1993 Stewart acquires Los Cipreses Memorial Park in San Juan, Puerto Rico, its first acquisition outside the continental United States. Dec. 6, 1991 Metairie Cemetery is entered into the National Register of Historic Places. March 25, 1993 Stewart Enterprises holds its first shareholder meeting. Aug. 3, 1993 Stewart acquires Kirk and Nice Funeral Home, the oldest continually operated funeral home in the United States. Nov. 1, 1993 Stewart opens All Faiths Funeral Home (now called Greenwood Funeral Home) at Greenwood Cemetery. Its the Companys first funeral home on the grounds of a nonprofit cemetery. Aug. 31, 1994 Stewart acquires Agencia Gayosso in Mexico City, its first property outside of the United States. Dec. 9, 1994 Stewart acquires Australian Funerals, its first acquisition outside of North America. I remember when... 10 seinside ... I took my first trip to New Orleans where I got to meet fellow Stewart employees in learning and implementing the start up of CFP. Shawn Elliott, Zeller Chapel of the Roses, May 1987
  • 11. 11 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 the 1990s 1990s Oct. 26, 1995 Stewart enters California with the acquisition of Buchheim & Barstow Funeral Homes. Sept. 20, 1996 Stewart acquires Urgel Bourgie Funeral Homes in Montreal. With 77 funeral homes and five cemeteries in Canada, it is Stewarts largest acquisition to date. October 1996 The Shared Services Center is formed to centralize adminis- trative functions. Feb. 1, 1997 Stewart restructures its operating divisions and expands from two (Central and Eastern) to four (Central, Eastern, Southern and Western). March 19, 1997 Stewart acquires Sentinel Cremation Societies, Inc., the largest cremation society in the United States and the leading alternative-services firm in California. April 2, 1997 Stewart enters Europe with the acquisition of Pompas Funebres La Estrella in Spain. June 5, 1997 The Archdiocese of Los Angeles selects Stewart to construct and operate funeral homes on six of its largest cemeteries. In 1998, that agreement is expanded to include three more cemeteries. Winter 1998 EuroStewart Headquarters is established as the Company continues to acquire locations in Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and the Canary Islands. April 13, 1998 Stewart enters South America with the acquisition of Cocheria Parana in Buenos Aires, Argentina. April 20, 1998 The Shared Services Center moves into its own building in Jefferson, La. Summer 1998 Stewart launches its first corporate website, www.stewartenterprises.com. Sept. 2, 1998 Stewart signs an agreement with the Wyuka Cemetery Board of Trustees to build and operate a funeral home at Wyuka Cemetery, the only state- chartered cemetery in Nebraska. Fall 1998 The Companys safety mascot, Stewy, debuts in his first safety video. March 22, 1999 Work begins on an expansion at Lake Lawn Metairie Funeral Home, which would dou- ble the facilitys size and make it the largest funeral service provider in Louisiana. April 30, 1999 Stewart enters its 30th state by acquiring Wisconsin Memorial Park in Brookfield. stewart enterprises inc.c
  • 12. 12 steWaRt publICatIons SEInside The Quarterly News Report The Enterpriser stewart enterprises inc. I remember when... we knew by memory the names of all the facilities Stewart owned and who founded them. That started getting difficult once we owned 50, 60, 70 and more properties. Connie Ernst, Corporate Headquarters, August 1983 stewart Enterprises has produced many newsletters over the years some written for all employees, others targeted for specific internal groups of employees and still others designed for external audiences. The overall purpose of each publication was the same: to educate, enlighten and connect readers to the mission and goals of Stewart Enterprises.
  • 13. SEInside Puerto Rico SOAR The EnterpriserExsell 13seinsidec I remember when... we used to have the Divisional Presi- dent Club and everyone strived to make sure they made it each year. You knew you were a real playmaker then. Steve Gillespie, Western Region Office, November 1997
  • 14. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 14 the 2000s the 2000s Fall 2000 The Corporate Training Department is created. April 2001 Stewart publishes SEInside, a new monthly employee newsletter. August 2001 The Company creates the Certified Service Professional, or CSP, designation to recognize sales specialists who exceed sales goals and demonstrate respect and integrity. Nov. 1, 2001 Stewart launches SEnet, its Company intranet. January 2002 Stewart launches SEInside Puerto Rico, the Companys first completely Spanish newsletter. December 2002 The Human Resources Employee Support Team is created. August 2003 The Standard Operating Procedures Funeral Services Edition is created to identify The Stewart Way of conducting funerals. February 2004 Thomas Kitchen is named to the Companys Board of Directors. January 2005 Stewart University is launched on SEnet to provide online training. July 2005 The Company chooses caring for people, making a difference速 as its purpose statement. September 2005 Hurricane Katrina forces Corporate Headquarters to temporarily relocate to Dallas and Orlando, Fla. I remember when... seinside I ran races throughout New Orleans with my co-workers and Mr. Stewart. We ran the Red Cross relay several times, and Mr. Stew- art would pass the baton off to me. We also built a hot air balloon that actually floated in the New Orleans Convention Center for the United Ways annual campaign kickoff. Al Delaney Jr., Mount Olivet Cemetery and Mausoleum, June 1980 September 2002 SimplicityPlan.com launches.
  • 15. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 15 the 2000s the 2000s May 29, 2013 Stewart Enterprises agrees to be acquired by Houston- based Service Corporation International. January 2007 The Standard Operating Procedures Cemetery Services Edition is distributed to employees. January 2008 The Best in Class initiative and the Companys CARING (Communicate Appearance Respect Initiative Name Gratitude) cultural standards are enacted. October 2008 Stewart partners with Tributes.com to expand its online obituary offerings. January 2010 The Company begins its 100th year in operation. Nov. 2, 2010 Stewart dedicates its first cremation garden Tranquil Oaks Cremation Garden at Baldwin- Fairchild Oaklawn Park Cemetery in Sanford, Fla. April 7, 2011 Thomas Kitchen takes over as President and CEO. July 2011 The Company redesigns all location websites to be more user-friendly. December 2012 Stewart Enterprises launches Do your kids a favor速 , the first companywide marketing campaign. I remember when... stewart enterprises inc.c we handwrote all contracts, both at-need and preneed, designed the memorials on a memorial order form by hand, and when a file was needed, we pulled the paper file from the file room. Iris Menezes, Johnson County Funeral Chapel and Memorial Gardens, November 1992 stewart enterprises sincerely thanks each and every employee who has been a part of the Stewart family over the last 103 years. Thank you all for providing comfort to families and support to each other. Your dedication to your work and commitment to the Companys values have shown that caring for people, making a difference速 truly has been the mission of Stewart Enterprises. support to each other. Your dedication to your work and commitment to the Companys values havesupport to each other. Your dedication to your work and commitment to the Companys values have
  • 16. caring for people, making a difference速 息2013 STEI