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Presented by Noveera Jaffar
Product-oriented Syllabus
 Are those in which the focus is on the
knowledge and skills which learners should
gain as a result of instruction.
Product-oriented syllabus are based on
Grammatical structures.
 A structural syllabuses are also known
as a grammatical syllabuses .
It is one of the most traditional
methods used in course design.
Selecting and grading of syllabus
Grammatical syllabus : it organizes
around grammatical items. In developing
a grammatical syllabus, the syllabus
planners seek to solve the following
To select sufficient patterns to support
the amount of teaching time available.
To arrange items into a sequence that
facilitates learning
To identify a productive range of
grammatical items that will allow for the
development of basic communicative
Product-oriented syllabuses can be
analytically or synthetically selected.
In a synthetic language teaching strategy
language is taught bit by bit thus gradually
making one unified whole.
This strategy was connected with acquiring
of grammatical structures.
In an analytic syllabus the aim is the
communicative structures with different
degrees of difficulty.
The truth is that form and function should
be studied together, not in isolation.
The well-known functional-notional syllabus
is presented as a synthetic syllabus (see
Widdowson 1979). With analythic syllabuses
the stress is on situations, topics & themes.
It is a type A syllabus.
Selection and gradation is
Based on the complexity and simplicity of
grammatical items.
The teacher regards the items from the
point of view of levels or stages. For
example, beginning, intermediate,
advanced, or grades, 1,2,3, etc.
From simple grammar structures to complex
A grammatical syllabus may start with the
present simple, then the present continuous,
then the past simple, and so on.
1. Present simple and continuous.
2. Present simple.
3. Past simple and continuous.
4. Expressing requests and offers.
5. Future time - will/going to.
6. Describing people and places.
7. Present perfect simple.
The syllabus may use either Audio-
lingual Method or Grammar-
Translation Method, or a combination
of the two or an eclectic approach.
Whichever he uses, the content of the
syllabus is determined by giving top
priority to teaching the grammar or
structure of the language
The designer of a product syllabus might
take a list of grammatical structures or a list
of functions as his/her starting point for
design, or s/he might decide to use a
wordlist, or alternatively, a mixture of all
these elements may be used.
 What is important is that they all take
some form of linguistic content as a basis
for designing the syllabus (such syllabuses
are also described as content syllabuses
Students are graded according to their
 Nunan, D. (1988). Syllabus design. Oxford
University Press.
 Widdowson, H. G. (1979). Models and
fictions. Applied Linguistics, 1, 165.

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Selecting and grading product orientated syllabus

  • 2. Product-oriented Syllabus Are those in which the focus is on the knowledge and skills which learners should gain as a result of instruction. Product-oriented syllabus are based on Grammatical structures. A structural syllabuses are also known as a grammatical syllabuses . It is one of the most traditional methods used in course design.
  • 3. Selecting and grading of syllabus Grammatical syllabus : it organizes around grammatical items. In developing a grammatical syllabus, the syllabus planners seek to solve the following problems: To select sufficient patterns to support the amount of teaching time available. To arrange items into a sequence that facilitates learning To identify a productive range of grammatical items that will allow for the development of basic communicative skills.
  • 4. . s Conti. Product-oriented syllabuses can be analytically or synthetically selected. In a synthetic language teaching strategy language is taught bit by bit thus gradually making one unified whole. This strategy was connected with acquiring of grammatical structures. In an analytic syllabus the aim is the communicative structures with different degrees of difficulty.
  • 5. Conti.. The truth is that form and function should be studied together, not in isolation. The well-known functional-notional syllabus is presented as a synthetic syllabus (see Widdowson 1979). With analythic syllabuses the stress is on situations, topics & themes.
  • 6. Conti. It is a type A syllabus. Selection and gradation is Based on the complexity and simplicity of grammatical items. The teacher regards the items from the point of view of levels or stages. For example, beginning, intermediate, advanced, or grades, 1,2,3, etc.
  • 7. Conti From simple grammar structures to complex ones. Example A grammatical syllabus may start with the present simple, then the present continuous, then the past simple, and so on. 1. Present simple and continuous. 2. Present simple. 3. Past simple and continuous. 4. Expressing requests and offers. 5. Future time - will/going to. 6. Describing people and places. 7. Present perfect simple.
  • 8. Conti.. The syllabus may use either Audio- lingual Method or Grammar- Translation Method, or a combination of the two or an eclectic approach. Whichever he uses, the content of the syllabus is determined by giving top priority to teaching the grammar or structure of the language
  • 9. Conti The designer of a product syllabus might take a list of grammatical structures or a list of functions as his/her starting point for design, or s/he might decide to use a wordlist, or alternatively, a mixture of all these elements may be used. What is important is that they all take some form of linguistic content as a basis for designing the syllabus (such syllabuses are also described as content syllabuses Students are graded according to their ability.
  • 10. Nunan, D. (1988). Syllabus design. Oxford University Press. Widdowson, H. G. (1979). Models and fictions. Applied Linguistics, 1, 165.