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2900 W Dallas St, Apt 520 Asethi093@gmail.com
Houston, TX 77019 (469)-525-6423
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX August 2015  December 2016
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX August 2011  May 2015
Bachelor of Science in Honors in Advanced Human Development and Family Science
 GPA 3.5407
 University Honors
Study Abroad - Learning Tuscany: Art and Culture in Italy May 2014  July 2014
 Immersed in language and culture of Italy by daily interaction with the locals and travel to historic sites
 Developed communication and presentation skills by participating in public art exhibition
Texas Childrens Hospital, Texas Medical Center March 2014  Present
Baby Holder, Patient Pal, Kidney Coach
 Comfort, console, and hold babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
 Serve as a companion to patients and provide bedside activities for those in need of a visit throughout
inpatient floors
Dell Childrens Medical Center of Central Texas January 2014  May 2015
Child Life Volunteer
 Befriend and interact with pediatric oncology patients and families at Dell Childrens Medical Center to
help make their stay more comfortable and welcoming
 Attend to the needs of patients and provide them with companionship
University of Texas at Austin, Graduate Department August 2013  May 2015
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Mentor: Dr. Timothy Loving, PhD
 Developed thesis assessing the relationship between perceived levels of social support and stress
levels for individuals who had recently endured a break up
 Facilitated experiments targeted at understanding stress by analyzing cortisol levels secreted when
undergraduate students experience falling in love and breaking up
 Assisted in developing script and surveys implemented during the study
Texas Health May 2013  July 2013
Intern, Preceptor: Dr. Kevin Carnes, MD
 Shadowed an anesthesiologist on his weekly rounds learning and witnessing anesthetic care.
Scottish Rite Childrens Hospital, Department of Molecular Genetics May 2012  July 2012
Research Intern, Mentor: Dr. Carol Wise, MD
 Generated pedigrees of 900 patients, digitized images, and analyzed genetic history of various families
to determine heritability of idiopathic scoliosis
UTSNA (University of Texas Student Nurses Association), Houston, TX August 2015  Present
Vice President May 2016  Present
 Select and oversee programs as approved by the Executive Committee
 Act as a liaison to community organizations and other schools or nursing
Member August 2015  Present
 Interact with pediatric oncology and hematology patients at Texas Childrens Hospital through the
Periwinkle Foundation by befriending patients through various games, activities, and conversation in
the effort to make their stay more welcoming.
 Provide donations for hospitals, shelters, veterans, and communities in need throughout the year.
 Assist with semester blood-drives
School of Human Ecology, Austin, TX January 2014  May 2015
Honors Human Development and Family Sciences Mentor
 Provide freshman honors student with guidance regarding coursework and organizations to further
enhance her undergraduate experience
Texas Spirits, Austin, TX January 2012  Present
 1 of 25 girls selected out of 400 applicants to be members
Mentor May 2015  Present
 Advise current UT Austin undergraduate student with focus on current courses, community
involvement, and future career planning.
Outreach Chair January 2014  May 2015
 Responsible for connecting with other student leaders across campus to increase involvement and
finalize tasks in inaugural event: UTs Real Beauty Campaign
 Encourage both students and members of the Austin community to engage in lifestyle choices that
enhance their overall mental and physical health.
Service Chair January 2013  December 2013
 Liaison between the Make A Wish Foundation, the St. Louise House, and Texas Spirits
 Organized annual benefit concert raising $20,000 for Make A Wish Foundation and St. Louise House
 Implemented a new annual philanthropic event, The Mr. Spirit Pageant, to benefit both Make A Wish
Foundation and St. Louise House.
 Managed the service hour requirement tracker for all 150 active members
External Publicity Chair August 2012  December 2012
 Coordinated volunteers to collect donations to benefit Make a Wish Foundation and St. Louis House
 Worked with fundraising chair to host profit shares and other fundraising events with local businesses
Camp Texas, Austin, TX November 2011  August 2014
 Act as a role model for incoming UT freshmen and help acclimate them to the University
 Assimilate various activities to create a welcoming environment for incoming freshmen
Texas THON, Austin, TX August 2011  May 2015
Miracle Maker Relations Chair March 2013  March 2014
 Primary point of contact for 800+ registered miracle makers
 Developed the rules and guidelines packet detailing all information necessary for miracle makers
 Lead bimonthly meetings, secured sponsorships, and fundraised for Dell Childrens Medical Center of
Central Texas
Morale Captain August 2011  March 2013
 Directed a team of 12 dancers and kept them energized and enthusiastic throughout the 12 hour
dance marathon
 Raised money for Dell Childrens Medical Center
Student Government, Austin, TX August 2011  Present
Mentor FLO (Freshman Leadership Organization) August 2013  Present
 Support freshman student and familiarize him with the University through introductions to various
resources, organizations and activities
Associate Director  FLO (Freshman Leadership Organization) August 2012  May 2013
 Served as the public voice for FLO and facilitated weekly FLO and officer meetings
 Planned Mentor/Mentee Program to help advise underclassmen and acclimate them to the University
 Oversaw/maintained website, budgeting, t-shirt design, weekly agenda, PowerPoint, and all sub
Amschwand Sarcoma Foundation, Houston, TX November 2015  Present
 Assist with annual philanthropic events Catwalk for a Cure and A Couture Cause by engaging with
attendees, administering raffle tickets, and collecting donations benefiting sarcoma research.
Texas 4000 for Cancer, Austin, TX October 2013  Present
Mentor August 2015  Present
 Support current rider by encouraging and assisting themthroughout training, volunteering, and
fundraising initiatives.
 Advise current rider on fundraising strategies, networking opportunities, and effective communication
Group Fundraising Coordinator August 2014  August 2015
 Organize profit shares with local businesses in the Austin community and assist individuals with
personal fundraising goals by initiating various fundraising events
Rider October 2013  August 2015
 Raise $4,500 for M.D. Anderson and bike 4,500 miles from Austin, TX, to Anchorage, AK, spreading
hope, knowledge, and charity in the fight against cancer
Maplewood Elementary, Austin, TX January 2014  May 2015
 Motivate a second grade student to set meaningful goals and value her education
 Encourage student to make good choices by providing her with guidance and friendship
Orange Jackets, Austin, TX April 2013  May 2015
Active Member
 1 out of 100 applicants selected to join organization
 Implemented a campus-wide beauty campaign promoting healthy habits and celebrating oneself
 Serve as the official hostesses of the University of Texas at Austin by celebrating esteemed faculty,
welcoming guests to the University, and serving throughout the Austin community
Project S.E.E.E. (Science Enrichment in Elementary Education), Austin, TX August 2011  May 2015
4th Year Member  Student Teacher
 Create experiments to help underprivileged elementary school students acquire the lessons and skills
necessary for passing the Science TAKS
 Encourage children in underprivileged elementary schools to further their education by providing them
with greater exposure to science and math
Feed My People, Austin, TX August 2011  May 2015
 Cook and serve breakfast to the homeless while interacting with them and providing them with
 Margaret C. Berry Scholarship Recipient; awarded to one sophomore woman annually
 Best Support; Texas 4000 for Cancer
 Best All Around Active; Texas Spirits
 Top Individual Fundraiser; Texas THON
 Champion For Cures; Light the Night
 Best Overall Group; Camp Texas
 Hindi [fluent]
 Spanish [basic]

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  • 1. ANJALI SETHI 2900 W Dallas St, Apt 520 Asethi093@gmail.com Houston, TX 77019 (469)-525-6423 EDUCATION The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX August 2015 December 2016 Bachelor of Science in Nursing The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX August 2011 May 2015 Bachelor of Science in Honors in Advanced Human Development and Family Science GPA 3.5407 University Honors Study Abroad - Learning Tuscany: Art and Culture in Italy May 2014 July 2014 Immersed in language and culture of Italy by daily interaction with the locals and travel to historic sites Developed communication and presentation skills by participating in public art exhibition EXPERIENCE Texas Childrens Hospital, Texas Medical Center March 2014 Present Baby Holder, Patient Pal, Kidney Coach Comfort, console, and hold babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Serve as a companion to patients and provide bedside activities for those in need of a visit throughout inpatient floors Dell Childrens Medical Center of Central Texas January 2014 May 2015 Child Life Volunteer Befriend and interact with pediatric oncology patients and families at Dell Childrens Medical Center to help make their stay more comfortable and welcoming Attend to the needs of patients and provide them with companionship University of Texas at Austin, Graduate Department August 2013 May 2015 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Mentor: Dr. Timothy Loving, PhD Developed thesis assessing the relationship between perceived levels of social support and stress levels for individuals who had recently endured a break up Facilitated experiments targeted at understanding stress by analyzing cortisol levels secreted when undergraduate students experience falling in love and breaking up Assisted in developing script and surveys implemented during the study Texas Health May 2013 July 2013 Intern, Preceptor: Dr. Kevin Carnes, MD Shadowed an anesthesiologist on his weekly rounds learning and witnessing anesthetic care.
  • 2. Scottish Rite Childrens Hospital, Department of Molecular Genetics May 2012 July 2012 Research Intern, Mentor: Dr. Carol Wise, MD Generated pedigrees of 900 patients, digitized images, and analyzed genetic history of various families to determine heritability of idiopathic scoliosis LEADERSHIP UTSNA (University of Texas Student Nurses Association), Houston, TX August 2015 Present Vice President May 2016 Present Select and oversee programs as approved by the Executive Committee Act as a liaison to community organizations and other schools or nursing Member August 2015 Present Interact with pediatric oncology and hematology patients at Texas Childrens Hospital through the Periwinkle Foundation by befriending patients through various games, activities, and conversation in the effort to make their stay more welcoming. Provide donations for hospitals, shelters, veterans, and communities in need throughout the year. Assist with semester blood-drives School of Human Ecology, Austin, TX January 2014 May 2015 Honors Human Development and Family Sciences Mentor Provide freshman honors student with guidance regarding coursework and organizations to further enhance her undergraduate experience Texas Spirits, Austin, TX January 2012 Present 1 of 25 girls selected out of 400 applicants to be members Mentor May 2015 Present Advise current UT Austin undergraduate student with focus on current courses, community involvement, and future career planning. Outreach Chair January 2014 May 2015 Responsible for connecting with other student leaders across campus to increase involvement and finalize tasks in inaugural event: UTs Real Beauty Campaign Encourage both students and members of the Austin community to engage in lifestyle choices that enhance their overall mental and physical health. Service Chair January 2013 December 2013 Liaison between the Make A Wish Foundation, the St. Louise House, and Texas Spirits Organized annual benefit concert raising $20,000 for Make A Wish Foundation and St. Louise House Implemented a new annual philanthropic event, The Mr. Spirit Pageant, to benefit both Make A Wish Foundation and St. Louise House. Managed the service hour requirement tracker for all 150 active members External Publicity Chair August 2012 December 2012 Coordinated volunteers to collect donations to benefit Make a Wish Foundation and St. Louis House Worked with fundraising chair to host profit shares and other fundraising events with local businesses
  • 3. Camp Texas, Austin, TX November 2011 August 2014 Counselor Act as a role model for incoming UT freshmen and help acclimate them to the University Assimilate various activities to create a welcoming environment for incoming freshmen Texas THON, Austin, TX August 2011 May 2015 Miracle Maker Relations Chair March 2013 March 2014 Primary point of contact for 800+ registered miracle makers Developed the rules and guidelines packet detailing all information necessary for miracle makers Lead bimonthly meetings, secured sponsorships, and fundraised for Dell Childrens Medical Center of Central Texas Morale Captain August 2011 March 2013 Directed a team of 12 dancers and kept them energized and enthusiastic throughout the 12 hour dance marathon Raised money for Dell Childrens Medical Center Student Government, Austin, TX August 2011 Present Mentor FLO (Freshman Leadership Organization) August 2013 Present Support freshman student and familiarize him with the University through introductions to various resources, organizations and activities Associate Director FLO (Freshman Leadership Organization) August 2012 May 2013 Served as the public voice for FLO and facilitated weekly FLO and officer meetings Planned Mentor/Mentee Program to help advise underclassmen and acclimate them to the University Oversaw/maintained website, budgeting, t-shirt design, weekly agenda, PowerPoint, and all sub committees COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Amschwand Sarcoma Foundation, Houston, TX November 2015 Present Volunteer Assist with annual philanthropic events Catwalk for a Cure and A Couture Cause by engaging with attendees, administering raffle tickets, and collecting donations benefiting sarcoma research. Texas 4000 for Cancer, Austin, TX October 2013 Present Mentor August 2015 Present Support current rider by encouraging and assisting themthroughout training, volunteering, and fundraising initiatives. Advise current rider on fundraising strategies, networking opportunities, and effective communication Group Fundraising Coordinator August 2014 August 2015 Organize profit shares with local businesses in the Austin community and assist individuals with personal fundraising goals by initiating various fundraising events Rider October 2013 August 2015 Raise $4,500 for M.D. Anderson and bike 4,500 miles from Austin, TX, to Anchorage, AK, spreading hope, knowledge, and charity in the fight against cancer
  • 4. Maplewood Elementary, Austin, TX January 2014 May 2015 Mentor Motivate a second grade student to set meaningful goals and value her education Encourage student to make good choices by providing her with guidance and friendship Orange Jackets, Austin, TX April 2013 May 2015 Active Member 1 out of 100 applicants selected to join organization Implemented a campus-wide beauty campaign promoting healthy habits and celebrating oneself Serve as the official hostesses of the University of Texas at Austin by celebrating esteemed faculty, welcoming guests to the University, and serving throughout the Austin community Project S.E.E.E. (Science Enrichment in Elementary Education), Austin, TX August 2011 May 2015 4th Year Member Student Teacher Create experiments to help underprivileged elementary school students acquire the lessons and skills necessary for passing the Science TAKS Encourage children in underprivileged elementary schools to further their education by providing them with greater exposure to science and math Feed My People, Austin, TX August 2011 May 2015 Volunteer Cook and serve breakfast to the homeless while interacting with them and providing them with necessities HONORS & AWARDS Margaret C. Berry Scholarship Recipient; awarded to one sophomore woman annually Best Support; Texas 4000 for Cancer Best All Around Active; Texas Spirits Top Individual Fundraiser; Texas THON Champion For Cures; Light the Night Best Overall Group; Camp Texas SKILLS Hindi [fluent] Spanish [basic]