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Cell School

Lopatin 7y
Plant Cell

Im Shayna and Ill be
your tour guide around the
fabulous Cell School!

in our school is themed around a
plant cell. On this tour youll learn things
about the plant cell that you didnt
know before.

First, you will meet the principal, Mr. Nucleus. Dont ask me about his
name he will tell you about it...

Come on in!! Here he is: 

My name is Mr. Nucleus.
You may ask me, why my name is,
Nucleus. Well, my job is somewhat similar
to the nucleuses job. I am the boss of the
school. I even have some instructions for
things related to this school. Just like the
nucleus. Thus, my name became,
Here is the
Nucleus. It is the
boss of the cell.
Just like I, am the
boss of this school.

Our next stop is the famous two hallways. One, has plain 鍖ooring and
one, has carpet with polka dots. Both are necessary to the school
because they are pathways through the school. These two hallways
represent, the smooth ER and the rough ER. The
polka dots in one of the hallways represent the

Here is the smooth ER
and the rough ER
notice that the rough
ER has ribosomes just
like our hallways have
polka dots.
We have very high security here at Cell School. If you want to get
through then 鍖rst you have to get through our very secure walls, just
like the cell wall.
The cell wall is there
to protect the cell.
The brick wall is
there to ensure your
childs safety here at
Cell School.

If you get through the brick wall then you need to get through our
security guards. Now you will meet one of our head security guards,
Miss. Membrane.

Hi. My
name is Miss. Membrane. I am the head
security guard here at Cell School. I take my job very
seriously. I determine what goes in and out of the school. Just
like the cell membrane determines what goes in and out of
the cell. That is why they call me Miss.

This is the cell
membrane. It
comes after the
cell wall. It controls
what goes in and
out like me.
Because sometimes it can get very hot we need a place to store as
many water bottles as we can for our students. 

Here we are, entering the storage room where the water is stored. It
gets really hot here, so we need an extra big storage space. This is
like the vacuole because the vacuole stores things and it
needs to be extra big for the plant cell.

The Plant Cell

Notice how the vacuole of
the plant cell is bigger than
the vacuole of the animal
cell. It is because the plant
cell stores more water
than the animal cell.
Similar, we need more
water than other schools
because we have hotter

We make our own natural food so we have a beautiful kitchen. Just
like the chloroplast in the plant cell, we too have things that help us
make our food.
Just like our kitchen
helps us make food for
our students, the
chloroplast helps the
plant cell do

Another part of this school is our, one of a kind oven. This oven has
the ability to make any meat you desire. On one condition. The meat
must be 鍖lled with lots of protein. This is like the ribosomes because
they make proteins.

My name is Ribo Joe. Im
an oven who can make you any
meat you want ... as long as its full of
protein. Here: I prepared you a turkey!! My
name is Ribo Joe because my job is like the
ribosomes job. I make proteins also, but I
make them in the form of meat. While they
wanted to call me Ribosomes Joe, it
was too long. So they switched it
to Ribo Joe.

Julia!! Im married to Ribo Joe. We both make meat
鍖lled with protein. The only difference with us and ribosomes is that
1: were ovens and 2: ribosomes make protein directly. We
make it through yummy foods.
Here are the
ribosomes, that
make the proteins.
They are like us
because we also
make proteins.

We do lots of chesed at Cell School. One of the things we do is, pack
and prepare bags of food for homeless. This is similar to the Golgi
Apparatus because it packs and processes the proteins.

Just like we
pack the
grocery bags,
the Golgi

Our Janitor is he best in the whole world!! He does many things. His
name is Mr. Lysosome Lysol.

My name is Mr. Lysosome Lysol.
Im the janitor at Cell School. I clean the
halls, bathrooms, and 鍖oors. I am like the
lysosome because I keep the school clean. I
also use a lot of Lysol.
The lysosome
also helps he
system. Like me,
it cleans also.

Lastly the students in the halls are like the cytoplasm. They are all
over the cell. Just like students are all over the school.

Cytoplasm is a
gel-like material
inside the cell.
They love that they
are similar to

the blue

If you want to look
more at the plant cell all
together than below is a
I hope that you
enjoyed your tour of
Cell School!!! Come
back soon!

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Shayna's cell project

  • 1. Cell School By: Shayna Lopatin 7y Plant Cell Hi! Im Shayna and Ill be your tour guide around the fabulous Cell School! Everything in our school is themed around a plant cell. On this tour youll learn things about the plant cell that you didnt know before. First, you will meet the principal, Mr. Nucleus. Dont ask me about his name he will tell you about it... Come on in!! Here he is: Hi. My name is Mr. Nucleus. You may ask me, why my name is, Nucleus. Well, my job is somewhat similar to the nucleuses job. I am the boss of the school. I even have some instructions for things related to this school. Just like the nucleus. Thus, my name became, Nucleus.
  • 2. Here is the Nucleus. It is the boss of the cell. Just like I, am the boss of this school. Our next stop is the famous two hallways. One, has plain 鍖ooring and one, has carpet with polka dots. Both are necessary to the school because they are pathways through the school. These two hallways represent, the smooth ER and the rough ER. The polka dots in one of the hallways represent the ribosomes. Here is the smooth ER and the rough ER notice that the rough ER has ribosomes just like our hallways have polka dots.
  • 3. We have very high security here at Cell School. If you want to get through then 鍖rst you have to get through our very secure walls, just like the cell wall. The cell wall is there to protect the cell. The brick wall is there to ensure your childs safety here at Cell School. If you get through the brick wall then you need to get through our security guards. Now you will meet one of our head security guards, Miss. Membrane. Hi. My name is Miss. Membrane. I am the head security guard here at Cell School. I take my job very seriously. I determine what goes in and out of the school. Just like the cell membrane determines what goes in and out of the cell. That is why they call me Miss. Membrane. This is the cell membrane. It comes after the cell wall. It controls what goes in and out like me.
  • 4. Because sometimes it can get very hot we need a place to store as many water bottles as we can for our students. Here we are, entering the storage room where the water is stored. It gets really hot here, so we need an extra big storage space. This is like the vacuole because the vacuole stores things and it needs to be extra big for the plant cell. The Plant Cell Notice how the vacuole of the plant cell is bigger than the vacuole of the animal cell. It is because the plant cell stores more water than the animal cell. Similar, we need more water than other schools because we have hotter weather. We make our own natural food so we have a beautiful kitchen. Just like the chloroplast in the plant cell, we too have things that help us make our food.
  • 5. Just like our kitchen helps us make food for our students, the chloroplast helps the plant cell do photosynthesis. Another part of this school is our, one of a kind oven. This oven has the ability to make any meat you desire. On one condition. The meat must be 鍖lled with lots of protein. This is like the ribosomes because they make proteins. Hi. My name is Ribo Joe. Im an oven who can make you any meat you want ... as long as its full of protein. Here: I prepared you a turkey!! My name is Ribo Joe because my job is like the ribosomes job. I make proteins also, but I make them in the form of meat. While they wanted to call me Ribosomes Joe, it was too long. So they switched it to Ribo Joe. Im Julia!! Im married to Ribo Joe. We both make meat 鍖lled with protein. The only difference with us and ribosomes is that 1: were ovens and 2: ribosomes make protein directly. We make it through yummy foods.
  • 6. Here are the ribosomes, that make the proteins. They are like us because we also make proteins. We do lots of chesed at Cell School. One of the things we do is, pack and prepare bags of food for homeless. This is similar to the Golgi Apparatus because it packs and processes the proteins. Just like we pack the grocery bags, the Golgi Apparatus Our Janitor is he best in the whole world!! He does many things. His name is Mr. Lysosome Lysol. Hey. My name is Mr. Lysosome Lysol. Im the janitor at Cell School. I clean the halls, bathrooms, and 鍖oors. I am like the lysosome because I keep the school clean. I also use a lot of Lysol.
  • 7. The lysosome also helps he digestive system. Like me, it cleans also. Lastly the students in the halls are like the cytoplasm. They are all over the cell. Just like students are all over the school. Cytoplasm is a gel-like material inside the cell. They love that they are similar to cytoplasm All the blue If you want to look more at the plant cell all together than below is a picture.
  • 8. I hope that you enjoyed your tour of Cell School!!! Come back soon!