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Script Log
1 of 4 TC/V.4
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CHANGE 10/14/14 3 NICO: Nico. "El Nicoyo" "El Nicoya." No real name…
CHANGE/ADD 10/14/14 4
NICO: I'm the one they call "El Nicaraguenzo" 'El
Nicaraguense.'…Ok, the real connection between el
CUT/CHANGE 10/14/14 9
NICO: "qui 'stoy 'sta 'schucha…stimulated in the mind
when earning money." This carbon cabron me dijo
CHANGE 10/15/14 2
BAYUNCOSO: Aparecida, Aparecida…desparecde ya,
puchica! She's gone. Dead and gone. Phew- good no?
La maldita verdad, Aparecida desaparcio. Tiene
fosforo? Fosforo?
CUT 10/15/14 2
APARECIDA: Here…I'll piece it back together. Our
whole world catching fire. I start heavy, easier to do
CHANGE 10/16/14 2 REV: You met meet her in a bar.
CUT 10/16/14 3 APARECIDA:I was sitting here…
CUT 10/16/14 5
APARECIDA: Flash down. Free and the Reverend in
living limbo.
CUT 10/16/14 9
APARECIDA: San Francisco, Bay Area, Now...
BAYUNCOSO: I too, am un poco scary-a ghost sua.
CUT/CHANGE 10/16/14 10
REV: Juicy!...and jive…Drive War journals-please.
APARECIDA: But wait? Where can you read about this
war? Here, here? The only war we can read about is
the "Drug War."
APARECIDA: Flash. The Beyond, the Interrogation,
the Morgue, the Repast. I'm listening.
CHANGE 10/17/14 12 MAGNOLIA: …he didn't see the fall. Freeway...
CUT/CHANGE 10/17/14 12
APARECIDA: Here. Then and Now. She Magnolia said
CUT 10/17/14 12
REV: This is a court case...
FREE: …Before it started.
CHANGE 10/17/14 18 FREE: Kryptonite, it's crack base, allright!
ADD 10/18/14 11 MAGNOLIA: Cuz he sure saw it...
CUT/CHANGE 10/18/14 14
FREE: Life of the story book, baby. Build to that one
last shot. Let's do this. Sell the whole damn thing. To
the big boy. Your countryman who conecting us with
one of his connects here. Bigger than him, even. Get
more ways to sell more.
NICO: Bayuncoso. Baboso.
FREE: Well now. He did it. Got us the-yes that one-
the deal. I don't care now if he deals with white folks.
Hey-they buying whole.
CUT 10/18/14 15 APARECIDA: The Freeway. The Harbor Highway.
CHANGE 10/18/14 18 FREE: Too much to face your neighborhood...
Script Log
2 of 4 TC/V.4
Type Date Page New Text
CHANGE 10/18/14 22 APARECIDA: 1983 1984.
CHANGE 10/18/14 23 NICO: Canta carbon cabron.
CHANGE 10/18/14 24 FREE: Mercury? Who he? I did what? Where?
CHANGE 10/18/14 26 APARECIDA: 1983 1984.
CUT 10/18/14 31 APARECIDA: Flash, to Rev, he preaching, now.
CHANGE 10/18/14 34 NICO:Qualquieren no nos quieren.
CHANGE 10/18/14 34
MAGNOLIA: Inner City. Muthafukas got wise, started
calling it: that the Inner City.
CUT 10/19/14 5 BAYUNCOSO: He Rich didn’t' know this.
CUT 10/19/14 22
NICO:Make it. Make nuff. You say we make it who
sell it…
CUT 10/19/14 28
FREE: But I was arrested for stealing a car and had to
quit the trade while the charges was pending.
CUT 10/19/14 28
FREE: That is San Jose State University-yeah over
there you know, the Bay Area…
CUT 10/19/14 33 BAYUNCOSO: Boo. Boo hoo hoo, ya tu sabes
CUT 10/19/14 34
BAYUNCOSO:That is where I knew we had to start
CHANGE 10/19/14 34
BAYUNCOSO:It would be as if there like a campo
CUT 10/19/14 35 APARECIDA: Magnolia in isolation
CHANGE 10/19/14 36 NICO: You know is gonna blow up! Fuego Amaia.
CHANGE 10/19/14 37 FREE: Our fortune money baby.
CHANGE/ADD 10/19/14 37
NICO:Se dice fuego Amaia. Los Indios Meskitos
CUT 10/19/14 42 BAYUNCOSO: Claro, I mean…wow wee.
CUT 10/19/14 42 NICO: This isn't some…understanding this.
CHANGE 10/19/14 42 FREE:Count nigga vato "make it better…"
CUT 10/19/14 43
FREE: …ya dig. Shoot they bust through that door...
NICO: Tss Tsst. That's what I'm trying to be doing:
contando. Get this, so you get this, so they get this.
CHANGE 10/19/14 45 APARECIDA:Phone Interview, 1995 1994.
CHANGE 10/19/14 45 APARECIDA: Correctional Facility 1993 1994.
CUT 10/19/14 46 FREE: Whatever you call him, "Manuel."
CUT 10/19/14 46
APARECIDA: …if I were to tell you Manuelo- this guy.
That ManueloWas working for the Contras.
CUT 10/19/14 47-48
APARECIDA: This is the stuff I have to put on paper.
Flash to Nico farther back.
APARECIDA: Freaky flash…
APARECIDA: Flash farther. Metro correctional 1994.
Ok. So Rich...
CUT 10/19/14 49
APARECIDA: Well, ok, pick quarterback, a good one
FREE: No I didn't see it through.
CHANGE 10/21/14 39 BAYUNCOSO: Soy cabron caballo…
CHANGE/ADD 10/21/14 40
NICO: Me senti sente…revolucion adentro de la
CHANGE/ADD 10/21/14 42
APARECIDA: Freeway and the two Nicaraguenses.
Flash. Back to the beginning Harbor Motel…
CHANGE 10/21/14 53 REV: This the sermon eulogy…
RDP V4.0
Script Log
3 of 4 TC/V.4
Type Date Page New Text
CUT 10/22/14 1
Stage Dir: Aparecida, Aparecida, step up, speak
CUT 10/22/14 4
APARECIDA: As I stood On that lawn, I remember:
this is a park.
ADD 10/22/14 9
BAYUNCOSO: Cabron? Yo? It's what keeps me floating
CHANGE 10/23/14 19
REV: One of these pious men that come to the priest
good reverend one day he has a proposition.
ADD 10/24/14 31
MAGNOLIA: I sit here stunned.
APARECIDA: What? Magnolia. What happened?
MAGNOLIA: This Bayuncozo-he testifies…
ADD 10/26/14 39 BAYUNCOSO: I testify. I'll be alive, but dead.
CHANGE 10/26/14 40
APARECIDA: Flash. The limbo immigrant land between
home and here.
ADD 10/28/14 15 NICO: Vamos al otro motel.
ADD/CHANGE 10/28/14 45
MAGNOLIA:Cuz, you gonna find this thing is like
crazier mo' acid trippy than the trail in Alice in
Wonderland. Cheshire cat in an untouchable suit.
Catepillar buying guns. Dormouse talking spanglish--
ADD 10/28/14 45
APARECIDA: Correctional Facility 1994.
NICO: Watch yo' back Rich!
FREE: Welcome to Metro.
CUT 10/28/14 48 APARECIDA: I'm only asking From what I see.
CUT 10/29/14 41 NICO: …I running from is fighting here. Ya tu sabes.
CHANGE 10/29/14 41
MAGNOLIA: You got me waiting/..Yes, I'm sitting in
the park/..
APARECIDA: Flipping Flash. Magnolia. Phone
Interviews after 850 Bryant Meeting, 1992.
CUT 10/30/14 51
REV: The voice the violence the sound the shutting of
life: BANG.
CHANGE 10/30/14 51
MAGNOLIA:Final Flash.
REV: Back to the bar…
CUT 10/31/14 2 APARECIDA: ...come dig in the dirt, dear readers.
CUT 10/31/14 4
BAYUNCOSO: ...acting into un microphone…What you
going to do..fueron unos negocios, that's what they
always say in these movies… Only business, my
CUT 10/31/14 4
APARECIDA: Latino Cast of video cartoons seems silly
CUT 10/31/14 51
MAGNOLIA: So…Flash to me Magnolia…
APARECIDA:And it did. Twice at least. Death, walking
talkng death.
MAGNOLIA: Fucked up flash…
CHANGE 10/31/14 52 APARECIDA: My last letter story.
ADD 10/31/14 52
APARECIDA: They can can call it a suicide note.
REV: What? We now live in a country…
CUT 11/1/14 19
APARECIDA:The Rev stands alone, a sermon, off the
pulpit, to who? For me? Is there a congregation that
believes this?
CUT 11/1/14 26
NICO: Mira he pulls away este esheet y reveals a nice
lounge like uno pa' un big bachelor pad.
ADD/CUT 11/1/14 50
APARECIDA: Why you met him, and all of them?
Luck? Fate? Chance?
RDP V4.0
Script Log
4 of 4 TC/V.4
Type Date Page New Text
CHANGE 11/1/14 32 & 36
REV: So the trial is, how far we each gon' fall.
MAGNOLIA: Anybody can make a mistake….
NICO:You know it's gonna blow up! Fuego! Insendio!
REV:When I was my highest…against your very spirit.
MAGNOLIA: But hey, I believe in the here and now…
ADD/CHANGE 11/1/14 37
NICO:Se dice fuego insendio. It was a bad thing. Los
Indios Meskitos en Nicaragua was escared of fire, it
was a Spanish thing.
FREE: Omen? Bad thing? You speak Spanish man--
CUT 11/1/14 40
BAYUNCOSO: …soy vendido, pendejo, mordido. DOA
by CIA…
ADD 11/4/14 10
REV: …1990's rap video. No. The cost of this is lives.
This is real deal genocide.
ADD 11/4/14 45
NICO: Watch your back Free!
FREE: Will do. Welcome to Metro.
CHANGE 11/4/14 50
FREE: But the real mother was my mind game was
tight my vision game was so explosive they were not
ADD 11/8/14 2 BAYUNCOSO: Foforo? Puta!
CUT 11/8/14 10
REV: …sad tales of mamas selling their ass and
leaving their babies…
CHANGE 11/8/14 18
NICO: …we off the streets-so let's getting this big deal
done get this to the motel, now.
ADD 11/8/14 22
NICO: …entonces. What am I to be doing when there
are flames in both countries?
CUT 11/9/14 33 REV: Yes. I said it! Say it loud too. As if…
CHANGE 11/9/14 37 FREE: You speak you're Spanish man--
ADD/CHANGE 11/9/14 45
MAGNOLIA:…This this is mo' acid trippier than the
trail rabbit hole...Dormouse Dormices speaking
spanglish--And the mad hatter controls all the
RDP V4.0

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  • 1. SUPERHEROES Script Log 11/9/14 1 of 4 TC/V.4 Type Date Page New Text CHANGE 10/14/14 3 NICO: Nico. "El Nicoyo" "El Nicoya." No real name… CHANGE/ADD 10/14/14 4 NICO: I'm the one they call "El Nicaraguenzo" 'El Nicaraguense.'…Ok, the real connection between el Richie…" CUT/CHANGE 10/14/14 9 NICO: "qui 'stoy 'sta 'schucha…stimulated in the mind when earning money." This carbon cabron me dijo eso… CHANGE 10/15/14 2 BAYUNCOSO: Aparecida, Aparecida…desparecde ya, puchica! She's gone. Dead and gone. Phew- good no? La maldita verdad, Aparecida desaparcio. Tiene fosforo? Fosforo? CUT 10/15/14 2 APARECIDA: Here…I'll piece it back together. Our whole world catching fire. I start heavy, easier to do dead. CHANGE 10/16/14 2 REV: You met meet her in a bar. CUT 10/16/14 3 APARECIDA:I was sitting here… CUT 10/16/14 5 APARECIDA: Flash down. Free and the Reverend in living limbo. CUT 10/16/14 9 APARECIDA: San Francisco, Bay Area, Now... through BAYUNCOSO: I too, am un poco scary-a ghost sua. CUT/CHANGE 10/16/14 10 REV: Juicy!...and jive…Drive War journals-please. APARECIDA: But wait? Where can you read about this war? Here, here? The only war we can read about is the "Drug War." APARECIDA: Flash. The Beyond, the Interrogation, the Morgue, the Repast. I'm listening. CHANGE 10/17/14 12 MAGNOLIA: …he didn't see the fall. Freeway... CUT/CHANGE 10/17/14 12 APARECIDA: Here. Then and Now. She Magnolia said it… CUT 10/17/14 12 REV: This is a court case... through FREE: …Before it started. CHANGE 10/17/14 18 FREE: Kryptonite, it's crack base, allright! ADD 10/18/14 11 MAGNOLIA: Cuz he sure saw it... CUT/CHANGE 10/18/14 14 FREE: Life of the story book, baby. Build to that one last shot. Let's do this. Sell the whole damn thing. To the big boy. Your countryman who conecting us with one of his connects here. Bigger than him, even. Get more ways to sell more. NICO: Bayuncoso. Baboso. FREE: Well now. He did it. Got us the-yes that one- the deal. I don't care now if he deals with white folks. Hey-they buying whole. CUT 10/18/14 15 APARECIDA: The Freeway. The Harbor Highway. CHANGE 10/18/14 18 FREE: Too much to face your neighborhood...
  • 2. SUPERHEROES Script Log 11/9/14 2 of 4 TC/V.4 Type Date Page New Text CHANGE 10/18/14 22 APARECIDA: 1983 1984. CHANGE 10/18/14 23 NICO: Canta carbon cabron. CHANGE 10/18/14 24 FREE: Mercury? Who he? I did what? Where? CHANGE 10/18/14 26 APARECIDA: 1983 1984. CUT 10/18/14 31 APARECIDA: Flash, to Rev, he preaching, now. CHANGE 10/18/14 34 NICO:Qualquieren no nos quieren. CHANGE 10/18/14 34 MAGNOLIA: Inner City. Muthafukas got wise, started calling it: that the Inner City. CUT 10/19/14 5 BAYUNCOSO: He Rich didn’t' know this. CUT 10/19/14 22 NICO:Make it. Make nuff. You say we make it who sell it… CUT 10/19/14 28 FREE: But I was arrested for stealing a car and had to quit the trade while the charges was pending. CUT 10/19/14 28 FREE: That is San Jose State University-yeah over there you know, the Bay Area… CUT 10/19/14 33 BAYUNCOSO: Boo. Boo hoo hoo, ya tu sabes CUT 10/19/14 34 BAYUNCOSO:That is where I knew we had to start selling… CHANGE 10/19/14 34 BAYUNCOSO:It would be as if there like a campo adentro… CUT 10/19/14 35 APARECIDA: Magnolia in isolation CHANGE 10/19/14 36 NICO: You know is gonna blow up! Fuego Amaia. CHANGE 10/19/14 37 FREE: Our fortune money baby. CHANGE/ADD 10/19/14 37 NICO:Se dice fuego Amaia. Los Indios Meskitos Nicaragua… CUT 10/19/14 42 BAYUNCOSO: Claro, I mean…wow wee. CUT 10/19/14 42 NICO: This isn't some…understanding this. CHANGE 10/19/14 42 FREE:Count nigga vato "make it better…" CUT 10/19/14 43 FREE: …ya dig. Shoot they bust through that door... NICO: Tss Tsst. That's what I'm trying to be doing: contando. Get this, so you get this, so they get this. CHANGE 10/19/14 45 APARECIDA:Phone Interview, 1995 1994. CHANGE 10/19/14 45 APARECIDA: Correctional Facility 1993 1994. CUT 10/19/14 46 FREE: Whatever you call him, "Manuel." CUT 10/19/14 46 APARECIDA: …if I were to tell you Manuelo- this guy. That ManueloWas working for the Contras. CUT 10/19/14 47-48 APARECIDA: This is the stuff I have to put on paper. Flash to Nico farther back. APARECIDA: Freaky flash… APARECIDA: Flash farther. Metro correctional 1994. Ok. So Rich... CUT 10/19/14 49 APARECIDA: Well, ok, pick quarterback, a good one too. FREE: No I didn't see it through. CHANGE 10/21/14 39 BAYUNCOSO: Soy cabron caballo… CHANGE/ADD 10/21/14 40 NICO: Me senti sente…revolucion adentro de la plaza… CHANGE/ADD 10/21/14 42 APARECIDA: Freeway and the two Nicaraguenses. Flash. Back to the beginning Harbor Motel… CHANGE 10/21/14 53 REV: This the sermon eulogy… RDP V4.0
  • 3. SUPERHEROES Script Log 11/9/14 3 of 4 TC/V.4 Type Date Page New Text CUT 10/22/14 1 Stage Dir: Aparecida, Aparecida, step up, speak please. CUT 10/22/14 4 APARECIDA: As I stood On that lawn, I remember: this is a park. ADD 10/22/14 9 BAYUNCOSO: Cabron? Yo? It's what keeps me floating here. CHANGE 10/23/14 19 REV: One of these pious men that come to the priest good reverend one day he has a proposition. ADD 10/24/14 31 MAGNOLIA: I sit here stunned. APARECIDA: What? Magnolia. What happened? MAGNOLIA: This Bayuncozo-he testifies… ADD 10/26/14 39 BAYUNCOSO: I testify. I'll be alive, but dead. CHANGE 10/26/14 40 APARECIDA: Flash. The limbo immigrant land between home and here. ADD 10/28/14 15 NICO: Vamos al otro motel. ADD/CHANGE 10/28/14 45 MAGNOLIA:Cuz, you gonna find this thing is like crazier mo' acid trippy than the trail in Alice in Wonderland. Cheshire cat in an untouchable suit. Catepillar buying guns. Dormouse talking spanglish-- ADD 10/28/14 45 APARECIDA: Correctional Facility 1994. NICO: Watch yo' back Rich! FREE: Welcome to Metro. CUT 10/28/14 48 APARECIDA: I'm only asking From what I see. CUT 10/29/14 41 NICO: …I running from is fighting here. Ya tu sabes. CHANGE 10/29/14 41 Flash// MAGNOLIA: You got me waiting/..Yes, I'm sitting in the park/.. APARECIDA: Flipping Flash. Magnolia. Phone Interviews after 850 Bryant Meeting, 1992. CUT 10/30/14 51 REV: The voice the violence the sound the shutting of life: BANG. CHANGE 10/30/14 51 MAGNOLIA:Final Flash. REV: Back to the bar… CUT 10/31/14 2 APARECIDA: ...come dig in the dirt, dear readers. CUT 10/31/14 4 BAYUNCOSO: ...acting into un microphone…What you going to do..fueron unos negocios, that's what they always say in these movies… Only business, my friend… CUT 10/31/14 4 APARECIDA: Latino Cast of video cartoons seems silly right? CUT 10/31/14 51 MAGNOLIA: So…Flash to me Magnolia… APARECIDA:And it did. Twice at least. Death, walking talkng death. MAGNOLIA: Fucked up flash… CHANGE 10/31/14 52 APARECIDA: My last letter story. ADD 10/31/14 52 APARECIDA: They can can call it a suicide note. REV: What? We now live in a country… CUT 11/1/14 19 APARECIDA:The Rev stands alone, a sermon, off the pulpit, to who? For me? Is there a congregation that believes this? CUT 11/1/14 26 NICO: Mira he pulls away este esheet y reveals a nice lounge like uno pa' un big bachelor pad. ADD/CUT 11/1/14 50 APARECIDA: Why you met him, and all of them? Luck? Fate? Chance? RDP V4.0
  • 4. SUPERHEROES Script Log 11/9/14 4 of 4 TC/V.4 Type Date Page New Text CHANGE 11/1/14 32 & 36 REV: So the trial is, how far we each gon' fall. MAGNOLIA: Anybody can make a mistake…. NICO:You know it's gonna blow up! Fuego! Insendio! REV:When I was my highest…against your very spirit. MAGNOLIA: But hey, I believe in the here and now… ADD/CHANGE 11/1/14 37 NICO:Se dice fuego insendio. It was a bad thing. Los Indios Meskitos en Nicaragua was escared of fire, it was a Spanish thing. FREE: Omen? Bad thing? You speak Spanish man-- CUT 11/1/14 40 BAYUNCOSO: …soy vendido, pendejo, mordido. DOA by CIA… ADD 11/4/14 10 REV: …1990's rap video. No. The cost of this is lives. This is real deal genocide. ADD 11/4/14 45 NICO: Watch your back Free! FREE: Will do. Welcome to Metro. CHANGE 11/4/14 50 FREE: But the real mother was my mind game was tight my vision game was so explosive they were not ready… ADD 11/8/14 2 BAYUNCOSO: Foforo? Puta! CUT 11/8/14 10 REV: …sad tales of mamas selling their ass and leaving their babies… CHANGE 11/8/14 18 NICO: …we off the streets-so let's getting this big deal done get this to the motel, now. ADD 11/8/14 22 NICO: …entonces. What am I to be doing when there are flames in both countries? CUT 11/9/14 33 REV: Yes. I said it! Say it loud too. As if… CHANGE 11/9/14 37 FREE: You speak you're Spanish man-- ADD/CHANGE 11/9/14 45 MAGNOLIA:…This this is mo' acid trippier than the trail rabbit hole...Dormouse Dormices speaking spanglish--And the mad hatter controls all the players. RDP V4.0