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Case Study:
Healthcare work
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Campaign brief
Launch Menactra as the vaccine against IMD for patients 9 months
old and above.
Target audience:
≒ Young parents and new mothers
≒ Students
≒ Malaysians who travel regularly
≒ Medical professionals
Inform the general public about the need to take added precaution
since Malaysia and other tropical destinations (such as Middle East &
Africa) provide ideal conditions for the disease to spread silently.
端錫Build media awareness and advocacy for Menactra
端錫Raise awareness of the unmet need for a vaccine that protects against
Invasive Meningococcal Disease
端錫Inform and educate appropriate publications through a press launch about
the benefits of Menactra
端錫Generate positive media coverage in Malaysia through a press launch
端錫Inform and educate the public about IMD and the benefits of Menactra
Press Launch Concept
Highlight how quickly the disease can strike and its grave impact within 24
hours when a child has IMD.
The clock is the recurring theme in the press conference, with a banner
showing the early symptoms, classic symptoms, and late symptoms in each
section of the clock.
端錫Media event with chosen KOL discussing IMD.
端錫Managing Director discussing Sanofis presence in Malaysia.
端錫Major publications and TV stations present.
端錫Substantial amount of coverage from both mainstream print, TV, and online media.
Scope of Work
June to Aug 2013
≒Tea with Dr Bravo - KOL discussed IMD to a select group of journalists as a
pre-launch informational session.
≒Dr Musa on The Bigger Picture - KOL discussed IMD on BFM, a highly-
regarded radio station in Malaysia.
≒Vaccine press launch - invited key media in KL where Dr Musa discussed IMD
and Menactra as an effective way to protect against the disease.
≒Sustained media pitching  sustained PR pitching as a topic to health and
lifestyle media during and after the media launch.
≒Seeding in media forums - agency will seed information about IMD to drive
awareness and consideration of a preventive mindset post launch.
Coverage Highlights
My Child Malaysia  18/7
Coverage Highlights
NTV 7, The Breakfast Show  22/7
Coverage Highlights
New Straits Times  17/7
Coverage Highlights
Kosmo  17/7
Sanofi: Menactra
Sanofi: Menactra
Coverage Highlights
Oananews.org  18/7
Coverage Highlights
Sin Chew Jit Poh  19/7
Coverage Highlights
Daily Express  19/7
Coverage Highlights
My Child Malaysia  20/7
Coverage Highlights
Lowyat.net  10/7
Coverage Highlights
Parenthots  11/7
Coverage Highlights
Malaysian Motherhood  11/7
Coverage Highlights
Eventbrite  11/7
Coverage Highlights
Social Vents  11/7
Coverage Highlights
Eventful  11/7
Coverage Highlights
Estherlke  11/7
Coverage Highlights
Mywanderingstory  25/7
Coverage Highlights
Mywanderingstory  25/7
Coverage Highlights
Mywanderingstory  25/7
Sanofi: Essentiale
PR Campaign for Singapore
≒ Message development to encourage liver supplement as something for
everyday consumption to ensure vitality
≒ Prepared press materials for media distribution
≒ Radio shows  popular DJs engaged to talk about liver health issues and
preparing for the Christmas/holiday season
≒ Organised two interactive and informative media luncheon for spokesperson
and liver health doctor with media including bloggers
≒ Seed content on forums to share healthy lifestyle information
≒ Continuous media pitching to gain positive brand awareness and media
exposure  PR Value for TWO-month campaign SGD $170,000
Sanofi: Essentiale
Sanofi: Essentiale
≒ Leverage Galdermas presence at theAsian Dermatological Conference in Hong
Kong to lay the foundation for a new product for the treatment of facial redness
≒ Recent prevalence of data on the disease in Japan, Korea and China a good kick-
off for media exposure
≒ Unique product - first in class, big unmet need
≒ Current issue is time lag between now and launch inAPAC, but good opportunity
to challenge lack of dynamism in the region (internal affiliates, regulators,
development people)
≒ Use this media event as a model for PR events globally, so this could become a
bigger project to provide PR expertise across other zones/markets ahead of, and
during product launch
≒ Raise awareness of Brimonidine in the Healthcare Sector
The Brief
端錫Build media awareness and advocacy for Galderma and its portfolio
端錫Raise awareness of the unmet need
端錫Inform and educate appropriate publications on clinical developments for
patients with facial skin redness
端錫Generate positive media coverage in the markets
Media Event Concept
Galderma presents a Knowledge Showcase for leading regional media to
share updates and innovations in the treatment for rosacea
端錫Media event as part of theAsian Dermatological Conference
端錫KOLs from USA, China and Singapore present new findings and market insights 
updates forAsian skin
端錫Ice-breaker for meet the media with Galderma country heads
Attending Media
1. Daily Pharm  Korea
2. Australian Doctor & Dermatology Update Australia
3. Headline Daily & Sing Tao Daily  Hong Kong
4. Popular Medicine & Health News  Shanghai China
5. Jian Kang Bao  Beijing China
6. Cosmopolitan magazine - Philippines
Scope of Work forAgency
≒ Liaison with venue for seminar, meeting room, and F&B requirements for the
media event
≒ Speaker liaison  coordinate material with KOLs and set up media interviews
≒ Meeting materials  holding slides, conference equipment, room set up
≒ Liaison, invitation and travel management for target media from across APAC
(airline bookings, accommodation, ground transportation, allowances, F&B, etc)
≒ On-site support, translation services
≒ Development of media material and preparation of press kits
≒ Set up media interviews
≒ Follow up with each of the media to provide clarification, additional material,
and to secure coverage
Coverage Highlights
Australian Doctor  15 July 2013
Coverage Highlights
Daily Pharm  16 July 2013
Coverage Highlights
Headline Daily 30 August 2013
Sing Tao Daily 30 August 2013
Coverage Highlights
Popular Medicine September 2013
Health News 8 August 2013
Coverage Highlights
Popular Medicine- mobile edition
September 2013
Thank You

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Siren's PR strategies and results for healthcare clients

  • 3. Campaign brief Launch Menactra as the vaccine against IMD for patients 9 months old and above. Target audience: ≒ Young parents and new mothers ≒ Students ≒ Malaysians who travel regularly ≒ Medical professionals Inform the general public about the need to take added precaution since Malaysia and other tropical destinations (such as Middle East & Africa) provide ideal conditions for the disease to spread silently.
  • 4. Objectives 端錫Build media awareness and advocacy for Menactra 端錫Raise awareness of the unmet need for a vaccine that protects against Invasive Meningococcal Disease 端錫Inform and educate appropriate publications through a press launch about the benefits of Menactra 端錫Generate positive media coverage in Malaysia through a press launch 端錫Inform and educate the public about IMD and the benefits of Menactra
  • 5. Press Launch Concept Highlight how quickly the disease can strike and its grave impact within 24 hours when a child has IMD. The clock is the recurring theme in the press conference, with a banner showing the early symptoms, classic symptoms, and late symptoms in each section of the clock. 端錫Media event with chosen KOL discussing IMD. 端錫Managing Director discussing Sanofis presence in Malaysia. 端錫Major publications and TV stations present. 端錫Substantial amount of coverage from both mainstream print, TV, and online media.
  • 6. Scope of Work June to Aug 2013 ≒Tea with Dr Bravo - KOL discussed IMD to a select group of journalists as a pre-launch informational session. ≒Dr Musa on The Bigger Picture - KOL discussed IMD on BFM, a highly- regarded radio station in Malaysia. ≒Vaccine press launch - invited key media in KL where Dr Musa discussed IMD and Menactra as an effective way to protect against the disease. ≒Sustained media pitching sustained PR pitching as a topic to health and lifestyle media during and after the media launch. ≒Seeding in media forums - agency will seed information about IMD to drive awareness and consideration of a preventive mindset post launch.
  • 8. Coverage Highlights NTV 7, The Breakfast Show 22/7
  • 28. Sanofi: Essentiale PR Campaign for Singapore ≒ Message development to encourage liver supplement as something for everyday consumption to ensure vitality ≒ Prepared press materials for media distribution ≒ Radio shows popular DJs engaged to talk about liver health issues and preparing for the Christmas/holiday season ≒ Organised two interactive and informative media luncheon for spokesperson and liver health doctor with media including bloggers ≒ Seed content on forums to share healthy lifestyle information ≒ Continuous media pitching to gain positive brand awareness and media exposure PR Value for TWO-month campaign SGD $170,000
  • 32. ≒ Leverage Galdermas presence at theAsian Dermatological Conference in Hong Kong to lay the foundation for a new product for the treatment of facial redness ≒ Recent prevalence of data on the disease in Japan, Korea and China a good kick- off for media exposure ≒ Unique product - first in class, big unmet need ≒ Current issue is time lag between now and launch inAPAC, but good opportunity to challenge lack of dynamism in the region (internal affiliates, regulators, development people) ≒ Use this media event as a model for PR events globally, so this could become a bigger project to provide PR expertise across other zones/markets ahead of, and during product launch ≒ Raise awareness of Brimonidine in the Healthcare Sector The Brief
  • 33. Objectives 端錫Build media awareness and advocacy for Galderma and its portfolio 端錫Raise awareness of the unmet need 端錫Inform and educate appropriate publications on clinical developments for patients with facial skin redness 端錫Generate positive media coverage in the markets
  • 34. Media Event Concept Galderma presents a Knowledge Showcase for leading regional media to share updates and innovations in the treatment for rosacea 端錫Media event as part of theAsian Dermatological Conference 端錫KOLs from USA, China and Singapore present new findings and market insights updates forAsian skin 端錫Ice-breaker for meet the media with Galderma country heads
  • 35. Attending Media 1. Daily Pharm Korea 2. Australian Doctor & Dermatology Update Australia 3. Headline Daily & Sing Tao Daily Hong Kong 4. Popular Medicine & Health News Shanghai China 5. Jian Kang Bao Beijing China 6. Cosmopolitan magazine - Philippines
  • 36. Scope of Work forAgency ≒ Liaison with venue for seminar, meeting room, and F&B requirements for the media event ≒ Speaker liaison coordinate material with KOLs and set up media interviews ≒ Meeting materials holding slides, conference equipment, room set up ≒ Liaison, invitation and travel management for target media from across APAC (airline bookings, accommodation, ground transportation, allowances, F&B, etc) ≒ On-site support, translation services ≒ Development of media material and preparation of press kits ≒ Set up media interviews ≒ Follow up with each of the media to provide clarification, additional material, and to secure coverage
  • 39. Coverage Highlights Headline Daily 30 August 2013 Sing Tao Daily 30 August 2013
  • 40. Coverage Highlights Popular Medicine September 2013 Health News 8 August 2013
  • 41. Coverage Highlights Popular Medicine- mobile edition September 2013