The document discusses the psychometric properties of translations of the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) into Dutch, Italian, French, and Spanish. It finds that the SIS demonstrates high internal consistency, good test-retest and inter-rater reliability, and construct and criterion validity across cultures. Factor analysis confirms the six-factor structure of the SIS in other languages. While there are some small differences in scores across cultures, the SIS appears to be a reliable and valid tool for assessing support needs internationally.
WCSC News Fall Season 2007marilouguerreroThe WCSC had another successful season, achieving several accomplishments that supported the West Coast stores. Some key points:
1) WCSC tested direct receipts processing to reduce turnaround time and increase store sales. While the test ended, WCSC gained experience in sales support.
2) WCSC aided two new store openings by storing fixtures and aiding shipment.
3) WCSC increased productivity in several areas like alterations, shipping units, and auditing garments.
4) WCSC explored using automated replenishment and stocking more stores' merchandise to expand their business opportunities in supporting the stores.
Service Storming and Dragon LinesJamin HegemanThis service blueprint summarizes the patient experience at a neurology clinic. It outlines the key touchpoints and steps in the patient journey, from sign-in at the front desk through check-out. It maps both visible interactions like waiting in exam rooms as well as backstage activities like staff reviewing patient charts. The goal is to design an efficient process that provides a positive experience for patients at each step.
Professionele ondersteuning in de ondersteuning van mensen met verstandelijke...Buntinx Training & ConsultancyOrganisatie van het professionele ondersteuningsproces van mensen met verstandelijke beperkingen, rond vier basisvragen:
1- Wat is de problematiek?
2- Wat zijn de ondersteuningsbehoeften?
3- Hoe kan het best ondersteuning worden gegeven?
4- Heeft ondersteuning effect? Wordt de cliënt er beter van?
CapabilitiesneildcallananLooseGrip is a small but effective social media agency founded in 2009. It is comprised of a network of digital marketing experts located around the US with expertise in design, development, strategy, and promotion. The agency focuses on social media and delivering impactful campaigns for its clients. While small, LooseGrip prides itself on being responsive and helping brands connect through social platforms.
Sse E Z Steep Group4.PptLiang WangThis document discusses content management systems (CMS) and relevant technological factors. It defines CMS as a system for managing collaborative work and data. Key technological trends for 2010 that could impact CMS include a focus on intranets and mobile interfaces, as well as increasing multilingual requirements. For the open-source CMS company eZ, technological opportunities include profiting from partnering and improving their technology through shared information, while challenges include having sufficient resources to enter new markets and adapting to growing demand. The document suggests eZ leverage resources for new technologies, explore new business partners, and hire developers from their community.
Kwaliteit verbeteren. Een kwalitatieve benadering.Buntinx Training & ConsultancyPresentation in DUTCH
Presentatie van een efficiënt cliënttevredenheid onderzoek en daaraan gekoppeld kwaliteitverbeter programma.
Digital CitizenshipQatar AcademyThis document provides an overview of digital citizenship topics including digital access, security and safety, health and wellness, rights and responsibilities, etiquette, literacy, commerce, and communication. It discusses how digital access connects people worldwide through the internet and proposes solutions to expand access. It offers tips for staying safe online, discusses potential negative impacts of technology misuse, and emphasizes the importance of proper citation, sensitivity to others, and communication skills in the digital world.
Sse Courtney Group4Liang WangThe document summarizes an article that discusses strategic approaches under different levels of uncertainty. It defines four levels of uncertainty that companies may face - from clear futures to true ambiguity. It then outlines three strategic postures companies can take (adapter, shaper, reserver), and types of moves (no-regrets, options, big bets) to achieve those postures under each level of uncertainty. Finally, it provides an example of how a newspaper may approach uncertainties from online news distribution through a mix of adaptive and shaping strategies.
Kwaliteitonderzoek met de OKE-LZ methodeBuntinx Training & ConsultancyOKE-LZ methode voor kwaliteitonderzoek / cliënttevredenheid in de zorg voor mensen met (verstandelijke) beperkingen.
Kennismarkt 2011 Bussum
Onderzoek KwaliteitsErvaringen in de Langdurende Zorg (OKE-LZ)
Eur congres11dec14 context.pptxBuntinx Training & ConsultancyHet belang van de context bij behandeling van probleemgedrag bij mensen met een verstandelijke beperking.
Kort overzicht van ontwikkelingen in wetenschappelijk paradigma, maatschappelijke context (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2007), verschuivingen in de organisatie(cultuur) van ondersteuning, het ondersteuningsproces in kort bestek en een beknopt overzicht van implicaties voor behandeling van gedragsproblematiek.
Lezing 11.12.2014 Euregionaal Congresburo - Eindhoven
An Introduction to Usability - Chris Burke: for Barcamp Orlando 2010Chris BurkeThe document is an introduction to usability by Chris Burke. It defines usability as how well users can learn and use a product to achieve goals and their satisfaction with the process. It discusses Jakob Nielsen's 5 principles of usability: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. For each principle, it provides examples of usability issues and design improvements. It also outlines business benefits of usability like increased conversions and brand recognition. The document concludes by introducing Chris Burke and his role at Full Sail University teaching courses on usability.
SSE_Wumart_Group4Liang WangWumart was founded in 1994 in Beijing as China's first large supermarket chain, offering low prices and good value. By 2005, Wumart had 503 stores and $2.4 billion in annual sales. Wumart's competitive advantages included an in-depth understanding of Chinese customers, early investment in IT, a culture of cooperation and innovation, and strong relationships with the government and state-owned companies. While Wumart was well-established in China, expanding abroad faced significant challenges due to lack of brand recognition overseas and different consumer preferences in foreign markets.
Ultima PracticaKaren CachEl documento lista los trabajos que deben entregarse para la clase de Informática, incluyendo las primeras dos prácticas de laboratorio y las cuartas y quintas presentaciones electrónicas. Detalla los criterios de calificación como originalidad, exposición, decoración, contenido, desarrollo y puntualidad. Concluye enfatizando la importancia de entregar los trabajos para aumentar la calificación hacia el segundo parcial y evitar que ningún compañero repruebe la asignatura.
D Correa Resume Technical Recruiter V20111024dalepcorreaDale P. Correa is a senior technical recruiter with over 5 years of experience recruiting for engineering, IT, manufacturing, web commerce and financial positions. He has a background of 23 years in IT roles including software development, project management, and managing organizations of up to 12 employees. Correa sources candidates through various online platforms and networks, conducts interviews, and manages recruiting processes from start to finish. He has successfully found candidates for roles in fields such as mechanical engineering, software engineering, database systems, and telecommunications.
Quality Assessment and Quality Improvement in Support Services for Persons wi...Buntinx Training & ConsultancyQuality assessment and quality improvement in support services for persons with intellectual disability.
Assumptions, theoretical framework, method, examples, improvement strategy.
This presentation: for Aprosub, Cordoba (Spain) 2010.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline GeorgeThis slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
RRB ALP CBT 2 Mechanic Motor Vehicle Question Paper (MMV Exam MCQ)SONU HEETSONRRB ALP CBT 2 Mechanic Motor Vehicle Question Paper. MMV MCQ PDF Free Download for Railway Assistant Loco Pilot Exam.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz HussainThe intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots—systemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI—that could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Chapter 2. Strategic Management: Corporate Governance.pdfRommel RegalaThis course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Intellectual Honesty & Research Integrity.pptxNidhiSharma495177Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECDHannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
Digital CitizenshipQatar AcademyThis document provides an overview of digital citizenship topics including digital access, security and safety, health and wellness, rights and responsibilities, etiquette, literacy, commerce, and communication. It discusses how digital access connects people worldwide through the internet and proposes solutions to expand access. It offers tips for staying safe online, discusses potential negative impacts of technology misuse, and emphasizes the importance of proper citation, sensitivity to others, and communication skills in the digital world.
Sse Courtney Group4Liang WangThe document summarizes an article that discusses strategic approaches under different levels of uncertainty. It defines four levels of uncertainty that companies may face - from clear futures to true ambiguity. It then outlines three strategic postures companies can take (adapter, shaper, reserver), and types of moves (no-regrets, options, big bets) to achieve those postures under each level of uncertainty. Finally, it provides an example of how a newspaper may approach uncertainties from online news distribution through a mix of adaptive and shaping strategies.
Kwaliteitonderzoek met de OKE-LZ methodeBuntinx Training & ConsultancyOKE-LZ methode voor kwaliteitonderzoek / cliënttevredenheid in de zorg voor mensen met (verstandelijke) beperkingen.
Kennismarkt 2011 Bussum
Onderzoek KwaliteitsErvaringen in de Langdurende Zorg (OKE-LZ)
Eur congres11dec14 context.pptxBuntinx Training & ConsultancyHet belang van de context bij behandeling van probleemgedrag bij mensen met een verstandelijke beperking.
Kort overzicht van ontwikkelingen in wetenschappelijk paradigma, maatschappelijke context (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2007), verschuivingen in de organisatie(cultuur) van ondersteuning, het ondersteuningsproces in kort bestek en een beknopt overzicht van implicaties voor behandeling van gedragsproblematiek.
Lezing 11.12.2014 Euregionaal Congresburo - Eindhoven
An Introduction to Usability - Chris Burke: for Barcamp Orlando 2010Chris BurkeThe document is an introduction to usability by Chris Burke. It defines usability as how well users can learn and use a product to achieve goals and their satisfaction with the process. It discusses Jakob Nielsen's 5 principles of usability: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. For each principle, it provides examples of usability issues and design improvements. It also outlines business benefits of usability like increased conversions and brand recognition. The document concludes by introducing Chris Burke and his role at Full Sail University teaching courses on usability.
SSE_Wumart_Group4Liang WangWumart was founded in 1994 in Beijing as China's first large supermarket chain, offering low prices and good value. By 2005, Wumart had 503 stores and $2.4 billion in annual sales. Wumart's competitive advantages included an in-depth understanding of Chinese customers, early investment in IT, a culture of cooperation and innovation, and strong relationships with the government and state-owned companies. While Wumart was well-established in China, expanding abroad faced significant challenges due to lack of brand recognition overseas and different consumer preferences in foreign markets.
Ultima PracticaKaren CachEl documento lista los trabajos que deben entregarse para la clase de Informática, incluyendo las primeras dos prácticas de laboratorio y las cuartas y quintas presentaciones electrónicas. Detalla los criterios de calificación como originalidad, exposición, decoración, contenido, desarrollo y puntualidad. Concluye enfatizando la importancia de entregar los trabajos para aumentar la calificación hacia el segundo parcial y evitar que ningún compañero repruebe la asignatura.
D Correa Resume Technical Recruiter V20111024dalepcorreaDale P. Correa is a senior technical recruiter with over 5 years of experience recruiting for engineering, IT, manufacturing, web commerce and financial positions. He has a background of 23 years in IT roles including software development, project management, and managing organizations of up to 12 employees. Correa sources candidates through various online platforms and networks, conducts interviews, and manages recruiting processes from start to finish. He has successfully found candidates for roles in fields such as mechanical engineering, software engineering, database systems, and telecommunications.
Quality Assessment and Quality Improvement in Support Services for Persons wi...Buntinx Training & ConsultancyQuality assessment and quality improvement in support services for persons with intellectual disability.
Assumptions, theoretical framework, method, examples, improvement strategy.
This presentation: for Aprosub, Cordoba (Spain) 2010.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline GeorgeThis slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
RRB ALP CBT 2 Mechanic Motor Vehicle Question Paper (MMV Exam MCQ)SONU HEETSONRRB ALP CBT 2 Mechanic Motor Vehicle Question Paper. MMV MCQ PDF Free Download for Railway Assistant Loco Pilot Exam.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz HussainThe intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots—systemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI—that could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Chapter 2. Strategic Management: Corporate Governance.pdfRommel RegalaThis course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Intellectual Honesty & Research Integrity.pptxNidhiSharma495177Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECDHannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine GeorgeThis slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Meeting the needs of modern students?, Selina McCoyEconomic and Social Research InstituteNAPD Annual Symposium
“Equity in our Schools: Does the system deliver for all young people?”
RRB ALP CBT 2 RAC Question Paper MCQ (Railway Assistant Loco Pilot)SONU HEETSONRRB ALP CBT 2 RAC Question Paper MCQ PDF Free Download. Railway Assistant Loco Pilot Mechanic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Important Questions.
Administrative bodies( D and C Act, 1940P.N.DESHMUKH These presentation include information about administrative bodies such as D.T.A.B
Helping Autistic Girls Shine Webinar ݺߣsPooky KnightsmithFor more information about my speaking and training work, visit:
1. SIS
Supports Intensity Scale
Psychometric properties
Similarities and differences
between original US version and
Dutch, Italian, French and Spanish
Wil Buntinx, PhD / FAAIDD
Handout? Go to
AAIDD post conference workshop
St. Paul (MN) – June 9, 2011
Central question:
Is the SIS a reliable and valid psychometric tool across countries and
Translating is not enough validity and reliability should be examined in
representatieve groups for each language and culture.
Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing , Washington: APA 1999
Is the SIS a valid and reliable instrument to assess supports intensity needs of
persons with ID in other countries than the US?
Translations considered: Dutch (Flanders-Belgium / the netherlands)
Spanish (Catalan)
French (Canadian)
2. SIS relilability
Internal consistency (α) – split-half – SEM
Dutch Standardization Flemish standardization USA 1 Italy Spain
number split- split-
SIS subscale of items
α SEM α SEM α α α
half half
Section 1
A 8 .95 .7 .97 .93 .8 .90 .95 0.96 .93
B 8 .96 .6 .96 .95 .7 .91 .95 .97 .97
C 9 .97 .5 .96 .95 .7 .84 .97 .97 .96
D 8 .96 .6 .92 .94 .7 .86 .97 .96 .95
E 8 .95 .7 .94 .92 .8 .86 .94 .95 .93
F 8 .97 .5 .97 .94 .7 .87 .96 .97 .95
SIS Index 49 .99 1,5 .98 .98 2,1 .91 .99 .99 .99
SIS reliability
Test-retest - Inter-interviewer - Inter-respondent - client-staff
Inter- Client-
Test-retest Inter-interviewer staff
USA 1 Canad Spain USA 1 USA 2 Canad Spain USA 2 Canad Dutch
section 1
A .87 .85 .98 .90 .80 .92 .86 .73 .88 .74
B .74 .77 .94 .68 .89 .82 .86 .91 .87 .58
C .75 .75 .93 .55 .88 .85 .71 .75 .87 .44
D .83 .75 .96 .55 .77 .90 .62 .93 .87 .31
E .86 .81 .90 .72 .96 .79 .71 .91 .91 .77
F .94 .68 .98 .60 .74 .79 .66 .87 .85 .51
SIS Index .82 .84 .94 .59 .88 .91 .80 .87 .82 .80
3 3 3 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Interval weeks weeks weeks week week week week week week
N 106 19 143 106 40 39 143 40 72 29
Effect of TRAINING interviewers ! Client – staff respondent
no training versus training correspondence
3. SIS psychometric characteristics
• Reliability summary
Cronbach α (int. consistency): .99
(all subscales α > .93)
Test-retest: .82 - .94
Inter-respondent: .82 - .87
Inter-interviewers: [.59] .80 - .91
Special case: correlation between client
response and professional staff / parent responses
when interviewing the client, always use more
information sources in order to get a reliable estimate of
intensity of supports need.
SIS psychometric characteristics
• Validity
Content validity
content validity of translated SIS = similar to original
(‘universal construct’ of ‘support need’)
Criterion validity = independent judgment of intensity of needed supports
On a 5 point Likert scale per domain and full section 1 scale
4. Criterion validity correlations between SIS scores and
independent judgment of support need intensity
by direct support staff
SIS Independant Independent Independent Concurrent
section 1 judgment judgment Judgment validity
subscale staff staff staff ELIDA
USA 1 Dutch pilot Spanish Flemish stand.
study study group
A .66 .79 .74 .86
B .51 .73 .71 .69
C .46 .81 .48 .55
D .59 .76 .68 .55
E .53 .81 .69 .69
F .62 .75 .69 .58
SIS Index .62 .83 .75 .74
N 106 101 352 4,211
Construct validity Subscale intercorrelations
Section 1 A B C D E F
B .84/.84/.50
C .57/.77/.43 .66/.85/.45
D .59/.73/.30 .62/.77/.34 .85/.82/.54
E .86/.85/.56 .84/.86/.52 .70/.85/.40 .71/.79/.48
F .70/.76/.46 .77/.85/.51 .77/.84/.51 .77/.82/.46 .82/.85/.51
SIS Index .86/.90/.60 .89/.94/.59 .86/.93/.62 .86/.89/.59 .93/.94/.62 .91/.93/.59
Dutch / Flemish study / American original study
5. Construct validity Correlation SIS – VABS / ICAP
SIS VABS total VABS total ICAP
section 1 score score Score
USA 1 NL/VL Spain
A -.61 -.84 -.71
B -.57 -.76 -.72
C -.45 -.41 -.42
D -.48 -.42 -.61
E -.52 -.81 -.69
F -.49 -.65 -.69
SIS Index -.59 -.77 -.73
N 178 75 352
VABS: Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale
ICAP: Inventory for Client and Agency Planning
Construct validity
Correlations between SIS Section 1 subscales and age & gender (Spain)
Home Community Lifelong Social
Employment And
living living learning activities
AGE 0.08 0.08 0.05 0.10 0.16 0.07
GENDER -0.06 0.00 -0.06 -0.06 0.01 -0.03
Correlations between SIS Section 1 subscales and gender in Dutch version is
.00 (N=4,211)
6. Construct validity
Distribution of SIS Index scores
In 4.211 individuals with ID Dutch – Flemish standardization
Group mean
SIS Index
mild moderate severe profound
Level of Intellectual Functioning
Are traditional ‘levels of functioning’ a good indicator of support needs ????
Factor validity
Spanish and Dutch factor analysis studies confirm 6 factor structure
of section 1
Exploratory factor analysis in Section 1 also shows
a solide 6 factor structure that corresponds with subscales A-F
Extra finding: when section 2 is included in the factor analysis
a 7 factor SIS is a also reliably demonstrated!
Extra finding: in resource allocation tasks, a short form of the SIS (22 items)
showed to be valid, reliable and useful
(Bossaert et al., 2009; Kuppens et al., 2010; also Gomiero et al. 2011)
7. Conclusions
The SIS fully maintains its (very) high internal consistency throughout all
Inter-interviewer / inter-respondent correspondences are ‘good’.
Construct validity = OK! / subscale intercorrelations are higher in translated
versions (i.e. Dutch & Spanish studies) as compared to US.
Small differences in averages and SD of SIS raw scores related to
standardization sample characteristics? difficult to tell... A special
international study would be welcome to see how these differences can be
So far, no independent (re)constructions of SIS in other cultures have been
made. However, some test accreditation councils do stress this appraoch.
A short form of SIS is likely to maintain all psychometric properties of full scale.
Wil H.E. Buntinx
Maastricht University
The Netherlands
For international SIS basic training and SIS train-the-trainer courses,