A l'any 2009 vaig fer un treballet sobre els planetes del sistema solar per a l'escola (CEIP Suris de Cornellà de Llobregat) de la meva filla que estava a P5 llavors.
A l'any 2009 vaig fer un treballet sobre els planetes del sistema solar per a l'escola (CEIP Suris de Cornellà de Llobregat) de la meva filla que estava a P5 llavors.
Several public buildings in Hungary opened for a couple of days to celebrate Hungarian Cultural Heritage Day. Photographs were taken of the buildings during this time by Ivan Szedo. A link was provided to view additional slideshows of the archives on a website.
De kracht van een goede organisatie licht in het verbinden van generaties. Op de werkvloer, maar vooral in het werkveld. Alleen door goede samenwerking komen we verder.
The document discusses pictures taken by Ivan Szedo of the Arboretum of Vacratot in Hungary in 2008. It provides a link to see more slideshows by Szedo on his website. It concludes by saying goodbye.
Mohammed Hassan Madani received an Official Score Report for the GMAT exam he took on November 26, 2007. He received a Verbal score of 19 (17% percentile), a Quantitative score of 29 (26% percentile), and a Total score of 420 (18% percentile). He also received a score of 4.0 (26% percentile) on the Analytical Writing Assessment. The report provides contact information for Mr. Madani and details of his undergraduate education. It also includes frequently asked questions about the GMAT exam and information about how to send scores to graduate business programs. Mr. Madani's scores were sent to the University of Central Missouri's MBA program per his request.
The document provides a walking tour through the streets of Budapest, listing notable landmarks and sites such as the Chain Bridge, Danube riverside, Four Seasons Hotel, Budapest Opera, Dohany Synagogue memorial wall, Parliament Building, Erzsebet Square with hat shopping, Basilica, Heroes' Square, and Fine Art Gallery. The tour can be continued by clicking a provided link.
This document appears to be a slideshow presentation about sights in Beijing, China from 2008. It includes photos from Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Ming emperors' burial sites, the Summer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven. The presentation provides photos and brief captions for several famous landmarks and historical sites around Beijing from over a decade ago. It also includes links to continue viewing more slides or access other slideshow collections by the same photographer.
The Western Wall is part of the Second Temple built in Jerusalem 2500 years ago. It contains some of the heaviest stones ever used in building. Above the Wall is the golden-domed Stone Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam. Below, Jews pray for the restoration of the First Temple, the most important site for Judaism. The tunnel near the Wall reveals the original floor was 15 meters lower during the Second Temple period.
The document provides a brief travelogue of sites visited in Jordan, including the Nabatean city of Petra with its burial houses and temples, the Roman village of Petra, the Dead Sea, Wadi Rum desert, mosques in Amman and Karak, sights in Aqaba Gulf like sharks, and mosaics in Madaba including a map of Jerusalem and mosaics on Mount Nebo. It concludes with a link to more pictures of these Jordanian locations.
2. 1.La terra gira Els moviments de La Terra són: Rotació: La Terra gira sobre si mateixa i dona lloc als dies i a les nits. Translació: La Terra gira al voltant del sol i dona lloc a les estacions .
3. 2. La translació de La Terra al voltant del Sol. La Terra tarda 365 dies en fer una volta completa al Sol. Els anys de traspàs tarda 366, per això aquest any 2012 tindrem 29 dies al mes de Febrer La translació produeix canvi en el temps al llarg de l’any, per això tenim 4 estacions : primavera, estiu, tardor i hivern