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                      FEBRUARY 4  6, 2011

                     ST. XAVIERS HIGH SCHOOL, PATNA

                     Presentation of Conference Report

The theme for deliberations at the VIth National Congress of JAAI at
Patna was Public - Private Partnership For Better Education.

The matter which is of great concern and importance attracted
divergent and conflicting views and opinions in course of discussions
and deliberations.

The delegates having deliberated extensively on the subject Public-
Private Participation for Better Education have unanimously adopted
on this the 5th day of February 2011 the following resolutions:

1.    That the Public-Private Partnership For Better Education is the

      immediate need of the hour.

2.    That the Public-Private Partnership should be modeled on the

      basis of the needs of the respective areas.

3.    To impart quality education to ensure appropriate vocational


4.    That the Jesuit Alumni/ae should act as catalysts in policy

      making,        infrastructural   development       and      effective
implementation of Public-Private Partnerships with special focus

      towards underdeveloped areas.

All must love the human form, In Heathen, Turk or Jew.
Where mercy, Love and Pity dwell, There god is dwelling too.

       These words of William Blake certainly outlines the moral foundation
of St. Xaviers High School. Throughout the journey of 7 decades, it has
been serving its students in a special manner and has become a landmark.
Today, we students of such a charitable, educational institution have got this
Golden Opportunity to host the mega program of Jesuit Alumni Association
of India, National Conference, 2011. The Federation of Jesuit Alumni
Association of India (JAAI) is a body of Alumni Association of Jesuit
Academic Institution of India. It hopes to bring together all the Jesuits
Alumni of the country and direct their energies for the betterment of society,
of course with the motto  To Give and Not to Count the Cost.

       Standing here, I feel extremely privileged to be a part of such a grand
event. It is truly on honour that we are entrusted with the responsibility to
compare such an excellent event. When we were given this responsibility,
we all were struck with a unanimous question  Can we do it ? Just then,
there came an inherent support from within when our teachers assured us
with lots of motivation  Of course we can. Gradually and eventually, we
got engrossed in the plethora of activities the brimming enthusiasm, with
zeal and zest, even in harsh and chilled winter, remained ignited which will
certainly make this show a grand success.

        We students belonging to Jesuit Schools have an innate ability to
excel wherever we go and act as pioneers to all the noblest deeds. With the
moral virtues like discipline, perseverance and focus instilled in us
throughout our school life will never let the reputation of our institution
down. We have acted in compliance with the noble words of St. Ignatius
Loyola who always dreamt of spreading light in the hearts of people through
education. He wanted education to become a torch through which countless
amen and women in every country could awake to become true human
beings. Jesuits-Being the Disciple of St. Ignatius Loyola have truly
propagated His preaching. They have devoted their lives and soul to serve
all. I feel all the audience here are groomed and nurtured under the enriching
guidance of Jesuits and I take extreme pride in accepting this universal truth.
We, the present Xavarians and alumni all over the country will forever
behold the moral virtues and dignity of their institutions in all the paths of

       As I, Aman Pratik, a board examinee this year, stand to bid adieu to
my School, my heart is gripped with nostalgia and eyes with tears, St.
Xaviers has done its task of developing us into good human beings. Now,
its our turn to make our school proud of us. We should all take a pledge that
we will keep the fire, which Jesuits have injected in us, burning and
illuminate the whole world with its light. We Xavarians are explicably
privileged to get the guidance of Jesuits and will ever remain adhered to our
motto For God And Country.

      Finally I conclude with the famous lines of Robert Frost 

      Wood are lovely, dark and deep
          And I have promises to keep
                 And miles to go, before I sleep.
                        And miles to go before I sleep.

                                                    AMAN PRATIK
                                              St. Xaviers High School, Patna

                              Press  Release

The two newspapers headlines said it all: PPP must to attain education goals

and PPP is no panacea. The VIth National Congress of the Jesuit Alumni

Association of India (JAAI) commenced on the evening of 4 th February 2011

to debate Public-Private Partnership for Better Education. At the inaugural

ceremony the Chief Guest Rev. William DSouza, SJ Archbishop of Patna

expressed the hope that the deliberations would result in positive solutions
while being mindful of the core concerns of education. His Grace blessed the

occasion in a speech that indicated purpose and intent. The HRD Minister,

Mr. P.K. Sahi made an impassioned appeal to Jesuits and sought

collaborative partnership with Corporate and Private Entrepreneurs to share

the governments efforts to meet the huge deficit in education. The President

of JAAI, Dr. Santosh Rolland drew an interesting parallel between the credo

of JAAI namely, Excellence, Innovation and Honor which any PPP initiative

in education should transcribe into its model to blend its excellence and

emancipation. President of the World Union of Jesuit Alumni, Dr. Thomas

Bausch commended the excellent work of the Jesuits with Patna taking a

pride of place. PPP should focus on the concerns of the disadvantaged, he

maintained. Mr. J.K. Sinha, President of the SXAA, Patna and former Joint

Director RAW spoke of corporate social responsibility that ought to urge the

private players to engage with the countrys education program. Fr. Joy

Karayapuram, SJ Provincial and Fr. Ignatius Arun Abraham, SJ, Moderator

of SXAA and Rector St. Xaviers Patna, expressed the hope that the

deliberations on Public Private Partnership would harmonize excellence and

worth on one hand and ethics on the other. The program was ably anchored

by the Secretary of SXAA, Dr. Amulya Singh. Dr. Sandeep Sen, Vice
President of SXAA and Treasurer of JAAI thanked all the guests and

delegates for their purposeful contributions and participation.

Over 400 Jesuit alumni and 40 Jesuit priests from India and countries such

as USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Boumundi and France. Mr. Pablo Diaz,

Chilis Ambassador to Australia was among the many dignitaries to grace

the occasion and participate with avid camaraderie on the deliberations that

took place on the constructive role of the Alumni/ae in the context of PPP.

On day-2 at the plenary session Mr. N.K. Singh, well known bureaucrat and

Rajya Sabha member enumerated the various challenges and worries that the

education faces today as we switch from a static socialistic economy to one

that offers a wider global choices increasing competition and catapulting

economic growth. The challenge of PPP was to reconcile the irreconcilable.

The contradictions that one has to engage with are to harmonize access with

quality, the need to pay for the quality and the commercialization of

education, and called for a flexible approach to tide over the crisis of

Professor Jittu Singh, Professor of XLRI questioned the usefulness of the

RTE if inadequate and non quality education was to be provided. He called

for the Public and Private sectors to merge their resources in order to tackle

the dual problem of creating educational infrastructure and a good teacher.

The resources he said, should be pooled in for purposes with focused


Prof. Shankar Dutt, Professor of English at Patna University spoke of the

three phases of education in India, the colonial, the post-independent and the

post WTO when education had become a service to be consumed and

disseminated in the international market place. There is a need to address the

dichotomy of quality and quantity as also regional imbalances, academic

freedom and the disparities between Central and State Universities. He also

raised the peoples concerns with good teaching while discouraging their

own children from becoming teachers.

Mr. J.K. Sinha presided over the session while the Vice Presiden, Mr. Mohit

Ahluwalia conducted the session. Mr. Sanjay Mishra, President of St.

Michaels Allumni Association, Patna gave the vote of thanks.
The panel discussions that followed on the conference theme debated this

contentious issue and adopted the following resolutions:

    1. That the Public Private Partnership for Better Education is the

       immediate need of the hour.

    2. That the Public Private Partnership should be modeled on the needs

       of respective areas.

    3. To impart quality education and to ensure appropriate vocational


    4. That the Jesuit alumni/ae should act as catalyst in policy making,

       infrastructural development and effective implementation of PPP

       with special focus on under developed areas.

Honble Justice Abhijit Sinha, former President SXAA coordinated the

panel discussions and presented the conference report in the second plenary


Mr. Fabio Tobon, Past President WUJA invited all delegates to the next

World Congress of WUJA to be held at Medline, Columbia in 2013. Later,

Power Point presentations were made by a number of member associations.

The JAAI National Congress combined profit and pleasure. The cultural

program presented by the school children and teachers of St. Xaviers
School, Patna brilliantly showcased the cultural pluralism of India, of its

richness and infinite variety of words rhythms and colours. The audience

was completely mesmerized by the quality of the performance, its meaning

and purpose.

On the concluding day there was a meeting of the accredited delegates and

also the Governing Council meeting of JAAI in which new office bearers

were elected unanimously. Mr Naresh Gupta was elected as President, Mr.

Shapath Shah as Secretary, and Mr Bobby Jacob as Treasurer of JAAI

Governing Council. It was also decided that the next Congress of JAAI will

be held at Ahmedabad, Gujarat in 2014.The outgoing members of the

Governing Council were felicitated with mementos by Fr William Currie,

the delegate of Fr Superior General of the Society of Jesus. Mr.

Vikramaditya Sinha anchored the concluding session.

The concluding address was given by Fr George Nedumattam, SJ 

Principal, St. Xaviers, Patna and Province Coordinator of Alumni of Patna



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  • 1. FEDERATION OF JESUIT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF INDIA SIXTH NATIONAL CONGRESS FEBRUARY 4 6, 2011 HOSTED BY ST. XAVIERS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, PATNA ST. XAVIERS HIGH SCHOOL, PATNA Presentation of Conference Report The theme for deliberations at the VIth National Congress of JAAI at Patna was Public - Private Partnership For Better Education. The matter which is of great concern and importance attracted divergent and conflicting views and opinions in course of discussions and deliberations. The delegates having deliberated extensively on the subject Public- Private Participation for Better Education have unanimously adopted on this the 5th day of February 2011 the following resolutions: 1. That the Public-Private Partnership For Better Education is the immediate need of the hour. 2. That the Public-Private Partnership should be modeled on the basis of the needs of the respective areas. 3. To impart quality education to ensure appropriate vocational opportunities. 4. That the Jesuit Alumni/ae should act as catalysts in policy making, infrastructural development and effective
  • 2. implementation of Public-Private Partnerships with special focus towards underdeveloped areas. All must love the human form, In Heathen, Turk or Jew. Where mercy, Love and Pity dwell, There god is dwelling too. These words of William Blake certainly outlines the moral foundation of St. Xaviers High School. Throughout the journey of 7 decades, it has been serving its students in a special manner and has become a landmark. Today, we students of such a charitable, educational institution have got this Golden Opportunity to host the mega program of Jesuit Alumni Association of India, National Conference, 2011. The Federation of Jesuit Alumni Association of India (JAAI) is a body of Alumni Association of Jesuit Academic Institution of India. It hopes to bring together all the Jesuits Alumni of the country and direct their energies for the betterment of society, of course with the motto To Give and Not to Count the Cost. Standing here, I feel extremely privileged to be a part of such a grand event. It is truly on honour that we are entrusted with the responsibility to compare such an excellent event. When we were given this responsibility, we all were struck with a unanimous question Can we do it ? Just then, there came an inherent support from within when our teachers assured us with lots of motivation Of course we can. Gradually and eventually, we got engrossed in the plethora of activities the brimming enthusiasm, with zeal and zest, even in harsh and chilled winter, remained ignited which will certainly make this show a grand success. We students belonging to Jesuit Schools have an innate ability to excel wherever we go and act as pioneers to all the noblest deeds. With the moral virtues like discipline, perseverance and focus instilled in us throughout our school life will never let the reputation of our institution down. We have acted in compliance with the noble words of St. Ignatius Loyola who always dreamt of spreading light in the hearts of people through education. He wanted education to become a torch through which countless amen and women in every country could awake to become true human beings. Jesuits-Being the Disciple of St. Ignatius Loyola have truly propagated His preaching. They have devoted their lives and soul to serve all. I feel all the audience here are groomed and nurtured under the enriching
  • 3. guidance of Jesuits and I take extreme pride in accepting this universal truth. We, the present Xavarians and alumni all over the country will forever behold the moral virtues and dignity of their institutions in all the paths of life. As I, Aman Pratik, a board examinee this year, stand to bid adieu to my School, my heart is gripped with nostalgia and eyes with tears, St. Xaviers has done its task of developing us into good human beings. Now, its our turn to make our school proud of us. We should all take a pledge that we will keep the fire, which Jesuits have injected in us, burning and illuminate the whole world with its light. We Xavarians are explicably privileged to get the guidance of Jesuits and will ever remain adhered to our motto For God And Country. Finally I conclude with the famous lines of Robert Frost Wood are lovely, dark and deep And I have promises to keep And miles to go, before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep. AMAN PRATIK St. Xaviers High School, Patna Press Release The two newspapers headlines said it all: PPP must to attain education goals and PPP is no panacea. The VIth National Congress of the Jesuit Alumni Association of India (JAAI) commenced on the evening of 4 th February 2011 to debate Public-Private Partnership for Better Education. At the inaugural ceremony the Chief Guest Rev. William DSouza, SJ Archbishop of Patna expressed the hope that the deliberations would result in positive solutions
  • 4. while being mindful of the core concerns of education. His Grace blessed the occasion in a speech that indicated purpose and intent. The HRD Minister, Mr. P.K. Sahi made an impassioned appeal to Jesuits and sought collaborative partnership with Corporate and Private Entrepreneurs to share the governments efforts to meet the huge deficit in education. The President of JAAI, Dr. Santosh Rolland drew an interesting parallel between the credo of JAAI namely, Excellence, Innovation and Honor which any PPP initiative in education should transcribe into its model to blend its excellence and emancipation. President of the World Union of Jesuit Alumni, Dr. Thomas Bausch commended the excellent work of the Jesuits with Patna taking a pride of place. PPP should focus on the concerns of the disadvantaged, he maintained. Mr. J.K. Sinha, President of the SXAA, Patna and former Joint Director RAW spoke of corporate social responsibility that ought to urge the private players to engage with the countrys education program. Fr. Joy Karayapuram, SJ Provincial and Fr. Ignatius Arun Abraham, SJ, Moderator of SXAA and Rector St. Xaviers Patna, expressed the hope that the deliberations on Public Private Partnership would harmonize excellence and worth on one hand and ethics on the other. The program was ably anchored by the Secretary of SXAA, Dr. Amulya Singh. Dr. Sandeep Sen, Vice
  • 5. President of SXAA and Treasurer of JAAI thanked all the guests and delegates for their purposeful contributions and participation. Over 400 Jesuit alumni and 40 Jesuit priests from India and countries such as USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Boumundi and France. Mr. Pablo Diaz, Chilis Ambassador to Australia was among the many dignitaries to grace the occasion and participate with avid camaraderie on the deliberations that took place on the constructive role of the Alumni/ae in the context of PPP. On day-2 at the plenary session Mr. N.K. Singh, well known bureaucrat and Rajya Sabha member enumerated the various challenges and worries that the education faces today as we switch from a static socialistic economy to one that offers a wider global choices increasing competition and catapulting economic growth. The challenge of PPP was to reconcile the irreconcilable. The contradictions that one has to engage with are to harmonize access with quality, the need to pay for the quality and the commercialization of education, and called for a flexible approach to tide over the crisis of resources.
  • 6. Professor Jittu Singh, Professor of XLRI questioned the usefulness of the RTE if inadequate and non quality education was to be provided. He called for the Public and Private sectors to merge their resources in order to tackle the dual problem of creating educational infrastructure and a good teacher. The resources he said, should be pooled in for purposes with focused priorities. Prof. Shankar Dutt, Professor of English at Patna University spoke of the three phases of education in India, the colonial, the post-independent and the post WTO when education had become a service to be consumed and disseminated in the international market place. There is a need to address the dichotomy of quality and quantity as also regional imbalances, academic freedom and the disparities between Central and State Universities. He also raised the peoples concerns with good teaching while discouraging their own children from becoming teachers. Mr. J.K. Sinha presided over the session while the Vice Presiden, Mr. Mohit Ahluwalia conducted the session. Mr. Sanjay Mishra, President of St. Michaels Allumni Association, Patna gave the vote of thanks.
  • 7. The panel discussions that followed on the conference theme debated this contentious issue and adopted the following resolutions: 1. That the Public Private Partnership for Better Education is the immediate need of the hour. 2. That the Public Private Partnership should be modeled on the needs of respective areas. 3. To impart quality education and to ensure appropriate vocational opportunities. 4. That the Jesuit alumni/ae should act as catalyst in policy making, infrastructural development and effective implementation of PPP with special focus on under developed areas. Honble Justice Abhijit Sinha, former President SXAA coordinated the panel discussions and presented the conference report in the second plenary session. Mr. Fabio Tobon, Past President WUJA invited all delegates to the next World Congress of WUJA to be held at Medline, Columbia in 2013. Later, Power Point presentations were made by a number of member associations. The JAAI National Congress combined profit and pleasure. The cultural program presented by the school children and teachers of St. Xaviers
  • 8. School, Patna brilliantly showcased the cultural pluralism of India, of its richness and infinite variety of words rhythms and colours. The audience was completely mesmerized by the quality of the performance, its meaning and purpose. On the concluding day there was a meeting of the accredited delegates and also the Governing Council meeting of JAAI in which new office bearers were elected unanimously. Mr Naresh Gupta was elected as President, Mr. Shapath Shah as Secretary, and Mr Bobby Jacob as Treasurer of JAAI Governing Council. It was also decided that the next Congress of JAAI will be held at Ahmedabad, Gujarat in 2014.The outgoing members of the Governing Council were felicitated with mementos by Fr William Currie, the delegate of Fr Superior General of the Society of Jesus. Mr. Vikramaditya Sinha anchored the concluding session. The concluding address was given by Fr George Nedumattam, SJ Principal, St. Xaviers, Patna and Province Coordinator of Alumni of Patna Province. -----------------------------------