Gmizavci-spolja邸nja i unutra邸nja graa tela, prilagoenost na kopneni nain 転ivota, raznovrsnost i opis grupa dana邸njih gmizavaca.
Napomena: prezentacija nije u potpunosti moje autorsko delo, nego predstavlja kominaciju tri prezentacije koje su preuzete sa interneta i mog autorskog dela.
This document summarizes characteristics of chordates and provides examples of different types of chordates. It describes that chordates have a notochord and hollow nerve cord. They are divided into three subphyla: tunicates, lancelets, and vertebrates. Key characteristics and examples are provided for each major group of vertebrates including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
This document summarizes characteristics of chordates and provides examples of different types of chordates. It describes that chordates have a notochord and hollow nerve cord. They are divided into three subphyla: tunicates, lancelets, and vertebrates. Key characteristics and examples are provided for each major group of vertebrates including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
This document discusses several locations known for their health benefits and climates, including Boka Kotorska, Montenegro which has a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and long, warm summers. It describes the spa towns of Igalo and Pranj which utilize peloid mud, mineral water, and other treatments for diseases like respiratory issues and rheumatism. The Dead Sea is then covered, noting its high salt content, unique ecosystem, and use of mud for skin and rheumatic conditions.
Ekosistem mora, izborni predmet
Deseta lekcija (obrauje se 2 asa)
Privredni i sportski ribolov, ribolovni pribor, naje邸e ribe i glavono邸ci koje se love
Morski ekosistemi imaju kljunu ulogu u kru転enju materije u biosferi. Oni su rezervoari vode, kisika, ugljen-dioksida i drugih elemenata neophodnih za 転ivot. Fitoplankton proizvodi veinu organske materije i oslobaa najvi邸e kisika. Organska materija se prenosi kroz lance ishrane do vrha trofike piramide. Bakterije na dnu okeana razla転u uginule organizme, a mulj
This document discusses food chains in nature. It explains that plants like phytoplankton and algae are producers at the start of the food chain, obtaining energy through photosynthesis. Zooplankton and other organisms then consume the plants as primary consumers. Secondary consumers feed on the primary consumers, and in some ecosystems there are tertiary consumers that feed on both. Decomposer bacteria break down dead organisms, recycling nutrients. Each link in the food chain is important for the survival of the whole chain.
This document discusses plankton, which are microscopic plant and animal organisms that float in oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers. Plankton are carried by water currents and include phytoplankton such as algae, and zooplankton such as krill and protozoa. Phytoplankton come in thousands of species and some can affect water color, while diatoms are an important component. Zooplankton are eaten by whales, fish, and other marine life and play a key role in ocean ecosystems. Examples are given of different plankton types like radiolarians, foraminifera, and their fossilized shells in rocks.