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The flip-sideAn interactive video installationBy john leonardmbuguagitachu
PROJECT PROPOSALDESCRIPTION:	An interactive application where users get to interact with videos to uncover secretsbehind some prominent political leaders lives as well as to enjoy a unique audiovisual environment that showcases different parts of the world.PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION:	Many people are unaware or unwilling to take part in political activities because theysee them to be boring and counter-developmental. The aim of this application is tochange this view as well as to enlighten the public on the flip-sides of varioushistorical political figures.TARGET USERS	Adults with interest in global issues.
PROJECT PROPOSALAIMS AND OBJECTIVES:To ensure that the users learn the value of digging deeper about potential candidates backgrounds.
To give the user a quick glimpse of the entire world using his/her body as a navigational toolMOTIVATION:Social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube where people can source for information and involve themselves in political campaigns and groups.
Various politically oriented campaigns like Abolition, a campaign by Marcel Agency that sought to rally people to petition against the death penalty.RESEARCH & ANALYSIS: Issues	Due to the nature of the project I am going to undertake, it can fall in the broad genre of political art. Below are the various types of political artworks:Promotional Categoryways or means to resolve a conflictProjection Category"this is what could happen if..."Societys mirror.Showing society as it ishttp://www.globalresearch.ca/
RESEARCH & ANALYSIS: Similar Projects(Peptone)Peptone combines an arcade experiencea noisy, bustling gaming environmentwith the raucousness of a spectator sport. Up to 50 players can participate at any one timeyou enter the gaming arena by dialing in on your mobile phone, which creates a character that is associated with your connection. The character is then controlled using your voice and the keypad, turning your phone into a gaming console.
RESEARCH & ANALYSIS: Revolution: USADocumentary.Interactive Film Making .Web Interactivity.Programming.
RESEARCH & ANALYSIS: CHARACTERSApart from the historical facts we know about these figures, there is a different side to them that we are not aware.Adolf Hitler was an ardent Art Lover.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was alleged to be a plagiarist as well as a serial womanizer.
Mao Zedong was a swimming enthusiast who even swam in human-waste filled rivers.IDEA DEVELOPMENT: Initial IdeaA space and social installation where users get to interact within a geographical boundary.
Sensors detect users in Freedom Zone and invite him/her to the application.
Short description of what the application entails is played
User is requested to pick up a device that will be used as a controller for the application.
The device to be used would be a phone to symbolize mobility where the user can operate the application from many points in or outside of the exhibition area.
The user then gets to interact with the application by providing input that determines the political situation in the faux state.IDEA DEVELOPMENT: TheBody As An Interactive ToolPart of the idea for this project came through the research of the body as a tool used in contemporary  interactive art as shown in the examples above that were exhibited at Golf as interactive art, political commentary -- and cultural history by Ron Way
IDEA DEVELOPMENT: QR Code Information EncryptionThe idea of using the QR code as a method to decipher information to be accessed later by the user came as a result of the use of QR by Tesco South Korea which enabled shoppers to shop from train and bus stops without getting into the supermarket.It keeps information away from the eyes until this information is needed.QR Code is to be used to enlighten the user about the hidden traits of the political figures after interaction with the projected videos is complete.
IDEA DEVELOPMENTAbolition byMarcel
Contextual studiesPOLITICAL: The main driving issue of this installation will be politically motivated. This is especially manifested in the choice of content and the characters that are chosen to represent the material. Martin Luther King represents a democratic system where power is given to the people and civil rights are implemented, Hitler represents an autocratic system where his word his law and minorities are oppressed, while Mao represents a system that supports communism and seeks to do away with capitalistic tendencies of society.HISTORICAL: The historical context of the installation is manifested in the various events that have helped to shape the globe as it is. These events will be shown in a video format and thus the user will get an on-site lesson on history as well as uncovering previously unknown historical facts regarding the historical figures. The installation will go to show that not all historical information are correctly or fairly represented especially through media.
Content development: Mind Map
Content development: Technical Diagram 1
Content development: Technical Diagram 2

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  • 1. The flip-sideAn interactive video installationBy john leonardmbuguagitachu
  • 2. PROJECT PROPOSALDESCRIPTION: An interactive application where users get to interact with videos to uncover secretsbehind some prominent political leaders lives as well as to enjoy a unique audiovisual environment that showcases different parts of the world.PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION: Many people are unaware or unwilling to take part in political activities because theysee them to be boring and counter-developmental. The aim of this application is tochange this view as well as to enlighten the public on the flip-sides of varioushistorical political figures.TARGET USERS Adults with interest in global issues.
  • 3. PROJECT PROPOSALAIMS AND OBJECTIVES:To ensure that the users learn the value of digging deeper about potential candidates backgrounds.
  • 4. To give the user a quick glimpse of the entire world using his/her body as a navigational toolMOTIVATION:Social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube where people can source for information and involve themselves in political campaigns and groups.
  • 5. Various politically oriented campaigns like Abolition, a campaign by Marcel Agency that sought to rally people to petition against the death penalty.RESEARCH & ANALYSIS: Issues Due to the nature of the project I am going to undertake, it can fall in the broad genre of political art. Below are the various types of political artworks:Promotional Categoryways or means to resolve a conflictProjection Category"this is what could happen if..."Societys mirror.Showing society as it ishttp://www.globalresearch.ca/
  • 6. RESEARCH & ANALYSIS: Similar Projects(Peptone)Peptone combines an arcade experiencea noisy, bustling gaming environmentwith the raucousness of a spectator sport. Up to 50 players can participate at any one timeyou enter the gaming arena by dialing in on your mobile phone, which creates a character that is associated with your connection. The character is then controlled using your voice and the keypad, turning your phone into a gaming console.
  • 7. RESEARCH & ANALYSIS: Revolution: USADocumentary.Interactive Film Making .Web Interactivity.Programming.
  • 8. RESEARCH & ANALYSIS: CHARACTERSApart from the historical facts we know about these figures, there is a different side to them that we are not aware.Adolf Hitler was an ardent Art Lover.
  • 9. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was alleged to be a plagiarist as well as a serial womanizer.
  • 10. Mao Zedong was a swimming enthusiast who even swam in human-waste filled rivers.IDEA DEVELOPMENT: Initial IdeaA space and social installation where users get to interact within a geographical boundary.
  • 11. Sensors detect users in Freedom Zone and invite him/her to the application.
  • 12. Short description of what the application entails is played
  • 13. User is requested to pick up a device that will be used as a controller for the application.
  • 14. The device to be used would be a phone to symbolize mobility where the user can operate the application from many points in or outside of the exhibition area.
  • 15. The user then gets to interact with the application by providing input that determines the political situation in the faux state.IDEA DEVELOPMENT: TheBody As An Interactive ToolPart of the idea for this project came through the research of the body as a tool used in contemporary interactive art as shown in the examples above that were exhibited at Golf as interactive art, political commentary -- and cultural history by Ron Way
  • 16. IDEA DEVELOPMENT: QR Code Information EncryptionThe idea of using the QR code as a method to decipher information to be accessed later by the user came as a result of the use of QR by Tesco South Korea which enabled shoppers to shop from train and bus stops without getting into the supermarket.It keeps information away from the eyes until this information is needed.QR Code is to be used to enlighten the user about the hidden traits of the political figures after interaction with the projected videos is complete.
  • 18. Contextual studiesPOLITICAL: The main driving issue of this installation will be politically motivated. This is especially manifested in the choice of content and the characters that are chosen to represent the material. Martin Luther King represents a democratic system where power is given to the people and civil rights are implemented, Hitler represents an autocratic system where his word his law and minorities are oppressed, while Mao represents a system that supports communism and seeks to do away with capitalistic tendencies of society.HISTORICAL: The historical context of the installation is manifested in the various events that have helped to shape the globe as it is. These events will be shown in a video format and thus the user will get an on-site lesson on history as well as uncovering previously unknown historical facts regarding the historical figures. The installation will go to show that not all historical information are correctly or fairly represented especially through media.
  • 28. Final synopsis The impact of digital media in the current political scene cannot be under estimated. However, this has manifested itself in mostly social and campaign forums. On the flip side is a digital installation that seeks to demystify potential candidates by comparing their face value to their intrinsic value that is seldom seen in public. It also seeks to immerse the user in a relevant position where the body can be used as a tool to unveil the hidden mysteries of the political world. The installation will begin by actively beckoning to the user using text and sound, after which the user is expected to approach. Upon entering the target space, the installation will play a video in relation to the area in which the user is standing. The video will be projected on the floor in the shape of the world and this helps to give a credible geographical background of the various happenings within the video. After this, the user will shift positions to various other hotspots to analyze all the footage involved. Finally, the user will conveniently access a QR code encryption placed where the user is standing. This encryption will give more details on the traits of the projected political figure.