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What You Will Find
General Marketing Responsibilities
 NCAA 6th Fan
 ROC App
 Marketing Assistant for Baseball
Womens Basketball
 Marketing/Promotions Assistant
 Social Media
 Attendance for Womens Basketball
 Social Media
 Attendance for Softball
Additional Social Media
 Social Media Manager for Mens Volleyball
 Social Media Growth
 Additional Social Media Statistics
Skills and Experiences
General Marketing Responsibilities
 Frequently assigned to assist with pre-game activities and in-game
on field/court promotions for many sports including football and
mens basketball
 For an average of approximately 3 hours per week I would hand out
flyers on campus to promote upcoming games or events
 Assisted in a variety of capacities at special events including the
annual Cougar Kickoff, Stadium Party, and Easter Egg Hunt
 Prepared the corporate and private loges for VIP ticket holders for
every home football game
NCAA 6th Fan Competition
 Helped BYU win $110,000
in an online/social media
voting competition for
 Aided in the social media
campaign for this
competition on all
accounts I manage
 Also encouraged fan
voting by distributing
flyers on campus
 Tasked with implementing a fan loyalty rewards
program via a smart phone application
 Grew the app to over 1,700 users
 Assisted IMG in acquiring sponsored prizes
 Distributed prizes and scheduled fulfillment
opportunities for fans
Marketing Assistant for Baseball
 Assisted in the execution
of in-game promotions
 Emcee between innings
for select promotions
 Led tours of the stadium
for Little League teams
invited to the games
 Took photos and created
graphics as needed for
social media
Field of Dreams Little League team
introduced prior to a game
Marketing for Womens Basketball
 Average attendance for womens basketball increased 10.6 percent in the
2013-2014 season
 Coordinated in-game promotions, including creating a sponsored
promotion with BYU Sports Camps
 Called game production -- Oversaw the execution of game scripts
 Ran the arena music at several games (pregame, in-game, postgame)
 On court emcee at multiple games charged with conducting timeouts,
halftime, promotions, and energizing fans
BYU Sports Camps PromotionBreast Cancer/Valentines Day Pink Game  Halftime Slow Dance
Womens Basketball Social Media
 Managed Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram accounts
 Total growth of 38.5 percent
 Facebook: 19.4 percent
 Twitter: 102.6 percent
 Instagram: 169.5 percent
 Live tweet games
 Created pregame, halftime,
and postgame infographics
 Rebranded BYU Womens
Basketball on social media
NCAA Sweet 16  Lincoln, NE
Rebranding Womens Basketball
 Greenish color
 Black and white BYU logo
 Stretch Y logo disproportionate
 White box around logos
 Breast Cancer Awareness/Valentines
Pink game
 Kept with the game theme
 Used approved BYU logo
Rebranding Womens Basketball
 School colors
 Blue and white BYU logo
 No white background on logos
 Game Day and Game Time
 More creative/engaging graphics
Womens Basketball Attendance
Game # 2012-2013 2013-2014
Game 1 230 540
Game 2 415 459
Game 3 1120 648
Game 4 449 703
Game 5 439 432
Game 6 289 576
Game 7 425 1070
Game 8 787 579
Game 9 719 755
Game 10 784 639
Game 11 854 455
Game 12 682 649
Game 13 528 620
Game 14 617 770
Game 15 664 695
Game 16 1430 978
Game 17 459 1120
Game 18 470 n/a
Game 19 449 n/a
TOTAL 11810 11688
AVERAGE 621.58 687.53
% CHANGE 10.6%
Softball Social Media
 BYU led the West Coast
Conference in Softball
attendance during 2014
 Started Twitter and
Instagram accounts
 Facebook grew 23.6
 Live tweet games
 Created graphics for
games and individual
player awards
Softball Social Media
 Highlighted by Andy Pawlowski
(Nike social media) in his online
series of best social media
 They pair a powerful image
from the game with the box
score and a stat line if
appropriate to create a visual
 This statement is applied win
or lose with a similar affect.
 This keeps the number of posts
you make down while letting
you get more out of each post.
2014 Softball Attendance
Team Attendance
Loyola Marymount 100
Saint Marys 163
Pacific 233
San Diego 170
Santa Clara n/a
BYU with Baseball** 598
BYU without Baseball** 278
2014 WCC Average AttendanceDate Opponent Attendance
25 March Oregon 200
28 March Idaho State 303
29 March Idaho State 321
2 April Utah State 105
11 April Santa Clara 578
12 April Santa Clara 367
15 April Southern Utah 241
18 April Weber State 1531*
25 April Loyola Marymount 113
6 May Utah Valley 1065*
9 May Saint Marys 1139*
10 May Saint Marys 1169*
**The NCAA officially counts baseball
and softball attendance as a combined
total when playing coinciding games in
the same stadium
*Combined with baseball
Mens Volleyball Social Media
 Most followed NCAA
Mens Volleyball team
 Most social media
growth in NCAA Mens
Volleyball in 2014
 Covered the MPSF and
NCAA tournaments
 Led the social media
campaign that earned
Taylor Sander the Fan
Choice Player of the
Year award
Additional Social Media Statistics
 Total social media following increased by
21.6 percent
 Created the most viewed Facebook post of
any BYU sport reaching 947,200 individuals
 Created the most liked graphic/post on the
Mens Basketball Facebook page  2,278 likes
(Womens Basketball Sweet 16 graphic)
Total Facebook Growth
23.6% 8.5% 19.4% 5.3% 36.5%% Growth: 15.5%
Softball Women's Soccer Women's Basketball Women's Volleyball Men's Volleyball BYU Cougars
Total Twitter Growth
n/a 13.6% 102.6% 6.6% 14.9%% Growth:
Softball Women's Soccer Women's Basketball Women's Volleyball Men's Volleyball
Total Instagram Growth
n/a 41.0% 169.5% 29.0% 55.1%% Growth:
Softball Women's Soccer Women's Basketball Women's Volleyball Men's Volleyball
Total Social Media Growth
56.7% 4.6% 29.9% 1.5% 10.0%% Growth:
Softball Women's Soccer Women's Basketball Women's Volleyball Men's Volleyball
Skills and Experiences
 Creating and executing game scripts
 Overseeing in-game promotions
 Calling the production of games
 Creating graphics for social media with
required logos
 Fulfilling sponsorships outside of games
 Creating reports and presentations
 Acquiring corporate sponsorships

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  • 2. What You Will Find General Marketing Responsibilities NCAA 6th Fan ROC App Marketing Assistant for Baseball Womens Basketball Marketing/Promotions Assistant Social Media Rebranding Attendance for Womens Basketball Softball Social Media Attendance for Softball Additional Social Media Social Media Manager for Mens Volleyball Social Media Growth Additional Social Media Statistics Skills and Experiences
  • 4. General Marketing Responsibilities Frequently assigned to assist with pre-game activities and in-game on field/court promotions for many sports including football and mens basketball For an average of approximately 3 hours per week I would hand out flyers on campus to promote upcoming games or events Assisted in a variety of capacities at special events including the annual Cougar Kickoff, Stadium Party, and Easter Egg Hunt Prepared the corporate and private loges for VIP ticket holders for every home football game
  • 5. NCAA 6th Fan Competition Helped BYU win $110,000 in an online/social media voting competition for fans Aided in the social media campaign for this competition on all accounts I manage Also encouraged fan voting by distributing flyers on campus
  • 6. ROC App Tasked with implementing a fan loyalty rewards program via a smart phone application Grew the app to over 1,700 users Assisted IMG in acquiring sponsored prizes Distributed prizes and scheduled fulfillment opportunities for fans
  • 7. Marketing Assistant for Baseball Assisted in the execution of in-game promotions Emcee between innings for select promotions Led tours of the stadium for Little League teams invited to the games Took photos and created graphics as needed for social media Field of Dreams Little League team introduced prior to a game
  • 9. Marketing for Womens Basketball Average attendance for womens basketball increased 10.6 percent in the 2013-2014 season Coordinated in-game promotions, including creating a sponsored promotion with BYU Sports Camps Called game production -- Oversaw the execution of game scripts Ran the arena music at several games (pregame, in-game, postgame) On court emcee at multiple games charged with conducting timeouts, halftime, promotions, and energizing fans BYU Sports Camps PromotionBreast Cancer/Valentines Day Pink Game Halftime Slow Dance
  • 10. Womens Basketball Social Media Managed Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts Total growth of 38.5 percent Facebook: 19.4 percent Twitter: 102.6 percent Instagram: 169.5 percent Live tweet games Created pregame, halftime, and postgame infographics Rebranded BYU Womens Basketball on social media NCAA Sweet 16 Lincoln, NE
  • 11. Rebranding Womens Basketball BEFORE: Greenish color Black and white BYU logo Stretch Y logo disproportionate White box around logos TRANSITION: Breast Cancer Awareness/Valentines Pink game Kept with the game theme Used approved BYU logo
  • 12. Rebranding Womens Basketball AFTER: School colors Blue and white BYU logo No white background on logos NCAA TOURNAMENT: Game Day and Game Time More creative/engaging graphics
  • 13. Womens Basketball Attendance Game # 2012-2013 2013-2014 Game 1 230 540 Game 2 415 459 Game 3 1120 648 Game 4 449 703 Game 5 439 432 Game 6 289 576 Game 7 425 1070 Game 8 787 579 Game 9 719 755 Game 10 784 639 Game 11 854 455 Game 12 682 649 Game 13 528 620 Game 14 617 770 Game 15 664 695 Game 16 1430 978 Game 17 459 1120 Game 18 470 n/a Game 19 449 n/a TOTAL 11810 11688 AVERAGE 621.58 687.53 % CHANGE 10.6%
  • 15. Softball Social Media BYU led the West Coast Conference in Softball attendance during 2014 season Started Twitter and Instagram accounts Facebook grew 23.6 percent Live tweet games Created graphics for games and individual player awards
  • 16. Softball Social Media Highlighted by Andy Pawlowski (Nike social media) in his online series of best social media practices They pair a powerful image from the game with the box score and a stat line if appropriate to create a visual statement. This statement is applied win or lose with a similar affect. This keeps the number of posts you make down while letting you get more out of each post.
  • 17. 2014 Softball Attendance Team Attendance Loyola Marymount 100 Saint Marys 163 Pacific 233 San Diego 170 Santa Clara n/a BYU with Baseball** 598 BYU without Baseball** 278 2014 WCC Average AttendanceDate Opponent Attendance 25 March Oregon 200 28 March Idaho State 303 29 March Idaho State 321 2 April Utah State 105 11 April Santa Clara 578 12 April Santa Clara 367 15 April Southern Utah 241 18 April Weber State 1531* 25 April Loyola Marymount 113 6 May Utah Valley 1065* 9 May Saint Marys 1139* 10 May Saint Marys 1169* **The NCAA officially counts baseball and softball attendance as a combined total when playing coinciding games in the same stadium *Combined with baseball
  • 19. Mens Volleyball Social Media Most followed NCAA Mens Volleyball team Most social media growth in NCAA Mens Volleyball in 2014 Covered the MPSF and NCAA tournaments Led the social media campaign that earned Taylor Sander the Fan Choice Player of the Year award
  • 20. Additional Social Media Statistics Total social media following increased by 21.6 percent Created the most viewed Facebook post of any BYU sport reaching 947,200 individuals Created the most liked graphic/post on the Mens Basketball Facebook page 2,278 likes (Womens Basketball Sweet 16 graphic)
  • 21. Total Facebook Growth 23.6% 8.5% 19.4% 5.3% 36.5%% Growth: 15.5% 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Softball Women's Soccer Women's Basketball Women's Volleyball Men's Volleyball BYU Cougars Start Finish
  • 22. Total Twitter Growth n/a 13.6% 102.6% 6.6% 14.9%% Growth: 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Softball Women's Soccer Women's Basketball Women's Volleyball Men's Volleyball Start Finish
  • 23. Total Instagram Growth n/a 41.0% 169.5% 29.0% 55.1%% Growth: 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Softball Women's Soccer Women's Basketball Women's Volleyball Men's Volleyball Start Finish
  • 24. Total Social Media Growth 56.7% 4.6% 29.9% 1.5% 10.0%% Growth: 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Softball Women's Soccer Women's Basketball Women's Volleyball Men's Volleyball Start Finish
  • 26. Skills and Experiences Creating and executing game scripts Overseeing in-game promotions Calling the production of games Creating graphics for social media with required logos Fulfilling sponsorships outside of games Creating reports and presentations Acquiring corporate sponsorships