Turn resistance into positive energyLearning ForwardFrom passive resistance to direct pushback, the most effective way to turn resistance into useable energy is through skillful communication. See how principals who become expert communicators can add valuable tools to their toolkit.
Education and the new literacies studiesSilvana Lúcia AvelarThis document discusses the need to improve foreign language teaching in schools and universities. It argues that foreign language education needs to move beyond a purely linguistic focus and incorporate new literacies studies to foster critical thinking skills. This includes teaching students to understand representations and ideologies in texts, cultural modes of seeing the world, and the relationship between knowledge and power in society. The document proposes that foreign language teaching should expand its educational goals to include concepts like citizenship, plurality and cultural diversity.
Park hill fire station & water co script 2009Park Hill Neighborhood AssociationThe document summarizes a tour of the Park Hill Fire Station & Water Co. complex in Little Rock, Arkansas. It describes how businessman Justin Matthews developed the Park Hill neighborhood in the early 1900s. In the late 1930s, the Park Hill Water Co. constructed the Mediterranean-style fire station, water company office, and two reservoirs to serve the community and lower fire insurance rates. The Works Progress Administration provided labor to build the complex, which was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1993. The fire station and water company building retain many original architectural features and were restored in the late 1990s.
Keynote Speaking ProfitsBradley MillerThis document promotes a website that teaches speakers how to earn recurring income without creating new content by getting paid more when not speaking than when speaking, and learning the one simple thing top speakers do differently than traditional methods teach. The website www.keynotespeakingprofits.com/?page=store is where speakers can learn how to do this.
Impl reference manual_for_qualitiesAlkis Vazacopoulos
The IML file is our user readable import or input file to the IMPL modeling and solving platform. IMPL is an acronym for Industrial Modeling and Programming Language provided by Industrial Algorithms LLC. The IML file allows the user to configure the necessary data to model and solve large-scale and complex industrial optimization problems (IOP's) such as planning, scheduling, control and data reconciliation and regression in either off or on-line environments.
Please see our IML “(Basic) Reference Manual for Quantities” for a complete introduction on the basics of IML. This manual describes the configuration data necessary to model and solve IOP’s with quality variables and constraints i.e., densities, components, properties, conditions and coefficients.
The symbol "&" denotes an address, index, pointer or key, the "@" denotes an attribute, property, characteristic or value and the prefix "s" stands for string of which there are two other prefixes "r" and "i" for reals (double precision) and integers respectively. String addresses and attributes are case sensitive and do not require any quotes where essentially any character is allowed including spaces except for ",". Each address string field may have no more than 64 characters for it to be considered as unique and each attribute string field may have no more than 512 characters.
Carlos carolinajessicaeso1113enricborrasThe document introduces several famous historical figures including Napoleon Bonaparte who was an emperor, Pablo Picasso who was a painter, Freddy Mercury who was a singer, Michael Jackson who was also a singer, and Barack Obama who was the president of the United States. Each person stated their name and their notable occupation.
Digital Society Laboratory (DSL)Andzhey ArshavskiyЛаборатория Цифрового Общества (DSL) - Российская независимая частная исследовательская компания, специализирующаяся на проведении академических исследований в социальных сетях и в интернете в целом. Лаборатория обладает уникальным составом исследователей и аналитиков, сотрудничает с ведущими мировыми экспертами США и Европы.
DSL создает инновационные решения для цифрового маркетинга, персонализации информации и социального поиска в Интернет и Социальных Медиа. DSL использует последние достижения в науке и технологиях анализа данных, Big Data, математики и социологии.
ViolencedomestiqueeducacionenigualdadeEl documento trata sobre la violencia doméstica contra las mujeres en Francia. Señala que una de cada 10 mujeres en Francia es víctima de violencia conyugal y que para las mujeres entre 16 y 44 años, la violencia doméstica es la principal causa de muerte e invalidez, por encima de otras causas como el cáncer o los accidentes. El documento hace un llamado a reaccionar ante este problema antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Lab 1 word_gomezIrving Gomez FordragónEl documento describe el crecimiento exponencial de Youtube como plataforma de videos en línea desde su creación en 2005. Se ha convertido en una herramienta clave para artistas y creadores de contenido para promocionar y monetizar su trabajo. Además, ofrece oportunidades para anunciantes y marcas para llegar a nuevas audiencias a través de videos.
Fisiologi respirasiAguss AjaRespirasi ikan melibatkan pertukaran gas oksigen dan karbon dioksida melalui insang. Oksigen akan berdifusi dari insang ke darah, lalu didistribusikan ke sel-sel tubuh, sementara karbon dioksida berdifusi sebaliknya. Proses ini dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi dan tekanan gas, luas permukaan insang, serta transportasi melalui darah. Regulasi pernapasan diperlukan untuk menjaga keseimbangan konsentrasi gas-gas tersebut
Variable Selection Methodsjoycemi_laThe document describes various variable selection methods applied to predict violent crime rates using socioeconomic data from US cities. It analyzes a dataset with 95 variables and 807 observations, using several variable selection techniques to determine the most predictive factors of violent crime. These include best random subset selection (BRSS), which approximates best subset selection by randomly selecting variable combinations. BRSS identified factors like immigration, ethnicity, family structure, and income as best predicting violent crime rates. Model performance was evaluated using metrics like R2, and BRSS had strong out-of-sample prediction, outperforming some other common techniques.
Mmm which onesfleming2464The document discusses the three measures of central tendency - mean, median, and mode - and explains that the mean is best for measuring temperatures, the median is best for distances to avoid outliers influencing the average, and the mode is best for categorical data or determining the most frequent value. It encourages understanding which measure of central tendency works best depending on the type of data being analyzed.
Awful crm mistakesDamien DucourtyThe fund is performing within expectations over the last four months, trimming positions before a profit warning to make 36 basis points. A new risk manager was recently hired from Goldman Sachs with 13 years of risk management experience. The fund is looking to launch a new strategy in January and expects subscriptions of up to $150 million.
Advanced Process Monitoring IMFAlkis VazacopoulosPresented in this short document is a description of what is called Advanced Process Monitoring (APM) as described by Hedengren (2013). APM is the term given to the technique of estimating unmeasured but observable variables or "states" using statistical data reconciliation and regression (DRR) in an off-line or real-time environment and is also referred to as Moving Horizon Estimation (MHE) (Robertson et. al., 1996). Essentially, the model and data define a simultaneous nonlinear and dynamic DRR problem where the model is either engineering-based (first-principles, fundamental, mechanistic, causal, rigorous) or empirical-based (correlation, statistical data-based, observational, regressed) or some combination of both (hybrid).
Time Series Estimation of Gas Furnace Data in IMPL and CPLEX Industrial Model...Alkis VazacopoulosPresented in this short document is a description of how to estimate a deterministic and stochastic time-series transfer function models in IMPL using IBM’s CPLEX applied to industrial gas furnace data. The methodology of time-series analysis involves essentially three (3) stages (Box and Jenkins, 1976): (1) model structure identification, (2) model parameter estimation and (3) model checking and diagnostics. We do not address (1) which requires stationarity and seasonality assessment, auto-, cross- and partial-correlation, etc. to establish the transfer function polynomial degrees. Instead we focus only on the parameter estimation and diagnostics. These types of parameter estimation problems involve dynamic and nonlinear relationships shown below and we solve these using IMPL’s nonlinear programming algorithm SLPQPE which uses CPLEX 12.6 as the QP sub-solver.
Gerencia de proyectos de tecnología educativaMariela Bolaños MartinezEl documento habla sobre la gerencia de proyectos de tecnología educativa. Explica que la gerencia de proyectos es una disciplina que organiza y administra los recursos de un proyecto teniendo en cuenta su alcance, tiempo y costo planteados inicialmente. Señala que un proyecto tiene un ciclo de vida que incluye fases iniciales, intermedias y finales, y que los responsables principales de establecer este ciclo son el director, el cliente y el equipo del proyecto. Además, menciona que la estructura organizacional
2019년에 주목해야 할 글로벌 테크 이슈ROA Consulting Inc.ROA Consulting이 매년 초 출시하는 ICT 대전망 보고서입니다.
2018년 한 해 동안 테크 업계에서 일어난 주요 이벤트들을 기술과 서비스 부문으로 나누어 살펴보고, 2019년에 주목해야 할 Watching Points를 정리하였습니다.
Digital Society Laboratory (DSL)Andzhey ArshavskiyЛаборатория Цифрового Общества (DSL) - Российская независимая частная исследовательская компания, специализирующаяся на проведении академических исследований в социальных сетях и в интернете в целом. Лаборатория обладает уникальным составом исследователей и аналитиков, сотрудничает с ведущими мировыми экспертами США и Европы.
DSL создает инновационные решения для цифрового маркетинга, персонализации информации и социального поиска в Интернет и Социальных Медиа. DSL использует последние достижения в науке и технологиях анализа данных, Big Data, математики и социологии.
ViolencedomestiqueeducacionenigualdadeEl documento trata sobre la violencia doméstica contra las mujeres en Francia. Señala que una de cada 10 mujeres en Francia es víctima de violencia conyugal y que para las mujeres entre 16 y 44 años, la violencia doméstica es la principal causa de muerte e invalidez, por encima de otras causas como el cáncer o los accidentes. El documento hace un llamado a reaccionar ante este problema antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Lab 1 word_gomezIrving Gomez FordragónEl documento describe el crecimiento exponencial de Youtube como plataforma de videos en línea desde su creación en 2005. Se ha convertido en una herramienta clave para artistas y creadores de contenido para promocionar y monetizar su trabajo. Además, ofrece oportunidades para anunciantes y marcas para llegar a nuevas audiencias a través de videos.
Fisiologi respirasiAguss AjaRespirasi ikan melibatkan pertukaran gas oksigen dan karbon dioksida melalui insang. Oksigen akan berdifusi dari insang ke darah, lalu didistribusikan ke sel-sel tubuh, sementara karbon dioksida berdifusi sebaliknya. Proses ini dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi dan tekanan gas, luas permukaan insang, serta transportasi melalui darah. Regulasi pernapasan diperlukan untuk menjaga keseimbangan konsentrasi gas-gas tersebut
Variable Selection Methodsjoycemi_laThe document describes various variable selection methods applied to predict violent crime rates using socioeconomic data from US cities. It analyzes a dataset with 95 variables and 807 observations, using several variable selection techniques to determine the most predictive factors of violent crime. These include best random subset selection (BRSS), which approximates best subset selection by randomly selecting variable combinations. BRSS identified factors like immigration, ethnicity, family structure, and income as best predicting violent crime rates. Model performance was evaluated using metrics like R2, and BRSS had strong out-of-sample prediction, outperforming some other common techniques.
Mmm which onesfleming2464The document discusses the three measures of central tendency - mean, median, and mode - and explains that the mean is best for measuring temperatures, the median is best for distances to avoid outliers influencing the average, and the mode is best for categorical data or determining the most frequent value. It encourages understanding which measure of central tendency works best depending on the type of data being analyzed.
Awful crm mistakesDamien DucourtyThe fund is performing within expectations over the last four months, trimming positions before a profit warning to make 36 basis points. A new risk manager was recently hired from Goldman Sachs with 13 years of risk management experience. The fund is looking to launch a new strategy in January and expects subscriptions of up to $150 million.
Advanced Process Monitoring IMFAlkis VazacopoulosPresented in this short document is a description of what is called Advanced Process Monitoring (APM) as described by Hedengren (2013). APM is the term given to the technique of estimating unmeasured but observable variables or "states" using statistical data reconciliation and regression (DRR) in an off-line or real-time environment and is also referred to as Moving Horizon Estimation (MHE) (Robertson et. al., 1996). Essentially, the model and data define a simultaneous nonlinear and dynamic DRR problem where the model is either engineering-based (first-principles, fundamental, mechanistic, causal, rigorous) or empirical-based (correlation, statistical data-based, observational, regressed) or some combination of both (hybrid).
Time Series Estimation of Gas Furnace Data in IMPL and CPLEX Industrial Model...Alkis VazacopoulosPresented in this short document is a description of how to estimate a deterministic and stochastic time-series transfer function models in IMPL using IBM’s CPLEX applied to industrial gas furnace data. The methodology of time-series analysis involves essentially three (3) stages (Box and Jenkins, 1976): (1) model structure identification, (2) model parameter estimation and (3) model checking and diagnostics. We do not address (1) which requires stationarity and seasonality assessment, auto-, cross- and partial-correlation, etc. to establish the transfer function polynomial degrees. Instead we focus only on the parameter estimation and diagnostics. These types of parameter estimation problems involve dynamic and nonlinear relationships shown below and we solve these using IMPL’s nonlinear programming algorithm SLPQPE which uses CPLEX 12.6 as the QP sub-solver.
Gerencia de proyectos de tecnología educativaMariela Bolaños MartinezEl documento habla sobre la gerencia de proyectos de tecnología educativa. Explica que la gerencia de proyectos es una disciplina que organiza y administra los recursos de un proyecto teniendo en cuenta su alcance, tiempo y costo planteados inicialmente. Señala que un proyecto tiene un ciclo de vida que incluye fases iniciales, intermedias y finales, y que los responsables principales de establecer este ciclo son el director, el cliente y el equipo del proyecto. Además, menciona que la estructura organizacional
2019년에 주목해야 할 글로벌 테크 이슈ROA Consulting Inc.ROA Consulting이 매년 초 출시하는 ICT 대전망 보고서입니다.
2018년 한 해 동안 테크 업계에서 일어난 주요 이벤트들을 기술과 서비스 부문으로 나누어 살펴보고, 2019년에 주목해야 할 Watching Points를 정리하였습니다.
소셜 네트워크 게임(SNG) 현황과 전망(1)mosaicnet<p>
[데브멘토 동영상] 네이트 앱스토어를 통해 본 SNG 현황과 전망</p>
박지연SK커뮤니케이션즈 팀장1부(총2부)</p>
꼭 알아야 할IT 4대 트렌드 기술 이슈 및 전망</p>
마이크로애드코리아 기자 간담회 발표자료VentureSquare글로벌 온라인 광고플랫폼 기업 마이크로애드가 한국 지사 마이크로애드 코리아(MicroAd Korea, Inc.)를 설립하고 ‘마이크로애드 블레이드(MicroAd BLADE)’를 출시, 국내 시장에 본격 진출한다.
‘마이크로애드 블레이드'는 광고주가 디스플레이 광고를 단일 인터페이스에서 통합적으로 관리할 수 있는 DSP(Demand Side Platform) 서비스다. DSP란 광고주들이 하나의 인터페이스에서 디지털 광고 매체를 구매하는 시스템을 뜻한다. 마이크로애드 블레이드는 다양한 디바이스에 광고를 전송할 수 있기 때문에 PC나 스마트폰 이용자 모두에게 효과적으로 광고를 노출할 수 있다는 장점을 지녔다. 이와 함께 ‘리타게팅(Re-targeting)’과 ‘오디언스 타게팅(Audience Targeting)’ 기술을 제공해 광고 효율성을 극대화한다.
[나스미디어] 2020 일본 디지털 미디어 시장 현황 및 전망: 디지털 광고 시장 편NASGLOBAL[나스미디어] 2020 일본 디지털 미디어 시장 현황 및 전망: 디지털 광고 시장 편
전 세계 광고시장 규모 3위, 일본!
일본 디지털 광고 시장에 대한 내용을 핵심만 정리했습니다.
일본의 전통매체부터 디지털 광고 현황과 핵심 매체까지!
지금 바로 나스미디어 리포트를 통해 확인해보세요.
1. 전통 매체 광고 시장의 변화
- 일본 매체 이용 시간의 변화
- 일본 TV 광고 vs. 인터넷 광고
- 일본 전통 4대 매체의 디지털 성장률
- 일본 주유 방송사들의 디지털 영역 진출
- 일본 신문/잡지 시장 현황
- 일본 옥외광고 시장 현황
2. 디지털 광고 시장
- 디지털 광고 시장 규모
- 디지털 이용 현황
- 동영상 광고 시장
- 인플루언서 마케팅과 MCN
- 프로그래매틱 광고 시장
- 주목해야 할 플랫폼과 매체
#일본마케팅 #일본마케팅트렌드 #일본광고 #일본시장 #일본트렌드 #일본모바일마케팅 #일본모바일트렌드 #일본디지털미디어 #일본디지털미디어트렌드 #일본광고문화 #일본문화
[메조미디어] 미디어&마켓 리포트 / Media&Market Report_2024.06MezzoMedia미디어 & 마켓 리포트(Media & Market Report) - 2024년 6월
유통업계, 맞춤형 서비스로 외국인 고객 유치 총력
예방적 건강 관리를 위한디지털 헬스케어 관심 증가
저비용 항공사, 차별화된 고객 경험으로 MZ세대 공략
네이버, 쇼핑검색광고 상품 강화
유튜브, 크리에이터를 위한 신규 쇼핑 기능 추가
메타, 라마3 기반 AI 챗봇 'Meta AI’ 탑재
네이버 치지직
11. 03 국내 시장 현황
NHN 다음 커뮤니케이션 SK 커뮤니케이션즈
형태 앱스토어 개발자와의 제휴 앱스토어
서비스 시기 2009년 9월 2010년 7월 2009년 9월
서비스 대상 미튜데이,블로그,카페이용 요즘, 카페이용자 싸이월드 이용자
주요서비스 ‘해피아이돌’등 22개 ‘해피타운’등 5개 ‘아쿠아스토리’ 등 70개
개발자 수익 개발자 직접 광고 수주 아 계약에 따른 수익배분 아이템 판매 수익, 개발자
이템판매, 오프라읶상품 판 와 SK컴즈 7대 3 배분, 앱
매 보장 에 자체 광고 수주 가능
활용 네트워크 미투데이(200만), 카페 요즘(35만)을 통해 서비스 싸이월드(2500만), 네이트
(600만), 블로그(1800만) 강화 카페 등으로 확대 온(3000만), 커넥팅(75만)