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IT Recruiting for Juniors
Social Platforms Overview
US Recruitment Team
Your Social 束Face損
 Moj Krug
 Xing.com, overview - http://ya-
Search engines to use
Additional software for
Social Talent - Educational
Lippl - Google Chrome extension
Amazing Hiring - Chrome extention,
Talent Bin - Agregator
Do not forget to follow their Blogs and
FB Pages!
Job Boards (by Forrester)
CareerBuilder: www.careerbuilder.com . A large online
employment job board reaching 60 markets worldwide; also
has experts for career advice and other resources like
salary, career tests, and skills training.
Dice: www.dice.com . A job board that focuses on
technology and engineering positions; it contains salary
information and tech news and advice.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/socialjobs/
app_417814418282098 . Facebooks job board allows
search by location, industry, and skill; applicants apply
directly through Facebook and share the jobs with their
social network.
Gild: www.gild.com . Gild searches and collects publicly
available developer code and technical contributions from
Indeed: www.indeed.com .A mega-search engine that
aggregates job listings from thousands of job boards, industry
websites, and classified-ad sites in more than 50 countries.
Monster: www.monster,com. A global job board provider that
also offers career management, recruitment, and talent
management products and services.
Simply Hired: www.simplyhired.com . A mega-search engine
provider that operates search engines in 24 countries,
aggregating job listings from job boards, social networks, and
partner sites.
TalentBin: www.talentbin.com. A talent search engine that
collects information about candidates where they are active
online and compiles data into a passive technical candidate
The Ladders: www.theladders.com. A search engine that
IT Industry News
丶从亠弍亠亞 仗仂亰于仂仆亳
FB News/Event Pages and
1. Pages of IT Events:
 Dev Bootcapm
 PyCon Belarus
2. Pages of IT Communities:
 Programmers (CA)
 Rolling Scopes (FE, Belarus)
Recruiting Blogs
1. Overview:
 The 50 best blog of recruiters
 8 fantastic recruitment blogs you
should be reading
 Max Ivanovs list
2. Personal:
 Marina Khomich, 仂 仆亠
舒弍仂舒亠, 仂 仆亠 亠
 Victor Soroka, Its all about
 Maksim Ivanov, 亊-亠从亠
 Irina Shamaeva, Boolean Strings
 Glen Kathey, Boolean Black Belt
Recruiting Media
News, trainings, blogs, webinars
 HR World
Lots of hints on how to search 
sourcing and boolean search
 Recruiting Webinars
Valuable Articles To Read:
 30 Interview Questions You Cant Ask and 30 Sneaky, Legal
Alternatives to Get the Same Info
 What I learned from reading 8000 recruiting messages
 舒仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 亰舒亟舒 于 亠从亳仆亞亠
 20 仄仍亠亶, 从仂仂亠 仂亳 于仂亳 亠从亠-仆仂于亳从
Social Instruments for  IT Recruiting. Overview
Social Instruments for  IT Recruiting. Overview

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Social Instruments for IT Recruiting. Overview

  • 1. IT Recruiting for Juniors Social Platforms Overview
  • 3. Your Social 束Face損 Main LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Moj Krug
  • 4. Additional Google+ 際際滷share Bullhorn Quora GitHub Stackoverflow Xing.com, overview - http://ya- recruiter.blogspot.nl/2015/02/xing.html#.VXS4cFyqqk o Djinni
  • 5. Search engines to use Google Yandex Bing
  • 6. Additional software for research Social Talent - Educational traininghttps://www.facebook.com/social talent?fref=ts Lippl - Google Chrome extension Amazing Hiring - Chrome extention, demo-version Talent Bin - Agregator Do not forget to follow their Blogs and FB Pages!
  • 7. Job Boards (by Forrester) CareerBuilder: www.careerbuilder.com . A large online employment job board reaching 60 markets worldwide; also has experts for career advice and other resources like salary, career tests, and skills training. Dice: www.dice.com . A job board that focuses on technology and engineering positions; it contains salary information and tech news and advice. Facebook: www.facebook.com/socialjobs/ app_417814418282098 . Facebooks job board allows search by location, industry, and skill; applicants apply directly through Facebook and share the jobs with their social network. Gild: www.gild.com . Gild searches and collects publicly available developer code and technical contributions from
  • 8. Indeed: www.indeed.com .A mega-search engine that aggregates job listings from thousands of job boards, industry websites, and classified-ad sites in more than 50 countries. Monster: www.monster,com. A global job board provider that also offers career management, recruitment, and talent management products and services. Simply Hired: www.simplyhired.com . A mega-search engine provider that operates search engines in 24 countries, aggregating job listings from job boards, social networks, and partner sites. TalentBin: www.talentbin.com. A talent search engine that collects information about candidates where they are active online and compiles data into a passive technical candidate database. The Ladders: www.theladders.com. A search engine that
  • 9. IT Industry News 丱舒弍舒丱舒弍 丶从亠弍亠亞 仗仂亰于仂仆亳 Dev.by TechKrunch ComputerWorld
  • 10. FB News/Event Pages and Communities 1. Pages of IT Events: Dev Bootcapm PyCon Belarus Others
  • 11. 2. Pages of IT Communities: Programmers (CA) Rolling Scopes (FE, Belarus) Others
  • 12. Recruiting Blogs 1. Overview: The 50 best blog of recruiters 8 fantastic recruitment blogs you should be reading Max Ivanovs list 2. Personal: Marina Khomich, 仂 仆亠 舒弍仂舒亠, 仂 仆亠 亠 Victor Soroka, Its all about recruiting Maksim Ivanov, 亊-亠从亠 Irina Shamaeva, Boolean Strings Glen Kathey, Boolean Black Belt
  • 13. Recruiting Media Portals News, trainings, blogs, webinars etc. RecruitingBlogs HR World
  • 14. Recruiting Webinars Lots of hints on how to search sourcing and boolean search Recruiting Webinars
  • 15. Valuable Articles To Read: 30 Interview Questions You Cant Ask and 30 Sneaky, Legal Alternatives to Get the Same Info What I learned from reading 8000 recruiting messages 舒仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 亰舒亟舒 于 亠从亳仆亞亠 20 仄仍亠亶, 从仂仂亠 仂亳 于仂亳 亠从亠-仆仂于亳从