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Profit Center Operations / Business Development / Strategic Planning
Current Company:
A meticulous, and highly competent in Profit Center Operations and
best results in 29 years of my successful career.
India & Gulf. Skilled in exploring new markets for expanding businesses from scratch and streamlining operations. Adept in increasing
revenues, establishing networks & streamlining workflow.
streamlining operations.
I am expertise in Strategic Planning, Revenue Generation, Techno
Coordination, Key Account Management, Sales Operation,
organizations like Morning Breeze United LLC, Khimji Ramdas LLC, Muscat, Ajit Khimji Group, Muscat, Bakelite Hylam Ltd., Bangalore,
Garware Paints Ltd., Hyderabad & The Indian Plywood
I am proficient in driving business operations for sustaining profitability and revenue generation. Pivotal in formulating lo
term strategic & project plans to enhance operations.
profitability and achieving business objectives within budgeted parameters. Handling vendor localization/ indigenization for
costs of materials as well as negotiating the terms of credit with vendors as
My outstanding interpersonal and communications skills along with my positive attitude are major assets that have helped me s
expectations in this profession. I am seeking next challenge in my successful career, and would be very happy to work for a company
where my abilities can be put to good use.
Connect with me or contact me at +96899228177
Since Feb11
Morning Breeze United LLC as Chief Executive Officer
 Functioning as Organization Head for spearheading the business
 Developing and implementing a business model for the start
 Responsible for:
o Forming international business alliances with Global Giants in different specialized business fields
o Handpicking the core team and forming human resources of the organization
 Establishing clear goal for organization (5 year plan) as well as individual human resources in synch with the o
 Significantly handled multi-million dollar business opportunity spanning number of years with PDO, a highly valued and honorable
customer in Oman market
 Essayed a stellar role in handling:
o New business avenues with Sultans Special Forces, RGO and various ministries in Oman market
o Airfield maintenance projects for PDO and American Air base in Oman
o Total township development basis on turnkey basis comprising of Villas, Mosque, Majlis & Shopping Complex in Oman
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Profit Center Operations / Business Development / Strategic Planning
Morning Breeze United LLC.
Profit Center Operations and Business Development personnel with track
of my successful career. I have in-depth knowledge of Profit Center Operations and Business Development
Skilled in exploring new markets for expanding businesses from scratch and streamlining operations. Adept in increasing
revenues, establishing networks & streamlining workflow. Expertise in building new centers and plants right from scratch and
Strategic Planning, Revenue Generation, Techno-commercial Operation, Organization Development, Project
Sales Operation, Vendor Development. I have a great exposure of working with large scale
Morning Breeze United LLC, Khimji Ramdas LLC, Muscat, Ajit Khimji Group, Muscat, Bakelite Hylam Ltd., Bangalore,
Garware Paints Ltd., Hyderabad & The Indian Plywood Mfg. Co Ltd., Hyderabad
I am proficient in driving business operations for sustaining profitability and revenue generation. Pivotal in formulating lo
term strategic & project plans to enhance operations. Overseeing business development operations and accountable for increasing
profitability and achieving business objectives within budgeted parameters. Handling vendor localization/ indigenization for
costs of materials as well as negotiating the terms of credit with vendors as well as the cost of material required.
My outstanding interpersonal and communications skills along with my positive attitude are major assets that have helped me s
I am seeking next challenge in my successful career, and would be very happy to work for a company
96899228177; rsm_rsm@yahoo.com, dr.r.sundaram@gmail.com
Morning Breeze United LLC as Chief Executive Officer
Functioning as Organization Head for spearheading the business
Developing and implementing a business model for the start-up company
alliances with Global Giants in different specialized business fields
Handpicking the core team and forming human resources of the organization
Establishing clear goal for organization (5 year plan) as well as individual human resources in synch with the o
million dollar business opportunity spanning number of years with PDO, a highly valued and honorable
Special Forces, RGO and various ministries in Oman market
Airfield maintenance projects for PDO and American Air base in Oman
Total township development basis on turnkey basis comprising of Villas, Mosque, Majlis & Shopping Complex in Oman
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personnel with track record of achieving
Center Operations and Business Development across
Skilled in exploring new markets for expanding businesses from scratch and streamlining operations. Adept in increasing
ilding new centers and plants right from scratch and
commercial Operation, Organization Development, Project
I have a great exposure of working with large scale
Morning Breeze United LLC, Khimji Ramdas LLC, Muscat, Ajit Khimji Group, Muscat, Bakelite Hylam Ltd., Bangalore,
I am proficient in driving business operations for sustaining profitability and revenue generation. Pivotal in formulating long term/short
operations and accountable for increasing
profitability and achieving business objectives within budgeted parameters. Handling vendor localization/ indigenization for curtailing
well as the cost of material required.
My outstanding interpersonal and communications skills along with my positive attitude are major assets that have helped me surpass
I am seeking next challenge in my successful career, and would be very happy to work for a company
alliances with Global Giants in different specialized business fields
Establishing clear goal for organization (5 year plan) as well as individual human resources in synch with the organization goal
million dollar business opportunity spanning number of years with PDO, a highly valued and honorable
Special Forces, RGO and various ministries in Oman market
Total township development basis on turnkey basis comprising of Villas, Mosque, Majlis & Shopping Complex in Oman
Khimji Ramdas LLC, Muscat as Business Development Manager
 Served as Profit Center Head; designed and implemented a new business model to change the erstwhile non performing business
model into a profitable one
 Administered a wide variety of operations entailing coordination with ministries, manpower planning, techno-commercial operations,
business development, vendor development, planning, etc.
 Steered efforts in transforming work-place into a dynamic & lively atmosphere by implementing certain routine procedures to be
followed at different levels
 Efficiently liaised with Ministries, The Royal Estates, and The Royal Palace Office, Royal Oman Police, Royal Guard of Oman, etc., SSF,
Ministry of Defence & other Ministries for smooth working of operations
 Significantly turned around a non-performing joinery / carpentry works factory into a performing business unit
 Holds the distinction of:
o Working on further expanding with a new business line of In situ spray foam roof insulation contracting
o Diversifying & starting Portacabins manufacturing operations from scratch and turned it into a profitable venture
Aug97 to MMay00
Ajit Khimji Group, Muscat as Division Manager
 Functioned as Manager of Carpentry Joinery facility and built new division offering composite turnkey solutions of interior
decoration, MEP contracts and office refurbishments, complimenting Joinery business in Sultanate of Oman
 Undertook activities related to finalization & execution of prestigious contracts with Bait Al Barakah, (Palace in Oman), Hilton Hotels
 Salalah, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Telecommunications, Schlumberger Overseas, Industrial Bank of Oman, Royal Guard of
Oman, Royal Air Force of Oman, Oman Arab Bank, etc.
Feb93-Nov96 | Bakelite Hylam Ltd., Bangalore | Area Manager
 Significantly handled sales activities of Insulation materials (Phenolic Foam) in the assigned territory of the state of Karnataka and in
Tamil Nadu
 Played a key role in handling contracting activities in the assigned areas in order to promote the companys products ahead of
competition offering supply and apply service from manufacturer which resulted in substantial business conversions in our favour
1990-1993 | Garware Paints Ltd., Hyderabad | Territory Manager
1985-1990 | The Indian Plywood Mfg. Co Ltd., Hyderabad | Sales Officer
Leadership: Advises management on business strategies, promotes organization among customers and drives
organization mission through employees & supports motivation of employees in organization
Management: Oversees operations of the organization, implements plans & manages resources
Personal Credibility: Uses personal credibility to influence the outcomes beyond own business & functional area
Strategic Contributor: Can direct business in new & growth areas and motivate people to perform beyond their normal past
demonstrated skills / levels
o Professional training on implementation of ISO 9001:2000 from Institute for sustainable Eco Development
o Timber & timber species, Veneers, Plywood, Particle Boards, and MDF boards conducted by The Indian Plywood Manufacturing
Company Limited
o Insulation (Thermal & Acoustic) - Insulation Materials Product Range, Applications, Comparative Advantages, etc. conducted by
Bakelite Hylam Limited
o Thermal Barrier Coatings - An Intense Training on Versatile Industrial and Residential Thermal Barrier Coatings based on Nano 
Technology based Formulations by Industrial Nanotech Inc, USA
o Product technical training on Industrial coatings, from Phoenix Paints, Australia
o Gypsum products and applications  IDL Salzbau (I) Ltd., an Indian initiative of Salzgitters Gmbh, Germany
o Product & Technical training on decorative paints, for surface preparation, wood coatings, and all types of decorative paints -
Garware Paints Limited
o Technical Training on Thermal Barrier Coatings manufactured by Nano-Technology by Industrial Nanotech Inc, USA
o Technical Training on Warehousing & Storage Solutions by Ban Air Storage Solutions Ltd., UK
Professional Enhancements
o Management Development Program on Leadership and Group Dynamics A Residential Training Program organized by Khimji
Ramdas LLC  Faculty Mr. Ashwath Ramaiah
 Project Management (Management Development Program) by Ministry of Industries, Government of India
 Enterprise Resource Planning (Management Development Program) by Ministry of Industries, Government of India
 NCFM: National Stock Exchange NSEs Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM)
 Manage Projects Professionally (in 9 Knowledge Areas) in alignment with PMBOK Guide of Project Management Institute, USA
 IRDA Licensee from Insurance Regulatory Development Authority, Government of India
 Strategic Planning
 Revenue Generation
 Techno-commercial Operation
 Organisation Development
 Project Coordination
 Key Account Management
 Sales Operation
 Vendor Development
 Team Management
 Arabic (Converse)
 Doctorate in Business Administration from Aberdeen International University
 MBA (Operations Management) from North West University
 B.E.  Materials Science from City International University
 Well versed with MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Project) and Internet Applications

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  • 1. R. SUNDARAM Profit Center Operations / Business Development / Strategic Planning Current Company: A meticulous, and highly competent in Profit Center Operations and best results in 29 years of my successful career. India & Gulf. Skilled in exploring new markets for expanding businesses from scratch and streamlining operations. Adept in increasing revenues, establishing networks & streamlining workflow. streamlining operations. I am expertise in Strategic Planning, Revenue Generation, Techno Coordination, Key Account Management, Sales Operation, organizations like Morning Breeze United LLC, Khimji Ramdas LLC, Muscat, Ajit Khimji Group, Muscat, Bakelite Hylam Ltd., Bangalore, Garware Paints Ltd., Hyderabad & The Indian Plywood I am proficient in driving business operations for sustaining profitability and revenue generation. Pivotal in formulating lo term strategic & project plans to enhance operations. profitability and achieving business objectives within budgeted parameters. Handling vendor localization/ indigenization for costs of materials as well as negotiating the terms of credit with vendors as My outstanding interpersonal and communications skills along with my positive attitude are major assets that have helped me s expectations in this profession. I am seeking next challenge in my successful career, and would be very happy to work for a company where my abilities can be put to good use. Connect with me or contact me at +96899228177 Since Feb11 Morning Breeze United LLC as Chief Executive Officer Role: Functioning as Organization Head for spearheading the business Developing and implementing a business model for the start Responsible for: o Forming international business alliances with Global Giants in different specialized business fields o Handpicking the core team and forming human resources of the organization Establishing clear goal for organization (5 year plan) as well as individual human resources in synch with the o Highlights: Significantly handled multi-million dollar business opportunity spanning number of years with PDO, a highly valued and honorable customer in Oman market Essayed a stellar role in handling: o New business avenues with Sultans Special Forces, RGO and various ministries in Oman market o Airfield maintenance projects for PDO and American Air base in Oman o Total township development basis on turnkey basis comprising of Villas, Mosque, Majlis & Shopping Complex in Oman PROFILE PHOTO Improve your Profile Please Mention LinkedIn Id SUMMARY EXPERIENCE Profit Center Operations / Business Development / Strategic Planning Morning Breeze United LLC. Profit Center Operations and Business Development personnel with track of my successful career. I have in-depth knowledge of Profit Center Operations and Business Development Skilled in exploring new markets for expanding businesses from scratch and streamlining operations. Adept in increasing revenues, establishing networks & streamlining workflow. Expertise in building new centers and plants right from scratch and Strategic Planning, Revenue Generation, Techno-commercial Operation, Organization Development, Project Sales Operation, Vendor Development. I have a great exposure of working with large scale Morning Breeze United LLC, Khimji Ramdas LLC, Muscat, Ajit Khimji Group, Muscat, Bakelite Hylam Ltd., Bangalore, Garware Paints Ltd., Hyderabad & The Indian Plywood Mfg. Co Ltd., Hyderabad I am proficient in driving business operations for sustaining profitability and revenue generation. Pivotal in formulating lo term strategic & project plans to enhance operations. Overseeing business development operations and accountable for increasing profitability and achieving business objectives within budgeted parameters. Handling vendor localization/ indigenization for costs of materials as well as negotiating the terms of credit with vendors as well as the cost of material required. My outstanding interpersonal and communications skills along with my positive attitude are major assets that have helped me s I am seeking next challenge in my successful career, and would be very happy to work for a company 96899228177; rsm_rsm@yahoo.com, dr.r.sundaram@gmail.com Morning Breeze United LLC as Chief Executive Officer Functioning as Organization Head for spearheading the business Developing and implementing a business model for the start-up company alliances with Global Giants in different specialized business fields Handpicking the core team and forming human resources of the organization Establishing clear goal for organization (5 year plan) as well as individual human resources in synch with the o million dollar business opportunity spanning number of years with PDO, a highly valued and honorable Special Forces, RGO and various ministries in Oman market Airfield maintenance projects for PDO and American Air base in Oman Total township development basis on turnkey basis comprising of Villas, Mosque, Majlis & Shopping Complex in Oman EditEditImprove your Profile personnel with track record of achieving Center Operations and Business Development across Skilled in exploring new markets for expanding businesses from scratch and streamlining operations. Adept in increasing ilding new centers and plants right from scratch and commercial Operation, Organization Development, Project I have a great exposure of working with large scale Morning Breeze United LLC, Khimji Ramdas LLC, Muscat, Ajit Khimji Group, Muscat, Bakelite Hylam Ltd., Bangalore, I am proficient in driving business operations for sustaining profitability and revenue generation. Pivotal in formulating long term/short operations and accountable for increasing profitability and achieving business objectives within budgeted parameters. Handling vendor localization/ indigenization for curtailing well as the cost of material required. My outstanding interpersonal and communications skills along with my positive attitude are major assets that have helped me surpass I am seeking next challenge in my successful career, and would be very happy to work for a company alliances with Global Giants in different specialized business fields Establishing clear goal for organization (5 year plan) as well as individual human resources in synch with the organization goal million dollar business opportunity spanning number of years with PDO, a highly valued and honorable Special Forces, RGO and various ministries in Oman market Total township development basis on turnkey basis comprising of Villas, Mosque, Majlis & Shopping Complex in Oman
  • 2. Aug00-Feb11 Khimji Ramdas LLC, Muscat as Business Development Manager Role: Served as Profit Center Head; designed and implemented a new business model to change the erstwhile non performing business model into a profitable one Administered a wide variety of operations entailing coordination with ministries, manpower planning, techno-commercial operations, business development, vendor development, planning, etc. Highlights: Steered efforts in transforming work-place into a dynamic & lively atmosphere by implementing certain routine procedures to be followed at different levels Efficiently liaised with Ministries, The Royal Estates, and The Royal Palace Office, Royal Oman Police, Royal Guard of Oman, etc., SSF, Ministry of Defence & other Ministries for smooth working of operations Significantly turned around a non-performing joinery / carpentry works factory into a performing business unit Holds the distinction of: o Working on further expanding with a new business line of In situ spray foam roof insulation contracting o Diversifying & starting Portacabins manufacturing operations from scratch and turned it into a profitable venture Aug97 to MMay00 Ajit Khimji Group, Muscat as Division Manager Role: Functioned as Manager of Carpentry Joinery facility and built new division offering composite turnkey solutions of interior decoration, MEP contracts and office refurbishments, complimenting Joinery business in Sultanate of Oman Undertook activities related to finalization & execution of prestigious contracts with Bait Al Barakah, (Palace in Oman), Hilton Hotels Salalah, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Telecommunications, Schlumberger Overseas, Industrial Bank of Oman, Royal Guard of Oman, Royal Air Force of Oman, Oman Arab Bank, etc. Others Feb93-Nov96 | Bakelite Hylam Ltd., Bangalore | Area Manager Significantly handled sales activities of Insulation materials (Phenolic Foam) in the assigned territory of the state of Karnataka and in Tamil Nadu Played a key role in handling contracting activities in the assigned areas in order to promote the companys products ahead of competition offering supply and apply service from manufacturer which resulted in substantial business conversions in our favour 1990-1993 | Garware Paints Ltd., Hyderabad | Territory Manager 1985-1990 | The Indian Plywood Mfg. Co Ltd., Hyderabad | Sales Officer Leadership: Advises management on business strategies, promotes organization among customers and drives organization mission through employees & supports motivation of employees in organization Management: Oversees operations of the organization, implements plans & manages resources Personal Credibility: Uses personal credibility to influence the outcomes beyond own business & functional area Strategic Contributor: Can direct business in new & growth areas and motivate people to perform beyond their normal past demonstrated skills / levels Attended: o Professional training on implementation of ISO 9001:2000 from Institute for sustainable Eco Development o Timber & timber species, Veneers, Plywood, Particle Boards, and MDF boards conducted by The Indian Plywood Manufacturing Company Limited o Insulation (Thermal & Acoustic) - Insulation Materials Product Range, Applications, Comparative Advantages, etc. conducted by Bakelite Hylam Limited o Thermal Barrier Coatings - An Intense Training on Versatile Industrial and Residential Thermal Barrier Coatings based on Nano Technology based Formulations by Industrial Nanotech Inc, USA o Product technical training on Industrial coatings, from Phoenix Paints, Australia o Gypsum products and applications IDL Salzbau (I) Ltd., an Indian initiative of Salzgitters Gmbh, Germany o Product & Technical training on decorative paints, for surface preparation, wood coatings, and all types of decorative paints - Garware Paints Limited o Technical Training on Thermal Barrier Coatings manufactured by Nano-Technology by Industrial Nanotech Inc, USA o Technical Training on Warehousing & Storage Solutions by Ban Air Storage Solutions Ltd., UK Professional Enhancements PROFESSIONAL FORTE
  • 3. o Management Development Program on Leadership and Group Dynamics A Residential Training Program organized by Khimji Ramdas LLC Faculty Mr. Ashwath Ramaiah Project Management (Management Development Program) by Ministry of Industries, Government of India Enterprise Resource Planning (Management Development Program) by Ministry of Industries, Government of India NCFM: National Stock Exchange NSEs Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM) Manage Projects Professionally (in 9 Knowledge Areas) in alignment with PMBOK Guide of Project Management Institute, USA IRDA Licensee from Insurance Regulatory Development Authority, Government of India Strategic Planning Revenue Generation Techno-commercial Operation Organisation Development Project Coordination Key Account Management Sales Operation Vendor Development Team Management English Hindi Telugu Malayalam Tamil Kannada Arabic (Converse) Doctorate in Business Administration from Aberdeen International University MBA (Operations Management) from North West University B.E. Materials Science from City International University Well versed with MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Project) and Internet Applications SKILLS & ENDORSEMENT LANGUAGES EDUCATION TECHNICAL SKILLS