Preseneted at the Net2Work event to a group of individuals eager to learn how to combine both search and social marketing for their brands and businesses.
2. Quick Self IntroOren TodorosNew Media Strategist, Loving what I do. Founder of Oren Todoros New Media ConsultingWe work directly with an established network of leaders from various industries to ensure that brands and service reach the right audience.Services: SEO, SEM, Social Marketing, PR & AR Clients: Starhome | Modu Mobile| Retalika
11. Social Media Revolution?Somewhere in the late 80sLong before the Internet escaped from the lab, connected the planet and redefined what it meant to use a computer, there were BBSes.
12. Our Social HistorySoftware that you basically ran off your computer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It would allow people to call up your computer, register as users.
38. The $25,000 QuestionYoure given $25,000 to invest in marketing.Do you: Invest in newspaper / online ads?Save the money and invest in social media marketing?
52. United Airways Guitar StoryLaunched in July 2009Instant media frenzy across all major global networks and sources (including the likes of CNN, the LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Rolling Stone Magazine & the BBC to name a few).1 year ago8,841,528 views
53. If Facebook is about the people you know,Twitter is about the people youd liketo know.Twitter a micro-blog started with a simple question:What are you doing? 15 Million Users LaterTwitter, Whats the Story?
63. CEO on TwitterFunny, helpful and trustworthyMany employees are Tweeting$1 million in Twitter Related salesAlso on Facebook and BlogsAcquired by Amazone.comZappos
64. Turned user feedback into a social network15,000 FollowersEmployees dedicated to communityGenerated $3 Million sales @DellOutletCritical relationship builder.Dell
66. Advanced Techniques TwitterTwitter Services to Enhance The ExperienceTwitpic - ImagesTwiddeo - VideoTwtpoll PollsTwilert Keyword UpdatesTwitSay 10 second voice30+ Interesting Twitter services and applications
74. Take-AwaysCare.Interact a LOTBe ready for changeGet involved earlyVideo Use itFocus on ROV (Return on Value)Oh by the way Your competitors already know this.