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In todays world of instant digital communication, customer feedback is
oftentimes  for better or worse  un鍖ltered. While positive feedback
is a big part of the picture, with the good comes the bad.
This holds especially true of personal experiences such as vaca-
tioning. Consumers expect that everything will go off without a hitch;
when something goes wrong, theyre quick to take to the Web to share
their experiences.
Why Respond to Negative Comments?
All businesses inevitably have negative feedback from time to time. You
might think responding to negative comments will just draw additional
attention to them. But a response assures both the customer and oth-
ers who see the post that your company values its customers. Ignoring
it is the same as saying, We dont care. Acknowledging it says, Were
listening, and we want to rectify the situation as best we can.
How to deal with negative comments? Here are some tips.
1. Dont wait around. Its imperative to have a social media team 
or at least a dedicated team member  that routinely monitors all
social outlets and handles comments in a timely manner.
2. Dont be defensive. It may be your instinct to refute the com-
plaint, especially if you believe the allegation isnt fair. Instead,
politely acknowledge the customers dissatisfaction.
3. Never delete the complaint. It will always come back to haunt
you. Acknowledge the comment, apologize for the aggravation,
and take the conversation of鍖ine for resolution. (Request that they
private-message or email you.)
4. Never Ignore. Even if the comment doesnt seem signi鍖cant, its
important to address. Ask for more information and offer to help
5. Incentivize. Once youve taken the conversation of鍖ine, if the
person still isnt satis鍖ed with your response, consider offering a
special service or discount. Perhaps a free treatment at your
resorts day spa. This can convert an upset customer into a satis-
鍖ed and returning guest.
6. Address spam and trolls. On occasion, youll be faced with
meritless comments or someone attempting to damage your com-
panys reputation. Address these as you would a legitimate com-
plaint. Sometimes, however, if its clearly spam and violates terms
of use  both of your business and the social platform  its OK
to delete and ban that user from future postings.
Negative Comments on Public Sites
Even if your company isnt actively using social media, its still important
to keep an ear to the ground and know what the public is saying. Sites
such as TripAdvisor, Hotels.com, and VirtualTourist, which let registered
users share their opinions about places they visit around the globe, are
great resources for feedback.
Leaders in the hospitality industry are diligent about constantly
perusing these sites. Why? These posts can have a measurable impact
on your business. Sometimes youll 鍖nd negative remarks. If this hap-
pens, take a few minutes to register an of鍖cial company account and
offer feedback just as you would on your businesss own social outlet.
Like it or not, social media is here to stay, its in鍖uence is far-
reaching, and its something all businesses should embrace. Sure,
negative comments are a part of the game, but by addressing your
customers concerns on these very public outlets, you have a better
chance of not only retaining loyal customers, but of potentially pick-
ing up new devotees along the way.
Jackie Ferreiro is director of social media for Interval
International. She oversees social media strategies and
initiatives, including Interval Community, one of the
worlds largest timeshare social networking forums.
RESORTDEVELOPER.COMvacation industry reviewJULY  SEPTEMBER 2016
By Jackie Ferreiro
Six Tips for Responding to Online Complaints
Negative Feedback,
Positive Outcome

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  • 1. In todays world of instant digital communication, customer feedback is oftentimes for better or worse un鍖ltered. While positive feedback is a big part of the picture, with the good comes the bad. This holds especially true of personal experiences such as vaca- tioning. Consumers expect that everything will go off without a hitch; when something goes wrong, theyre quick to take to the Web to share their experiences. Why Respond to Negative Comments? All businesses inevitably have negative feedback from time to time. You might think responding to negative comments will just draw additional attention to them. But a response assures both the customer and oth- ers who see the post that your company values its customers. Ignoring it is the same as saying, We dont care. Acknowledging it says, Were listening, and we want to rectify the situation as best we can. How to deal with negative comments? Here are some tips. 1. Dont wait around. Its imperative to have a social media team or at least a dedicated team member that routinely monitors all social outlets and handles comments in a timely manner. 2. Dont be defensive. It may be your instinct to refute the com- plaint, especially if you believe the allegation isnt fair. Instead, politely acknowledge the customers dissatisfaction. 3. Never delete the complaint. It will always come back to haunt you. Acknowledge the comment, apologize for the aggravation, and take the conversation of鍖ine for resolution. (Request that they private-message or email you.) 4. Never Ignore. Even if the comment doesnt seem signi鍖cant, its important to address. Ask for more information and offer to help resolve. 5. Incentivize. Once youve taken the conversation of鍖ine, if the person still isnt satis鍖ed with your response, consider offering a special service or discount. Perhaps a free treatment at your resorts day spa. This can convert an upset customer into a satis- 鍖ed and returning guest. 6. Address spam and trolls. On occasion, youll be faced with meritless comments or someone attempting to damage your com- panys reputation. Address these as you would a legitimate com- plaint. Sometimes, however, if its clearly spam and violates terms of use both of your business and the social platform its OK to delete and ban that user from future postings. Negative Comments on Public Sites Even if your company isnt actively using social media, its still important to keep an ear to the ground and know what the public is saying. Sites such as TripAdvisor, Hotels.com, and VirtualTourist, which let registered users share their opinions about places they visit around the globe, are great resources for feedback. Leaders in the hospitality industry are diligent about constantly perusing these sites. Why? These posts can have a measurable impact on your business. Sometimes youll 鍖nd negative remarks. If this hap- pens, take a few minutes to register an of鍖cial company account and offer feedback just as you would on your businesss own social outlet. Like it or not, social media is here to stay, its in鍖uence is far- reaching, and its something all businesses should embrace. Sure, negative comments are a part of the game, but by addressing your customers concerns on these very public outlets, you have a better chance of not only retaining loyal customers, but of potentially pick- ing up new devotees along the way. Jackie Ferreiro is director of social media for Interval International. She oversees social media strategies and initiatives, including Interval Community, one of the worlds largest timeshare social networking forums. RESORTDEVELOPER.COMvacation industry reviewJULY SEPTEMBER 2016 10 By Jackie Ferreiro SOCIAL MEDIA Six Tips for Responding to Online Complaints Negative Feedback, Positive Outcome