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Scope of Presentation india,ngos,positive change,new media
0.5million+ ngos doing  commendable work  on the field. effecting  positive social change . creating  social impact . ( registered,unregistered,nss,etc. )
Where are THEY? some... some couldnt get it right. some did it right, but didnt find the right audience. some feel its not essential... ( nearly nonexistent web presence )
How BIG is the Web in India?
40 million users orkut,youtube,blogger,facebook are  now mainstream . ( 28mn active users,10mn on orkut )
Changed perspective orkuting,blogging,streaming video is  now a chore . ( beyond using mail and chat )
Indians are ready!
Potential its about time  to channelize   user involvement. ( largely untapped and undirected )
Leverage potential! But How?
New Media Initiatives ( blogs,social networking,web-services ) reach  wider audience . connect  with your constituencies. open channels  for involvement.
Distinctive Presence must reflect ones  identity . showcase  your work. share  your success stories and also your failures. ( leverage new media but dont get lost )
Build social capital opt for social campaigning, online communities,idea forces,  user representation,  user involvement & collaboration. ( move beyond online donations )
Web Identity Social Capital SocialSync is a platform for organizations working for a positive social change. We provide tools to establish a  web-identity ,  showcase initiatives  and  involve like-minded people . www.socialsync.org New Media
Get in touch! www.SocialSync.in Akshay Surve w :akshaysurve.com|m:9819319609| e :akshay.surve@socialsync.in

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  • 1.
  • 2. Scope of Presentation india,ngos,positive change,new media
  • 3. 0.5million+ ngos doing commendable work on the field. effecting positive social change . creating social impact . ( registered,unregistered,nss,etc. )
  • 4. Where are THEY? some... some couldnt get it right. some did it right, but didnt find the right audience. some feel its not essential... ( nearly nonexistent web presence )
  • 5. How BIG is the Web in India?
  • 6. 40 million users orkut,youtube,blogger,facebook are now mainstream . ( 28mn active users,10mn on orkut )
  • 7. Changed perspective orkuting,blogging,streaming video is now a chore . ( beyond using mail and chat )
  • 9. Potential its about time to channelize user involvement. ( largely untapped and undirected )
  • 11. New Media Initiatives ( blogs,social networking,web-services ) reach wider audience . connect with your constituencies. open channels for involvement.
  • 12. Distinctive Presence must reflect ones identity . showcase your work. share your success stories and also your failures. ( leverage new media but dont get lost )
  • 13. Build social capital opt for social campaigning, online communities,idea forces, user representation, user involvement & collaboration. ( move beyond online donations )
  • 14. Web Identity Social Capital SocialSync is a platform for organizations working for a positive social change. We provide tools to establish a web-identity , showcase initiatives and involve like-minded people . www.socialsync.org New Media
  • 15. Get in touch! www.SocialSync.in Akshay Surve w :akshaysurve.com|m:9819319609| e :akshay.surve@socialsync.in