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Hello everyone  My name is Esther and I work as a senior research policy advisor at
Ghent Uni
With this pecha kucha I will try to give you a peek behind the scenes of my job
And show how I go about trying to convince our researchers why they should care
about their work having a real world impact
I often start by explaining what societal value creation is
Its an interative non-linear process which adds value/meaning to scientific research
& scholarship outside the academic context
Through activities not just at the end of the research life cycle but throughout
Allowing stakeholders to play a role in this lifecycle  the main goal being impact
Societal value creation is not a one trick pony
There are many activities or pathways that may increase chances of having an impact
At Ghent weve clustered them into five subtypes
Of course theres also all the combinations across these
And all the ways we havent even come up with yet
In May 2015 Ghent University launched its specific policy, providing a framework for
change and action
But also showing that a structural investment is needed
Not an easy feat without top-down drivers such as REF or additional funds or staff
The new policy is therefore driven by small revolutions rather than a big bang
Lets run through my 13 Reasons Why societal value creation is a worthwile concept
Number one is the staple reply of many of my colleagues  especially those in
Since research and researcher careers are largely funded by taxpayers money
Its only polite and fair to give something back to that same society
Next I would like to dispell the myth that excellent research and impactful research
are mutually exclusive
That somehow a choice is implied
Or that societal value creation is exclusively relevant to social sciences and
Societal value creation is an avenue for all scientific fields and almost always goes
hand in hand with excellent research
Societal value creation such as stakeholder engagement allows you to build in a
This extra check whether youre on the right track, tackling the real challenges, using
methods which are fitting/appropriate
Tying in with the idea that knowledge and science are preferably socially robust
Regularly exchanging knowledge & questions with and inviting input from
May turn up new research ideas, expand your horizon
The academic world does not hold a monopoly on knowledge & expertise
Be ready to learn from the many or few beneficiaries of your research
Be inspired  feed your curiosity
Societal value creation also pushes you to make better use of the knowledge &
expertise of your scientific colleagues
Answers to our worlds wicked problems such as poverty, climate change, security,
energy are on the intersections of insights & disciplines
Research with a significant societal impact is very often interdisciplinary
Societal value creation is not for sissies
A bit like how in show business one is warned about working with children or animals
But isnt science exactly the place for those who like a challenge and want to push the
So live a little, step outside your comfort zone
Rumour has it that this is where the magic happens
At least you wont be able to fault a lack of possibilities or choice
Societal value creation offers a treasure trove of methods, tools, publics
May every researcher develop diverse impact activities
And leverage platforms of engagement according to his/her individual talents,
ambitions, & research topics
No ones saying this is the easy road but few things will give you such a buzz
Such goesting as the Flemish say  as the downright fascination and interest for your
research from other people
The hope and expectation that glimmer in their eyes
So beware  you can become hooked on societal value creation
But for every addiction there exist support groups  so too for societal value creation
So join this club of passionate researchers and creative minds
Be open about your successes and failures
Jump in on and strengthen one anothers initiatives. Share publics.
Be part of a network and be there for each other
Because only a minority of researchers will or wants to stay in academia
Going forward these exploits in societal value creation may offer great career
The combo of state-of-the-art scientific knowledge & advanced soft skills have turned
you into a viable candidate for future employers
Above all this is what the future brings
Something several countries have already caught on to - they have introduced impact
into their research policy
At Ghent University we are not holding our breath for the Flemish powers that be to
catch up
But out of our own intrinsic conviction we are introducing new evaluation & reward
Criteria & incentives that allow for the story behind the numbers
Numbers that are suffocating many of our researchers, pushing them into a
competitive rat race
These stories also help to show people how science is woven into the fabric of society
and why investments are still needed
If all the previous reasons have failed to convince you, maybe this last one will
Do it for me
In return I promise to keep shaking the tree of research policy
To stay by your side offering support, advice, training
And to only stop tweeting about it when they drag me away from my devices
Here they are again  all 13 in a row
I realise that for some of you these things are so self-evident you have been devoting
your research career to societal impact for years
But for those of you who are still in doubt or couldnt see the benefit
I hope that at the very least I have made you think
Right, this is where my storytelling metaphor falters
In the series 13 Reasons Why the girl is still dead at the end
But doesnt death often signifies the start of a new life?
A new life with a new academic system full of support & rewards for societal impact
It is up to us!
To conclude, I know Im speaking to a room of people with similar concerns
And Im happy and proud to be part of this international impact tribe
Please come and find me if you would like to share your own experiences
Or want to know more about what were doing at Ghent University
Thank you!

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Societal impact -13 Reasons Why

  • 1. Hello everyone My name is Esther and I work as a senior research policy advisor at Ghent Uni With this pecha kucha I will try to give you a peek behind the scenes of my job And show how I go about trying to convince our researchers why they should care about their work having a real world impact 1
  • 2. I often start by explaining what societal value creation is Its an interative non-linear process which adds value/meaning to scientific research & scholarship outside the academic context Through activities not just at the end of the research life cycle but throughout Allowing stakeholders to play a role in this lifecycle the main goal being impact 2
  • 3. Societal value creation is not a one trick pony There are many activities or pathways that may increase chances of having an impact At Ghent weve clustered them into five subtypes Of course theres also all the combinations across these And all the ways we havent even come up with yet 3
  • 4. In May 2015 Ghent University launched its specific policy, providing a framework for change and action But also showing that a structural investment is needed Not an easy feat without top-down drivers such as REF or additional funds or staff The new policy is therefore driven by small revolutions rather than a big bang 4
  • 5. Lets run through my 13 Reasons Why societal value creation is a worthwile concept Number one is the staple reply of many of my colleagues especially those in communications Since research and researcher careers are largely funded by taxpayers money Its only polite and fair to give something back to that same society 5
  • 6. Next I would like to dispell the myth that excellent research and impactful research are mutually exclusive That somehow a choice is implied Or that societal value creation is exclusively relevant to social sciences and humanities Societal value creation is an avenue for all scientific fields and almost always goes hand in hand with excellent research 6
  • 7. Societal value creation such as stakeholder engagement allows you to build in a touchstone This extra check whether youre on the right track, tackling the real challenges, using methods which are fitting/appropriate Tying in with the idea that knowledge and science are preferably socially robust 7
  • 8. Regularly exchanging knowledge & questions with and inviting input from stakeholders May turn up new research ideas, expand your horizon The academic world does not hold a monopoly on knowledge & expertise Be ready to learn from the many or few beneficiaries of your research Be inspired feed your curiosity 8
  • 9. Societal value creation also pushes you to make better use of the knowledge & expertise of your scientific colleagues Answers to our worlds wicked problems such as poverty, climate change, security, energy are on the intersections of insights & disciplines Research with a significant societal impact is very often interdisciplinary 9
  • 10. Societal value creation is not for sissies A bit like how in show business one is warned about working with children or animals But isnt science exactly the place for those who like a challenge and want to push the boundaries So live a little, step outside your comfort zone Rumour has it that this is where the magic happens 10
  • 11. At least you wont be able to fault a lack of possibilities or choice Societal value creation offers a treasure trove of methods, tools, publics May every researcher develop diverse impact activities And leverage platforms of engagement according to his/her individual talents, ambitions, & research topics 11
  • 12. No ones saying this is the easy road but few things will give you such a buzz Such goesting as the Flemish say as the downright fascination and interest for your research from other people The hope and expectation that glimmer in their eyes So beware you can become hooked on societal value creation 12
  • 13. But for every addiction there exist support groups so too for societal value creation So join this club of passionate researchers and creative minds Be open about your successes and failures Jump in on and strengthen one anothers initiatives. Share publics. Be part of a network and be there for each other 13
  • 14. Because only a minority of researchers will or wants to stay in academia Going forward these exploits in societal value creation may offer great career opportunities The combo of state-of-the-art scientific knowledge & advanced soft skills have turned you into a viable candidate for future employers 14
  • 15. Above all this is what the future brings Something several countries have already caught on to - they have introduced impact into their research policy At Ghent University we are not holding our breath for the Flemish powers that be to catch up But out of our own intrinsic conviction we are introducing new evaluation & reward frameworks 15
  • 16. Criteria & incentives that allow for the story behind the numbers Numbers that are suffocating many of our researchers, pushing them into a competitive rat race These stories also help to show people how science is woven into the fabric of society and why investments are still needed 16
  • 17. If all the previous reasons have failed to convince you, maybe this last one will Do it for me In return I promise to keep shaking the tree of research policy To stay by your side offering support, advice, training And to only stop tweeting about it when they drag me away from my devices 17
  • 18. Here they are again all 13 in a row I realise that for some of you these things are so self-evident you have been devoting your research career to societal impact for years But for those of you who are still in doubt or couldnt see the benefit I hope that at the very least I have made you think 18
  • 19. Right, this is where my storytelling metaphor falters In the series 13 Reasons Why the girl is still dead at the end But doesnt death often signifies the start of a new life? A new life with a new academic system full of support & rewards for societal impact It is up to us! 19
  • 20. To conclude, I know Im speaking to a room of people with similar concerns And Im happy and proud to be part of this international impact tribe Please come and find me if you would like to share your own experiences Or want to know more about what were doing at Ghent University Thank you! 20