The document discusses mobile marketing, which involves communicating with consumers through their mobile devices to send marketing messages or introduce campaigns. It describes using SMS, MMS, in-game marketing, location services, and user-controlled media for mobile marketing. The document also lists uses of mobile marketing like promotions, notifications, and customer service, and recommends using it for direct marketing, special offers, and branding.
eMarketing differs from traditional marketing in that it is easy, cheap, and does not require personnel. However, eMarketing still requires planning, time, measurement, and follow up like traditional marketing. Both eMarketing channels and traditional channels should be considered as part of an overall marketing plan that includes analyses, strategic decisions on target groups and goals, and implementation of the marketing mix of product, price, place, and promotion. Planning is an important part of both eMarketing and eBusiness.
Using Visual Media to Teach TEKS 9.17.10Teresa Diaz
This ppt presentation is from the session "Using Visual Media to Teach TEKS" presented at ESC-Region 20's Library Resource Roundup, September 17, 2010 by Teresa Diaz & Ellen Hagan, NEISD/San Antonio, TX.
Presentation skolforum 2009 UngMods forskningsprojekt
Digitala medier som ett s辰tt f旦r unga att uttrycka sig p奪
Skolan och v辰rlden utanf旦r f旦ljer tv奪 olika sorters logik i relation till digitala medier. B奪de i anv辰ndandet och i hur detta anv辰ndande kan st旦dja individens l辰rande. Presentationen tar avstamp i ett p奪g奪ende forskningsprojekt d辰r ambitionen 辰r att utveckla skolans pedagogiska bruk av digitala medier baserat p奪 en f旦rdjupad f旦rst奪else f旦r hur unga anv辰nder digitala medier f旦r att uttrycka sig.
The document discusses various aspects of marketing. It begins by defining marketing and noting that it is a social process by which individuals obtain what they need through creating and exchanging products of value. Marketing consists of strategies to identify and satisfy customer needs profitably. It is an ongoing process without a clear beginning or end, and everyone in a company engages in marketing to some degree. The document then discusses the importance of understanding customers, competitors, laws and regulations, trends and conducting analyses to inform marketing strategy and goals. It emphasizes gathering objective information from various sources and using this data to guide strategic decisions. Product, price, place, promotion, people and processes are also addressed as key elements of implementation.
This document provides an introduction to eBusiness, including definitions of key terms, facts and statistics about eBusiness usage, challenges, and the future outlook. It defines eBusiness as using digital tools for both internal and external business purposes, including eCommerce (online selling), eMarketing, and social media. Facts presented include that 80% of Finns use the internet daily, over 25% of global tourists share experiences online, and eCommerce sales will reach $4 trillion by 2020. Challenges include low conversion rates, internationalization difficulties, and engaging customers. The future is predicted to include continued growth, blurred online/offline boundaries, increased personalization and automation through AI.
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Presentation skolforum 2009 UngMods forskningsprojekt
Digitala medier som ett s辰tt f旦r unga att uttrycka sig p奪
Skolan och v辰rlden utanf旦r f旦ljer tv奪 olika sorters logik i relation till digitala medier. B奪de i anv辰ndandet och i hur detta anv辰ndande kan st旦dja individens l辰rande. Presentationen tar avstamp i ett p奪g奪ende forskningsprojekt d辰r ambitionen 辰r att utveckla skolans pedagogiska bruk av digitala medier baserat p奪 en f旦rdjupad f旦rst奪else f旦r hur unga anv辰nder digitala medier f旦r att uttrycka sig.
The document discusses various aspects of marketing. It begins by defining marketing and noting that it is a social process by which individuals obtain what they need through creating and exchanging products of value. Marketing consists of strategies to identify and satisfy customer needs profitably. It is an ongoing process without a clear beginning or end, and everyone in a company engages in marketing to some degree. The document then discusses the importance of understanding customers, competitors, laws and regulations, trends and conducting analyses to inform marketing strategy and goals. It emphasizes gathering objective information from various sources and using this data to guide strategic decisions. Product, price, place, promotion, people and processes are also addressed as key elements of implementation.
This document provides an introduction to eBusiness, including definitions of key terms, facts and statistics about eBusiness usage, challenges, and the future outlook. It defines eBusiness as using digital tools for both internal and external business purposes, including eCommerce (online selling), eMarketing, and social media. Facts presented include that 80% of Finns use the internet daily, over 25% of global tourists share experiences online, and eCommerce sales will reach $4 trillion by 2020. Challenges include low conversion rates, internationalization difficulties, and engaging customers. The future is predicted to include continued growth, blurred online/offline boundaries, increased personalization and automation through AI.
Short description how to join Wordpress community and how to publish a blog for my students in Matkailun s辰hk旦inen liiketoiminta 2017-2018.
This can also be found as a video in
This document provides an overview of social media marketing strategies and considerations. It discusses:
- The importance of understanding customers, their behaviors, and preferences across various social media platforms.
- Developing a multi-channel social media strategy that considers the customer journey, search engine optimization, content marketing, engagement, and measurement of results.
- Emphasizing research, planning, and listening to customers as the foundation for effective tactical social media activities.
The document discusses various factors that marketers analyze when conducting a PEST analysis. It outlines political factors like government policy, social factors like culture and leisure time, technological factors such as new communication technologies, and economic factors such as interest rates, employment levels, and commodity prices. The document also provides examples of how these factors influence global tourism, tourism in Finland, and the relationships between households, companies, banks, and the public sector.
Tourism is one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world, with business volume equaling or surpassing industries like oil, food, and automobiles. Factors driving tourism growth include advances in technology, destination development, and changes in social patterns and living standards. The document discusses analyzing competitors, demand, customers, and trends to understand the external environment. It also covers segmenting customers into target groups, evaluating current and future demand, developing customer programs to maintain loyalty, and focusing marketing efforts on the most profitable segments.
This document provides an overview of marketing and outlines the key components of developing an effective marketing plan. It discusses that marketing impacts all functions of a company and its success. A good marketer understands customer and competitor needs, gathers information, and thinks analytically about solutions. The document then outlines the sections and analyses needed to create a comprehensive marketing plan, including analyzing the organization, customers, competitors, laws/regulations, trends, and the economic environment. The marketing plan structure covered includes an introduction; analyses of the organization, competition, demands, and environment; strategic decisions around target groups and goals; implementation tactics for product, price, place, promotion; and a budget, timeline, and responsibilities for execution and follow-up.
Sam the student gets lost on his first day at the Lepp辰vaara campus. He sees a QR code by the front door that guides him to different locations around campus using additional QR codes. His assignment is to continue the story and create a QR code for a given location, such as the library or help desk. The document provides instructions for creating websites and QR codes to add to the story. It also discusses the importance of usability, technology choices, and measuring the impact of social media for tourism companies developing mobile and virtual products and services.
This document outlines the key elements of a visibility plan including an introduction, analyses of the company, customers, competitors and external environment, strategic decisions around target groups and messaging, an implementation plan covering channels, messages, timeline and responsibilities, allocated budget, and plans for follow-up and measurement.
This document provides an overview of a course on social media marketing. The course objectives are to teach students about different social media channels, the role of social media in business, developing social media strategies, and measuring social media marketing outcomes. The course utilizes various tools like Moodle, Facebook, and Google Docs. Students are required to post daily about social media marketing topics, which led to discussion and peer learning. Based on student feedback, they found the practical assignments educational and appreciated learning through different social media platforms and sharing work.
Southeast135 - an effort to describe all my jobsJohanna Heinonen
Southern Finland aims to attract tourists year-round by developing sustainable tourism opportunities. A variety of digital tools are used to research visitors, build websites and social media presences, create marketing materials, and develop customer relationship management systems to enhance the tourism experience. Networks are also established with industry partners to collaborate on initiatives that promote the region.
2. Ungdomar och social media
90 % av 16 24 奪riga anv辰nder Internet dagligen
De l辰ser n辰ttidningar (辰ven internationella), blog eller
skriver blog sj辰lv
De 辰ven spelar och medan de spelar talar de med andra
Utbyte av information samt utdelandet av bilder, video
etc. 辰r en v辰sentlig del av n辰tlivet
L辰hde: Tilastokeskus 2011
3. Detta betyder
SoMe 辰r en naturlig
kanal f旦r
Anv辰ndning av
fr辰mmande spr奪k 辰r
naturligare i SoMe
Med SoMe kan man
samarbeta med
fr辰mmande l辰nder
辰ven med f旦ga
Kanaler och
m旦jligheter i SoMe 辰r
v辰ldigt stora
Brist p奪 f旦rst奪else
Brist p奪 kunskaper
Brist p奪 tid
Brist p奪 kontroll
Brist p奪 uppf旦ljning
Bilden skapat ut奪t
Tid och resurser
Kontroll och integritet
Korrekhet och talandet
6. Focus on how
to be social, not
on how to do
~ Jay Baer, Convince &
Convert ~
Inneh奪llet 辰r
inte kanalen eller
7. M旦jligheter 1
En studerande blir aktiv och motiverad
Studeranden l辰r av varandra
L辰raren f奪r ny inspirerande verktyg
Integration mellan 辰mnen
8. M旦jligheter 2
De befintliga, autentiska material och situationer
F旦rst奪else 旦ver kulturer och internationellt
Flertaliga alternativ
Fall fr奪n det riktiga livet
(t o m med f旦retag)
9. Tell me and
Ill forget
Teach me and
Ill remember
Involve me and
Ill learn
~ Benjamin Franklin ~