Rektorsutbildning: Från information till kunskapHannaCarlssonAV-Media Kalmar län håller utbildning för rektorer inom kritiskt förhållningssätt i skolan.
Professional career pptlogomartinPhysical therapists diagnose and treat movement dysfunctions and injuries. They develop treatment plans using exercises, hands-on therapy, and equipment. Physical therapy has evolved significantly since ancient Greece. The field is growing rapidly due to an aging population and increased healthcare needs. Physical therapists work in various settings and have a median salary of $79,860. Becoming a physical therapist requires a doctorate degree from an accredited program, which typically takes 3 years and includes clinical experience.
Javascript - ITEDeepank VoraThis document contains notes from a JavaScript fundamentals training covering topics like data types, variables, operators, control structures, objects, and functions. It includes examples of JavaScript code and short programming challenges or "labs" for students to complete, like writing a function to return the minimum of two numbers.
Actitudes en un despachosalolu1977El documento ofrece cuatro consejos para mantener una buena actitud en el despacho: 1) mantener el orden en la oficina para ahorrar tiempo buscando documentos, 2) ser serios cuando se tratan temas de negocios de los clientes aunque se pueda bromear con ellos, 3) ser sinceros el uno con el otro para hacer bien el trabajo.
SOV Report DraftTyler WalterThis report examines potential solutions to reduce single-occupancy vehicle commuting in the Richmond, Virginia region. It analyzes case studies of cash incentive programs for carpooling in Atlanta, Seattle, and Washington D.C. that provided financial compensation of $1-3 per trip. The report recommends that RideFinders apply for a grant to implement a two-to-three month pilot program in Richmond offering cash rewards of up to $50-75 per month for carpooling, modeled after successful programs that increased carpooling rates and ridership retention. Outreach to employers would promote the temporary incentive program aimed at encouraging more commuters to carpool instead of driving alone.
How to Increase Audience Engagement at Eventsevent2mobileThis document profiles Kavita, a digital nomad and blogger who provides mobile apps and solutions to enhance audience engagement at events. She has worked with major clients like Singtel, Singpost, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The document discusses how technologies like mobile apps, social media integration, QR codes, iBeacons, and gamification can help create "flow experiences" for audiences and drive higher participation and revenue for events. It provides examples of how Kavita's company, event2mobile, has successfully implemented these solutions for clients.
Powhatan Survey Report - FinalTyler WalterThe survey of 84 Powhatan County commuters found:
1) Most (96%) drive alone to work with destinations including Powhatan County (36%), Richmond (13%), and Henrico County (12%).
2) Flexibility in work hours is the primary reason cited for not carpooling (56%), though emergency ride home services could motivate some (52%).
3) Respondents would be willing to travel 1-4 miles for a carpool generally, and free assistance finding options and emergency rides home are the biggest motivators to switch from driving alone.
Financial plan for cabsPriyaRamalingam5493Velox Cabs is a radio taxi company located in and around Coimbatore, India that provides timely transportation services. The company plans to set up an office and parking area by renting 1900 square feet of space for Rs. 6,00,000 initially and Rs. 35,000 per month. Velox Cabs will operate in the growing radio taxi industry in India, which has an annual turnover of Rs. 1,100 crore and 35% annual growth. The company conducts a SWOT analysis and financial projections to establish a strong business model to take advantage of the increasing demand for reliable radio taxi services.
Professional career pptlogomartinPhysical therapists diagnose and treat movement dysfunctions and injuries. They develop treatment plans using exercises, hands-on therapy, and equipment. Physical therapy has evolved significantly since ancient Greece. The field is growing rapidly due to an aging population and increased healthcare needs. Physical therapists work in various settings and have a median salary of $79,860. Becoming a physical therapist requires a doctorate degree from an accredited program, which typically takes 3 years and includes clinical experience.
Javascript - ITEDeepank VoraThis document contains notes from a JavaScript fundamentals training covering topics like data types, variables, operators, control structures, objects, and functions. It includes examples of JavaScript code and short programming challenges or "labs" for students to complete, like writing a function to return the minimum of two numbers.
Actitudes en un despachosalolu1977El documento ofrece cuatro consejos para mantener una buena actitud en el despacho: 1) mantener el orden en la oficina para ahorrar tiempo buscando documentos, 2) ser serios cuando se tratan temas de negocios de los clientes aunque se pueda bromear con ellos, 3) ser sinceros el uno con el otro para hacer bien el trabajo.
SOV Report DraftTyler WalterThis report examines potential solutions to reduce single-occupancy vehicle commuting in the Richmond, Virginia region. It analyzes case studies of cash incentive programs for carpooling in Atlanta, Seattle, and Washington D.C. that provided financial compensation of $1-3 per trip. The report recommends that RideFinders apply for a grant to implement a two-to-three month pilot program in Richmond offering cash rewards of up to $50-75 per month for carpooling, modeled after successful programs that increased carpooling rates and ridership retention. Outreach to employers would promote the temporary incentive program aimed at encouraging more commuters to carpool instead of driving alone.
How to Increase Audience Engagement at Eventsevent2mobileThis document profiles Kavita, a digital nomad and blogger who provides mobile apps and solutions to enhance audience engagement at events. She has worked with major clients like Singtel, Singpost, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The document discusses how technologies like mobile apps, social media integration, QR codes, iBeacons, and gamification can help create "flow experiences" for audiences and drive higher participation and revenue for events. It provides examples of how Kavita's company, event2mobile, has successfully implemented these solutions for clients.
Powhatan Survey Report - FinalTyler WalterThe survey of 84 Powhatan County commuters found:
1) Most (96%) drive alone to work with destinations including Powhatan County (36%), Richmond (13%), and Henrico County (12%).
2) Flexibility in work hours is the primary reason cited for not carpooling (56%), though emergency ride home services could motivate some (52%).
3) Respondents would be willing to travel 1-4 miles for a carpool generally, and free assistance finding options and emergency rides home are the biggest motivators to switch from driving alone.
Financial plan for cabsPriyaRamalingam5493Velox Cabs is a radio taxi company located in and around Coimbatore, India that provides timely transportation services. The company plans to set up an office and parking area by renting 1900 square feet of space for Rs. 6,00,000 initially and Rs. 35,000 per month. Velox Cabs will operate in the growing radio taxi industry in India, which has an annual turnover of Rs. 1,100 crore and 35% annual growth. The company conducts a SWOT analysis and financial projections to establish a strong business model to take advantage of the increasing demand for reliable radio taxi services.
Digitala medier i skolanPalm Anna-KariFortbildningsdag för Uppsala kommuns skolor. Föreläsningen handlar om källkritik och elevers interaktion med digitala medier.
16 tips för ett bra föräldraledarskap i sociala medierMarketinghouseHär får du som förälder tips hur du kan agera för att skapa en bättre förståelse och kunskap kring ditt barns eller tonårings aktiviteter i sociala medier.
Unga och internet 4 6 2015 Samordningsförbundet. Jämtlands länFöreläsning för föräldrar för årskurserna 4-6- Lita andra siffror och mer om sociala medier än årsk f-3. Ås skola 23 mars 2015.
2. År 2005 var debutåldern
på internet 9 år.
Var ligger den idag?
3. Ungar & medier 2012/13
• Mobilen
• Varje dag
• Filmtittande
• Ökat intresse av nyheter
• Skillnader pojkar/flickor
• Ny rapport i april!
4. • Debutåldern på internet: 2 år
• 95 % av alla 11-åringar har en
egen mobil
• ”världen i sin ficka”
• Den vanligaste fritidsaktiviteten
• 62% av alla 17-18-åringar
använder mobilen mer än
• Sociala medier och spel är
18. Diskutera i par/3 & 3:
• ”Lite får man ju tåla” och ”man menar ju inte allt man
säger på nätet”
- hur skapades den inställningen?
• Vilka problem ser ni i filmen med killen som blev
smyg-filmad i duschen?
• Hur kan skolan jobba för att förebygga den
inställningen och de problemen?
20. Vad kan man göra i skolan?
• Uppdatera planen mot diskriminering
och kränkande behandling
• Varje elev ska veta skolans policy och
vad man ska göra om något händer -
• Involvera eleverna - gemensamt ta fram
åtgärder och förebyggande satsningar
• Kartlägga elevernas medieupplevelser
• Samverka - personalgruppen,
vårdnadshavare, polis
• Hellre röd tråd än punktinsatser
Bild: Pixabay, Public domain
21. Vad kan man göra på ”golvnivå”?
• Prata, prata, prata!
• Vara delaktig i de ungas
• Vara ett gott föredöme
• Visa på konstruktiva sätt att
använda olika medier
• Träna barnen i källkritik
• Döm inte, förbjud inte
• Stötta
Foto: Kristina Alexandersson,
22. Varför äger samtalet rum - för att något har
hänt eller för att inget ska hända?
Vad styr samtalet - nyfikenhet eller rädsla?
Positiv eller negativ ingång?
24. “Medie- och
informationskunnighet är en
nödvändig kompetens för att
kunna maximera möjligheterna
och minimera riskerna i
-Statens Medieråd
25. Läs- och webbtips
• MUCF - ”Ses offline?”
• Statens medieråd - MIK-rummet & ”MIK
för mig”
• Duckface & Stoneface
• Ungar och medier 2012/13 - ny rapport i
• .SE - ”Ungas integritet på nätet” &
”Motverka nätmobbning!”
• Barnen, BRIS & IT 2014
• Friends nätrapport 2015