Oakwood homes active adult community presentationTyler Elick
This document summarizes the marketing and development plans for a proposed active adult community called Nostalgic/Nautical. Key points include:
- The target market is baby boomers seeking amenities that promote socialization.
- The site is located near Denver International Airport and will feature amenities like a community center, fitness facilities, and trails.
- The development will include 814 homesites with a mix of lot sizes and detached homes priced between $285,000-$400,000.
- Financial projections estimate the development will see a 16-20% return on investment over its planned 8-10 year buildout.
Citigate Dewe Rogerson is a top global financial communications firm with expertise in cleantech. They have experience advising cleantech companies on IPOs, M&A, fundraising and investor relations. They helped Ecotricity raise up to ?10 million through a bond offering and helped EDP Renovaveis complete a ?1.8 billion IPO, the second largest in Europe that year.
The document is a presentation titled "It's Reclamation: Haikai Moments in Kent, Ohio" that consists of a series of haiku poems describing scenes in and around Kent, Ohio. The haiku observe industrial waste being reclaimed, pollution in the Cuyahoga River that was once on fire, the crumbling infrastructure of Kent State University campus, and working class people in downtown Kent trying to get by.
This document provides a summary of Spanish grammar concepts including:
- Preterite and imperfect verb tenses with examples of irregular verb conjugations.
- Verb types like "car, gar, zar" verbs and "cucaracha" verbs.
- Uses of ser vs estar, por vs para, and future tense triggers.
- Other topics covered are comparatives/superlatives, transition words, and verbs like gustar.
Students in Mr. Lee's class at Walker Creek Elementary created original works about birds. The class focused on creating art and writing projects centered around birds. Their works explored different types of birds and aspects of birds like their appearance, behaviors, habitats and more.
Walker Creek Elementary students in Ms. LeRoy's class created original artwork about butterflies in the 2012-13 school year. The document appears to be a title page listing the school, year, teacher, and theme of student artwork from that class. In a few sentences or less, it introduces artwork created by elementary school students focused on the theme of butterflies.
This document provides an overview of various Spanish grammar topics including:
- Conditional tense with irregular verbs
- Present perfect and past perfect tenses
- Subjunctive and perfect tenses
- Impersonal "se" and differences between saber and conocer
- Formal and informal commands
- Nosotros commands and placement of objects and indirect objects
- Subjunctive triggers and uses of tan and tanto
- Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives
This document defines slope and provides examples of different types of slopes including positive slopes, negative slopes, zero slopes, no slopes, flatter slopes, and steeper slopes. Examples of each type include parts of animal bodies like necks and tails as well as landscape features like mountains and buildings.
Matthias kiese: A European Proposalfor Comparative Cluster Policy ResearchMOC2010
1) The document proposes a comparative study of cluster policy research across European countries to understand how cluster policies diffuse and are adapted based on structural and institutional variety.
2) Key concepts to be examined include varieties of capitalism, multilevel governance structures, and public choice perspectives on policymaking.
3) The methodology would involve case studies of cluster policy in multiple countries, analyzing channels of policy transfer and the impact of different political and economic systems on cluster policy design and effectiveness.
The document appears to be a title page for original works created by students in Ms. Johnson's class at Walker Creek Elementary school during the 2012-13 school year. It lists "Fish" as the only work.
P1 Technology Partners is an IT services company that helps clients implement cloud computing and develop applications. They have experience across many industries and excel in challenging IT environments involving distributed assets and remote locations. They state that cloud computing can save 50% of an organization's IT budget by improving scalability and business continuity while allowing more flexible working. P1 also develops mobile and enterprise applications using current technologies and agile development processes. They offer IT support services to help organizations manage expanding IT needs across multiple devices and keep systems secure and users productive.
Walker Creek Elementary students in Ms. Kozak's class created original artworks in 2012-13. One of the artworks was titled "Fish" and appeared to depict images related to fish. The document provided little other context about the artwork or the class project.
1. The document discusses how mobile technology can be used to gather information, have fun, share experiences, and spend money at museums. It provides many examples of audio tours, games, surveys, donations, and other engaging activities.
2. Trends in mobile use are outlined, such as increasing smartphone ownership and texting. The document advises monitoring user activity through reports to understand mobile behavior.
3. Emerging mobile technologies like augmented reality, QR codes, and location-based services are predicted to become more popular ways to interact with cultural institutions.
Oakwood homes active adult community presentationTyler Elick
This document summarizes the marketing and development plans for a proposed active adult community called Nostalgic/Nautical. Key points include:
- The target market is baby boomers seeking amenities that promote socialization.
- The site is located near Denver International Airport and will feature amenities like a community center, fitness facilities, and trails.
- The development will include 814 homesites with a mix of lot sizes and detached homes priced between $285,000-$400,000.
- Financial projections estimate the development will see a 16-20% return on investment over its planned 8-10 year buildout.
Citigate Dewe Rogerson is a top global financial communications firm with expertise in cleantech. They have experience advising cleantech companies on IPOs, M&A, fundraising and investor relations. They helped Ecotricity raise up to ?10 million through a bond offering and helped EDP Renovaveis complete a ?1.8 billion IPO, the second largest in Europe that year.
The document is a presentation titled "It's Reclamation: Haikai Moments in Kent, Ohio" that consists of a series of haiku poems describing scenes in and around Kent, Ohio. The haiku observe industrial waste being reclaimed, pollution in the Cuyahoga River that was once on fire, the crumbling infrastructure of Kent State University campus, and working class people in downtown Kent trying to get by.
This document provides a summary of Spanish grammar concepts including:
- Preterite and imperfect verb tenses with examples of irregular verb conjugations.
- Verb types like "car, gar, zar" verbs and "cucaracha" verbs.
- Uses of ser vs estar, por vs para, and future tense triggers.
- Other topics covered are comparatives/superlatives, transition words, and verbs like gustar.
Students in Mr. Lee's class at Walker Creek Elementary created original works about birds. The class focused on creating art and writing projects centered around birds. Their works explored different types of birds and aspects of birds like their appearance, behaviors, habitats and more.
Walker Creek Elementary students in Ms. LeRoy's class created original artwork about butterflies in the 2012-13 school year. The document appears to be a title page listing the school, year, teacher, and theme of student artwork from that class. In a few sentences or less, it introduces artwork created by elementary school students focused on the theme of butterflies.
This document provides an overview of various Spanish grammar topics including:
- Conditional tense with irregular verbs
- Present perfect and past perfect tenses
- Subjunctive and perfect tenses
- Impersonal "se" and differences between saber and conocer
- Formal and informal commands
- Nosotros commands and placement of objects and indirect objects
- Subjunctive triggers and uses of tan and tanto
- Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives
This document defines slope and provides examples of different types of slopes including positive slopes, negative slopes, zero slopes, no slopes, flatter slopes, and steeper slopes. Examples of each type include parts of animal bodies like necks and tails as well as landscape features like mountains and buildings.
Matthias kiese: A European Proposalfor Comparative Cluster Policy ResearchMOC2010
1) The document proposes a comparative study of cluster policy research across European countries to understand how cluster policies diffuse and are adapted based on structural and institutional variety.
2) Key concepts to be examined include varieties of capitalism, multilevel governance structures, and public choice perspectives on policymaking.
3) The methodology would involve case studies of cluster policy in multiple countries, analyzing channels of policy transfer and the impact of different political and economic systems on cluster policy design and effectiveness.
The document appears to be a title page for original works created by students in Ms. Johnson's class at Walker Creek Elementary school during the 2012-13 school year. It lists "Fish" as the only work.
P1 Technology Partners is an IT services company that helps clients implement cloud computing and develop applications. They have experience across many industries and excel in challenging IT environments involving distributed assets and remote locations. They state that cloud computing can save 50% of an organization's IT budget by improving scalability and business continuity while allowing more flexible working. P1 also develops mobile and enterprise applications using current technologies and agile development processes. They offer IT support services to help organizations manage expanding IT needs across multiple devices and keep systems secure and users productive.
Walker Creek Elementary students in Ms. Kozak's class created original artworks in 2012-13. One of the artworks was titled "Fish" and appeared to depict images related to fish. The document provided little other context about the artwork or the class project.
1. The document discusses how mobile technology can be used to gather information, have fun, share experiences, and spend money at museums. It provides many examples of audio tours, games, surveys, donations, and other engaging activities.
2. Trends in mobile use are outlined, such as increasing smartphone ownership and texting. The document advises monitoring user activity through reports to understand mobile behavior.
3. Emerging mobile technologies like augmented reality, QR codes, and location-based services are predicted to become more popular ways to interact with cultural institutions.
Marta Capdevila, sorda profunda i mare d'un infant sord, explica les seves inquietuds a l'hora de valorar els itineraris assistencials del seu fill. Al mateix temps, la descoberta de les millores amb els audi¨°fons i els implants coclears li permet sentir-se acollida en aquest m¨®n de sons i sorolls.
10. Resumcdescripci¨®Els sordmuts s¨®n aquells que no han desenvolupat la capacitat de parlar ni escoltar a causa d¡¯un problema auditiu. La malaltia sovint es cong¨¨nita, (si els pares s¨®n sordmuts probablement el fill tamb¨¦ ho ser¨¤). El terme "sordmut" ve d'antic, de quan encara no ens hav¨ªem pensat que si no parlen no ¨¦s perqu¨¨ no puguin, sin¨® perqu¨¨ en no sentir, no tenen refer¨¨ncies sonores que els permetin desenvolupar la parla. I ¨¦s que els sords nom¨¦s tenen problemes auditius, no pas oral. Si no tenen afectat l'aparell fonedor, a vegades poden parlar si se'ls ensenya.
11. Llenguatge de singnes?s la que es fa mitjan?ant gestos, moviments de diverses parts del cos o diferents expressions de rostre o ulls . Un sord , encara que visqui en un medi de persones que parlen i escolten,encara que estigui lluny dels sords desenvolupa un sistema de comunicaci¨® de signes manuals , cosa que demostra que els sords o no t¨¦ uns principis de llengua b¨¤sics. La majoria de sordmuts aprenen a parlar llegint els llavis.
12. Entre paraula i paraula s¡¯han de fer espetagar els dits o baixar les mans.
13. Hi ha diferents tipus de llenguatges i t¡¯has de assegurar que fas els gestos que enten amb la persona que t¡¯est¨¤s comunicant.Comunicar-se amb un sordmut. Per parlar amb una persona sordmuda:
19. Aquestspassosdemostren que si es porten a la pr¨¤ctica, podem comunicar-nos amb una persona sordmuda, tot i que siguicomplicat. problemesSi hi senten m¨ªnimament i porten aparells per recon¨¨ixer sons, i hi ha molt de soroll l¡¯aparell que porta li comen?a a pitar.
20. Si ets sord ja no pots tornar a sentir sense aparells.
21. Si els pares s¨®n tots dos sords segurament el nen tamb¨¦ ho ser¨¤. Tamb¨¦ s¡¯ha de mirar si algun avantpassat ho era.
22. Avans els sords no podien escoltar res perque no hi havia aparells per poder escoltar. Que seria ser sordmut?Seria trist i desagradable no poder entendre el tema de que parlen els teus amics o no poder escoltar un programa que fan per la televisi¨®...
23. Tamb¨¦ seria desagradable no poder-te comunicar amb un sistema tant r¨¤pid com parlar amb la gent que t¡¯envolta.Vida quotidianaEls costa m¨¦s fer les coses que fem nosaltres per¨° duran el temps s¡¯acostumen. Alguns nens sordmuts van a escoles especialitzades.
24. Tamb¨¦ els hi ha de costar fer les feines de casa. Llocs especialitzats per a ells Escoles que els ensenyen a parlar idioma sordmut.
26. Tamb¨¦ hi han llocs comunitaris que hi ha una persona que els hi tradueix al seu llenguatge.
27. A la televisi¨® a algunes not¨ªcies importants surt un traductor.
28. Escola sordmuts:resumTenimmoltssort de no tenircapdefici¨¨ncia, elssordmutstenenmoltsdesventatges no tenen una vida quotidianacom la nostre, la comunicaci¨®se¡¯ls fa moltm¨¦s lenta i tenenmoltsproblemes i cal ajudar-los a integrar-se ambnosaltres.