Social Media Training for Furness College Session 2Ibex Creative
The document discusses strategies for using various social media platforms for marketing purposes. It focuses on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Foursquare/Gowalla. For LinkedIn, it describes how to set up a profile and company page, find connections, join groups, get recommendations, and advertise. For YouTube, it discusses setting up a channel, designing it, SEO tactics, and creating different types of video content. For Foursquare and Gowalla, it mentions signing up and using check-ins, offers and rewards.
Social Media Training for Furness College with Ten StoriesIbex Creative
The document discusses setting up and optimizing social media marketing strategies on Facebook and through blogging. It provides guidance on building a Facebook page, selecting apps, gaining likes, and setting up advertising. It also compares WordPress and Blogger for blogging and discusses whether to host blogs on the main site or separately. Tips are given for content creation and distribution across different social networks to engage audiences.
This document describes a music lesson plan that uses a website to teach secondary students about Western music and a cappella singing. The lesson plan aims to develop students' sense of hearing, singing, and performing skills through group activities. Students will be grouped into threes and each sing a part to collaboratively perform pieces from the website without instrumentation. The website features audio examples of musical excerpts and individual parts that students can listen to in order to learn how to sing the pieces on their own and together in their groups.
Social Media Training for Furness College Session 2Ibex Creative
The document discusses strategies for using various social media platforms for marketing purposes. It focuses on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Foursquare/Gowalla. For LinkedIn, it describes how to set up a profile and company page, find connections, join groups, get recommendations, and advertise. For YouTube, it discusses setting up a channel, designing it, SEO tactics, and creating different types of video content. For Foursquare and Gowalla, it mentions signing up and using check-ins, offers and rewards.
Social Media Training for Furness College with Ten StoriesIbex Creative
The document discusses setting up and optimizing social media marketing strategies on Facebook and through blogging. It provides guidance on building a Facebook page, selecting apps, gaining likes, and setting up advertising. It also compares WordPress and Blogger for blogging and discusses whether to host blogs on the main site or separately. Tips are given for content creation and distribution across different social networks to engage audiences.
This document describes a music lesson plan that uses a website to teach secondary students about Western music and a cappella singing. The lesson plan aims to develop students' sense of hearing, singing, and performing skills through group activities. Students will be grouped into threes and each sing a part to collaboratively perform pieces from the website without instrumentation. The website features audio examples of musical excerpts and individual parts that students can listen to in order to learn how to sing the pieces on their own and together in their groups.