The document discusses how GIS-based analysis has evolved in petroleum exploration from the past to present. It describes how GIS was initially used as a tool for multi-disciplinary collaboration and synthesis by geoscientists. Over time, GIS analysis has become more integrated, standardized, automated through database integration and custom workflows. Modern GIS analysis in exploration leverages more advanced visualization, spatial analysis and programming capabilities to better integrate diverse datasets and modeling for play assessment.
Powerco is developing a GIS roadmap to improve its use of geographic information systems. The objectives are to generate return on investment, make GIS data available online and offline, drive asset management excellence, simplify data access, and allow end users to directly input data. Key issues to address are non-delivery of user demands, weak data quality controls, limited data visibility and collection, and an imbalance of reactive and proactive work. The roadmap will be implemented in four phases to upgrade web services, introduce workflow and decision tools, and improve mobility, collaboration and accessibility of GIS data. The final vision is for easy, device-agnostic access and contribution of Powerco asset data by users both online and offline.
Steve Calder: Business Benefits of GIS: An ROI ApproachAGI Geocommunity
The document outlines an approach for building an ROI case to secure funding for geospatial technology investments. It involves a 10-step process to 1) identify business opportunities, 2) prioritize opportunities based on value and ease of implementation, 3) construct a GIS program to deliver benefits, 4) define project controls, 5) calculate costs, 6) estimate quantifiable benefits, 7) calculate financial metrics like ROI, 8) create a benefits roadmap, 9) present the case in a final report, and 10) obtain support and commitment across the organization. The approach aims to link GIS initiatives to strategic objectives and prove value in quantifiable terms.
This document discusses how ExxonMobil Exploration Company integrated GIS technology into the work processes of multidisciplinary geoscience professionals to facilitate collaboration, synthesis, and analysis of regional geology data. Key techniques included compiling all spatial data within a common GIS environment, georeferencing maps and images, and classifying and integrating historic well data. This integration of GIS allowed seamless collaboration between geoscience specialists in different locations and disciplines and created a fully integrated geological understanding.
GIS platforms: the power of interoperabilityglobal
1) GIS can act as an interoperable platform to integrate disparate data from various sources and make it accessible for emergency response.
2) Lessons from Hurricane Katrina showed that a lack of standardized data and GIS applications across regions hindered coordination between organizations and led to confusion during the crisis response.
3) Having an integrated GIS database with consistent data models and applications in place before a disaster can save precious time during emergency response and recovery efforts.
This document provides information about the keys and their functions on a Garmin eTrex Vista H handheld GPS navigator. It describes what each key does, including the POWER, QUIT/PAGE, IN/OUT zoom, MENU/FIND, and ROCKER keys. It also explains how to turn the unit on and off, light up the screen, change pages, zoom the map, navigate menus and lists, and mark a waypoint. Additionally, it describes the process of finding satellites and checking satellite reception.
The document describes seven potential environments for a class vacation: desert plateau, tundra lowland in summer, grassland plains, rainforest lowland, mountain desert, coniferous forest lake and hill lands, and deciduous forested mountains in summer. Each environment is summarized, noting characteristics like climate, terrain, wildlife, insects, and water availability to help the class decide on a location. The teacher offers $1000 off the class vacation if a decision is made by the end of class.
A claim is the "backbone" of an essay. It connects all the elements of a paper and defines the purpose by containing a topic and position on that topic. A good claim unifies the writer's thoughts under one main idea and prevents the reader from asking "So what?" about the topic. More specifically, a claim is not merely a statement of fact, personal opinion, or vague generalization. It should also propose a solution or make a comparison to effectively argue a position.
This document summarizes the work of the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) to define, maintain and provide access to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). It outlines NGS's plans to replace NAD83 and NAVD88 by 2022 with new geometric and geopotenial datums based on CORS and GNSS observations to improve horizontal and vertical positional accuracy to 1 cm and 2 cm respectively. It also describes ongoing airborne gravity surveys and geoid modeling efforts to establish a new gravimetric geoid to support orthometric heights.
ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) platform that allows users to gather, organize, analyze and share spatial data. It can be used on mobile devices, desktops and the web to improve planning, operations and decision-making. ArcGIS includes basemaps, demographic and imagery data. Developers can build custom applications using ArcGIS APIs and SDKs. Esri also offers maintenance programs, training, books and professional services to support ArcGIS users.
The document discusses the evolution of geographic information systems (GIS) and their relationship to social web technologies. It provides a brief history of GIS, from early mapping efforts to modern systems created in the 1960s-1990s by ESRI. It then discusses how GIS provides data that can be used to create mashups and geospatial applications on the social web. One example discussed is extending wiki systems to allow users to geographically tag and edit map data, creating a "wikified" GIS archive. The document concludes that GIS serves as a backend for geospatial applications on the social web by allowing users to collaboratively contribute and update map layers.
Esri Ireland "ArcGIS - The Platform Story" Esri maps for Sharepoint - Nigel ...Esri Ireland
Nigel McGuirk from Esri Ireland gave a presentation on Maps for SharePoint. He began with an overview of SharePoint and the new features in Maps for SharePoint 3.0.1. He then demonstrated how to map enable and enrich SharePoint content and provided examples of mapping and analysis tools for clustering, heat maps, hot spots, and infographics. Finally, he outlined the roadmap for future improvements and took questions from the audience.
This document provides an overview of the electrical and instrumentation capabilities of GlobalEnergy Contractors. It summarizes their extensive experience providing electrical solutions for power generation and distribution, as well as instrumentation solutions for projects involving construction, installation, maintenance, automation, and control panels. The company has over 2,000 employees operating out of 21 locations across North America and Trinidad.
The document announces a user conference on web GIS and new trends in GIS technology to take place in Cape Town, South Africa from May 6-8, 2014. It highlights new capabilities in web GIS, big data analysis, 3D visualization, and real-time event processing using ArcGIS software products. The document also summarizes enhancements in ArcGIS Desktop, Server, and new applications that extend GIS capabilities across organizations.
GIS is a system that captures, stores, manipulates, analyzes, manages, and presents geographical data. It merges cartography, statistical analysis, and database technology, allowing users to store, edit, analyze, share and display geographic information to make decisions. GIS can be used to map where things are located, quantities and densities of items, find what's nearby or inside a location, map changes over time, and analyze data through making maps with multiple layers of information. DeKalb County utilizes GIS for stormwater analysis and management.
The document outlines a roadmap for developing an exploration GIS strategy. It discusses conducting a pilot project, workshops, and surveys to understand the current state of GIS usage. The current state shows some GIS use for visualization and analysis, but also fragmentation of data and limited awareness and training. The vision is for a future state where all spatial data is managed according to shared standards and is integrated, high quality, and accessible across the organization using desktop, web and mobile GIS technologies. The roadmap would help the exploration organization better analyze and use spatial data to achieve its goals.
This document provides an overview of geographic information systems (GIS). It discusses the history of GIS, defines what GIS is, describes what types of geographical data are used in GIS, and outlines the key GIS processes of capture, manage, analyze and present. It also provides some examples of GIS applications such as crime mapping, hydrology and health services. The overall document provides a high-level introduction to what GIS is and how it works.
The document discusses using GIS for a bridge inventory project for the City of New Haven, CT. Key project elements included collecting location and condition data for bridges during site visits, developing a database and summary reports, prioritizing bridges, and delivering the results in a digital map format to help the city manage its bridge infrastructure. The GIS approach integrated data on bridge locations, conditions and priorities to provide a comprehensive inventory and assessment tool.
local scour is one of the most significant causes of bridges damaging and destruction, particularly on the flood time. hence determination of local scour around piers of bridges play an important role in design of bridge. In addition to the loss of lives and properties, damaged bridges lose their functions; and, lead to extra costs of maintenance. with the help of regression analysis Some equations have been obtained by different researchers using experimental
observations and field data .The goal has been to obtain an equation with fewer gaps between observed values and predicted values.
The document discusses exploration strategies and concepts, including:
- Play-based exploration (PBE) is still an effective approach but explorationists should also look more closely at undiscovered potential in known petroleum systems.
- The concept of "Close to Find" suggests focusing on carrier beds, which are often overlooked but could contain significant undiscovered resources.
- Basins in Indonesia are generally mature, so estimating remaining yet-to-find (YTF) resources is challenging with uncertainties. Looking beyond conventional structural traps to stratigraphic and other traps may help uncover more opportunities.
- A re-invented or disrupted approach considering different geological concepts and tools may be needed to make new discoveries as basins mature.
The document provides an overview of upstream oil and gas exploration and production processes in India. It discusses key steps in the exploration cycle including surveys, drilling, reservoir analysis, and production. It covers geological concepts like source rocks, migration, traps, and basin formation. Key methods are outlined, such as seismic acquisition and different trap types. The importance of inputs from geology, geophysics, geochemistry is highlighted. Drilling and production activities are also summarized. India has 26 sedimentary basins but only 7 have yielded commercial oil and gas discoveries to date.
1) OBIS aims to make biogeographic data freely available to support ocean management and conservation.
2) It has grown from 1 staff member in 2001 to include hundreds of contributing partners by 2012.
3) The number of species, datasets, and records in OBIS has increased dramatically over time but significant data gaps still remain, especially in understudied areas like the deep sea.
Geophysical logging techniques used to support environmental site remediation. Also referred to as borehole geophysical logging and geophysical well logging, the techniques support site characterization and remedial design efforts at properties with groundwater impacted by discharges of contaminants, including Superfund (CERCLA) and other sites where dense, non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) may be present in fractured bedrock and unconsolidated aquifers. The logging methods described include: Natural Gamma; Caliper; Acoustic Televiewer (ATV), also known as Acoustic Borehole Imager (ABI); Optical Televiewer (OTV), also known as Optical Borehole Imager (OBI); Electrical Resistivity, also known as Normal Resistivity; Single Point Resistance; Fluid Resistivity; Fluid Temperature; Heat Pulse Flow Meter (HPFM). Information is provided about how geophysical logs can assist in developing a Conceptual Site Model (CSM), with attention to structural geologic constraints on groundwater monitoring system design, referencing example conditions from the dipping sedimentary rocks of the Newark Basin and unconsolidated sediments of the New Jersey Coastal Plain. The presentation is meant to be of use to a wide range of investigators, including geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers and regulators responsible for site remediation.
A claim is the "backbone" of an essay. It connects all the elements of a paper and defines the purpose by containing a topic and position on that topic. A good claim unifies the writer's thoughts under one main idea and prevents the reader from asking "So what?" about the topic. More specifically, a claim is not merely a statement of fact, personal opinion, or vague generalization. It should also propose a solution or make a comparison to effectively argue a position.
This document summarizes the work of the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) to define, maintain and provide access to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). It outlines NGS's plans to replace NAD83 and NAVD88 by 2022 with new geometric and geopotenial datums based on CORS and GNSS observations to improve horizontal and vertical positional accuracy to 1 cm and 2 cm respectively. It also describes ongoing airborne gravity surveys and geoid modeling efforts to establish a new gravimetric geoid to support orthometric heights.
ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) platform that allows users to gather, organize, analyze and share spatial data. It can be used on mobile devices, desktops and the web to improve planning, operations and decision-making. ArcGIS includes basemaps, demographic and imagery data. Developers can build custom applications using ArcGIS APIs and SDKs. Esri also offers maintenance programs, training, books and professional services to support ArcGIS users.
The document discusses the evolution of geographic information systems (GIS) and their relationship to social web technologies. It provides a brief history of GIS, from early mapping efforts to modern systems created in the 1960s-1990s by ESRI. It then discusses how GIS provides data that can be used to create mashups and geospatial applications on the social web. One example discussed is extending wiki systems to allow users to geographically tag and edit map data, creating a "wikified" GIS archive. The document concludes that GIS serves as a backend for geospatial applications on the social web by allowing users to collaboratively contribute and update map layers.
Esri Ireland "ArcGIS - The Platform Story" Esri maps for Sharepoint - Nigel ...Esri Ireland
Nigel McGuirk from Esri Ireland gave a presentation on Maps for SharePoint. He began with an overview of SharePoint and the new features in Maps for SharePoint 3.0.1. He then demonstrated how to map enable and enrich SharePoint content and provided examples of mapping and analysis tools for clustering, heat maps, hot spots, and infographics. Finally, he outlined the roadmap for future improvements and took questions from the audience.
This document provides an overview of the electrical and instrumentation capabilities of GlobalEnergy Contractors. It summarizes their extensive experience providing electrical solutions for power generation and distribution, as well as instrumentation solutions for projects involving construction, installation, maintenance, automation, and control panels. The company has over 2,000 employees operating out of 21 locations across North America and Trinidad.
The document announces a user conference on web GIS and new trends in GIS technology to take place in Cape Town, South Africa from May 6-8, 2014. It highlights new capabilities in web GIS, big data analysis, 3D visualization, and real-time event processing using ArcGIS software products. The document also summarizes enhancements in ArcGIS Desktop, Server, and new applications that extend GIS capabilities across organizations.
GIS is a system that captures, stores, manipulates, analyzes, manages, and presents geographical data. It merges cartography, statistical analysis, and database technology, allowing users to store, edit, analyze, share and display geographic information to make decisions. GIS can be used to map where things are located, quantities and densities of items, find what's nearby or inside a location, map changes over time, and analyze data through making maps with multiple layers of information. DeKalb County utilizes GIS for stormwater analysis and management.
The document outlines a roadmap for developing an exploration GIS strategy. It discusses conducting a pilot project, workshops, and surveys to understand the current state of GIS usage. The current state shows some GIS use for visualization and analysis, but also fragmentation of data and limited awareness and training. The vision is for a future state where all spatial data is managed according to shared standards and is integrated, high quality, and accessible across the organization using desktop, web and mobile GIS technologies. The roadmap would help the exploration organization better analyze and use spatial data to achieve its goals.
This document provides an overview of geographic information systems (GIS). It discusses the history of GIS, defines what GIS is, describes what types of geographical data are used in GIS, and outlines the key GIS processes of capture, manage, analyze and present. It also provides some examples of GIS applications such as crime mapping, hydrology and health services. The overall document provides a high-level introduction to what GIS is and how it works.
The document discusses using GIS for a bridge inventory project for the City of New Haven, CT. Key project elements included collecting location and condition data for bridges during site visits, developing a database and summary reports, prioritizing bridges, and delivering the results in a digital map format to help the city manage its bridge infrastructure. The GIS approach integrated data on bridge locations, conditions and priorities to provide a comprehensive inventory and assessment tool.
local scour is one of the most significant causes of bridges damaging and destruction, particularly on the flood time. hence determination of local scour around piers of bridges play an important role in design of bridge. In addition to the loss of lives and properties, damaged bridges lose their functions; and, lead to extra costs of maintenance. with the help of regression analysis Some equations have been obtained by different researchers using experimental
observations and field data .The goal has been to obtain an equation with fewer gaps between observed values and predicted values.
The document discusses exploration strategies and concepts, including:
- Play-based exploration (PBE) is still an effective approach but explorationists should also look more closely at undiscovered potential in known petroleum systems.
- The concept of "Close to Find" suggests focusing on carrier beds, which are often overlooked but could contain significant undiscovered resources.
- Basins in Indonesia are generally mature, so estimating remaining yet-to-find (YTF) resources is challenging with uncertainties. Looking beyond conventional structural traps to stratigraphic and other traps may help uncover more opportunities.
- A re-invented or disrupted approach considering different geological concepts and tools may be needed to make new discoveries as basins mature.
The document provides an overview of upstream oil and gas exploration and production processes in India. It discusses key steps in the exploration cycle including surveys, drilling, reservoir analysis, and production. It covers geological concepts like source rocks, migration, traps, and basin formation. Key methods are outlined, such as seismic acquisition and different trap types. The importance of inputs from geology, geophysics, geochemistry is highlighted. Drilling and production activities are also summarized. India has 26 sedimentary basins but only 7 have yielded commercial oil and gas discoveries to date.
1) OBIS aims to make biogeographic data freely available to support ocean management and conservation.
2) It has grown from 1 staff member in 2001 to include hundreds of contributing partners by 2012.
3) The number of species, datasets, and records in OBIS has increased dramatically over time but significant data gaps still remain, especially in understudied areas like the deep sea.
Geophysical logging techniques used to support environmental site remediation. Also referred to as borehole geophysical logging and geophysical well logging, the techniques support site characterization and remedial design efforts at properties with groundwater impacted by discharges of contaminants, including Superfund (CERCLA) and other sites where dense, non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) may be present in fractured bedrock and unconsolidated aquifers. The logging methods described include: Natural Gamma; Caliper; Acoustic Televiewer (ATV), also known as Acoustic Borehole Imager (ABI); Optical Televiewer (OTV), also known as Optical Borehole Imager (OBI); Electrical Resistivity, also known as Normal Resistivity; Single Point Resistance; Fluid Resistivity; Fluid Temperature; Heat Pulse Flow Meter (HPFM). Information is provided about how geophysical logs can assist in developing a Conceptual Site Model (CSM), with attention to structural geologic constraints on groundwater monitoring system design, referencing example conditions from the dipping sedimentary rocks of the Newark Basin and unconsolidated sediments of the New Jersey Coastal Plain. The presentation is meant to be of use to a wide range of investigators, including geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers and regulators responsible for site remediation.
This document summarizes a geochemical analysis of the Torok Formation in Slope Mountain, Alaska. Samples were collected from two locations, SM1 and SM2, and analyzed using XRD and XRF techniques to determine changing depositional conditions. Correlations between the sites were identified by matching uranium and organic material peaks. Enrichment factors showed uranium, vanadium, and nickel accumulated at similar rates, indicating an oxic-suboxic depositional environment. Correlations between enrichment factors and organic content further supported this depositional interpretation.
This document provides an overview of offshore oil and gas production processes. It discusses the key steps of exploration, production, processing, and transportation. For production, it describes how crude oil and gas are formed from ancient biomass and become trapped in underground reservoirs. The processing section outlines the main operations at an offshore platform, including hydrocarbon separation, gas processing, oil and gas export, water treatment, and utilities. It provides a schematic of an offshore process complex and details the multi-stage separation and treatment of wellstream components.
The Geomorphology of Dunes Along the Western Shoreline of Lake Michigan: Diss...SERC at Carleton College
This document summarizes research on the geomorphology of dunes along the western shoreline of Lake Michigan. It describes the study areas around Clark Lake, Kangaroo Lake, and Europe Lake, including dune sizes and spacing. Methods used in the research are outlined, such as the use of LiDAR, ground penetrating radar, particle size analysis, and optically stimulated luminescence dating. Optical dating results from samples are presented. The document discusses disseminating the findings in the classroom and provides potential assignment topics.
This study examines the source rock potential of the Torquay Formation in southern
Saskatchewan using high resolution Rock-Eval pyrolysis and organic petrography on core samples.
The study finds that while two thin organic rich zones exist, the Torquay Formation has limited
source potential due to low total organic carbon values below 1 wt.%, hydrogen index below 250,
and low thermal maturity. The organic matter is Type II-III kerogen with some Type IV, suggesting
reworked or oxidized organic material rather than in-situ accumulation. This preliminary analysis
concludes the Torquay Formation has marginal source potential in southern Saskatchewan.
This document discusses the challenges of achieving higher resolution subsurface imaging of hydrocarbons. It begins by providing context on the importance of clear subsurface imaging for resource exploration and exploitation. The main challenges to higher resolution imaging are the physical properties of rocks that obscure and complicate seismic signals, as well as limitations of instrumentation and computing power. The document then examines emerging research aimed at addressing these challenges through techniques like multicomponent seismic data collection, improved algorithms, and nanotechnology. The goal is to continuously improve subsurface images needed to optimize hydrocarbon discovery and production.
This document provides information on using CorelDraw software to draw stratigraphic sequences from well data. It discusses CorelDraw's features and history and provides instructions and examples for drawing stratigraphy, correlating between wells, and identifying changes in sea level from the lithology. Examples are given analyzing the Lower Indus Basin in Pakistan using real stratigraphic data from the area.
The document outlines an introductory training program on practical geosciences. It includes an opening speech, discussion, and coffee break on the first day. The program then covers sessions on carbonate rocks, clastic rocks, exercises using interactive workshops and games, movies on geological processes, explanatory software on plate tectonics and earthquakes, and a potential field trip to the Dammam Dome. A variety of topics are listed like carbonate and clastic facies mapping, seismic stratigraphy, and reservoir characterization. The goal is to provide background and hands-on learning to help understand key geological concepts and their application in Saudi Aramco's work.
Philip Johnson is an accomplished senior geophysicist with over 50 years of experience in acquisition, processing, interpretation, and reservoir characterization of seismic data. He has extensive experience in the Gulf of Mexico and onshore US, as well as international experience in Trinidad, Bangladesh, and China. Johnson held various roles at Amoco Production Company from 1962 to 1994 and has since worked as an independent consultant.
1st NRG Corp is an exploration and production company with assets in Colorado and Ohio. The document summarizes 1st NRG's recent drilling of the Townley 1S well in southeast Ohio, which encountered potential reservoirs in the Utica Shale, Beekmantown Dolomite, and Conasauga Formation. Analysis of samples from these formations indicated their hydrocarbon potential. The document also includes projections for production, revenues, costs, and cash flow from the Beekmantown and Conasauga formations over the next five years.
Borehole magnetic resonance (BMR) logging is an emerging technology that can characterize aquifers by measuring properties like porosity, pore size distribution, bound versus mobile water, and hydraulic conductivity. Case studies in Texas showed BMR provided more detailed information than traditional logs, identifying low-TDS zones for well screens. In Arizona, BMR estimated hydraulic conductivity was higher than slug tests and aligned better with aquifer tests. BMR can improve aquifer characterization for water resource applications like well design and modeling.
Schmidt Ocean Institute 2018 Annual ReportEric King
This document summarizes the work of the Schmidt Ocean Institute (SOI) from 2013-2018. It details SOI's use of robotic technologies like autonomous underwater vehicles and remotely operated vehicles to conduct ocean research and conservation efforts. Some key accomplishments include mapping large areas of seafloor, collecting environmental samples, tagging and tracking white sharks, and making terabytes of scientific data available online. The document demonstrates how SOI has furthered ocean exploration through technological innovation and collaboration.
Schmidt Ocean Institute 2018 Annual ReportEric Schmidt
Schmidt Ocean Institute 2018 Annual Report (Short Version)
Falkor Deep Sea Oceanography Research Conservation Eric and Wendy Schmidt
Schmidt Ocean Institute 2018 Annual ReportEric Schmidt
South_Blakey_Evolution of GIS Based Analysis ECIM Haugesund 2010
1. The Evolution of GIS
Based Analysis in
Petroleum Exploration
Bernie South & Grahame Blakey, ExxonMobil International Ltd
ECIM User Conference, Haugesund, Norway
14th September 2010
2. 2
2 Contradictory Truths
Things are always better, faster, neater now than they used to be
It aint necessarily so...............
In the good old days, things were
much better than they are now
Again, not necessarily so.........
* Image Source :
3. 3
So what about GIS?
Is GIS based analysis in petroleum exploration better now, than
Things have definitely evolved thats for sure
Evolution of GIS analysis in exploration
Integration, visualisation, analysis, standards, assessment
Then vs Now are we better now?
Geoscientist vs IT Support
4. 4
GIS Integration
Geoscience applications
Petrel, OW/ SW, GeoFrame/ IESX, Kingdom, Finder, Recall etc. etc.
CAD, GPS, Google Earth, SAP
ArcGIS Server, ArcSDE, Silverlight, SharePoint, OpenSpirit
Database integration/ data models
Oracle, PetroBank, PPDM, SEGY, PODS, APDM, IHS, Tellus
Workflow integration
Regional geology, play assessment, data management, QA/ QC, asset
management dashboards
5. 5
From the Geoscience
Nature of modern petroleum geoscience
Use of Arc technology as a multi-disciplinary collaboration and
synthesis tool
Examples of useful techniques
Observations on the use of GIS technology in organizations
6. 6
Some Basic Concepts
Exploration for oil and gas is a 4 dimensional problem
X,Y,Z, and time
At its core exploration geoscience is trying to understand the basic equation of:
Known hydrocarbon occurrence = f(geologic variables)
Petroleum geologists try to draw correlations between mapped geology and known
hydrocarbon occurrences in order to extrapolate that understanding into finding new
In industry terms, a temporal grouping of these variables is often referred to as a PLAY
(e.g. Cretaceous Reef Talus Play)
Individual mapped layers in a PLAY are referred to as PLAY ELEMENTS
hydrocarbon charge (source, maturation, migration)
Successful exploration in geoscience requires and understanding of these play elements
in both their spatial and temporal dimensions
7. 7
Simple Timing Diagram of Play Elements
400 300 200 100 Geologic Time
System Events
Rock Units
Source Rock
Reservoir Rock
Seal Rock
Trap Formation
Overburden Rock
Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic
Simple Basic Concepts
Critical Moment
8. 8
Simple Basic Concepts
Single layer mapping of the
subsurface play elements:
Source rocks
Reservoir rocks
Multiple structural horizons
Timing relationships between play
Reservoir deposition
Structuring of subsurface
Source rock maturation
Hydrocarbon migration
9. 9
Structural Geology
Stratigraphy - Sedimentology
Reservoir Quality
Basin History Modeling
Hydrocarbon Migration
Gravity - Magnetics - Remote Sensing
Plate Tectonics and Plate
Operations Geology
Petrophysics and Well Log Analysis
Greatest Challenge of all:
Integration and Synthesis
Regional Geology:
The Broadest of Geoscience Areas of Study
10. 10
GIS technology adopted into work
process by geoscience
with a variety of backgrounds
- live on screen mapping
- focused discussions
Final Product - Fully integrated geological
12 years
Pontification Session
Bernie South
Regional Geology-Assessment
19 years
Geochemistry-Basin Modeler
3 years
20 years
Regional Geology
2 years
18 years
Sheet 10 Exxon Tectonic Map of the World 1985
Common Collaboration & Synthesis
11. 11
Rio De Janeiro
Geoscientists in various
countries can expect data
organized in a consistent
and predictable manner
Exploration is a
Global Business
Company-wide -standard table structure
13 standard INFO table
structures used for ALL
company ARC-based
geoscience data sets
after Mazzo &
12. 12
The great thing about standards is there are so many to choose
The Enterprise Geodatabase
File based proprietary standards > XML > Enterprise Geodatabase
Includes data supplied by IHS its affiliated and subsidiary companies and its data partners; Copyright (2010), all rights reserved.
13. 13
Geological Map Compilation
- Company reports
- Primary data
- Published literature
All data integrated
within GIS
Geo-registered images from
reports & literature
Plate Reconstruction
map iteration
using pre-rift
reconstruction model
Oldies but Goodies:
14. 14
Ground Truthing Heritage Datasets
Enhance structural models &
improve trap count & size
Clear positional &
interpretation error
1990s paper map of structural
features (folds & thrusts)
Map of structural features
overlain on 30m Landsat
Features reinterpreted
according to Landsat Image
Continually upgrade quality of databases with new imaging technologies
15. 15
All non-digital seismic data
(.TIFF) collected from published
literature, geo-referenced and
input into virtual database
Query using ArcView hot-link
or Geodesk (EMEC proprietary
Used to constrain structural
style & trap definition/risking
Provided supplement to wells
database - variable positional
Virtual Seismic Database
16. 16
---------------- 100 Mi.
1000256 OLIGOCENE 1506 1506 -636
1000256 EOCENE EARLY STAGE 3866 3866 -2996
1000256 MAASTRICHTIAN 7758 7758 -6888
1000256 PRE-CRETACEOUS 8066 8066 -7196
1000256 TOTAL VERT DEPTH (DRIL) 8165 8165 -7295
1000256 CAMBRO-ORDOVICIAN 8066 8066 -7196
1000256 CRETACEOUS 7758 7758 -6888
1000256 EOCENE MIDDLE STAGE 2440 2440 -1570
1000257 TOTAL VERT DEPTH (DRIL) 15077 15077 -14746
1000257 CRETACEOUS 13601 13601 -13270
1000257 CAMPANIAN 14608 14608 -14277
1000257 EOCENE MIDDLE STAGE 4954 4954 -4623
1000257 MAASTRICHTIAN 13601 13601 -13270
1000257 EOCENE LATE STAGE 4639 4639 -4308
1000257 PALEOCENE 10676 10676 -10345
1000257 OLIGOCENE 2103 2103 -1772
1000258 EOCENE MIDDLE STAGE 2221 2221 -1617
1000258 TOTAL VERT DEPTH (DRIL) 7918 7918 -7314
1000258 MAASTRICHTIAN 7660 7660 -7056
1000258 EOCENE LATE STAGE 1980 1980 -1376
1000258 PALEOCENE 5753 5753 -5149
1000259 OLIGOCENE 2703 2703 -2629
1000259 EOCENE EARLY STAGE 7700 7700 -7626
1000259 EOCENE MIDDLE STAGE 6050 6050 -5976
1000259 EOCENE LATE STAGE 5565 5565 -5491
1000259 PALEOCENE 9625 9625 -9551
1000259 TOTAL VERT DEPTH (DRIL) 12230 12230 -12156
1000260 CRETACEOUS 7662 7662 -7138
1000260 MAASTRICHTIAN 7662 7662 -7138
1000260 EOCENE EARLY STAGE 3915 3915 -3391
1000260 TOTAL VERT DEPTH (DRIL) 7903 7903 -7379
1000260 EOCENE MIDDLE STAGE 2358 2358 -1834
1000260 CAMBRO-ORDOVICIAN 7772 7772 -7248
1000260 OLIGOCENE 1455 1455 -931
1000260 EOCENE LATE STAGE 2080 2080 -1556
1000260 PRE-CRETACEOUS 7772 7772 -7248
1000260 PALEOCENE 5802 5802 -5278
1000261 TOTAL VERT DEPTH (DRIL) 7856 7856 -7323
1000261 PALEOCENE 5814 5814 -5281
1000261 MAASTRICHTIAN 7653 7653 -7120
Historic Tops
Filtered, Sorted, and
Joined to coverage
Making vendor and
legacy data work for
Map Constructed from Reclassified
Control Points
Data Source : Lynx Information Systems
Data manually
Data Reclassification
Reclassified Tops
Unique List
of Tops
17. 17
Structure Grid
Grid of Well Penetration Depth
Well Depth (Points) to Grid
Grid conditional & focal mean functions
to extrapolate to 5 KM
Area of Well Penetrations Within 5 KM
Grid conditional function
- create categorical grid
Convert cat. grid to polygons
Wells with TD Information
Screening of Exploration Maturity
Includes data supplied by IHS its affiliated and subsidiary companies and its data partners; Copyright (2003), all rights reserved.
18. 18
GIS Analysis Data Flow
Field Sizes
Feature Density
Chance Oil
Play Element Risks
Features to Test
Hydrocarbon Type
Density Maps
Spatial Analysis Results
Resource by country
Resource by competitor
Resource by water depth
Resource by lease
Resource by proximity
Concession seriatims
Spatial correlation
Sensitivity Analysis
Scenario Analysis
Proximity Analysis
Automated Data Flow
20. 20
Discoveries to Date
Discoveries in 1977Discoveries in 1945
Includes data supplied by IHS its affiliated and subsidiary companies and its data partners; Copyright (2010), all rights reserved.
21. 21
Scatter Plot Matrix:
Dynamic exploration of spatial and
analytical relationships
Includes data supplied by IHS its affiliated and subsidiary companies and its data partners; Copyright (2010), all rights reserved.
22. 22
Input Data Sets Risk (derived from geologic maps)
Expected Field Size Distribution
of Remaining Resource
Oil Field
Gas Field
Dry Structure
Hood et. A, 2000
Remaining Resource Mean =
Net Risk * Number of Prospects * Avg. Field Size
23. 23
Composite Hydrocarbon
Resource Density Map
Assessment input data sets processed
spatially and analyzed with proprietary
statistical software
Output of statistical software joined to input
Hydrocarbon resource summed from
stacked multiple exploration target horizons
Composite volume normalized by polygonal
area to create hydrocarbon resource density
Seriatim of Concessions by Hydrocarbon Resource
Concession Oil Gas Condensate
A1051 375.0 3480 2.3
A953 120.5 983 1.9
A250 90.2 520 .8
A1620 61.1 101 .3
~ ~ ~ ~
Overlay of
Relating Economics to Geology
25. 25
Things We Have Learned
Grow some hybrid people
People who can bridge the gap between GIS and geology
Position GIS technology as part of important core work processes
Engage (and enable) well respected technical leaders
Demonstrate performance (easier, faster, better)
Engage management in the process of collaboration
Allow them to see the process and understand it
Be sensitive to those trying to learn GIS
Need to "save face" for these people to learn without feeling
technologically out of touch
Be realistic in your expectations for rate of change
26. 26
Things We Have Learned
Dont oversell and under-produce
- Enthusiasm is good, BUT
- Uncontrolled exuberance often gets out of hand and works against you
in the long run; marginalizing your views as those of a zealot or
Dont underestimate the inertia of the organizational culture
People are comfortable in their protected expertise niche and in many
cases resist change
Dont be a computing snob
Computing literacy remains a secondary skill in most organizations
Be aware that there will always be people who refuse to engage
- Dont spend an inordinate amount of effort here...
- Ultimately competitive pressure is much more effective than intellectual
or philosophical arguments
27. 27
In Conclusion
Like others, the geoscience community were practising spatial
analytical techniques long before the emergence of GIS technology
Colouring pencils, Mylar traces, light tables etc...
GIS was almost immediately attractive to the more enlightened
ExxonMobil was client No. 26 on ESRIs books
GIS the tools, the datasets, the user community, have come a long
way since
Definite advancements have been made but we may have also lost
(compromised) some abilities along the way
28. 28
In Conclusion
Geospatial analytical techniques now more accessible to a far wider
Underlying spatial analysis theory, techniques and tools have not really
changed that much over the last 30 years or more
Delivery mechanism has improved analysis tools are certainly more
accessible but they tend to be more black box more difficult for the
average user to get in and get down and dirty with
To deliver an effective GIS based analysis strategy requires the collaboration
of a broad church
The geoscientist, the GIS practitioner, the developer/ programmer, the data
management professional, the IT infrastructure expert, the web developer.....
Impossible to imagine practising petroleum exploration without GIS
Challenge has moved from selling the value of the technology (that battle is
largely won) to maintaining and growing the depth of understanding in the
ever evolving tools & processes
29. 29
Thank You
Any Questions ???
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