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      Crisi Coleman

            1.     Presente         12. Por & para
           2.     Ser y estar       13. To become:
           3. Gustar +             hacerse, ponerse, volv
           nouns/articles/adj         erse, llegar a ser
4.        Preterite vs imperfect   ------------------------
5.        Subj. in noun clause        2nd semester
 6.        Sub. In adj clauses
          7.     Commands
     8.     Object pronouns
           9.     Possessive
      10. Demonstrative
           11. Reflexives

   AR                     ER                      IR
   o                      o                        o
   as                     es                      es
   a                      e                        e
  amos                   emos                    imos
   叩is                    辿is                      鱈s
   an                     en                      en

Drop the infinitive ending and add the conjugation to what
it needs to be.

 Ser: to be (permanence)
         Nationality            Estar: to be (temporary)
         Profession          Location/spacial relationships
     Characteristics of                   Health
  people/generalizations       Physical states/conditions
         Possessions                Emotional states
   Material of coposition     Certain weather expressions
  Time, date, or season.     Ongoing actions- progressive
Where/when an event takes       Results of actions- past
           place.                       participles
    Expected qualities             Variable qualities

                Me/te/le/les/nos gusta/gustan
Gusta is used for items being liked that are singular. If there is a
           verb after gusta, use the verbs infinitive.
  Me gusta comer manzanas y fresas. I like to eat apples and
              Me gustan las manzanas. I like apples.
                            VERBS LIKE GUSTAR:
  fascinar, encantar, molestar, preocupar, interesar, dolar, faltar, aburri
                       r, disgustar, apetecer, etc.
        a + prepositional pronoun or a + noun = emphasize who is
                          pleased, bothered, etc.

            Preterite                            Imperfect
               辿                                    aba
              aste                                 abas
               坦                                    aba
             asteis                               叩bamos
              aron                                 abais

Both indicate the past. However, preterite is used for
past actions that are completed, meaning you cant
come back and continue to do them. Imperfect is
generally used for incomplete actions- there is no
inferred beginning or end. They could still be
happening right now.

   Alena no corre hoy. Alena is not running today. (correr)
Quiero que compres el arbol de navidad. I want you to buy the
                 christmas tree. (comprar)
        Deseo que te corres. I want you to run. (correr)

        The ending is changed to the opposite vowel.

     An adjective clause helps describe a noun in detail.
 No hay nada ahi que me guste. There is nothing there that I
Since it uses subjunctive, you flip the ending of the conjugated
                verb to that of the opposite vowel.
                              Ar- er/ir
                              Er/ir- ar

                         T炭- drop the s
          Irregulars: di, haz, ve, pon,sal, se, ten, ven
     Ud/Uds- put it in yo and change to opposite vowel.
                          irregulars- TVDISHES

Tu- put in yo, change to opposite vowel, add an s. (TVDISHES)
        Ud/Uds- same as positive Ud/Uds (irr. TVDISHES)

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Direct
 object pronouns directly receive the action of the verb.
Indirect object pronouns identify to whom or for whom an
                     action is done.

               Indirect: me te le nos os les

             Direct: me te lo/la nos os los/las

 Adjectives describe    su(s)                  os, -as)
  Pronouns take the
                   his, her, your           your (fam. pl.)
    place of nouns(formal), their            vuestro gato
      mi(s)           su gato               vuestras gatos
       my            sus gatos
    mi gato        nuestro(-a, -
   mis gatos          os, -as):
      tu(s):             our
your (fam. sing.) nuestro gato
    tu gato       nuestras gatos
                   vuestro(-a, -

se- that            ste- this            Aqu辿l- that
  辿sa                  辿sta                 Aqu辿lla
  辿sos                 辿stos                Aqu辿llos
  辿sas                 辿stas                Aqu辿lla

                  Reflexive verbs end in se.
                    to wash (non-reflexive)
                  to wash oneself (reflexive)
                   to scratch (non-reflexive)
                to scratch oneself (reflexive)
When conjugated, you conjugated the se into what it needs to
    me (e.g. me, te, le, etc.) and put it in front of the verb.
                            Te lavas
                            Le rasca

POR: Por has seven special uses: PARA: Para also has seven uses.
     General location & motion                Expresses destination
         Duration of action           Deadline or specific future destination
          Motive of action              Purpose/goal + infinitive (In order
          Object of search
                                        Purpose + noun (In order for ____)
         Translation of by
      Exchange or substitution
          Unit of Measure                     Comparison or opinion
 It is used more as for, whereas     In the employ of (she works for)
 para can mean through or by.
                                         Este libro es para mi hermana.
       Gracias por el regalo.

  hacerse, ponerse, volverse, llegar a ser: these all mean to
  Ponerse/Volverse are followed by an adjective and infer a
            change in physical or emotional state.
 Hacerse/llegar a ser are followed by a noun or an adjective
       and infer a change in something due to effort.
Mari se pone verde cuando enferma. Mari turns green when
                           she is sick.
Lleg坦 a ser muy popular a escuela. He became very popular
                           at school.

 1. Reflexive verbs
2. Future/Conditional
    3. Lo Neuter
 4. Present Perfect
5. Relative Pronouns

In reflexive construction, the subject of the verb performs and receives the action.
                                     Me te se nos les
                       Aburrir- to bore, aburrirse- to become bored
                       Acordar- to agree, acordarse- to remember
                            Comer- to eat, comerse- to eat up
                         Dormir- to sleep, dormirse- to fall asleep
                              Ir- to go, irse- to go away from
                   Quitar- to take away, quitarse- to take off (clothing)
                Parecer- to seem, parecerse (a)- to resemble, to look like

           A, de, and en added to the reflexive will make it mean about, to, of.

The Future tense is used to
indicate that something will
happen in the nearby future.                 The conditional tense is used
-辿, -叩s, -叩, -emos, -                        to indicate that a person
                                             should have, could have, or
辿is, -叩n are used for all regular            would have applied an action
verbs. THEY ARE ADDED TO THE                 (also for probably or possibly).
Comer辿- I will eat.                          鱈a
Caminaremos- we will walk.                   鱈as
saber, poner, venir, salir, hacer, de        鱈amos
cir, tener, haber, etc.
                                             鱈an are applied to the
                                             INFINITIVE IN ITS TOTALITY.

   Lo + adjective is usually translated to The adjective
        thing/part/one/style or What is adjective

 Veo lo triste que es. I see how sad it is.
Lo que quiero es tu VIDA. What I want is
                your life. ;)

         Hacer + ado/ido = (noun) HAS done the verb.
 If you are using reflexives, put the reflexive prefix IN FRONT of
                      the conjugated hacer.


                He sido triste porque mi mama es enferma
                I have been sad because my mom is sick.

Que                Quien(es)           Lo Que          Cuyo
that, which, who   Who, whom,          What, that      A relative
used when there    that                which, or the   adjective relates
is not a           Refers ONLY to      thing that.    the owner to
preposition. Add   people- often                       that which is
el or la when      used with a                         owned, as does
there IS a         preposition or                      "whose".
preposition.       the personal a.

Refers to things   Set off by       Idea/situation/p   Use it to say
or people          commas-          ast event          ______, whose
                   occasionally use                    _______ is _____
El hombre que      Lourdes, quien      Lo que quiero es La mujer, cuyo
limpia es Pedro.   estudia espa単ol     una casa en      casa es
                   es muy              Acapulco.        peque単a, tiene
                   intelegente.                         muchas gatas.

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Spanish 4 grammar book revised

  • 1. SPANISH 4 GRAMMAR BOOK Crisi Coleman
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Presente 12. Por & para 2. Ser y estar 13. To become: 3. Gustar + hacerse, ponerse, volv nouns/articles/adj erse, llegar a ser 4. Preterite vs imperfect ------------------------ 5. Subj. in noun clause 2nd semester 6. Sub. In adj clauses 7. Commands 8. Object pronouns 9. Possessive adj/pronouns 10. Demonstrative adj/pronouns 11. Reflexives
  • 3. EL PRESENTE AR ER IR o o o as es es a e e amos emos imos 叩is 辿is 鱈s an en en Drop the infinitive ending and add the conjugation to what it needs to be.
  • 4. SER Y ESTAR Ser: to be (permanence) Nationality Estar: to be (temporary) Profession Location/spacial relationships Characteristics of Health people/generalizations Physical states/conditions Possessions Emotional states Material of coposition Certain weather expressions Time, date, or season. Ongoing actions- progressive Where/when an event takes Results of actions- past place. participles Expected qualities Variable qualities
  • 5. GUSTAR + NOUNS/ARTICLES/ADJ Me/te/le/les/nos gusta/gustan Gusta is used for items being liked that are singular. If there is a verb after gusta, use the verbs infinitive. Me gusta comer manzanas y fresas. I like to eat apples and strawberries. Me gustan las manzanas. I like apples. VERBS LIKE GUSTAR: fascinar, encantar, molestar, preocupar, interesar, dolar, faltar, aburri r, disgustar, apetecer, etc. a + prepositional pronoun or a + noun = emphasize who is pleased, bothered, etc.
  • 6. PRETERITE VS IMPERFECT Preterite Imperfect 辿 aba aste abas 坦 aba amos asteis 叩bamos aron abais aban Both indicate the past. However, preterite is used for past actions that are completed, meaning you cant come back and continue to do them. Imperfect is generally used for incomplete actions- there is no inferred beginning or end. They could still be happening right now.
  • 7. SUBJ IN NOUN CLAUSES Alena no corre hoy. Alena is not running today. (correr) Quiero que compres el arbol de navidad. I want you to buy the christmas tree. (comprar) Deseo que te corres. I want you to run. (correr) The ending is changed to the opposite vowel.
  • 8. SUBJ IN ADJECTIVE CLAUSES An adjective clause helps describe a noun in detail. No hay nada ahi que me guste. There is nothing there that I like. Since it uses subjunctive, you flip the ending of the conjugated verb to that of the opposite vowel. Ar- er/ir Er/ir- ar
  • 9. COMMANDS AFFIRMATIVE T炭- drop the s Irregulars: di, haz, ve, pon,sal, se, ten, ven Ud/Uds- put it in yo and change to opposite vowel. irregulars- TVDISHES NEGATIVE Tu- put in yo, change to opposite vowel, add an s. (TVDISHES) Ud/Uds- same as positive Ud/Uds (irr. TVDISHES)
  • 10. OBJECT PRONOUNS A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Direct object pronouns directly receive the action of the verb. Indirect object pronouns identify to whom or for whom an action is done. Indirect: me te le nos os les Direct: me te lo/la nos os los/las
  • 11. POSSESSIVE ADJ/PRONOUNS Adjectives describe su(s) os, -as) nouns Pronouns take the his, her, your your (fam. pl.) place of nouns(formal), their vuestro gato mi(s) su gato vuestras gatos my sus gatos mi gato nuestro(-a, - mis gatos os, -as): tu(s): our your (fam. sing.) nuestro gato tu gato nuestras gatos tus vuestro(-a, -
  • 12. DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS se- that ste- this Aqu辿l- that 辿sa 辿sta Aqu辿lla 辿sos 辿stos Aqu辿llos 辿sas 辿stas Aqu辿lla
  • 13. REFLEXIVES Reflexive verbs end in se. lavar to wash (non-reflexive) lavarse to wash oneself (reflexive) rascar to scratch (non-reflexive) rascarse to scratch oneself (reflexive) When conjugated, you conjugated the se into what it needs to me (e.g. me, te, le, etc.) and put it in front of the verb. Te lavas Le rasca
  • 14. POR Y PARA POR: Por has seven special uses: PARA: Para also has seven uses. General location & motion Expresses destination Duration of action Deadline or specific future destination Motive of action Purpose/goal + infinitive (In order for) Object of search Purpose + noun (In order for ____) Translation of by Recipient Exchange or substitution Unit of Measure Comparison or opinion It is used more as for, whereas In the employ of (she works for) para can mean through or by. Este libro es para mi hermana. Gracias por el regalo.
  • 15. TO BECOME hacerse, ponerse, volverse, llegar a ser: these all mean to become. Ponerse/Volverse are followed by an adjective and infer a change in physical or emotional state. Hacerse/llegar a ser are followed by a noun or an adjective and infer a change in something due to effort. Mari se pone verde cuando enferma. Mari turns green when she is sick. Lleg坦 a ser muy popular a escuela. He became very popular at school.
  • 16. 2ND SEMESTER 1. Reflexive verbs 2. Future/Conditional 3. Lo Neuter 4. Present Perfect 5. Relative Pronouns
  • 17. REFLEXIVE VERBS In reflexive construction, the subject of the verb performs and receives the action. Me te se nos les Aburrir- to bore, aburrirse- to become bored Acordar- to agree, acordarse- to remember Comer- to eat, comerse- to eat up Dormir- to sleep, dormirse- to fall asleep Ir- to go, irse- to go away from Quitar- to take away, quitarse- to take off (clothing) Parecer- to seem, parecerse (a)- to resemble, to look like A, de, and en added to the reflexive will make it mean about, to, of.
  • 18. FUTURE & CONDITIONAL The Future tense is used to indicate that something will happen in the nearby future. The conditional tense is used -辿, -叩s, -叩, -emos, - to indicate that a person should have, could have, or 辿is, -叩n are used for all regular would have applied an action verbs. THEY ARE ADDED TO THE (also for probably or possibly). INFINITIVE IN ITS TOTALITY. Comer辿- I will eat. 鱈a Caminaremos- we will walk. 鱈as Irregulars: 鱈a saber, poner, venir, salir, hacer, de 鱈amos cir, tener, haber, etc. 鱈ais 鱈an are applied to the INFINITIVE IN ITS TOTALITY.
  • 19. LO NEUTER Lo + adjective is usually translated to The adjective thing/part/one/style or What is adjective Veo lo triste que es. I see how sad it is. Lo que quiero es tu VIDA. What I want is your life. ;)
  • 20. PRESENT PERFECT Hacer + ado/ido = (noun) HAS done the verb. If you are using reflexives, put the reflexive prefix IN FRONT of the conjugated hacer. He Has Ha Han Hemos He sido triste porque mi mama es enferma I have been sad because my mom is sick.
  • 21. RELATIVE PRONOUNS Que Quien(es) Lo Que Cuyo that, which, who Who, whom, What, that A relative used when there that which, or the adjective relates is not a Refers ONLY to thing that. the owner to preposition. Add people- often that which is el or la when used with a owned, as does there IS a preposition or "whose". preposition. the personal a. Refers to things Set off by Idea/situation/p Use it to say or people commas- ast event ______, whose occasionally use _______ is _____ que. El hombre que Lourdes, quien Lo que quiero es La mujer, cuyo limpia es Pedro. estudia espa単ol una casa en casa es es muy Acapulco. peque単a, tiene intelegente. muchas gatas.