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Speaking: Accuracy to Fluency

     Gerard McLoughlin

Barcelona, February 17th , 2012
Speaking acc flu
           Michael McCarthy Universityof Nottingham, UK

   <CANDIDATE 01>Erwhen do youhavebreakfast?
   <CANDIDATE 02> I have my breakfaster at ersevenoclock.
   <CANDIDATE 01>Where do youhavebreakfast?
   <CANDIDATE 02>Er in my kitchen in my house
   <CANDIDATE 01> In whatroom?
   <CANDIDATE 02> In thekitchen.
   <CANDIDATE 01>And do youhavecoffeeor tea forbreakfast?
   <CANDIDATE 02>Er tea.
   <CANDIDATE 01>Erwhat do youeat?
   <CANDIDATE 02> I eattoastand a cupof tea.
   <CANDIDATE 01> How manydayser how many times a day do youhaveit?
   <CANDIDATE 02>Ertwo times. [4 seconds pause]
   <CANDIDATE 02>Sorry I dontunderstandyou. Repeatthesentenceplease
   . <CANDIDATE 01> How many times a day do youhavebreakfast?
   <CANDIDATE 02>One time a dayofcourse!
 <Examiner>Firstofallwedliketo know a littlebitaboutyou. Ermwhere
  do youbothlive?
 <Candidate 01> I live in (place name) in SouthKoreayes.
 <Candidate 02>And I live in (place name). Its in
  Switzerlandanditsnear Zurich.
 <Examiner> (Candidatename) how long
 <Candidate 01>Wellactually I studyEnglishmm in junior
 <Examiner>Differentclasses. Good.
  ikeabout living in this country andentertainmentandleisurefacilities
  in thisarea. [interveningtext]
 <Candidate 02>Erm I liketogoermtosee a movie
 <Candidate 01>Mm
 <Candidate 02>I see a lotofthemsinceIvebeenhereand I liketogoto
  pubs and +
 <Candidate 01>Ah
 <Candidate 02>+togetherwithfriendsand -
 <Candidate 01>-Yeah me tooactually
Disappearing dialogues
A: Did youhave a good weekend?
B: Yeah, I did, thanks. Itwasreallynice.
A: Whatdidyou do?
B: Well, I wenttovisit a friend in London.
A: Ohyes? Did youhave a good time?
B: Yes, itwasgreat. Wehad a reallygood time.
  WewentdancingonSaturday night.

息 Framework, Jones &Goldstein, Richmond 2005
A: Hi, GoodMorning.
B: Oh, Hello. How are you? WhathappenedtoyoulastFriday?
A: Yes, sorry I couldnt come toclass. I wasill.
B: Thats OK. Are youfeelingbetternow?
A: Yes, muchbetterthanks. Can yougive me
B: Yes, ofcourse. Hereyou are.
A: Great. Thanks. Illlook at themtonight.
B: OK. No problem.

息 Innovations, Dellar&Walkley, Heinle 2005
Readand Listen
D: Oh, and I saw John a coupleofdays ago.
M: Ohyes! How was he?
D: Verywell. Did you know hesgot a newgirlfriend?
M: No, I didnt. Butyou know yourbrother, he nevertells me
   anything. Haveyoumet her?
D: Yes, shewastherewhen I wenttohishouse.
M: andwhatsshelike?
D: Shesreallynice. Shesveryinteresting, sheworks in

息 Innovations, Dellar& Walker, Heinle 2005
Speaking acc flu
1 del arte de curar, claro est叩. Del suyo respectivo, otro tanto podr鱈an d

2 del Atl叩ntico pero tambi辿n del Pac鱈fico. Est叩 claro para los expertos, las academias

3 como para los que no lo son, y est叩 claro que "puede" servir para todas

4 ocurre hoy en la Espa単a de las autonom鱈as? - S鱈, claro, y la Academia no puede

5 el punto de partida es rigurosamente claro, y L叩zaro se remonta al Di叩logo de la

6 el due単o le contest坦 que bien claro estaba lo que all鱈 dec鱈a: "Capancal叩".

7 "Para los cat坦licos est叩 claro que s坦lo hay un "HeiligerVater" (el Papa), per

8 En castellano no puede estar m叩s claro que ese ambiguo "su" de "todo el mundo"

9 la palabra que lo nombra tom坦 el color del claro brillante y se form坦 con

10 s坦lamente queremos dejar claro que estos contrastes entonativos tienen en la l

Corpus data: Chunks
Two        Three          Four            Five            six

You know   I dont know   You know what   You know what   Do you know
                          I               I mean          what I mean

I mean     A lotof        Know what I     At theendofthe At
                          mean                           theendoftheda
I think    I mean I       I dont know    Do you know     Andalltherestof
                          what            what I          it

In the     I dontthink   Theendofthe     Theendoftheda Andallthatsorto
                                          y             fthing

Itwas      Do youthink    At theendof     Do youwant      I dont know
                                          me to           whatitis
// hes SHY//you know whati MEAN

//theysellJEWellery//and THAT sortofthing//

//the ROOM was//a BIT of a//MESS actually

息 From corpus toclassroom, Language use andlanguageteaching, OKeefe, McCarthy, Carter, CUP 2007
D: Oh, and I SAW JOHN a COUpleof DAYS ago.
M: Oh YES! How was HE?
D: Very WELL. Did you KNOW hesgot a NEW GIRLfriend?
M: NO, I Didnt. butyou KNOW yourBROther, he NEvertells ME
   ANYthing. haveyou MET her?
D: YES, shewas THERE when I WENT tohis HOUSE.
M: andWHATSshe LIKE?
D: Shes REALLY NICE. ShesveryINteresting, she WORKS in an
   ART GALleryandshelikesPAINting.
   Minimal response: Mm, Yeah, Lovely
   Clusters: Yeahmm, Right Fine
   Negation: Absolutelynot, Definitelynot
   Convergence: Closing/changingtopic

息 From corpus toclassroom, Language use andlanguageteaching, OKeefe, McCarthy, Carter, CUP 2007
S2: Theylookverygood
S1: Thanksforthat

S2: Theylookverygood
S1: Great
S2: Yes
S1: Fabulous
S2: Allright
S1: Okthanksforthat
S2: Okay, Cesca
S1: Cheers
S2: Bye

In a bar/caf辿

At a bus stop

In a waitingroom
Place              Openingphrase               Closingphrase

In a bar/caf辿      Isthisseat free?            Sorry,Ivegottogo

At a bus stop      Isthisthe stop forthe 27?   Thats my bus

In a waitingroom   Beenwaiting long?           Nice meeting you
 Suggestion =>

 Agree => modification/negotiation =>
  Agree/Disagree etc =>Summary

 Disagree => negotiation/new suggestion =>
  Agree/Disagree etc => Summary
Class data
Pre: you can going to walking
Post: we could go walking,

Pre: the car is difficult and drink and see the
Post: Im sorry, I dont really like it, because I
  live next to the Borne, but we could go to your
  house; thats a great idea, and we could
  make a picnic;
Function                    Exponent

Makingsuggestions             Could wegotothebeach?
                              (I think) Wecouldgotothebeach.
Agreeing                      Thats a great idea!
Disagreeing                   Imnotsure (aboutthat)
Negotiating: afteragreeing    ..andwecould/mightgoswimmingtoo
afterdisagreeing              Perhaps/Maybewecould/shouldgoto
Summarising                   So, wereallagreedto.
                              So. Weregoingto.
Daily chats

  The last time I     went out for a meal

The restaurant was    fairly basic but clean

 You should really
                      go there when you want to
                       impress visitors
The last time I    ≒
The restaurant was   ≒
 You should really   ≒
Speaking acc flu


Framework, Jones &Goldstein, Richmond
Innovations, Dellar&Walkley, Heinle
Spokenfluencyrevistited, McCarthy, EnglishProfile Journal
From corpus toclassroomLanguage use
  andLanguageteaching, OKeefe, McCarthy, Carter, CUP

 Gerard McLoughlin


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Speaking acc flu

  • 1. 2nd UAB & TESOL-SPAIN Regional event Speaking: Accuracy to Fluency Gerard McLoughlin Barcelona, February 17th , 2012
  • 3. Spokenfluencyrevisited Michael McCarthy Universityof Nottingham, UK <CANDIDATE 01>Erwhen do youhavebreakfast? <CANDIDATE 02> I have my breakfaster at ersevenoclock. <CANDIDATE 01>Where do youhavebreakfast? <CANDIDATE 02>Er in my kitchen in my house <CANDIDATE 01> In whatroom? <CANDIDATE 02> In thekitchen. <CANDIDATE 01>And do youhavecoffeeor tea forbreakfast? <CANDIDATE 02>Er tea. <CANDIDATE 01>Erwhat do youeat? <CANDIDATE 02> I eattoastand a cupof tea. <CANDIDATE 01> How manydayser how many times a day do youhaveit? <CANDIDATE 02>Ertwo times. [4 seconds pause] <CANDIDATE 02>Sorry I dontunderstandyou. Repeatthesentenceplease . <CANDIDATE 01> How many times a day do youhavebreakfast? <CANDIDATE 02>One time a dayofcourse!
  • 4. <Examiner>Firstofallwedliketo know a littlebitaboutyou. Ermwhere do youbothlive? <Candidate 01> I live in (place name) in SouthKoreayes. <Candidate 02>And I live in (place name). Its in Switzerlandanditsnear Zurich. <Examiner> (Candidatename) how long haveyoubeenstudyingEnglish? <Candidate 01>Wellactually I studyEnglishmm in junior highschoolandhighschoolforsixyearsaroundforsixyears. <Examiner>Differentclasses. Good. NowIdlikeyoutoaskeachothersomethingaboutthingsyouparticularlyl ikeabout living in this country andentertainmentandleisurefacilities in thisarea. [interveningtext] <Candidate 02>Erm I liketogoermtosee a movie <Candidate 01>Mm <Candidate 02>I see a lotofthemsinceIvebeenhereand I liketogoto pubs and + <Candidate 01>Ah <Candidate 02>+togetherwithfriendsand - <Candidate 01>-Yeah me tooactually
  • 5. Disappearing dialogues A: Did youhave a good weekend? B: Yeah, I did, thanks. Itwasreallynice. A: Whatdidyou do? B: Well, I wenttovisit a friend in London. A: Ohyes? Did youhave a good time? B: Yes, itwasgreat. Wehad a reallygood time. WewentdancingonSaturday night. 息 Framework, Jones &Goldstein, Richmond 2005
  • 6. memorise A: Hi, GoodMorning. B: Oh, Hello. How are you? WhathappenedtoyoulastFriday? A: Yes, sorry I couldnt come toclass. I wasill. B: Thats OK. Are youfeelingbetternow? A: Yes, muchbetterthanks. Can yougive me thepapersfromlastweek? B: Yes, ofcourse. Hereyou are. A: Great. Thanks. Illlook at themtonight. B: OK. No problem. 息 Innovations, Dellar&Walkley, Heinle 2005
  • 7. Readand Listen D: Oh, and I saw John a coupleofdays ago. M: Ohyes! How was he? D: Verywell. Did you know hesgot a newgirlfriend? M: No, I didnt. Butyou know yourbrother, he nevertells me anything. Haveyoumet her? D: Yes, shewastherewhen I wenttohishouse. M: andwhatsshelike? D: Shesreallynice. Shesveryinteresting, sheworks in anartgalleryandshelikespainting. 息 Innovations, Dellar& Walker, Heinle 2005
  • 9. 1 del arte de curar, claro est叩. Del suyo respectivo, otro tanto podr鱈an d 2 del Atl叩ntico pero tambi辿n del Pac鱈fico. Est叩 claro para los expertos, las academias 3 como para los que no lo son, y est叩 claro que "puede" servir para todas 4 ocurre hoy en la Espa単a de las autonom鱈as? - S鱈, claro, y la Academia no puede 5 el punto de partida es rigurosamente claro, y L叩zaro se remonta al Di叩logo de la 6 el due単o le contest坦 que bien claro estaba lo que all鱈 dec鱈a: "Capancal叩". 7 "Para los cat坦licos est叩 claro que s坦lo hay un "HeiligerVater" (el Papa), per 8 En castellano no puede estar m叩s claro que ese ambiguo "su" de "todo el mundo" 9 la palabra que lo nombra tom坦 el color del claro brillante y se form坦 con 10 s坦lamente queremos dejar claro que estos contrastes entonativos tienen en la l http://corpus.rae.es/creanet.html
  • 10. Corpus data: Chunks Two Three Four Five six You know I dont know You know what You know what Do you know I I mean what I mean I mean A lotof Know what I At theendofthe At mean theendoftheda y I think I mean I I dont know Do you know Andalltherestof what what I it In the I dontthink Theendofthe Theendoftheda Andallthatsorto y fthing Itwas Do youthink At theendof Do youwant I dont know me to whatitis
  • 11. Chunks&Fluency // hes SHY//you know whati MEAN //theysellJEWellery//and THAT sortofthing// //the ROOM was//a BIT of a//MESS actually 息 From corpus toclassroom, Language use andlanguageteaching, OKeefe, McCarthy, Carter, CUP 2007
  • 12. D: Oh, and I SAW JOHN a COUpleof DAYS ago. M: Oh YES! How was HE? D: Very WELL. Did you KNOW hesgot a NEW GIRLfriend? M: NO, I Didnt. butyou KNOW yourBROther, he NEvertells ME ANYthing. haveyou MET her? D: YES, shewas THERE when I WENT tohis HOUSE. M: andWHATSshe LIKE? D: Shes REALLY NICE. ShesveryINteresting, she WORKS in an ART GALleryandshelikesPAINting.
  • 13. Confluence Listenership Minimal response: Mm, Yeah, Lovely Clusters: Yeahmm, Right Fine Negation: Absolutelynot, Definitelynot Convergence: Closing/changingtopic 息 From corpus toclassroom, Language use andlanguageteaching, OKeefe, McCarthy, Carter, CUP 2007
  • 14. Pre-closingandclosingroutines S2: Theylookverygood S1: Thanksforthat S2: Theylookverygood S1: Great S2: Yes S1: Fabulous S2: Allright S1: Okthanksforthat S2: Okay, Cesca S1: Cheers S2: Bye
  • 16. Place Openingphrase Closingphrase In a bar/caf辿 Isthisseat free? Sorry,Ivegottogo At a bus stop Isthisthe stop forthe 27? Thats my bus In a waitingroom Beenwaiting long? Nice meeting you
  • 17. Decisionmaking Suggestion => Agree => modification/negotiation => Agree/Disagree etc =>Summary Disagree => negotiation/new suggestion => Agree/Disagree etc => Summary
  • 18. Class data Pre: you can going to walking Post: we could go walking, Pre: the car is difficult and drink and see the artists, Post: Im sorry, I dont really like it, because I live next to the Borne, but we could go to your house; thats a great idea, and we could make a picnic;
  • 19. Function Exponent Makingsuggestions Could wegotothebeach? Whydontwegotothebeach? (I think) Wecouldgotothebeach. Agreeing Thats a great idea! Disagreeing Imnotsure (aboutthat) Negotiating: afteragreeing ..andwecould/mightgoswimmingtoo afterdisagreeing Perhaps/Maybewecould/shouldgoto Summarising So, wereallagreedto. So. Weregoingto.
  • 20. Daily chats Restaurant Film Football Weekend..
  • 21. Matchingsentencehalves The last time I went out for a meal The restaurant was fairly basic but clean You should really go there when you want to impress visitors
  • 22. The last time I ≒ The restaurant was ≒ You should really ≒
  • 25. Bibliography Framework, Jones &Goldstein, Richmond Innovations, Dellar&Walkley, Heinle Spokenfluencyrevistited, McCarthy, EnglishProfile Journal 2010 From corpus toclassroomLanguage use andLanguageteaching, OKeefe, McCarthy, Carter, CUP Johnny Deppinterviewhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEa TOSRMifU HofeshScheckterinterview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_320PSjNok
  • 26. THANK YOU!!! Gerard McLoughlin gerardmcl@gmail.com