ерискинаМарина УвароваThis document outlines a student's school timetable. It notes that school is held 6 days a week from 8:15am to 10:40am, with lunch. The student's favorite day is Saturday, which has 3 lessons - Russian, Russian Speech, and Sport. The timetable then lists the daily classes for each day of the week, including subjects like Maths, English, History, and more.
настя головачёваМарина УвароваThe document describes the student's school located at 5 Parkovaya St in Krasnouralsk. Lessons start at 8:15 AM daily and include 6 classes taught by kind teachers of subjects like biology, English, design and technology, and PE. The school has classrooms, corridors, stairs, and a teacher's room. The student has friendly classmates and they are not required to wear a uniform except for PE classes. School rules include being polite, greeting teachers, arriving on time, standing when a teacher enters, not eating or drinking in class, not running in corridors, and not bringing phones or talking in class.
ерискинаМарина УвароваThis document outlines a student's school timetable. It notes that school is held 6 days a week from 8:15am to 10:40am, with lunch. The student's favorite day is Saturday, which has 3 lessons - Russian, Russian Speech, and Sport. The timetable then lists the daily classes for each day of the week, including subjects like Maths, English, History, and more.
настя головачёваМарина УвароваThe document describes the student's school located at 5 Parkovaya St in Krasnouralsk. Lessons start at 8:15 AM daily and include 6 classes taught by kind teachers of subjects like biology, English, design and technology, and PE. The school has classrooms, corridors, stairs, and a teacher's room. The student has friendly classmates and they are not required to wear a uniform except for PE classes. School rules include being polite, greeting teachers, arriving on time, standing when a teacher enters, not eating or drinking in class, not running in corridors, and not bringing phones or talking in class.
Changing perspectives maltaGerard58Gerard McLoughlin gave a presentation titled "Changing Perspectives" about trends in English language teaching. He discussed using videos and multimedia resources in the classroom to engage students and expose them to different perspectives. McLoughlin also emphasized the importance of choosing content that promotes inclusion and understanding between people from various backgrounds. He concluded by thanking the audience and expressing his hope that the talk provided a new viewpoint for educators.
Changing perspectives apac 3Gerard58The document is a presentation by Gerard McLoughlin given at an international conference in Barcelona in 2012. It discusses changing perspectives and includes quotes and phrases from various inspirational videos about disability, as well as statistics about population growth and women's issues. The presentation aims to change viewers' perspectives, as the title implies.
KrasnouralskМарина УвароваThis document provides a historical overview of the town of Krasnouralsk from yesterday to tomorrow. It discusses the town's founding with the construction of a copper plant. It then outlines several important aspects of the town including its education system with multiple schools, cultural institutions like the Palace of Culture, and public squares honoring Lenin and WWII heroes. The document also shares the results of a poll of residents about the town's history and traditions and their suggestions for improvements such as building roads, a hospital, and recreational facilities. It emphasizes that people must know their past to shape the future of their town.
Changing perspectives malta2Gerard58This document summarizes Gerard McLoughlin's presentation at the 1st ELT Malta Conference on changing perspectives in English language teaching. The presentation discussed how teachers can help students develop more open-minded perspectives by exposing them to videos that illustrate important concepts like inclusion, disability rights, and population growth. It also provided bibliographic references for course books and video clips used in the presentation. The overall message was that exposing students to these ideas can help change their worldviews for the better.
Speaking acc flu Gerard58This document provides a summary of a presentation on spoken fluency given by Gerard McLoughlin on February 17th, 2012 in Barcelona, Spain. The presentation discussed examining accuracy and fluency in speaking, including analyzing dialogues and natural conversations to identify features such as pausing, repetition, and negotiation between speakers. It also looked at how fluency can be developed through activities like role plays, daily conversations about common topics, and matching sentence halves. The presentation provided examples from language corpora and classroom materials to illustrate techniques for noticing fluency patterns.
BirthdayМарина УвароваThe document provides instructions and activities for celebrating a birthday party:
1) It lists common birthday party activities like making a cake, giving presents, lighting candles, singing songs, and dancing.
2) It then has the child match common birthday words to their definitions and fill in the blanks of sentences describing birthday preparations and celebrations.
3) The sentences filled in describe inviting friends, decorating, baking a cake, receiving gifts, lighting candles on the cake, singing, playing games, and the guests leaving after the party.
Speaking tesol 2012Gerard58 Here is my response using vague language:
I went somewhere in Europe, you know, for a holiday. I went with my family, like my parents and siblings. We stayed in a hotel or something, I can't remember exactly. We saw some sights and stuff like that. The food was kind of okay, more or less. It was nice but I don't know if I'd go back or somewhere else instead.
Top gear 2016 годМарина УвароваThe document discusses the popular BBC television show Top Gear. It provides background on the show's history, starting in 1977 as a regional motoring program that covered cars and road safety. Over time, the show evolved into an entertainment program focused on humor and pushing cars to their limits. It profiles some of the main hosts, including Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May. It also notes the show's large international popularity and discusses whether it can continue successfully without Jeremy Clarkson, who left the BBC.
Review of the filmМарина УвароваAlexander Uvarov recommends a horror film he watched. He enjoys horror films and found this one to be worth watching. He encourages others to watch it as well, promising they won't regret it.
Языковое портфолио: целесообразность его создания для обучающихсяМарина УвароваThe document discusses language portfolios and their importance for students. It begins by explaining what a portfolio is and then focuses on language portfolios. Language portfolios allow students to collect evidence of their language learning progress over time. This helps students reflect on their skills and achievements, and can be useful for applying to higher education or jobs. The document then outlines the contents of a sample student's own language portfolio, which follows the typical structure of a language passport, biography, dossier and examples of the student's work. It emphasizes that a portfolio helps motivate learning and provides official documentation of language abilities.
OUR SCHOOLМарина УвароваOur school is located at 5 Parkovaya Street in Krasnouralsk, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. It has three floors and is in a new building. Compulsory subjects include Math, Russian, History, Music, Art, Physics, English, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, PE, IT, Design and Technology, and Literature. Optional subjects include Design, Russian Speech, Math Tasks and others. The teachers are kind, clever, nice and beautiful. My favorite subject is English taught by Uvarova Marina Alexandrovna. We do not wear a uniform except for PE. The rules of the school include being polite, saying hello to teachers, arriving on time, standing up when a
What can we do to help the Earth?Марина УвароваOur Earth is a beautiful home for living beings, but pollution, deforestation, damage to the ozone layer, and global warming are threatening the environment. International organizations are working to preserve the environment, but individuals must also do their part by reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling. The document encourages readers to consider what they can do to help the environment, such as reducing energy and water use, reusing containers, and recycling materials like paper, plastic, and glass.
The united kingdom of great britain and northern.Марина УвароваThis document provides information about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It discusses the UK's constituent countries of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It also mentions the British Isles, Europe, and the world map as broader geographical contexts and was created by Uvarova M.A.
красноуральскМарина УвароваThe document is a student's abstract about the town of Krasnouralsk where they live. It provides a history of the town from its founding in 1931 around copper mining. It describes how the town has changed over time with a peak population of 40,000 in the 1970s compared to around 25,000 currently. It outlines the current industries and culture, including schools, libraries, and sports facilities. It discusses some famous citizens and traditions. It also provides the student's views on plans for the future development of the town, such as adding theaters, cinemas, and activities for youth to address issues like drugs and crime.
кондратьевМарина УвароваAlexander Kondratiev shares his weekly timetable. He attends school 6 days a week from 8:15am, with classes in main subjects like math, Russian, English, and PE. His favorite day is Tuesday which includes IT, math, Russian, English, and PE. He especially enjoys math as it challenges him to think, making it his favorite subject. The timetable then lists his daily class schedule.
трифонова моя школаМарина УвароваMy school is located at 5 Parkovaya Street in Krasnouralsk. It is a state school housed in a beautiful building. Students must follow rules such as being polite, greeting teachers, arriving on time, standing when a teacher enters, and not eating, drinking, running, or using phones in class. Lessons start early at 8:15 and each lasts 40 minutes. The corridors are large, light and long. The teacher and classmates are kind. History is the favorite subject, taught by Nataliya Alexandrovna Khomenkova.
2. «Если Вы хотите,чтобы звезды стали ближе, надо поднять глаза к небу.Вы будете потрясены тем, что увидите, и Вас ждет много замечательных открытий».Мишель Тонини, космонавт.
3. Люди давно мечтали узнать, что делается там, высоко над Землей, в космосе. Сказки и легенды говорят о том, что человек, подобно птице, мог парить в воздухе. Находились и жизни смельчаки, которые пытались летать с помощью искусственных крыльев.
4. 4 октября 1957 годав Советском Союзе был запущен первый в мире спутник Земли. Он преодолел земное притяжение и вышел на орбиту.«Я здесь, я лечу!»
12. А в 1969 году человек впервые ступил на Луну. Это были американские астронавты.
13. Коснувшись ногой Луны, один из первых астронавтов Нил Армстронг говорил:«Этот маленький шаг одного человека означает гигантский прыжок всего человечества!»
14. «Мы походили на пятилетних мальчишек в кондитерской лавке. У нас разбегались глаза. Надо было так много сделать!»
15. В 1971 году наша страна создала первую постоянную орбитальную станцию «Салют».