М?н?мальн? стандарти водопостачання, санзабезпечення та сприяння дотриманню г?г??ни
Мар?я Мацепа, спец?ал?ст з питань мон?торингу ? оц?нки, Дитячий фонд ООН (ЮН?СЕФ)
для сем?нару "Стандарти гуман?тарно? допомоги", що в?дбувся 27-28 серпня у м. Ки?в?
Minimum standards in shelter, settlement and non-food items
Laura Heykoop, ERP - Shelter Coordinator, Save the Children, skype presentation
for training ?Standards of Humanitarian Aid? (27-28 Aug 2014, Ukraine)
The document summarizes the Sphere Project, which establishes minimum standards for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in humanitarian responses. It provides an overview of the Sphere Handbook, including its core beliefs of the right to assistance and alleviating human suffering. The minimum standards cover WASH, food, shelter and health. Each WASH standard addresses key areas like hygiene promotion, water supply, excreta disposal, and provides minimum requirements, key actions, indicators and guidance notes.
The document discusses the WASHCost project, which aims to determine the true cost of water, sanitation, and hygiene services in developing countries. It outlines the need for the project, its goals of establishing standardized service ladders and collecting cost data. The WASHCost project is being conducted over five years in four countries - India, Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Mozambique - through partnerships with in-country organizations.
A summary of the new online Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Project Portal developed by the UNISDR Asia Partnership on Disaster Reduction to collect details of all DRR projects being implemented throughout Asia and the Pacific.
The document provides an overview of the Sphere Project, which establishes minimum standards for humanitarian response. It describes the Sphere handbook's structure, including the Humanitarian Charter, standards common to all sectors, and technical chapters with minimum standards, key indicators, and guidance notes. The standards are based on extensive consultation and aim to put principles and values into action. The handbook is needed due to increasing humanitarian crises and actors, and to ensure quality and accountability.
This presentation was given by Telesforo Laplana of Plan Philippines
Step by Step Guide sa Disaster Management:
1. Rapid Assessment Form
2. Camp Management Checklist
3. Psychosocial Response
4. Sphere Standards
Кодекс повед?нки М?жнародного руху Червоного Хреста ? Червоного П?вм?сяця ? неурядових орган?зац?й (НУО) при наданн? допомоги у випадку стих?йних лих ? катастроф
Eugene Sienkiewicz, Disaster Management Delegate, IFRC in Ukraine
для сем?нару "Стандарти гуман?тарно? допомоги", що в?дбувся 27-28 серпня 2014 р., у м. Ки?в?
М?н?мальн? стандарти продовольчо? безпеки та харчування. Харчування д?тей грудного та молодшого в?ку
Валер?я Таран, кер?вник проект?в з питань здоров’я та розвитку д?тей, ЮН?СЕФ
Юл?я Савель?ва, член ком?тету радник?в М?жнародно? д?? у сфер? дитячого харчування (International Baby Food Аction Network - IBFAN), голова групи IBFAN-Суми
для сем?нару "Стандарти гуман?тарно? допомоги", що в?дбувся 27-28 серпня 2014 р., м. Ки?в
Minimum standards for child protection in the humanitarian crises: general standards for children and psycho-social aid
Caroline Veldhuizen, Child Protection in Emergencies, Advisor for Save the Children Sweden
for training ?Standards of Humanitarian Aid? (27-28 Aug 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Фотозв?т п?дготовлений в рамках мон?торингу "Дотримання прав дитини в приймальниках-розпод?льниках для д?тей".
У закладах перебувають д?ти:
- в?ком в?д 11 до 18 рок?в д?ти, як? в контакт? з законом (вчинили правопорушення, втекли з дому, тощо)
- в?ком в?д 3 до 18 рок?в д?ти без супроводу з кра?н СНД, як? повертаються в кра?ну пост?йного проживання.
В приймальниках-розпод?льниках передбачений пост?йний нагляд за дитиною, в б?льшост? заклад?в д?ти позбавленн? власних речей, в деяких приймальниках-розпод?льниках косметичний ремонт був зд?йснений за кошти сп?вроб?тник?в.
Детальн?ше http://wcu-network.org.ua/ua/defence-rights/news/Koalcja_Prava_ditini_v_Ukrain_priimalniki-rozpodlniki_porushujut_prava_ditini_al
The document summarizes a gender monitoring report of the 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary elections. It finds that women remain underrepresented in Ukrainian politics, holding only 8% of parliamentary seats. International organizations have urged Ukraine to take measures to increase women's representation. However, most political parties in the 2012 elections offered only 10-20% women candidates. The report analyzed parties' programs and candidate lists, finding some parties did better than others at representing women. It also monitored regional representation and found significant gender disparities across Ukraine's regions.
Гендерний портрет Волинсько? област? (2010) - п?дготовлений ВООГО ?В?дкрите сусп?льство? на замовлення Управл?ння у справах с?м'? та молод? В?нницько? ОДА. Консультант-упорядник Стецюра К.О.
1. Соц?ально-демограф?чн? показники (у розр?з? статей)
1.1. Розм?щення та склад населення
1.2. Демограф?чн? процеси ? в?дтворення населення
1.3. Соц?ально-культурн? показники (осв?та та здоров’я)
2. Економ?чн? показники
3. Пол?тичн? показники
4. Досл?дження су?цидально? повед?нки
5. Результати мон?торингу ЗМ?, 2009 р.
6. Висновки та рекомендац??
Article review by Liben Tsegaye |PhD student in DRMD , AAU|EGCDWO
This article review critically assesses a study on the decentralization of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Ethiopia, focusing on the Oromia region. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the article's methodology, findings, and policy implications, as well as to offer recommendations for further research. The method for the review was content and comparative analysis. The article employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative content analysis and quantitative statistical tools such as STATA version 14 to analyze data from government representatives. Major findings reveal that while decentralization of DRM is better understood at higher administrative levels, its effectiveness is limited due to challenges in training, technology, collaboration, and local capacity. The article highlights that administrative decentralization is more effective than fiscal or political decentralization. However, the research has notable weaknesses, including a limited sample size and reliance on participants' opinions rather than objective indicators measurement, leading to superficial findings. The review suggests that the research methodology could be improved with secondary data and a case study approach to gain a more comprehensive understanding of DRM decentralization. Recommendations for further research are made, emphasizing the need for a more robust analysis and actionable policy guidance.
Keywords: Disaster Risk Management, Decentralization, Awareness,
ARCGIS Storymaps: Redefining Communication: Empowering Hamilton to create impactful, accessible, and engaging digital resources. CityLAB Hamilton-Fall 2024 Semester in Residence
Кодекс повед?нки М?жнародного руху Червоного Хреста ? Червоного П?вм?сяця ? неурядових орган?зац?й (НУО) при наданн? допомоги у випадку стих?йних лих ? катастроф
Eugene Sienkiewicz, Disaster Management Delegate, IFRC in Ukraine
для сем?нару "Стандарти гуман?тарно? допомоги", що в?дбувся 27-28 серпня 2014 р., у м. Ки?в?
М?н?мальн? стандарти продовольчо? безпеки та харчування. Харчування д?тей грудного та молодшого в?ку
Валер?я Таран, кер?вник проект?в з питань здоров’я та розвитку д?тей, ЮН?СЕФ
Юл?я Савель?ва, член ком?тету радник?в М?жнародно? д?? у сфер? дитячого харчування (International Baby Food Аction Network - IBFAN), голова групи IBFAN-Суми
для сем?нару "Стандарти гуман?тарно? допомоги", що в?дбувся 27-28 серпня 2014 р., м. Ки?в
Minimum standards for child protection in the humanitarian crises: general standards for children and psycho-social aid
Caroline Veldhuizen, Child Protection in Emergencies, Advisor for Save the Children Sweden
for training ?Standards of Humanitarian Aid? (27-28 Aug 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Фотозв?т п?дготовлений в рамках мон?торингу "Дотримання прав дитини в приймальниках-розпод?льниках для д?тей".
У закладах перебувають д?ти:
- в?ком в?д 11 до 18 рок?в д?ти, як? в контакт? з законом (вчинили правопорушення, втекли з дому, тощо)
- в?ком в?д 3 до 18 рок?в д?ти без супроводу з кра?н СНД, як? повертаються в кра?ну пост?йного проживання.
В приймальниках-розпод?льниках передбачений пост?йний нагляд за дитиною, в б?льшост? заклад?в д?ти позбавленн? власних речей, в деяких приймальниках-розпод?льниках косметичний ремонт був зд?йснений за кошти сп?вроб?тник?в.
Детальн?ше http://wcu-network.org.ua/ua/defence-rights/news/Koalcja_Prava_ditini_v_Ukrain_priimalniki-rozpodlniki_porushujut_prava_ditini_al
The document summarizes a gender monitoring report of the 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary elections. It finds that women remain underrepresented in Ukrainian politics, holding only 8% of parliamentary seats. International organizations have urged Ukraine to take measures to increase women's representation. However, most political parties in the 2012 elections offered only 10-20% women candidates. The report analyzed parties' programs and candidate lists, finding some parties did better than others at representing women. It also monitored regional representation and found significant gender disparities across Ukraine's regions.
Гендерний портрет Волинсько? област? (2010) - п?дготовлений ВООГО ?В?дкрите сусп?льство? на замовлення Управл?ння у справах с?м'? та молод? В?нницько? ОДА. Консультант-упорядник Стецюра К.О.
1. Соц?ально-демограф?чн? показники (у розр?з? статей)
1.1. Розм?щення та склад населення
1.2. Демограф?чн? процеси ? в?дтворення населення
1.3. Соц?ально-культурн? показники (осв?та та здоров’я)
2. Економ?чн? показники
3. Пол?тичн? показники
4. Досл?дження су?цидально? повед?нки
5. Результати мон?торингу ЗМ?, 2009 р.
6. Висновки та рекомендац??
Article review by Liben Tsegaye |PhD student in DRMD , AAU|EGCDWO
This article review critically assesses a study on the decentralization of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Ethiopia, focusing on the Oromia region. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the article's methodology, findings, and policy implications, as well as to offer recommendations for further research. The method for the review was content and comparative analysis. The article employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative content analysis and quantitative statistical tools such as STATA version 14 to analyze data from government representatives. Major findings reveal that while decentralization of DRM is better understood at higher administrative levels, its effectiveness is limited due to challenges in training, technology, collaboration, and local capacity. The article highlights that administrative decentralization is more effective than fiscal or political decentralization. However, the research has notable weaknesses, including a limited sample size and reliance on participants' opinions rather than objective indicators measurement, leading to superficial findings. The review suggests that the research methodology could be improved with secondary data and a case study approach to gain a more comprehensive understanding of DRM decentralization. Recommendations for further research are made, emphasizing the need for a more robust analysis and actionable policy guidance.
Keywords: Disaster Risk Management, Decentralization, Awareness,
ARCGIS Storymaps: Redefining Communication: Empowering Hamilton to create impactful, accessible, and engaging digital resources. CityLAB Hamilton-Fall 2024 Semester in Residence
Realized capital gains were historically high in 2021. CBO examined the significance of capital gains in different segments of the income distribution and how those gains have contributed to income inequality over time.
The Minimalist Marketer – How Nonprofits Can Do More with Less slides Julia.pdfJulia Campbell
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The Future of Open Streets Hamilton-Envisioning routesCityLABHamilton
Sphere wash
AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD at www.sphereproject.org/ OR Contact UNICEF who can provide an
electronic copy in Russian.
EDITED Highlights of WASH section: