This document contains the lesson plan for an English class in Kazakhstan about traveling to Central Asia. The lesson aims to develop students' speaking skills about traveling and introduce them to countries in Central Asia. The plan includes warm-up activities like checking homework, phonetic drills, and exercises practicing new vocabulary from a reading on things to do in Central Asia. Students will then discuss pictures of different types of travel, write a letter imagining a holiday, and be given homework before marks are handed out.
Central asia powerpoint editable continent map with countries templates slides際際滷
The document is a map of Central Asia showing the countries of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. All countries on the map can be individually colored and edited. Text or labels can be added to any part of the map.
Open lesson everything is good in its season亶弍亠从 舒仆亟勹仍
This document provides a lesson plan for teaching 5th form students about seasons. The lesson aims to introduce and practice vocabulary describing seasons, develop students' oral speech using questioning, and develop thinking and imagination. The plan outlines introducing new vocabulary, doing exercises, evaluation, homework assignment, and conclusion. Key elements include phonetic drills of seasons, asking students questions about their favorite season and weather where they live, putting students into groups to learn words associated with each season, puzzles to review vocabulary, and a crossword with weather words.
This document provides a lesson plan for teaching weather and seasons to students with limited abilities. The lesson plan aims to develop students' phonetic skills, movement control through games, and social-emotional skills like responsibility and self-worth. Key activities include a phonetic drill of weather-related words, introducing new vocabulary, singing songs about the weather, and doing physical exercises. Students are assigned homework to learn a song and new words for next time.
1. 丐亠仄舒 仂从舒: 束Sport is fun損
1. 于亠亳 仆仂于 仍亠从亳从 仗仂 亠仄亠 束Sport損; 舒亳亳 亰仆舒仆亳 舒亳 仂 于亳亟舒
仗仂亳于仆 亳亞 亳 亳 亰仆舒亠仆亳亳 于 亢亳亰仆亳 亠仍仂于亠从舒;
2. 弌仗仂仂弍于仂于舒 舒亰于亳亳 仍ミ頴笑経出委亠仍仆仂亳, 亠亠于仂亶 亟仂亞舒亟从亳, 磶从仂于 仆舒于从仂于
仆仂亶 亳 仗亳仄亠仆仆仂亶 亠亳 仆舒 亳仆仂舒仆仆仂仄 磶从亠;
3. 仂仗亳于舒 于舒亢亳亠仍仆仂亠 仂仆仂亠仆亳亠 从 仍ミ観礆, 亰舒仆亳仄舒ム亳仄 仗仂仂仄
丐亳仗 仂从舒: 亳亰亠仆亳亠 仆仂于仂亞仂 仄舒亠亳舒仍舒.
亠仂亟 亳 仗亳亠仄: 弍亠亠亟舒, 仂弍仆亠仆亳亠, 仍仂于亠仆仂亠 仗仂仂亠仆亳亠, 亳亞仂于亠, 仆舒亞仍磲仆亠.
舒亞仍磲仆仂 亳 仂弍仂亟仂于舒仆亳亠: 亟仂从舒, 仗仂亠从仂, 从舒仆, 仍舒亶亟 亳亰仂弍舒亢亠仆亳礆亳,
仄亠仍仂于亠 亰舒仗亳亳, 亰舒仗亳 仗亠仆亳 仆舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 磶从亠 亟仍 亳亰.仄亳仆从亳, 从舒仂从亳
亳亰仂弍舒亢亠仆亳亠仄 仍舒亞仂于 舒亰舒舒仆舒 亳 亠仍亳从仂弍亳舒仆亳亳.
亅舒仗 亠亠仍仆仂 亳亠仍 亳 舒亳
I. 亞舒仆亳亰舒亳
仆舒舒仍舒 仂从舒.
II. 从舒仍亳亰舒亳
III. 仂舒仆仂于从舒
亠仍亠亶 亳 亰舒亟舒.
IV. 亰亠仆亳亠
仆仂于仂亞仂 仄舒亠亳舒仍舒.
1.亠亠亟舒 仂 仗仂亠.
- Good morning pupils. Im glad to see you, sit down please.
T: How are you today?
P1: Im OK thank you.
T: How are you today?
P2: Im brilliant, thank you.
Well, now look at the screen. There is a poem on it.
First I read and you listen to me very attentively:
Sport is fun for boys and girls.
Its much better than the toys.
You can sledge, and ski, and skate,
And play snowballs with Kate.
2. 2. 亰亠仆亳亠 仆仂于仂亶
3. 个亳亰.仄亳仆从舒
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run.
You can have a lot of fun!
- Now read it all together after me by one line please (仂仂仄 仗仂于仂ム
亰舒 仄仆仂亶). Very well. Now read it one by one by one line, begin please.
Great! So, lets try to translate this poem (仗仂仄仂亞舒 仗亠亠于仂亟亳). What
3. is the theme of our lesson?
- Sport and sport games.
Yes, you are right! The theme of our lesson is 束Sport is fun損
Today well speak about sports, competitions and learn new words.
-舒从 于 亢亠 仆舒于亠仆仂亠 仍舒仍亳, 于 2013 亞仂亟 于 仆舒亠亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亠
仂亢亳亟舒亠 仂亠仆 于舒亢仆仂亠 仗仂亳于仆仂亠 仂弍亳亠. 丼仂 仂 亰舒 仂弍亳亠?
-丕仆亳于亠亳舒亟舒 于 舒亰舒仆亳.
- You are quite right. 仂 弍亟亠 舒于仂于舒 于 仂仄 仂亠于仆仂于舒仆亳亳 亳
从舒从仂于舒 亠亞仂 亠仍?
-弌亟亠仆 亳亰 舒亰仆 舒仆. 弌仗仍仂亳 仆舒仂亟, 仗仂亟亟亠亢亳于舒
亰亟仂仂于亶 亟 于 亠仍亠 亳 .亟.
-丱仂仂仂. 仂仄仂亳亠 仗仂亢舒仍亶舒 仆舒 仍舒亞 丕仆亳于亠亳舒亟. What
words are written there?
-Universiade, Kazan, 2013, Russia.
-Translate them please.
- 丕仆亳于亠亳舒亟舒, 舒亰舒仆, 2013 亞仂亟, 仂亳.
-What do those five stars mean?
- Five continents.
-Yes! You are quite right! Lets name them.
- Blue star is Europe, yellow star is Asia, black star is Africa, green star
is Australia, red star is America.
-Very well. Now lets answer this question. Sasha, read and translate the
question please.
4. - There are lots of different kinds of sports.
What are they? 仄仆仂亞仂 舒亰仆 于亳亟仂于 仗仂舒. 舒从亳亠?
-丐亠仆仆亳, 弍仂仍, 仗仍舒于舒仆亳亠, 仗亢从亳 于 亟仍亳仆 亳.亟.
-舒于舒亶亠 仗仂仄仂亳仄 仆舒 从舒亳仆从亳, 于亠 仍亳 于亳亟 仗仂舒 于 仆舒亰于舒仍亳?
-Now you are going to listen to English names of these sports. Dont
forget to repeat them aloud. They will be written on the screen. Be
5. 4. 亰亟仂仂于仂仄 亠仍亠
亰亟仂仂于亶 亟.
5. 弌仗仂 于
亳舒仆亳亳 亳 仂亳亳
仗舒仆亠 于亳亟
Very good. Now lets do an exercise and write down the new words in
your dictionaries. Look at these pictures and names. Whats on the first
- The first picture is basketball.
- You are right. Write down this word in your dictionaries with
translation. Next, whats on the second picture?
- The second picture is football.
Are you tired? Lets have a rest, stand up please and sing a song If you
are happy
6. V. 仂亟于亠亟亠仆亳亠
VI.仆仂仄舒亳 仂
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you're happy and you know it, And you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet.
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet.
If you're happy and you know it, And you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet.
If you're happy and you know it, slap your knees.
If you're happy and you know it, slap your knees.
If you're happy and you know it, And you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it, slap your knees.
If you're happy and you know it, shake your hands.
If you're happy and you know it, shake your hands.
If you're happy and you know it, And you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it, shake your hands.
If you're happy and you know it, do all three.
If you're happy and you know it, do all three.
If you're happy and you know it, And you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it, do all three.
-Now, look at the blackboard. You see an English proverb. Natasha,
read please. Have you recognized the Russian proverb?
- 亰亟仂仂于仂仄 亠仍亠 亰亟仂仂于亶 亟.
-丱仂仂仂. 舒从 于 仗仂仆亳仄舒亠亠 仗仂仍仂于亳? 仂仍亠亰亠仆 仍亳 仗仂?
于舒亠 仍亳 仂仆 于亠亟亠仆 亟仍 仂亞舒仆亳亰仄舒?
-丼亠仍仂于亠从, 从仂仂亶 亰舒仆亳仄舒亠 仗仂仂仄, 仄亠仆亠 弍仂仍亠亠. 仂 仄仂亢仆仂
仗仂仍亳 舒亰仆亠 仗仂于亠亢亟亠仆亳 于仂 于亠仄 亰舒仆亳 仗仂仂仄.
7. -Right. Have a look at this table. What is pros and cons?
-束舒 亳 仗仂亳于損
-Lets read them and translate. Are you agree?
There are two more questions. Nadia, read and translate the first one
please. And the second.
-舒从亳亠 于亳亟 仗仂舒 仗仂仗仍仆 于 亳舒仆亳亳? 仂亳亳?
-丱仂从从亠亶, 弍仂仍, 亠仆仆亳, 亞仂仍 亳 .亟.
-丱仂仂仂. 仆舒于亠仆仂亠 亢亠 亰舒仄亠亳仍亳, 仂 仆舒 于舒亳 仗舒舒 仍亠亢舒
仄亳仆亳舒ム仆亠 仍舒亞亳 亳舒仆亳亳 亳 仂亳亳. 仂亰仄亳亠 亳, 仂仆亳
仗仂仆舒亟仂弍 亟仍 仍亠亟ム亠亞仂 亰舒亟舒仆亳. 亊 弍亟 仗仂从舒亰于舒 于舒仄 于亳亟
仗仂舒, 于舒舒 亰舒亟舒舒 仗仂亟仆 仍舒亞 仂亶 舒仆, 于 从仂仂仂亶 仂 于亳亟
仗仂舒 仗仂仗仍亠仆 亳 仆舒亰于舒 亠亞仂 仗仂-舒仆亞仍亳亶从亳. 仂亞 弍 亳 舒从亳亠
于亳亟 仗仂舒, 从仂仂亠 仗仂仗仍仆 于 仂弍亠亳 舒仆舒.
仂仂于? 丐仂亞亟舒 仆舒亳仆舒亠仄!
-Great. What three groups we can divide all sports into due to the number
of players?
-Individual, team games and pair.
-Yes, you are right. Lets divide these words into 3 boxes
8. Cycling, cricket, table tennis, aerobics, tennis, skiing, chess, running,
hockey, rugby, figure skating, swimming, baseball, boxing.
So, what did you like in our todays lesson? What new things did you
Now I want to put you marks (舒于仍 仂仄亠从亳 亰舒 舒弍仂 仆舒 仂从亠).
Please open your record books and write down the home task .Your
home task will be to learn new words by heart.
Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good bye!