Documentingthemorantbayrebellion 110224230232-phpapp01 (1)Gailann BarryThis document provides an overview and context for 165 rare photographs from an album documenting historical events in Jamaica, India, and other locations in the 1860s. Specifically, it summarizes 59 photographs relating to the 1865 Morant Bay Rebellion in Jamaica, a violent uprising that began as peaceful protests against economic, political, and social injustices but escalated when the British military was brought in. The album and its detailed notes were likely compiled by a British Army surgeon present in Jamaica at the time. The photographs depict locations, individuals involved on both sides, and key figures considered victims or heroes of the rebellion.
NutritionChristie RickertThe six classes of nutrients are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. Carbohydrates include sugars and starches, and provide energy. Proteins are made of amino acids and are used to build and repair tissues. Fats provide long-term energy storage and insulation. Fiber is important for digestive health. A diet high in saturated fats can increase risks of obesity, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Maintaining a balanced diet and calorie intake through nutrition and exercise can influence overall health and weight.
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017DriftThinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here:
Ауыр металл иондарының соя өсімдігінің морфо-анатомиялық құрылыс ерекшеліктер...Айбек ҚуандықұлыАуыр металл иондарының соя өсімдігінің морфо-анатомиялық құрылыс ерекшеліктеріне әсері
Open lesson everything is good in its seasonАйбек ҚуандықұлыThis document provides a lesson plan for teaching 5th form students about seasons. The lesson aims to introduce and practice vocabulary describing seasons, develop students' oral speech using questioning, and develop thinking and imagination. The plan outlines introducing new vocabulary, doing exercises, evaluation, homework assignment, and conclusion. Key elements include phonetic drills of seasons, asking students questions about their favorite season and weather where they live, putting students into groups to learn words associated with each season, puzzles to review vocabulary, and a crossword with weather words.
Weather “Seasons”.Айбек ҚуандықұлыThis document provides a lesson plan for teaching weather and seasons to students with limited abilities. The lesson plan aims to develop students' phonetic skills, movement control through games, and social-emotional skills like responsibility and self-worth. Key activities include a phonetic drill of weather-related words, introducing new vocabulary, singing songs about the weather, and doing physical exercises. Students are assigned homework to learn a song and new words for next time.
"Мың бұралған бишілер» би байқауының сценарийіАйбек ҚуандықұлыАрал қаласы
№2 Облыстық арнайы мектеп – интернаты
Д.Оразгулова - қосымша білім беру педагогы
NutritionChristie RickertThe six classes of nutrients are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. Carbohydrates include sugars and starches, and provide energy. Proteins are made of amino acids and are used to build and repair tissues. Fats provide long-term energy storage and insulation. Fiber is important for digestive health. A diet high in saturated fats can increase risks of obesity, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Maintaining a balanced diet and calorie intake through nutrition and exercise can influence overall health and weight.
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017DriftThinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here:
Ауыр металл иондарының соя өсімдігінің морфо-анатомиялық құрылыс ерекшеліктер...Айбек ҚуандықұлыАуыр металл иондарының соя өсімдігінің морфо-анатомиялық құрылыс ерекшеліктеріне әсері
Open lesson everything is good in its seasonАйбек ҚуандықұлыThis document provides a lesson plan for teaching 5th form students about seasons. The lesson aims to introduce and practice vocabulary describing seasons, develop students' oral speech using questioning, and develop thinking and imagination. The plan outlines introducing new vocabulary, doing exercises, evaluation, homework assignment, and conclusion. Key elements include phonetic drills of seasons, asking students questions about their favorite season and weather where they live, putting students into groups to learn words associated with each season, puzzles to review vocabulary, and a crossword with weather words.
Weather “Seasons”.Айбек ҚуандықұлыThis document provides a lesson plan for teaching weather and seasons to students with limited abilities. The lesson plan aims to develop students' phonetic skills, movement control through games, and social-emotional skills like responsibility and self-worth. Key activities include a phonetic drill of weather-related words, introducing new vocabulary, singing songs about the weather, and doing physical exercises. Students are assigned homework to learn a song and new words for next time.
"Мың бұралған бишілер» би байқауының сценарийіАйбек ҚуандықұлыАрал қаласы
№2 Облыстық арнайы мектеп – интернаты
Д.Оразгулова - қосымша білім беру педагогы
3. Мемлекеттер
Италия Испания
рылдыҚұ 1946 жылы 2 маусым 1469 жылы (жеке уния)
1515 жылы (бірт тасұ
Ресми тілі италиян тілі испан тілі
Елорда Рим Мадрид
кімет т ріҮ ү Парламенттік
Басшысы Джорджо Наполитано
VI Филипп
Премьер- министрі Энрико Летта Мариано Рахой
Ірі алаларық Рим, Милан, Неаполь,
Турин, Генуя, Венеция,
Флоренция, Катания.
Мадрид, Барселона,
Валенсия, Севилья.