I am going to share a case study of how we as coaches kick start a large scale agile transition and supported the product teams in the one year journey in the transition in FDA (Food & Drugs Administration) regulated organisation in healthcare industry. The product teams include members with software, electrical and mechanical background. I will share how the transition get started, what are the phases during the journey, what are the main problems we try to address and what we did to achieve significant success.
- Why did the management seek external support after a successful product death march version release
- Phase 0 - Kick start
- How did we kick off the journey and facilitate the organisation structure change
- Phase 1 - Building real teams and Make very basics
- How to build self-managing team to enable cross-learning and close collaboration
- Phase 2 - Scaling Scrum and Real Teams
- What scaling ceremonies, practices, artifacts were adopted and what were the difference from single team implementation
- Involving stake holders
- Phase 3 - Get up to speed
- What infrastructure, tool and process change were adopt to support iterative and increment development
- What individual level agile practices adopted to enable frequent and stable release
- Phase 4 - Test Efficiency and Effectiveness
- What we did to address quality issue of life-critical product release
Timeline to the New Normal for Software TestingKeizo Tatsumi
The document provides a timeline of key technologies, methodologies, and trends in software development and testing from 1995 to 2018. It includes the rise of mobile/social media, cloud/big data analytics, agile/continuous development practices, test automation tools, and the growth of digital business models and IoT. Development has shifted to more iterative practices like agile, DevOps, and continuous delivery, while testing has evolved to continuous and automated approaches to keep pace with faster development cycles.
2013年7月16日にシンガポールで開催された第一回アジア組み合わせテストワークショップ(1st Asian Workshop on Combinatorial Testing for Complex Computer Systems)で発表した"Combinatorial Testing in Japan"のスライドを日本語にしました(だいぶ遅くなりましたが)。
Introduction to the 10th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2017) held on 13-17 March, 2017 in Tokyo, Japan.
Test Automation - Past, Present and FutureKeizo Tatsumi
The document discusses the history and future of test automation. It covers test automation from its beginnings in the 1950s-1960s, through its growth in the 1970s-1990s driven by the software crisis and emergence of new technologies. The document then discusses the present state of test automation, including tools for web, mobile, and cloud testing. Finally, it discusses potential future research areas like cloud/SaaS testing and the role of the test automator in planning and implementing automation strategies and frameworks.
Software testing magazines in the worldKeizo Tatsumi
This document lists 9 software testing magazines from around the world, including Testing Experience, Tea-Time with Testers, Testing Circus, Software Test & Quality Assurance, NZTester/OZTester, Testing Trapeze, Professional Tester, Methods & Tools, and TEST Magazine. Each magazine website is provided as a resource for readers to learn more about software testing.
How to Learn The History of Software Testing Keizo Tatsumi
The document provides a history of software testing covering several topics:
1. It discusses the prehistory of software testing, noting that Ada Lovelace is considered the first programmer and suggesting she may have also been the first tester while working on Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine in the 19th century.
2. It outlines the evolution of computers, software engineering, and the growth of software testing from the 1950s to the present day. Key periods included the debugging, demonstration, destruction, evaluation, and prevention-oriented periods.
3. It describes some of the early testing techniques developed in the 1960s-1970s, including the concept of test control processes at IBM, equivalence partitioning, and boundary
Conceptual support for test case design (COMPSAC 87)Keizo Tatsumi
My presentation slides for COMPSAC '87. One of the earliest presentation about Combinatorial Testing.
K.Tatsumi, S.Watanabe, Y.Takeuchi, and H.Shimokawa, "Conceptual support for test case design," Proc. 11th Intl. Computer Software & Applications Conf.(COMPSAC), Oct. 1987