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Sri Rama Jayam Journal
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Sri Rama Jayam
Benefits of writing Sri Rama Jayam

Writing Sri Rama Jayam is called Likitha Jap- Writing Meditation. This gives one a complete sense of surrender to an
inner conscience and peace while writing the golden words. All the senses are engaged in the service of lord.

 You can write this in any language of your choice. It is the connecting chords with the divine and your inner self.

 It is believed that a calmness engulfs as one indulges in writing the Sri Rama Jayam bringing in more clarity of mind,
tolerance and strength to withstand obstacles in life

 The mantra forms an unending stream of bliss and a inner noise proclaiming that the Universe is just expanding giving in
more opportunities and prosperity.

 As you write this mantra  in small measures, every day, as and when possible, with due respect, it makes everything
else of lifes needs fall in place automatically., just like a miracle of nature guiding its forces. You may not get what you
want but it will purify things and bring to you in a refined way.

 The mythological references states that the name of Rama is more strong and divine than the Lord Rama himself.

 Vedas tell that as the sun dispels the darkness, the chanting of Rama Nama dispels all evil and obstacles of life. It is a
way of liberation and salvation of human suffering.

 When you think, that all roads are blocked to walk away from day to day problems, writing Sri Ram Ram Ram gives you
the most needed clarity of thoughts to find away out of odd situations

 Preserve the completed books carefully and donate them to temple. These books are preserved some devotees for
humanity benefit.

 Ramacharitra Manas, Vibhishana Gita the divinity of Rama Nama japa. It is called a writing tapas
 A selfless and non-expectation while writing gives you more happiness and potential than expecting something writing.
For you are a gods child, and God knows what you want and will give you what you are destined for and deserve. You
dont need to ask God for anything.

 Hindu way of living is seeing humanity in everything around. Writing Rama Jayam gives you a inner awakening towards
to human mind, being kind , calm and serene.

 The act of writing Ram Naam is important and keep his thoughts while doing so, is more important than the script,
language or number., though for all longevity of the process a number in mind is planned while making a start

 Devotion of service of life and its varied forms is devotion to God. So there is no right or wrong way of writing this. The
very thought and process to write is a connection with god and finds a inner meaning.

 It is a gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual upliftment. The chanting of Ram Mantra protects you with divine
flow of energy transforming a balanced progressing your materialistic well being and spiritual wellness.

 It dissolves all other sounds with it's vibration and create acoustic silence.

 Ram is the beej mantra of Manipur chakra. this Manipur chakra is the psychic centre of human body where Sanchit
karmasare stored. Ram nam writing helps to clean those karmas. It also helps to release suppressed emotions, negative
samskaras from subconscious mind and unresolved issues of past.

 It creates dharana shakti in you which is far more powerful than normal forced concentration. It also helps in natural
control of bad habits through sense withdrawal.
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Origin of the Sri Rama Mantra
                                                                         Stand on the sandy bed of the river and with folded hands
Swami Sivananda Saraswati                                                repeat the mantra Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama.
                                                                         I assure you, nothing will affect you."
Once upon a time, Sri Rama was seated in his council hall at
Ayodhya after his return from Lanka. At the time, Deva Rishi Narada,     The next day dawned. Hanuman went to the Sarayu before
Vishwamitra, Vashishtha and many others were present to give some        sunrise, bathed and with folded hands repeated the Lord's
important counsel to the king.                                           name as instructed by Rishi Narada. In the morning crowds of
                                                                         citizens came to witness the ordeal through which Hanuman
While discussing religious topics, Sage Narada said, "I request all of   had to pass. Sri Rama stood at a considerable distance from
you present here to give your considered opinion in the matter as to     Hanuman, looked at his servant with pity and most unwillingly
whether the Lord's Name (Nama) or the Lord Himself (Nami) is             began to shower arrows on him. Not one could hurt Hanuman.
superior." A heated discussion ensued. The assembly was not able to      All day arrows were rained on him but with no effect. Sri Rama
come to a definite conclusion. In the end Narada gave his verdict,       even used the terrible missiles with which he had killed
"Certainly Nama is superior to Nami. I shall prove it now with a         Kumbhakarna and other great rakshasas in the battlefield. At
concrete example before the assembly disperses.                         last Sri Rama took his Brahmastra, the unfailing missile.
                                                                         Hanuman repeated the mantra loudly with intense bhava and
Narada then called Hanuman to his side and said, "O mighty hero,         self-surrender to the Lord. He stood smiling at Sri Rama.
when you salute all the rishis and Sri Rama, do not salute               Everyone was struck with wonder and exclaimed 'Jaya Jaya' to
Vishwamitra. He is only a Raja Rishi. He does not deserve equal          Hanuman.
treatment and respect." Hanuman agreed. When the time of salutation
came Hanuman prostrated before all the sages except Sage                 At this juncture Narada went to Vishwamitra and said, "O sage!
Vishwamitra.                                                             Control your anger. Sri Rama is tired now. The various arrows
                                                                         could not do anything to Hanuman. What does it matter even if
Then Narada said to Vishwamitra, "O great rishi! Look at the             Hanuman did not salute you? Save Rama from this struggle.
impertinence of Hanuman. He has made salutations to everyone in          You have now understood the glory of Sri Rama's name."
this assembly except you. You must punish him for this. Mark how         Vishwamitra was moved by these words and stopped Rama
proud and arrogant he is."                                               from killing Hanuman with the Brahmastra. Hanuman came
                                                                         and fell at the feet of his master and saluted Vishwamitra for
Vishwamitra, aflame with rage, said to Sri Rama, "O king, I have been    his kindness. Vishwamitra was very pleased and blessed
seriously insulted by your servant Hanuman in the presence of these      Hanuman, praising his devotion to Sri Rama.
great rishis. Therefore, he deserves death at your hands before
sunset tomorrow." Sri Rama had to obey Vishwamitra as he was his         Sri Narada first gave this mantra to Hanuman when the latter
guru. At the same time Sri Rama was in a fix because he had to kill      was in great danger. So, O beloved aspirants, you also who
his faithful servant with his own hand. But he could not help it.        are burnt by the flames of samsara may repeat this mantra and
                                                                         obtain emancipation
Hanuman too was very agitated. He went to Narada and said, "O
divine sage, save me. Lord Rama will kill me tomorrow. I acted
according to your advice. What shall I do now?" Narada said, "O
Hanuman, never despair. Do as I tell you. Get up early in the morning
at Brahmamuhurta. Bath in the Sarayu river.
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
According to mythology, Saneeswara got trapped       When Saneeswara approached Hanuman
by Hanuman once when the latter was on the           who was returning from the Himalayas
hunt for the life-saving sanjeevani herb to revive   carrying the hills which contained the
Lakshmana who was grievously hit by deadly           required herb to revive Lakshmana, and tried
weaponry from Indrajith, son of the demon kind       to catch him, the clever Hanuman caught
Ravana, in the war. Earlier, Ravana had taken        hold of him unawares and put him under his
away Sita from Rama to his native kingdom in Sri     feet instead. The wailing Saneeswara had no
Lanka. And Rama and his brother Lakshmana            option except to accept the conditions of
were at war with Ravana. It was under this           Hanuman  that Saneewara should not harm
circumstance that Hanuman set out to get the         those who worshipped Lord Rama as well as
herb. Ravanas rajguru Sukracharya came to           him.
know about this and wanted to prevent Hanuman        The story has been glorified in a temple in
from getting the herb since once Lakshmana was       Ambur in Vellore district which dates back to
revived, he would eliminate the demon race. He       centuries. The 11-foot idol of Hanuman
advised Ravana to release Saneeswara who was         carved out of hard black stone has
under the control of the demon (all the nine         Saneeswara under his foot.
planets were also under the control of Ravana
then) to go and stop Hanuman.
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Shri Ramakrishna Parahamsa has referred to Bhakti as:

Do you think god's name is simple? There is no difference between god and his name.

Sathya Bhama placed all her jewels and ornaments in a weighing machine to counterbalance the
weight of Lord Shri Krishna. But she failed.

However,Rukmani just wrote Lord Shri Krishna name on the leaves of Tulsi and placed in the
weighing balance.

What a surprise! It was equal to Lord Shri Krishna's weight. Whoever sheds a tear from their eyes
immediately after hearing the god's name,it will their last birth."
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
Names of Hanumanji :

Hanumanji holds a mace(ghada) in his hand as sign of bravery and as a sign of his
devotion he holds picture of Sri Rama and Sita in his chest as the pinnacle of devotion
(Bhakthi) .

His names includes Maha-veera, Maruthi, Hanumantha, Anjaneya, Vayu-putra, Pavana
Sutha,Pavana kumar, Bhagaranga Bali, Kesari Nandana, Anajna Putra, Sankata-
Mochana (destroyer of hurdles and sorrows) .

Hanuman is one of Chiranjeevas of a Hinduism which Sitaji blessed him and listen to
people chanting Lord Ramas name. So in Ramayana it is said that ; wherever Ramas
name chanting there will be Lord Hanumanji crying tears with joy and remove all the
sorrows and demons.
Sri Rama Jayam Journal
Sri Rama Jayam Journal
Sri Rama Jayam Journal
Sri Rama Jayam Journal
Sri Rama Jayam Journal
Shirdi Saibabas Respect and Love for Lord Hanuman (Maruti is also called
Anjaneyar in Tamilnadu)

Once it was raining in Shirdi. Sai used to stay in the Hanuman Mandhir near by
Dwarakamai . Rain water kept falling from the roof to platform (floor) where Sai used to sit
but Saibaba continued to be there. A man asked him to go to the upper platform where
Hanuman was also there. Sai told him:

We must not be in equal position of Maruti.

This incident so beautifully explains Sai always considered himself as Servant of God and
his immense love and respect for Lord Hanuman.
Sri Rama Jayam Journal
Sri Rama Jayam Journal
Sri Rama Jayam Journal
Sri Rama Jayam Journal
Sri Rama Jayam Journal
Sri Rama Jayam Journal

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Sri Rama Jayam Journal

  • 1. 1
  • 4. Benefits of writing Sri Rama Jayam Writing Sri Rama Jayam is called Likitha Jap- Writing Meditation. This gives one a complete sense of surrender to an inner conscience and peace while writing the golden words. All the senses are engaged in the service of lord. You can write this in any language of your choice. It is the connecting chords with the divine and your inner self. It is believed that a calmness engulfs as one indulges in writing the Sri Rama Jayam bringing in more clarity of mind, tolerance and strength to withstand obstacles in life The mantra forms an unending stream of bliss and a inner noise proclaiming that the Universe is just expanding giving in more opportunities and prosperity. As you write this mantra in small measures, every day, as and when possible, with due respect, it makes everything else of lifes needs fall in place automatically., just like a miracle of nature guiding its forces. You may not get what you want but it will purify things and bring to you in a refined way. The mythological references states that the name of Rama is more strong and divine than the Lord Rama himself. Vedas tell that as the sun dispels the darkness, the chanting of Rama Nama dispels all evil and obstacles of life. It is a way of liberation and salvation of human suffering. When you think, that all roads are blocked to walk away from day to day problems, writing Sri Ram Ram Ram gives you the most needed clarity of thoughts to find away out of odd situations Preserve the completed books carefully and donate them to temple. These books are preserved some devotees for humanity benefit. Ramacharitra Manas, Vibhishana Gita the divinity of Rama Nama japa. It is called a writing tapas
  • 5. A selfless and non-expectation while writing gives you more happiness and potential than expecting something writing. For you are a gods child, and God knows what you want and will give you what you are destined for and deserve. You dont need to ask God for anything. Hindu way of living is seeing humanity in everything around. Writing Rama Jayam gives you a inner awakening towards to human mind, being kind , calm and serene. The act of writing Ram Naam is important and keep his thoughts while doing so, is more important than the script, language or number., though for all longevity of the process a number in mind is planned while making a start Devotion of service of life and its varied forms is devotion to God. So there is no right or wrong way of writing this. The very thought and process to write is a connection with god and finds a inner meaning. It is a gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual upliftment. The chanting of Ram Mantra protects you with divine flow of energy transforming a balanced progressing your materialistic well being and spiritual wellness. It dissolves all other sounds with it's vibration and create acoustic silence. Ram is the beej mantra of Manipur chakra. this Manipur chakra is the psychic centre of human body where Sanchit karmasare stored. Ram nam writing helps to clean those karmas. It also helps to release suppressed emotions, negative samskaras from subconscious mind and unresolved issues of past. It creates dharana shakti in you which is far more powerful than normal forced concentration. It also helps in natural control of bad habits through sense withdrawal.
  • 6. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 7. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 8. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 9. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 10. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 11. Origin of the Sri Rama Mantra Stand on the sandy bed of the river and with folded hands Swami Sivananda Saraswati repeat the mantra Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama. I assure you, nothing will affect you." Once upon a time, Sri Rama was seated in his council hall at Ayodhya after his return from Lanka. At the time, Deva Rishi Narada, The next day dawned. Hanuman went to the Sarayu before Vishwamitra, Vashishtha and many others were present to give some sunrise, bathed and with folded hands repeated the Lord's important counsel to the king. name as instructed by Rishi Narada. In the morning crowds of citizens came to witness the ordeal through which Hanuman While discussing religious topics, Sage Narada said, "I request all of had to pass. Sri Rama stood at a considerable distance from you present here to give your considered opinion in the matter as to Hanuman, looked at his servant with pity and most unwillingly whether the Lord's Name (Nama) or the Lord Himself (Nami) is began to shower arrows on him. Not one could hurt Hanuman. superior." A heated discussion ensued. The assembly was not able to All day arrows were rained on him but with no effect. Sri Rama come to a definite conclusion. In the end Narada gave his verdict, even used the terrible missiles with which he had killed "Certainly Nama is superior to Nami. I shall prove it now with a Kumbhakarna and other great rakshasas in the battlefield. At concrete example before the assembly disperses. last Sri Rama took his Brahmastra, the unfailing missile. Hanuman repeated the mantra loudly with intense bhava and Narada then called Hanuman to his side and said, "O mighty hero, self-surrender to the Lord. He stood smiling at Sri Rama. when you salute all the rishis and Sri Rama, do not salute Everyone was struck with wonder and exclaimed 'Jaya Jaya' to Vishwamitra. He is only a Raja Rishi. He does not deserve equal Hanuman. treatment and respect." Hanuman agreed. When the time of salutation came Hanuman prostrated before all the sages except Sage At this juncture Narada went to Vishwamitra and said, "O sage! Vishwamitra. Control your anger. Sri Rama is tired now. The various arrows could not do anything to Hanuman. What does it matter even if Then Narada said to Vishwamitra, "O great rishi! Look at the Hanuman did not salute you? Save Rama from this struggle. impertinence of Hanuman. He has made salutations to everyone in You have now understood the glory of Sri Rama's name." this assembly except you. You must punish him for this. Mark how Vishwamitra was moved by these words and stopped Rama proud and arrogant he is." from killing Hanuman with the Brahmastra. Hanuman came and fell at the feet of his master and saluted Vishwamitra for Vishwamitra, aflame with rage, said to Sri Rama, "O king, I have been his kindness. Vishwamitra was very pleased and blessed seriously insulted by your servant Hanuman in the presence of these Hanuman, praising his devotion to Sri Rama. great rishis. Therefore, he deserves death at your hands before sunset tomorrow." Sri Rama had to obey Vishwamitra as he was his Sri Narada first gave this mantra to Hanuman when the latter guru. At the same time Sri Rama was in a fix because he had to kill was in great danger. So, O beloved aspirants, you also who his faithful servant with his own hand. But he could not help it. are burnt by the flames of samsara may repeat this mantra and obtain emancipation Hanuman too was very agitated. He went to Narada and said, "O divine sage, save me. Lord Rama will kill me tomorrow. I acted according to your advice. What shall I do now?" Narada said, "O Hanuman, never despair. Do as I tell you. Get up early in the morning at Brahmamuhurta. Bath in the Sarayu river.
  • 12. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 13. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 14. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 15. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 16. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 17. According to mythology, Saneeswara got trapped When Saneeswara approached Hanuman by Hanuman once when the latter was on the who was returning from the Himalayas hunt for the life-saving sanjeevani herb to revive carrying the hills which contained the Lakshmana who was grievously hit by deadly required herb to revive Lakshmana, and tried weaponry from Indrajith, son of the demon kind to catch him, the clever Hanuman caught Ravana, in the war. Earlier, Ravana had taken hold of him unawares and put him under his away Sita from Rama to his native kingdom in Sri feet instead. The wailing Saneeswara had no Lanka. And Rama and his brother Lakshmana option except to accept the conditions of were at war with Ravana. It was under this Hanuman that Saneewara should not harm circumstance that Hanuman set out to get the those who worshipped Lord Rama as well as herb. Ravanas rajguru Sukracharya came to him. know about this and wanted to prevent Hanuman The story has been glorified in a temple in from getting the herb since once Lakshmana was Ambur in Vellore district which dates back to revived, he would eliminate the demon race. He centuries. The 11-foot idol of Hanuman advised Ravana to release Saneeswara who was carved out of hard black stone has under the control of the demon (all the nine Saneeswara under his foot. planets were also under the control of Ravana then) to go and stop Hanuman.
  • 18. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 19. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 20. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 21. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 22. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 23. Shri Ramakrishna Parahamsa has referred to Bhakti as: Do you think god's name is simple? There is no difference between god and his name. Sathya Bhama placed all her jewels and ornaments in a weighing machine to counterbalance the weight of Lord Shri Krishna. But she failed. However,Rukmani just wrote Lord Shri Krishna name on the leaves of Tulsi and placed in the weighing balance. What a surprise! It was equal to Lord Shri Krishna's weight. Whoever sheds a tear from their eyes immediately after hearing the god's name,it will their last birth."
  • 24. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 25. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 26. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 27. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 28. Write Sri Rama Jayam ( 108 times)
  • 29. Names of Hanumanji : Hanumanji holds a mace(ghada) in his hand as sign of bravery and as a sign of his devotion he holds picture of Sri Rama and Sita in his chest as the pinnacle of devotion (Bhakthi) . His names includes Maha-veera, Maruthi, Hanumantha, Anjaneya, Vayu-putra, Pavana Sutha,Pavana kumar, Bhagaranga Bali, Kesari Nandana, Anajna Putra, Sankata- Mochana (destroyer of hurdles and sorrows) . Hanuman is one of Chiranjeevas of a Hinduism which Sitaji blessed him and listen to people chanting Lord Ramas name. So in Ramayana it is said that ; wherever Ramas name chanting there will be Lord Hanumanji crying tears with joy and remove all the sorrows and demons.
  • 35. Shirdi Saibabas Respect and Love for Lord Hanuman (Maruti is also called Anjaneyar in Tamilnadu) Once it was raining in Shirdi. Sai used to stay in the Hanuman Mandhir near by Dwarakamai . Rain water kept falling from the roof to platform (floor) where Sai used to sit but Saibaba continued to be there. A man asked him to go to the upper platform where Hanuman was also there. Sai told him: We must not be in equal position of Maruti. This incident so beautifully explains Sai always considered himself as Servant of God and his immense love and respect for Lord Hanuman.