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Crown Systems (S) Pte Ltd
Tel 	 : +65 438 4834
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Website 	 : www.crownsys.com.sg
Shell Chemicals Seraya cuts
shutdown projects by 2 days
and increases efficiency of
resources by at least 20%
Shell Chemicals Seraya
Case Study
Company: Shell Chemicals Seraya Pte Ltd
Country : Singapore
Industry : Chemicals
Customer Profile
Inaugurated in 1929, the Shell Chemical
Company is a collective multi-billion dollar
turnover enterprise with many major
manufacturing facilities around the world. One of
the manufacturing facility, Shell Chemicals Seraya,
was a joint venture formed between Shell and
Mitsubishi Chemical on 8 February 1994. Today,
Shell Chemicals Seraya manufactures products
that are used in the packaging, automotive,
electronics, appliances and building industries in
our modern world.
Business Situation
The turnaround management team at Shell
Chemicals Seraya experiences the following:
 A rush to ensure turnaround is completed
within planned days
 Lack of common platform and collaboration
among team members
 Difficulty in reporting on project progress
 Lack of visibility into project status for all
 Lack of standardization and best practices
Primavera Project Management Solution has
been implemented for shutdowns since 2005 and
has seen tremendous successes over the years.
Primavera was also integrated with SAP to save
time on administrative duties.
 Plant shutdowns are shortened by 2 days
 Increased collaboration among all turnaround
team members
 Optimization of resources leads to an increase
of efficiency by at least 20%
 Increased visibility into project status for all
 Replication of methodology leads to
substantial cost savings
 Less time is now spent on administrative duties
with the integration of Primavera and SAP
Shell Chemicals Seraya Pte Ltd is one of the five core businesses of the Royal
Dutch/Shell Group which has nearly 70 Shell chemicals companies operating
around the world. It was established on 8 February 1994 and is now making
and supplying a range of petrochemicals that are then further processed by
their industrial customers who, in turn, use them to make many of the essential
materials of our modern world.
Previously, all the members in the turnaround management team in Shell
Chemicals Seraya had been using tools like Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project
and various other different tools for the planning of their shutdown. As there was
no common tool, the master-scheduler had to retrieve information from disparate
systems to integrate into a master plan. This was an extremely tedious process.
The master-planner was also having problems churning out reports on the
everyday progress of the plant shutdown to various stakeholders. Also, due to
a lack of a common platform, team members had no visibility into the status of
the project.
I personally find that Primavera is
one of the most user-friendly and
functional solution in our industry
that has helped me double my work
productivity. Our turnaround team
definitely gained substantial benefits
from the use of Primavera!
Mr Loh Chee Weng
Turnaround Master Planner
Shell Chemicals Seraya Pte Ltd
*Reference: Website
Shell Chemical Seraya,19th Sept 2008, www.shellchemicals.com
At the same time, every member in the turnaround management
team was in a rush to ensure that the turnaround project is
completed within the schedule. A single day of delay will result in
subtantial loss in production. Additional back-up resources were
often deployed and, as a result, there were no optimization of
resources and a lot of unnecessary expenses were incurred.
In early 2003, Shell Chemicals Seraya decided to create a central
system for managing its shutdown projects, in a bid to improve
efficiency and exceed the top executives requirements.
Following a comprehensive evaluation of other competitive project
management solution, Shell Chemicals Seraya selected Primavera
to serve as the nerve centre for the whole shutdown project
planned for 2005. The new system would enable all stakeholders
to have full visibility into the current status of the shutdown. Daily
reports can now be churned out easily with just a click.
 Improved Visibility & Reporting
 Standardization and best practices
 Efficient Scheduling
With Primavera project management solution in place, planning
work for all the team members involved in the shutdown was
made easier. All the project documents and issues are properly
documented and shared among all the team members. Team
members are also able to gain easy visibility into the status
of the projects according to their roles requirements through
customizable dashboards.
Now, the master-planner no longer has to go through the pain of
combining plans from different teams using different systems. With
Primavera as the standardized tool, the master-planner can easily
review, analyze and update the activities. Primavera also enables
improved visualization of the relationships and identification of
critical path between activities or projects.
With all these in place, the actual shutdown for plant 1 was
shortened by two days, which helped the organization gain millions
of dollars in production. There were also further cost savings as
productivity and efficiency were increased by at least 20%. Precious
time was also saved on reports generation for the daily shutdown
progress and team members.
Today, Shell Chemicals Seraya has 30 trained users, including team
members from various disciplines like the executional engineers,
multi-discipline engineers and operation engineers. Shell Chemicals
Seraya is also training new members to use Primavera for new
shutdowns in future, so that standardization can be achieved.
It is also estimated that with the best practices in place, team
productivity will continue to increase by at least 10% since the best
methodology can be easily replicated.
Since then, Shell Chemicals Seraya has been extending Primaveras
usage in its shutdowns for Plant 1 & Plant 2 in year 2005, 2006 and
other future upcoming turnarounds
Crown Systems (S) Pte Ltd
Tel 	 : +65 438 4834
Email 	 : marketing@crownsys.com.sg
Website 	 : www.crownsys.com.sg

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Shell chemicalsseraya

  • 1. CROWN SYSTEMS Crown Systems (S) Pte Ltd Tel : +65 438 4834 Email : marketing@crownsys.com.sg Website : www.crownsys.com.sg Shell Chemicals Seraya cuts shutdown projects by 2 days and increases efficiency of resources by at least 20% Shell Chemicals Seraya Case Study Company: Shell Chemicals Seraya Pte Ltd Country : Singapore Industry : Chemicals * Customer Profile Inaugurated in 1929, the Shell Chemical Company is a collective multi-billion dollar turnover enterprise with many major manufacturing facilities around the world. One of the manufacturing facility, Shell Chemicals Seraya, was a joint venture formed between Shell and Mitsubishi Chemical on 8 February 1994. Today, Shell Chemicals Seraya manufactures products that are used in the packaging, automotive, electronics, appliances and building industries in our modern world. Business Situation The turnaround management team at Shell Chemicals Seraya experiences the following: A rush to ensure turnaround is completed within planned days Lack of common platform and collaboration among team members Difficulty in reporting on project progress Lack of visibility into project status for all stakeholders Lack of standardization and best practices Solution Primavera Project Management Solution has been implemented for shutdowns since 2005 and has seen tremendous successes over the years. Primavera was also integrated with SAP to save time on administrative duties. Benefits Plant shutdowns are shortened by 2 days Increased collaboration among all turnaround team members Optimization of resources leads to an increase of efficiency by at least 20% Increased visibility into project status for all stakeholders Replication of methodology leads to substantial cost savings Less time is now spent on administrative duties with the integration of Primavera and SAP Shell Chemicals Seraya Pte Ltd is one of the five core businesses of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group which has nearly 70 Shell chemicals companies operating around the world. It was established on 8 February 1994 and is now making and supplying a range of petrochemicals that are then further processed by their industrial customers who, in turn, use them to make many of the essential materials of our modern world. CHALLENGES Previously, all the members in the turnaround management team in Shell Chemicals Seraya had been using tools like Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project and various other different tools for the planning of their shutdown. As there was no common tool, the master-scheduler had to retrieve information from disparate systems to integrate into a master plan. This was an extremely tedious process. The master-planner was also having problems churning out reports on the everyday progress of the plant shutdown to various stakeholders. Also, due to a lack of a common platform, team members had no visibility into the status of the project. I personally find that Primavera is one of the most user-friendly and functional solution in our industry that has helped me double my work productivity. Our turnaround team definitely gained substantial benefits from the use of Primavera! Mr Loh Chee Weng Turnaround Master Planner Shell Chemicals Seraya Pte Ltd *Reference: Website Shell Chemical Seraya,19th Sept 2008, www.shellchemicals.com
  • 2. At the same time, every member in the turnaround management team was in a rush to ensure that the turnaround project is completed within the schedule. A single day of delay will result in subtantial loss in production. Additional back-up resources were often deployed and, as a result, there were no optimization of resources and a lot of unnecessary expenses were incurred. RECOGNISING THE NEED FOR CHANGE In early 2003, Shell Chemicals Seraya decided to create a central system for managing its shutdown projects, in a bid to improve efficiency and exceed the top executives requirements. Following a comprehensive evaluation of other competitive project management solution, Shell Chemicals Seraya selected Primavera to serve as the nerve centre for the whole shutdown project planned for 2005. The new system would enable all stakeholders to have full visibility into the current status of the shutdown. Daily reports can now be churned out easily with just a click. BENEFITS Collaboration Improved Visibility & Reporting Standardization and best practices Efficient Scheduling With Primavera project management solution in place, planning work for all the team members involved in the shutdown was made easier. All the project documents and issues are properly documented and shared among all the team members. Team members are also able to gain easy visibility into the status of the projects according to their roles requirements through customizable dashboards. Now, the master-planner no longer has to go through the pain of combining plans from different teams using different systems. With Primavera as the standardized tool, the master-planner can easily review, analyze and update the activities. Primavera also enables improved visualization of the relationships and identification of critical path between activities or projects. With all these in place, the actual shutdown for plant 1 was shortened by two days, which helped the organization gain millions of dollars in production. There were also further cost savings as productivity and efficiency were increased by at least 20%. Precious time was also saved on reports generation for the daily shutdown progress and team members. Today, Shell Chemicals Seraya has 30 trained users, including team members from various disciplines like the executional engineers, multi-discipline engineers and operation engineers. Shell Chemicals Seraya is also training new members to use Primavera for new shutdowns in future, so that standardization can be achieved. It is also estimated that with the best practices in place, team productivity will continue to increase by at least 10% since the best methodology can be easily replicated. Since then, Shell Chemicals Seraya has been extending Primaveras usage in its shutdowns for Plant 1 & Plant 2 in year 2005, 2006 and other future upcoming turnarounds CROWN SYSTEMS Crown Systems (S) Pte Ltd Tel : +65 438 4834 Email : marketing@crownsys.com.sg Website : www.crownsys.com.sg