The Olympia Temple in Greece was built between 470 BCE and 457 BCE in the city of Olympia, the most sacred site in Greece. It took 13 years to construct and was made from Parian marble, a fine-grained white marble quarried on the island of Paros. While it was similar in structure and column design to other temples, it differed in the god it was dedicated to and number of columns. The architect was named Libon and followed the Doric style.
Urban form and design can inspire architecture in several ways:
1) Elements like streets, plazas, and nodes can define the flow and purpose of interior spaces, as seen in the Jewish Museum in Warsaw which transforms an interior street into a social hub.
2) Contextual references to surrounding buildings, both stylistically and materially, respect the existing urban fabric, as seen in the Neues Museum which preserves the original structure.
3) Landscape and open spaces can be incorporated interiorly, as seen in the University Library in Warsaw which brings nature inside through a garden roof and interior street.
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17. Tw i t t e r
ブ ログ
Fa ce boo k