The present continuous and the present simple tenseGala Timofeeva
The document discusses the present continuous and present simple tenses in English. It provides examples of verbs that can be used with both tenses, such as "play," as well as verbs that are only used with the present simple tense, such as "hate," "love," and "like." It then provides exercises for students to practice forming sentences using verbs in the present continuous and present simple correctly based on pictures.
This document provides instruction on using adverbs of time with the present perfect tense in English. It includes examples of different adverbs used with the present perfect, such as "already", "just", "never", and "ever". Tables are presented showing the affirmative and negative forms of the present perfect for regular and irregular verbs. Practice exercises are included for students to test their understanding.
The present continuous and the present simple tenseGala Timofeeva
The document discusses the present continuous and present simple tenses in English. It provides examples of verbs that can be used with both tenses, such as "play," as well as verbs that are only used with the present simple tense, such as "hate," "love," and "see." It then provides exercises for students to practice using verbs in sentences with the present continuous and present simple correctly based on meaning.
The document contains information about the positive, comparative, and superlative degrees of adjectives in English. It lists many common adjectives and their forms in the comparative and superlative degrees, such as long/longer/longest and big/bigger/biggest. It also notes some exceptions and provides examples of using the degrees of adjectives to compare people, animals, objects, and situations.