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History of meteorologyshiela21The document provides a history of meteorology and describes some early weather instruments. It discusses how Aristotle coined the term "meteorology" and how ancient scientists like him began studying weather phenomena. Over centuries, scientists invented new instruments like the thermometer, barometer, and anemometer to better measure and understand the atmosphere and forecast weather. The Franklin Institute played a role in establishing early weather stations and collecting historical meteorological instruments that are still used today to study changes in the field.
Acting for film and musical theateremeragan45polkadotsMusical theatre combines music, songs, spoken dialogue and dance to tell an emotional story. Popular musicals like Les Misérables, Wicked, and The Phantom of the Opera are regularly performed on Broadway. Wicked tells the story of the unlikely friendship between the Witches of the West and Glinda before Dorothy's arrival in Oz. Les Misérables follows Jean Valjean after he breaks his parole and strives to rebuild his life. Acting for film involves portraying characters on camera in a way that shows their personality for a movie production.
Aural aidsJulius SalidoRadio broadcasts are a powerful medium for mass communication that can transmit information from any part of the world to distant locations. Powerful transmitters allow broadcasts to be received in remote areas, enabling communication between any two locations on Earth. Teachers can utilize radio broadcasts as an educational aid by transmitting lessons to students in remote areas.
History of meteorologyshiela21The document provides a history of meteorology and describes some early weather instruments. It discusses how Aristotle coined the term "meteorology" and how ancient scientists like him began studying weather phenomena. Over centuries, scientists invented new instruments like the thermometer, barometer, and anemometer to better understand and predict the weather. The Franklin Institute played a role in establishing early weather stations and collecting historical weather instruments to showcase the field's progress.
British sightsДима КартининThe document discusses several famous landmarks and sites across England and Scotland, including:
- Loch Lomond, the largest lake in Great Britain, located in Scotland and containing many islands.
- Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the UK located in Scotland near Fort William.
- The River Thames, which flows through southern England and several major cities including London, Oxford, and Windsor.
- Several notable buildings and landmarks in England like Big Ben, Blenheim Palace, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and Windsor Castle.
- Additional castles in Scotland mentioned include Ballindalloch Castle and Blair Castle.
- Trinity College, one of the colleges of the
Great BritainДима КартининThe document summarizes key details about the countries that make up the United Kingdom - England, Scotland, and Wales. England shares land borders with Scotland and Wales and is separated from continental Europe by water. Scotland occupies the northern part of Great Britain and is bounded by water on several sides. Wales is located in the western part of the island of Britain and has a wet, maritime climate.
British sightsДима КартининThe document discusses several famous landmarks and sites across England and Scotland, including:
- Loch Lomond, the largest lake in Great Britain, located in Scotland and containing many islands.
- Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the UK located in Scotland near Fort William.
- The River Thames, which flows through southern England and several major cities including London, Oxford, and Windsor.
- Several notable buildings and landmarks in England like Big Ben, Blenheim Palace, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and Windsor Castle.
- Additional castles in Scotland mentioned include Ballindalloch Castle and Blair Castle.
- Trinity College, one of the colleges of the
Great BritainДима КартининThe document summarizes key details about the countries that make up the United Kingdom - England, Scotland, and Wales. England shares land borders with Scotland and Wales and is separated from continental Europe by water. Scotland occupies the northern part of Great Britain and is bounded by water on several sides. Wales is located in the western part of the island of Britain and has a wet, maritime climate.
2. Хайяму принадлежит «Трактат о доказательствах проблем ал-джебры и ал-мукабалы». В его первых главах Хайям излагает алгебраический метод решения квадратных уравнений, описанный ещё ал-Хорезми. В следующих главах он развивает геометрический метод решения кубических уравнений, восходящий к Архимеду: неизвестное в этом методе строилось как точка пересечения двух подходящих конических сечений.
4. Хайям привёл обоснование этого метода, классификацию типов уравнений, алгоритм выбора типа конического сечения, оценку числа (положительных) корней и их величины. К сожалению, Хайям не заметил, что кубическое уравнение может иметь три положительных вещественных корня. До явных алгебраических формул Кардано Хайяму дойти не удалось, но он высказал надежду, что явное решение будет найдено в будущем.
5. В «Трактате об истолковании тёмных положений у Евклида», написанном около 1077 года, Хайям рассматривает иррациональные числа как вполне законные, определяя равенство двух отношений как последовательное равенство всех подходящих частных в алгоритме Евклида
6. . В этой же книге Хайям пытается доказать пятый постулат Евклида, исходя из более очевидного его эквивалента: две сходящиеся прямые должны пересечься.
7. Григориа́нскийкаленда́рьГригориа́нскийкаленда́рь в католических странах был введён папой Григорием XIII 4 октября 1582 года взамен старого юлианского: следующим днём после четверга 4 октября стала пятница 15 октября.В григорианском календаре длительность года принимается равной 365,2425 суток. Длительность невисокосного года— 365 суток, високосного— 366.