Презентация вебинара "Подготовка к ЕГЭ по английскому"EnglishDomНа этом вебинаре преподаватель онлайн школы EnglishDom Рубен:
- обозначил, что представляет собой экзамен ЕГЭ;
- описал общую структуру экзамена и систему оценивания;
- рассказал про основные моменты и подводные камни каждой части ЕГЭ;
- поделился советами, полезными ресурсами/ссылками для подготовки к экзамену;
- ответил на часто задаваемые вопросы;
- презентовал подарок всем участникам вебинара от школы EnglishDom.
Методическая разработка урока русского языкаgu9tsalМетодическая разработка урока русского языка
Tratados ambientalescesarnoguera24Los tratados internacionales sobre el cambio climático se han desarrollado desde la década de 1970. La Conferencia de Estocolmo de 1972 centró la atención en problemas ambientales globales como la contaminación transfronteriza. La Cumbre de la Tierra de 1992 reconoció que la protección ambiental debe integrarse con cuestiones socioeconómicas. El Protocolo de Kioto de 1997 estableció metas para la reducción de gases de efecto invernadero por parte de países industrializados. El Acuerdo de París de 2015 fijó el objetivo de limitar
Socials 8 tutorial 2013pkwonThe document provides tips on studying, note taking, and test taking. It discusses the importance of being organized, planning study time, making study schedules, taking effective notes, asking for help, and managing time during exams. Key advice includes making lists, studying with others, doing harder tasks first, reviewing before sleeping, and budgeting time on multiple choice tests.
Socials 8 tutorial 2014pkwonThe document provides information and tips on studying, note taking, and test taking. It discusses preparing for exams by being organized, making study schedules, taking effective notes, and using various study methods like flashcards and quizzing oneself. During tests, the document recommends budgeting time, reading questions carefully, and eliminating wrong answers. Useful websites are also listed for additional resources on note taking, study skills, and test taking strategies.
Chapter 10pkwon1) The document outlines key aspects of Canada's federal election process including dissolution of government, enumeration, nomination of candidates, campaigning, balloting, tabulation of results, and eligibility to vote.
2) It also discusses Canada's electoral system and the historical and current major political parties in Canada including the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, Bloc Quebecois, and Green Party.
3) Additional topics covered include influences on government from interest groups, media, protest groups, and the 2011 federal election results.
Final ݺߣs On EmaPearl BamfoThe document discusses the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) program in the UK, which provides means-tested financial support for students aged 16-19 to remain in education. It provides background on the implementation of EMA over time, findings on its impact in increasing participation in post-16 education, and criticisms of how the allowance is allocated. Studies found EMA increased participation rates, though some questioned whether the allowance always reached those most in need as it was based on family income from the prior year.
Chapter 8pkwonThe document summarizes the roots of Quebec nationalism from the 1930s to present day. It discusses key figures and events that shaped Quebec's pursuit of autonomy and sovereignty, including Maurice Duplessis' promotion of Quebec as a distinct society, the Quiet Revolution's modernization of Quebec, René Lévesque forming the Parti Québécois and advocating for independence, and the two sovereignty referendums in 1980 and 1995 that were rejected. It also outlines the impacts that Quebec's potential separation could have on both Quebec and the rest of Canada.
Chap 1KAMALIYA PANKAJThis document discusses the nature and key concepts of management control systems. It defines management control as the process by which managers influence other members of an organization to implement strategies. A management control system typically includes detectors to measure behavior, assessors to compare it to standards, and effectors to provide feedback and alter behavior if needed. The document contrasts management control with task control and strategy formulation, and discusses how the internet can facilitate coordination and control.
Health issues with computerssbirriCarpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder caused by repeated hand and finger movements with the wrist bent, which compresses the median nerve passing through the carpal tunnel in the wrist. Symptoms include pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm. Treatment involves resting the hand, using a wrist splint, taking over-the-counter pain medication, applying ice, and stretching and strengthening exercises. Surgery may be required for severe cases.
Sticks and stones LIBS602 PresentationpamelasheddLIBS602 - Present 4 technological learning tools that can be integrated into classroom or library setting
Sea turtlesmaxatrevinoThe green sea turtle is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List due to threats from coastal construction, fishing nets that cause drowning, and degradation of coastal habitats. It is protected under CITES Appendix I, which bans commercial trade, and other international agreements like the SPAW Protocol and CMS that protect threatened wildlife. Effective monitoring of fisheries is still needed to reduce turtle mortality from direct and indirect causes.
5KAMALIYA PANKAJThis document discusses sales force automation and control. It defines sales force automation as a business management tool that automates the entire sales cycle from lead generation to close. The chapter describes the benefits of sales force automation like reduced costs and increased profitability. It also outlines the objectives and types of CRM and SFA applications like lead management, contact management, and sales territory management. Mobile sales force automation and its functionality are also covered. The chapter concludes that successful sales force automation depends on systematically implementing the sales process.
Chapter 3KAMALIYA PANKAJThis document provides an overview of the mutual funds industry in India. It discusses the development of mutual funds in India since 1964 when the Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established. It covers the various phases of growth of the industry, including the entry of public sector funds in 1987-1993, private funds in 1993-1996, increased regulation by SEBI in 1996-1999, and continued consolidation and growth from 1999 onwards. It also provides definitions of key terms like mutual fund and discusses the typical organization structure of mutual funds including sponsors, trustees, asset management companies (AMCs), custodians etc. Overall, the document traces the history and evolution of mutual funds in India over the past several decades.
1KAMALIYA PANKAJThis document summarizes key topics from Chapter 1 of the book "Sales and Distribution Management, 2e" including: the evolution of personal selling from persuasion to partnership strategies; the five marketing concepts with a focus on the societal marketing concept; the nature and role of sales management; different types of personal selling such as industrial, retail, and services selling; and emerging trends in sales management like increasing customer orientation and relationship selling.
Chapter 9pkwonThe document provides an overview of Canada's system of government, including its democratic foundations, the structure and roles of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government at both the federal and provincial/territorial levels, as well as the country's constitution. Key ideologies like liberalism, conservatism, socialism and communism that have influenced the system are also examined.
288 33 powerpoint-slides_chapter-6-international-economic-integrationsKAMALIYA PANKAJThis document discusses international economic integrations and trade agreements. It begins by outlining the learning objectives, which include providing an overview of economic integration and discussing major trade groups. It then defines different forms of integration like preferential trade agreements, free trade agreements, customs unions, common markets, and economic unions. Major regional trade agreements discussed include the European Union, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, GCC, APEC, and ASEAN. India's participation in agreements like SAFTA, CECA with Singapore, ASEAN framework agreement, and BIMSTEC are also summarized. The document provides high-level information on concepts, definitions, objectives and examples of international economic integrations and trade agreements.
Smch2KAMALIYA PANKAJThis document summarizes key concepts from Chapter 2 of Exploring Corporate Strategy, 7th Edition related to analyzing the external environment. It discusses performing PESTEL, scenario planning and Porter's Five Forces analyses to understand macroenvironmental factors and industry competition. Additionally, it covers strategic groups, market segmentation, critical success factors, and identifying opportunities and threats from analyzing the strategic environment. The overall aim is to provide frameworks for evaluating external influences and competitive dynamics facing organizations.
конспект урока по теме лексикаВспомогательный образовательный сайтУрок русского языка для 3 класса с применением модульной технологии. Раздел «Лексика»». Тема : «Слово и его лексическое значение»
Tratados ambientalescesarnoguera24Los tratados internacionales sobre el cambio climático se han desarrollado desde la década de 1970. La Conferencia de Estocolmo de 1972 centró la atención en problemas ambientales globales como la contaminación transfronteriza. La Cumbre de la Tierra de 1992 reconoció que la protección ambiental debe integrarse con cuestiones socioeconómicas. El Protocolo de Kioto de 1997 estableció metas para la reducción de gases de efecto invernadero por parte de países industrializados. El Acuerdo de París de 2015 fijó el objetivo de limitar
Socials 8 tutorial 2013pkwonThe document provides tips on studying, note taking, and test taking. It discusses the importance of being organized, planning study time, making study schedules, taking effective notes, asking for help, and managing time during exams. Key advice includes making lists, studying with others, doing harder tasks first, reviewing before sleeping, and budgeting time on multiple choice tests.
Socials 8 tutorial 2014pkwonThe document provides information and tips on studying, note taking, and test taking. It discusses preparing for exams by being organized, making study schedules, taking effective notes, and using various study methods like flashcards and quizzing oneself. During tests, the document recommends budgeting time, reading questions carefully, and eliminating wrong answers. Useful websites are also listed for additional resources on note taking, study skills, and test taking strategies.
Chapter 10pkwon1) The document outlines key aspects of Canada's federal election process including dissolution of government, enumeration, nomination of candidates, campaigning, balloting, tabulation of results, and eligibility to vote.
2) It also discusses Canada's electoral system and the historical and current major political parties in Canada including the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, Bloc Quebecois, and Green Party.
3) Additional topics covered include influences on government from interest groups, media, protest groups, and the 2011 federal election results.
Final ݺߣs On EmaPearl BamfoThe document discusses the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) program in the UK, which provides means-tested financial support for students aged 16-19 to remain in education. It provides background on the implementation of EMA over time, findings on its impact in increasing participation in post-16 education, and criticisms of how the allowance is allocated. Studies found EMA increased participation rates, though some questioned whether the allowance always reached those most in need as it was based on family income from the prior year.
Chapter 8pkwonThe document summarizes the roots of Quebec nationalism from the 1930s to present day. It discusses key figures and events that shaped Quebec's pursuit of autonomy and sovereignty, including Maurice Duplessis' promotion of Quebec as a distinct society, the Quiet Revolution's modernization of Quebec, René Lévesque forming the Parti Québécois and advocating for independence, and the two sovereignty referendums in 1980 and 1995 that were rejected. It also outlines the impacts that Quebec's potential separation could have on both Quebec and the rest of Canada.
Chap 1KAMALIYA PANKAJThis document discusses the nature and key concepts of management control systems. It defines management control as the process by which managers influence other members of an organization to implement strategies. A management control system typically includes detectors to measure behavior, assessors to compare it to standards, and effectors to provide feedback and alter behavior if needed. The document contrasts management control with task control and strategy formulation, and discusses how the internet can facilitate coordination and control.
Health issues with computerssbirriCarpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder caused by repeated hand and finger movements with the wrist bent, which compresses the median nerve passing through the carpal tunnel in the wrist. Symptoms include pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm. Treatment involves resting the hand, using a wrist splint, taking over-the-counter pain medication, applying ice, and stretching and strengthening exercises. Surgery may be required for severe cases.
Sticks and stones LIBS602 PresentationpamelasheddLIBS602 - Present 4 technological learning tools that can be integrated into classroom or library setting
Sea turtlesmaxatrevinoThe green sea turtle is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List due to threats from coastal construction, fishing nets that cause drowning, and degradation of coastal habitats. It is protected under CITES Appendix I, which bans commercial trade, and other international agreements like the SPAW Protocol and CMS that protect threatened wildlife. Effective monitoring of fisheries is still needed to reduce turtle mortality from direct and indirect causes.
5KAMALIYA PANKAJThis document discusses sales force automation and control. It defines sales force automation as a business management tool that automates the entire sales cycle from lead generation to close. The chapter describes the benefits of sales force automation like reduced costs and increased profitability. It also outlines the objectives and types of CRM and SFA applications like lead management, contact management, and sales territory management. Mobile sales force automation and its functionality are also covered. The chapter concludes that successful sales force automation depends on systematically implementing the sales process.
Chapter 3KAMALIYA PANKAJThis document provides an overview of the mutual funds industry in India. It discusses the development of mutual funds in India since 1964 when the Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established. It covers the various phases of growth of the industry, including the entry of public sector funds in 1987-1993, private funds in 1993-1996, increased regulation by SEBI in 1996-1999, and continued consolidation and growth from 1999 onwards. It also provides definitions of key terms like mutual fund and discusses the typical organization structure of mutual funds including sponsors, trustees, asset management companies (AMCs), custodians etc. Overall, the document traces the history and evolution of mutual funds in India over the past several decades.
1KAMALIYA PANKAJThis document summarizes key topics from Chapter 1 of the book "Sales and Distribution Management, 2e" including: the evolution of personal selling from persuasion to partnership strategies; the five marketing concepts with a focus on the societal marketing concept; the nature and role of sales management; different types of personal selling such as industrial, retail, and services selling; and emerging trends in sales management like increasing customer orientation and relationship selling.
Chapter 9pkwonThe document provides an overview of Canada's system of government, including its democratic foundations, the structure and roles of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government at both the federal and provincial/territorial levels, as well as the country's constitution. Key ideologies like liberalism, conservatism, socialism and communism that have influenced the system are also examined.
288 33 powerpoint-slides_chapter-6-international-economic-integrationsKAMALIYA PANKAJThis document discusses international economic integrations and trade agreements. It begins by outlining the learning objectives, which include providing an overview of economic integration and discussing major trade groups. It then defines different forms of integration like preferential trade agreements, free trade agreements, customs unions, common markets, and economic unions. Major regional trade agreements discussed include the European Union, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, GCC, APEC, and ASEAN. India's participation in agreements like SAFTA, CECA with Singapore, ASEAN framework agreement, and BIMSTEC are also summarized. The document provides high-level information on concepts, definitions, objectives and examples of international economic integrations and trade agreements.
Smch2KAMALIYA PANKAJThis document summarizes key concepts from Chapter 2 of Exploring Corporate Strategy, 7th Edition related to analyzing the external environment. It discusses performing PESTEL, scenario planning and Porter's Five Forces analyses to understand macroenvironmental factors and industry competition. Additionally, it covers strategic groups, market segmentation, critical success factors, and identifying opportunities and threats from analyzing the strategic environment. The overall aim is to provide frameworks for evaluating external influences and competitive dynamics facing organizations.
конспект урока по теме лексикаВспомогательный образовательный сайтУрок русского языка для 3 класса с применением модульной технологии. Раздел «Лексика»». Тема : «Слово и его лексическое значение»
919 5 русский язык. 3 кл. в 2ч. ч. 1.-бунеев р.н, бунеева е.в. и др_2015 -176сddfefa668 математика. 1 кл. методич. рекомендации для учителя петерсон л.г-2007 -288с
1. Русский язык. 8 класс Нет таких звуков, красок, образов и мыслей — сложных и простых,— для которых не нашлось бы в нашем языке точного выражения.
2. Сдаем экзамены? Легко! Для того чтобы успешно сдать экзамены, нужно систематизировать знания, и тогда вас не будут пугать формулировки заданий из ГИА и ЕГЭ такие, как: А5. Укажите пример с грамматической ошибкой (с нарушением синтаксической нормы) А10. Укажите правильную морфологическую характеристику слова.
3. Что? Как? Структура курса. 1-й блок. Теоретический. Изучаем, обобщаем, повторяем. 2-й блок. Объяснение «на пальцах». (Ассоциативный метод объяснения, азы мнемотехники). 3-й блок. Задания. (Выполнение упражнений, тестов, решение лингвистических задач). 4-й блок. Это интересно. (Лингвистические сказки, ребусы, игры).
4. Повторяем, углубляем, обобщаем. Синтаксис Словообразование И состав слова Фонетика Морфология Пунктуация Лексика и фразеология Разделы русского языка
5. Вся совокупность слов, словарный состав языка Раздел языкознания, изучающий фразеологический состав языка, а также совокупность фразеологизмов данного языка Лексика Фразеология